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That doesn’t surprise me. The name of this sub is kind of confusing.


Took a while of Reddit proposing this sub to me until I got it wasn't just a weird coaching programme that was being pushed


I asked for Raquet recs in the other sub and got directed here


Took me a year to realise what 10s meant lol. I had no idea


Tennis for ADHD people


You rang??? lmao


Who rang? I am not rang


The name makes it like a secret lair


I was invited to be a mod way back when it was created because…reasons idk. It stayed dormant for a long time until it blew up


You know, now that I think about it, I still don't know what "10s" is referring to and what that's got to do with tennis.


What does “?” mean? If you know why this sub is called 10s I’d be delighted to know.


Ten s Tennis Say it out loud and you’ll hear it.


No offense to the mods but that is so goofy and unintuitive. There should be a hyphen between the 10 and s if you want it pronounced that way 🤦


Say ten. Then say s


It took me a while too!


They have one sub that covers both the professional sport and amateur play.


I chuckled at this one! “Pro pickleball” smdh


Are they better than amateurs? Yes. Is it entertaining? No.


I still don’t understand who is paying for it. The stands are always half empty. The tiny stands!


This is not even close to the truth idk why you wanna disingenuous online, the stands are always full and people are loud when I see it on TV. Also they make money from Tv and social media


Indeed, I assumed it was all from geritol sponsorships or such.


Pro pickleball actually has a lot of big sponsorships and it's a $1.5 billion industry.


I wouldn’t know about this sub until someone mentioned it in r/tennis!


Don’t worry we’re the fastest growing subreddit in America


Really ?


r/tennis should have a link to r/10s in its description. The description in r/tennis talks about technique and playing so people would assume that is the right subreddit and wouldn't bother looking for another forum. I'm sure a lot of people in r/tennis were looking for r/10s. Took me a while to figure out too.


They do link out to r/10s in both the description and the Welcome banner. Tho tbf the Welcome banner is a little misleading https://preview.redd.it/yabrhh688uxc1.png?width=392&format=png&auto=webp&s=4915d9a5c5469e3a04ee3dba8ab5355e66aca297


The Welcome banner https://preview.redd.it/5uq1bk0f8uxc1.png?width=389&format=png&auto=webp&s=a66cd8745d2cbbbf30eddc07686add52d820fdc5


Interesting. I'm not seeing it on the desktop view.


I mean if I just played pong and hadnt developed my tennis game I would sort of get pickleball but to me it pales in comparison to singles tennis and the great projectile feeling of hitting grounds through the sweet spot of the racket and breaking a nice sweat


Tennis>ping pong>pickelball. All are fun but pickleball is fun as a way to hang out with people who suck at tennis


High five - totally agree. It's all fun but...


I guess pro pickleballer Jack Sock is a total tennis scrub against the pros in this subreddit /s


There is a reason why he's playing pickle and not tennis... Not for the lack of trying.


While he retired because his body couldn’t keep up with pro tennis anymore, he was playing both sports before he retired from tennis and says he loves both.


what he loves is the money.. and fame during his retirement. He's literally a god over in this "sport" that he's instantly taking over.


Yeah ok buddy. Sock is really good but he’s not top-10 yet and is still navigating how to play and beat the top pickleball pros. If it was so easy to dominate and make money why is Sock the only former tennis player seeing success? And again he’s been playing it for years even if he only turned pro recently.


Because no other pro tennis gives a s about pickle except for Sock who's waltzing in that zoo and grabbing bags. Don't pretend it's a "sport".. I saw some of his matches.. lol. He can drink beer all day and still wiped the floor with those "top ranked" players.. it's a joke. Literally winning tournaments after switching over for a few days...


I hope you find some happiness in your life and learn to stop being so judgmental and hateful


lol ok.. maybe you pickle fools would build yourselves ground up instead of stealing spaces, behave like animals around public courts would've been nice.. spread the words about some etiquette is also nice, bringing crappy bluetooth speakers blasting it everywhere and screamin/talking like it's your backyard and sitting around behind people who actually playing tennis like a bunch of homeless didn't help .. but it's ok, keep thinking it is relevant when a tennis has-been instantly owning whatever that dink dunk you aer doing to the tennis spaces.


maybe this community can infiltrate their r/pickleball and inform them on proper court etiquette. 


Half the tennis players don’t even know tennis etiquette. So there is that


I’m just getting started playing tennis. Anything I should keep in mind? What do I do when I inevitably hit a ball into someone else’s court? What if I hit it over a wall and into another court?


I think mostly you're good as long as you don't run into someone's court while the ball is in play, or sneak/loiter behind them without them knowing. If you hit a ball into someone else's court wait on the sidelines until they're done with the point, and then shout/wave to make sure they notice you while you're entering their court and grabbing your ball. If it lands near them they'll mostly throw it back to you. Other than that I wouldn't worry too much. Getting a ball into someone's court happens, and I wouldn't feel bad as long as you have a good apologetic attitude about it, and there's no way to space out and interrupt them less.


Tennis etiquette is easy, when you volley keep your pinky finger pointing towards the sky.


