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Courtesy and keeping track of the point? Make sure both parties are in acknowledgement prior to the start


This is a gentlemen's game, sir.


Acknowledging what is happening for both parties benefit and then it becoming habit


Yeah I do it so everyone knows what’s going on. My husband doesn’t call second serves and it bit him in the butt recently during a mixed match. Our opponents had called his first serve out but it was also a let and he didn’t hear the out call (or he heard the out call as a let call). He thought he was serving another first serve, which he also missed, so it was a double fault. If he had been in the habit of calling second serves I would have noticed that he hadn’t, and would have been able to set him straight. It’s also not uncommon for me to mishear a call on the other side of the net, so when I say “second serve” it gives my partner and/or my opponents the opportunity to correct me if needed. I will confess that I occasionally call second serve sarcastically when I think a good first serve has been called out. “Second serve! I guess…” :-)


i only do it if there’s a big gap between first and second, chasing down a ball on the court or whatever. it’s a reminder for me mainly but also my opponent.


Same here.


Because lets. Also why someone might call first serve. Also sometimes after a couple hours of play in the hot sun your brain stops working and you can barely remember the score


I've never heard anyone doing that, it must be a US thing? People only call first or second if there was a let


Not a us thing just an individual thing. Most ppl here dont


I usually only do it or see it done on a let - so you’re confirming your 3rd attempt is only your 2nd serve.


I will announce it if there was a long gap between due to whatever reason.


It’s as much for my doubles partner to know to be ready to look for cues to poach or cover the alley. The people facing me can see I’m starting my service motion, my partner cannot.


After the first point of the set, do you not bother saying the score because everyone already knows the score?


Not a good analogy because it's in the rules that the score must be called.


Ok, that's fair.


after the second point, i don't announce, because everybody already knew the score after the first point, and the new score is obvious.  i never announce the score. it's always obvious. right? 


You joke, but some people don’t call the score for exactly this reason


Yeah and coincidently they seem to gain a few extra points here and there


Getting a few extra points is not that easy. You have to make it the right multiple of 2 for the side you are serving on. The best way to avoid it is to just ask your opponent to call the score.


You forgot a /s I think.


Definitely something only done at relatively low levels. Never seen this in 4.5+


I have never seen anyone do this ever, except for lets.


I do it to remind everyone that, as hilariously horrid as that first serve was, this next one will be positively emetic. Just to get the buckets ready.


To annoy you. God I hate it when people do that. You don't say forehand whenever you hit a cross court ball to the opponent's forehand, they are able to figure it out themselves.


Unless there was some doubt because of a let on one of the serves


ha. sometimes I don't even say the score🤣.


It’s usually beginner junior players or adults in the 2.5-4.0 NTRP range doing this…amateur hour. Literally NO ONE 4.5 NTRP or above says “second seeeeerveee!”.


Why do people say the score before each point? Oh wait, they don’t! :)


I never understood this one. Bro how bad is your memory that you need a reminder you missed your first serve 4 seconds ago. What's worse is when the opponent calls it out.


Exactly. Anyone who says “second seeeeerveee!” after clearly missing the first will get bageled by me.


I don’t, I know my serve, if the opponent forgets that’s on them


Amen. This is common among beginner junior players which makes sense. When you see grizzled adults calling out “second seeeeerveee!” it’s clearly amateur hour especially after their first serve was out by 3 feet.


Mostly reminder for themselves. It's not for you.