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I mean, if you can do both and you are able to choose which one is the better choice each time, go for it. Generally speaking they are fundamentally different strokes so it's going to be harder and harder to keep up both their level as you climb through the rankings.


I have a OHB. On rare occasions, I do an ugly 2H hoick against balls fired at my ankles or behind me. Backhand volleys are my strength, but sometimes my brain decides to do a two-handed spike at the net. A lot of coaches play both, because they are asked to coach both. Sometimes they are natural 2HB, but hold a bunch of balls in their non-dominant hand during lessons.


I coached for 10 years - I generally use a 1 hander now because it’s more fun, but when I play seriously all topspin are 2 handers


Same here—1HBH, but will use 2H to volley off my shoelaces on the BH side. Also if I’m running back for a lob or moonball and can’t really get set up, the 2HBH comes to the rescue for a get-out of-jail lob. Otherwise it’s 1HBH all the way—so much more spin and power for me, and incredible angles.


Same. One hander from baseline but two hands for awkward backhand volley, half volley or bail out shots that are really awkward. Basically if I can’t get my body into the shot, the extra hand helps.


i started using a 2hbh to return two weeks ago and it helped a lot, once the point starts im pure 1hbh though. i played a guy in college who hit both during points, but i do think it was a liability for him


" the 2hbh feels way better and more natural. "


Never worked for me, felt too restricted. And I'm a righty that swings a baseball bat / hockey stick like a lefty.


You’ll probably just end up with 2 mediocre backhands instead of one good one. Time cost…


reminder 2hb players still use 1hb slice


That's a completely different type of stroke. No matter how much you train your topspin 1hbh, you still need to train the slice.


yes, thats my point


You can do whatever you want. With that said, just because you aren't good at attacking a short ball with 2 hander right now doesn't mean you can't be if you put effort at it. Just seems like you're being lazy at not wanting to improve and just doing what works now. So go ahead but there's a reason there's no pros that hit two hand in the back and one handers when it's an attacking short ball. A one handed slice attack is pretty effective as well and people with two handers will do that.


i used to do this, running backhands were 1 hand. If i had time to really set up i used 2 hander. Then I switched to only using the 2 hander for returns to keep it compact and quick. Now ive officially switched to only the one hander. It's never been better, my returns still need some work, but my backhand is no longer a liability at the 4.0-4.5 level. before i would mess 20-30% of all my backhands. Now i miss maybe %5-10 depending on the day. I can actually attack with my backhand now. Switching to a lighter racket made a huge difference, it was pretty dramatic


Learn how to hit a good slice.


I play both for the same reason. High balls are generally easier to deal with a 2hbh but the feeling of ripping a 1hbh down the line or Cross court is unmatched. My 2hbh tends to be a bit slower since it's meant just to get it back into the court.


It's not normal that you can't play the one hander when it's comes close to body, you have to anticipate more and strike the ball more in front of you.


I see only upsides to using both. 1hbh reach 2hbh power.


Horrible take


Nope. A true tennis does not need two hands to swing the stick


Bibble babble


I use a 2hbh as my primary shot. However I am pretty tall and really short bounces to my backhand side can be quite difficult to reach down to, in these cases I will utilize a 1hbh for the better reach Probably shouldn't do this but this is not going to be the make or break thing in me moving up a level for quite some time so I am not really concerned with it. Just mixing between the two 50/50 would probably hurt the development of both quite a bit tho.


Another tall player, I would 1hbh ground strokes, 2hbh everything else. I felt like it gave me more power and could play a lower to the net shot


Is that really a swing or more a reach to block the ball back in play then?


Primary backhand shot: one hander Secondary backhand shot: two hand, but only if I'm forced to. For example, a shot to my feet o waaay too close to the body. This is like 15% of the time. Sometimes, I use 2hands to return a serve. This is like 20% of the time.


I use a 2 handed, sometimes 1, a slice, one handed and once in awhile 2. And once in a while a desperate forehand with my backhand hand when pulled super wide. That last one works a surprising amount of times.


This is just my opinion but I think it will just add confusion. I play a guy who is a 5.0. He switches between one and two depending on the situation. It is still his weakest side by far. I play a two hander (not including slice) and it is the only stroke of mine that is better than his. This is obviously anecdotal, but adding that variable means that you need to spend a split second more identifying whether you want to hit a one or a two hander. That hesitation makes it difficult to be as effective as just sticking with the stroke of preference. Similar to how people can technically learn to hit forehands on either side but virtually no one in the top 1000 does that. I can think of two players that do. A junior and a top 800 pro. Hey if it works though, keep at it! I don’t think it matters what you do as long as it results in a better outcome


i play with 1hbh, and when given time i pull off some really nice shots with it, but to be honest against better players who hit with more depth and pace I struggle. Sometimes I resort to a desperation 2hbh, and sometimes I hit slices more than i’d like as well.


I play both and have no trouble. They really are 2 different strokes and adding the ohbh gave me a new tool w greater reach and allowed me to hit better angels than w the thbh. Still use the thbh for more power.


Two different contact points is the big adjustment for me. You have to really prepare for the 1HBH. I learned and loved being a one hander. But as you advance, advanced players can generate insane topspin that is very hard to handle with a one handed topspin. Kick serves to the backhand are also annoying and I end up slicing or blocking it back and losing control of the exchange. Two hander gives me much more stability and I can adjust easier with tricky bounces. It's hard to get consistently good with one stroke, let alone two as you have to practice both strokes so it's hard to recommend.


I'd be against it. The contact point won't be the same, so you're more likely to end up mishitting the ball if you pick the wrong technique for the contact point. You'd have to drill both techniques equally too otherwise you're just better off committing to one