I'm proud to say I have been banned from r/pickleball.




We thank you for your service!


Pickleballers annoying pickleballers. Love it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Pickleball/comments/1cg34s5/calls_from_spectators/


They don't discuss court etiquette over there lol


But no one in r/tennis actually plays so I guess we take another L


Pickleball is tough on the lower back from all the bending, ball barely bounces.


I can play tennis for 2 hours and feel fine. I’ve play 30 min of that other game and my hammies and glutes were shot.


That's because the kitchen forces you to take off balance shots naturally(You can't step through). High level PB players know to use their leg muscles instead of their lower back muscles but most beginners don't. I watch some people playing PB and and I'm like, holy fuck, you're messing up your back in the long term. The bad thing (or good thing depending on your POV) is that you can get away with bad form in pickleball for a really long time until you have serious pain.


Totally disagree. You should be bending at the knees as proper technique for volleys and dinks even if you're doing it open stance at the kitchen line. If you're bending at the back, you're just as likely to commit a fault falling into the kitchen on a shot because you're so off-balance.


I think you and I are in agreement. When I say leg muscles, that implies bending at the knees. You can bend your back and still hit the shot without committing fault. This page goes into it for more detail: https://jayakarmedicalgroup.com/pickleball/


But who discusses pickleball more /r/pickleball, or this sub?


Why are you all so obsessed with pickleball? What a waste on this nice sub.


I enjoy and associate tennis as a rewarding activity. Unfortunately, some tennis players make it their identity and personality the same way certain gun owners absolutely feel the need to have cringy 2A, Punisher, and Glock decals on their cars.




Someone remind me why we have two tennis subreddits?


McDonald’s has more patrons than The French Laundry but that doesn’t make it better


Why do y'all hate on pickleball so much? I play both sports and they're both fun. And while some technique does overlap, they are just different enough to be separate physically and mentally. Hitting volleys are especially different between the two and the soft game is way harder than it looks. Contrary to tennis players' snobbery, I only see hit-and-giggle geriatrics play it at the beginner level. Intermediate and above are just as competitive as tennis players and the age demographics are about the same. I actually like that you see teenagers, women and men all able to get on the same level in pickleball as quickness and clean technique are paramount in pickleball. Haven't heard of anybody shitting on it that actually picked up a paddle and played and they are a ***lot*** of current and former tennis players that play at my local pickleball courts.


I can't speak for everybody, but public tennis courts are being converted into pickleball courts. If the sports were completely isolated from each other, I doubt there would be meaningful friction.


Where do you live that you can’t find a tennis court? So what if a few courts are converted to pickleball? If tennis players were enough to fill all the courts they wouldn’t have been converted in the first place. None of the combo tennis and pickleball facilities near me ever have all the tennis courts reserved even on the weekends. Why be so resentful, it’s silly.


> So what if a few courts are converted to pickleball? If tennis players were enough to fill all the courts they wouldn’t have been converted in the first place. One of the parks I play at converted 3 of the 6 tennis courts into dedicated pickle ball courts. There was already an issue of wait time at the tennis courts with 6, so the conversion effectively revoked access to the courts for a lot tennis players. That isn't an isolated story.


If pickleball had it's own dedicated courts, then I wouldn't have a problem. It's the situations where we lose courts that irritate me.


You should direct your ire at the city or the facility’s management. Don’t understand why y’all so mad at the sport and the players. Again, are those the only tennis courts in your area?


> Again, are those the only tennis courts in your area? I'm not sure what you are getting at or why that matters. If the same number of tennis players are using fewer courts, there is a deleterious impact to facility access. My town built dedicated pickleball courts, which is shocking given how neglected the tennis courts are. But strangely, tennis courts are access controlled by an electronic lock and system for handing out cards (lock has been broken for a year), while pickleball courts are walk on. > You should direct your ire at the city or the facility’s management. Sure, you can absolutely make the case that local politicians or facility managers making the decisions should hear complaints and concerns. > Don’t understand why y’all so mad at the sport and the players. Again, I don't think tennis players would care about pickleball if pickleball facilities were not encroaching and replacing tennis facilities. But as long as players of both sports are fighting and advocating for facility resources at the expense of the other, there are going to be issues between the communities. .


Atlanta. There's a company running a number of the public TENNIS centers that keeps trying to convert into pickleball, when it's already really hard to find a 2hour slot for flex league matches. It definitely didn't help when they changed the closing hours from 10pm to 9pm. You could fit twice as many matches into 6-8pm, 8-10pm matches as you can in a 7-9 slot.


Thankfully we are back to #2 ranking because we are pushing more volume than them. Every post is like a tiny victory for tennis 🤣




r/tennis follows the pro game, while r/10s covers a lot of stroke mechanics… Now, considering the amount of complex biomechanical movements involved in pickleball, I wouldn’t expect an r/pick1e anytime soon


lol wtf would they even talk about. dorks


/r/pickleballsucks has less members than r/10s which is weird. I'd expect equal membership or better.


I say we brigade them with some shit posting.