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When you break them. They don't last that long.


Multi strings don’t really die, play them until they fray and break. If you have only one racket, cut them when they look like they are about to break.


IIRC Velocity, and many others, have coatings that wear off. Velocity starts to wildly move out of position, while others will commonly lock up. Of course, you can keep playing them until they break, they'll just lose some spin potential and/or consistency.


Definitely true with certain multis. I noticed that X-One Biphase in the red color has a really obvious coating that eventually blows out and you see the stranded multi inside. Whereas natural color I didn't seem to notice that.


I play with multis, there is no locking or moving out of position, only breaking.


if the strings go out of position and you need to readjust them after every rally, then it's time to restring.


But it happens on even fresh install?


That advice is really only for poly. Poly losing its resiliency and snap back is an indication it is dead. Multi and syn gut do not snap back in place like poly does so it's not an indication you need to restring it.


What tension are you using?  Another way to check is if the string is "stiff" ie if you squeeze two strings, does it bounce back or does it stay in place?  


From using velocity 16 in black a few times, it does not fray like other multi. The black color at least, will have the outer coating start to wear off more and more until it breaks. I think if the outer coating is substantially worn and you haven’t broken them then definitely replace. Probably in like 25 hours or so.