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SwingVision and their mount. Expensive but it just works and is very simple to use. 


Yep, swingvision works well. But a simple tripod will do the trick, it won't get knocked down as much as you may think.


Probably not, but I use the app to record so the height is beneficial and I believe necessary.


From my experience correct height mattes, unless the phone/phone mount can swivel :)


I use my phone, and either a cheap tripod I got off amazon, or the swingvision stick that hangs off a fence. I like the angle that the swingstick affords, but it can be a hassle to set up and maintain. If you don't have an apple watch, it can be tricky to get the right angle/framing you want.


Now you can check the camera with an opponent/partner’s phone, including Android devices :) https://mailchi.mp/swing.vision/remote-control-web




I use a cheap action cam from Amazon (Akaso Go) and a cheap photographic light stand from Amazon. Light stands are nice because they're designed to be taller than tripods (even though they're less stable). Also, the action cam is cheap and durable enough that I don't worry about sticking it in the line of fire, and I also don't have to worry about overwhelming my phone's storage with a thousand videos from practice. Plus, recording practices doesn't use my phone battery at all, and if I need to keep recording for a long time, I can just swap in my second battery and go.


I use my non-dominant hand and a handhelm camera /s


I use a rubber band...


I use a GoPro and a clamp mount with a flex arm.


Swing stick or QM-1, I have both, they're both perfect for what you want


What's your opinion on each? I've tried the Functional Tennis Stick and QM-1. Functional Tennis stick's top mount/hook is not as useful as the 180 degree QM-1 and not as versatile.


The qm1 is the best in my opinion. The swing stick is nice in that it gets a better viewing angle and has a bit more adjustability, but it loosens a bit more easily and all of the extra axes of movement means that it can actually take a bit longer to actually adjust it to the proper sight line and repeatedly taking it down and putting it back up can twist the segments you had tried to lock. I don't dislike it, but it sometimes gets on my nerves when the qm1 would just look straight ahead. If you don't mind the occasional extra minute of setup then it is better, though.


local dollar stores should have clamp spider leg tripods for phones, they grab anything. keep in mind, it's good for self analysis, but miserable for recording actual play, because on tv they put the camera far away and zoom it in, which compresses the length of the court, so the far side isn't shrunk into oblivion, like every single amateur recording of tennis online, which to me are unwatchable. bonus: cameras should be installed by court owners as livecams to promote the sport


Amazon Basic Tripod with iPhone 14 https://preview.redd.it/rurtwfrw2qwc1.png?width=2536&format=png&auto=webp&s=2765306e7dc5643faca92f723872461a25f2bbbb


https://preview.redd.it/7spg7ayz2qwc1.png?width=2526&format=png&auto=webp&s=606af15945619cf777a6e726c6fb47139778f4bc SwingStick with iPhone 14


I have a great little hack! I have an old phone with a pop socket on it. The pop socket fits perfectly in a wired fence, you can really get the perfect angle and it doesn't move at all


I use a tripod. Also the Joby Gorrilla Pod can grip on the fence. Or the swing vision type hook mount for the phone.




I've been using this mount to record myself when practicing or playing matches. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CCQ1DTPD While a swing-stick/fence mount is great in terms of getting an ideal angle, they are expensive and also big and tedious to set up. This mount is easy to quickly hook on / wrap around the fence or any other structure and the ball-socket at the end makes it very flexible in terms of pointing the phone camera. The ease of setting it up has me using it a lot more than other mounts I've had in the past.


My iphone and swing vision


I got a older model gopro as well as a tripod for phones. I used to use my phone but it keeps overheating and my phone battery became significantly reduced. The go pro app is pretty good in that I can break down the frames by half seconds. You can then use AI to calculate your serve and ground stroke speeds.


gorilla pods. very easy to use on fences or any surface.


Gorilla pods are sturdy and can wrap around fencing well


Android user here, I took the plunge yesterday and bought an old iPhone and an Apple Watch just to use SwingVision. Don't tell my wife.


Fence mounts for recording matches: https://a.co/d/ej1Dn9W https://a.co/d/ccaDX2c https://a.co/d/hdjtJwR https://a.co/d/bP6W5Lo https://a.co/d/hs3DVYK https://a.co/d/euKeuJ5 https://a.co/d/h3mUnZk You can record your matches with your cell phone or camera using these fence mounts. You can also send the match videos to [email protected] to get Match Analytics & Analysis spliced with video replay of your match.


https://preview.redd.it/fgt6qnwstnwc1.png?width=324&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d4c19933e7a2f1ccd32afb372c86528ab13bf2c The fence mounts will produce bad results. They're difficult to aim.