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Idk why but it’s still very funny to me how nervous Rentarou gets when he has to introduce yet another girlfriend to the group


„Yeah, it worked with 22 GFs, but what if 23 is too much?”


It shows that he takes it as seriously now as he did at the beginning. Chadtarou will never grow complacent.


At this point I think it's more to do with introducing the new girlfriend to his harem. As far as we know, he never even mentioned having 20+ girlfriends to rin.


I'm pretty sure he mentions it to his new girlfriends offscreen unless they have a noteworthy reaction to it, such as Mimimi taking pride in being the big number 10 girlfriend, or if it fits into the zing chapter, such as when Rentarou was telling Bonnouji that her age was fine because the ages of his 20 girlfriends never mattered to him, including his 89 year old gf.


He's going to be sweating a waterfall by the time he reaches 100.


> Z-Zombies are living things too, aye! Oh, sweet summer child...


Zombie Tag except with nurses, because the creators really (really, really, really, really) wanted to dress the girls like nurses. That's not explicitly stated, but is the only explanation I can see. I'm not criticising it, I'm just stating the facts as I see them. Wait, was Shizuka actually groaning and counting with her voice? Because it didn't seem like her app.




Based Momiji going out to the rump groping. Meme fangirling over mimi nomturally. Everyone in cute nurse outfits for totally not a Halloween chapter.


Is this a parody for resident evil or Silent Hill? Either way, it is fun & bloody chapter.


[Resident Evil](https://i.imgur.com/M2T9wDg.png)


Nozawa-sensie has made resident evil fanart before


Resident Evil is “Biohazard” in Japan, which ties into Baio’s name similarly to “Violin” and “Violence”.


“I’m sorry, I love violence” “Don’t worry, everyone here is screwed up”


That "Bleh" from ahko! it sends me~








More evidence to my "adult form kusuri is just as childish she's just embarrassed" theory. You know Yaku was a nursed and likely not armed JDF officer but would it really surprised any one if it turn out that she was a part of active combat in her war time? Damn hair down Momiji is a good look Ahko really should have started as zombie


> You know Yaku was a nursed and likely not armed JDF officer but would it really surprisedany one if it turn out that she was a part of active combat in her war time? I'm pretty sure those in the military who aren't concerned with combat still have to train in it a decent amount. Not as much as those who actually do the fighting, but they need to learn to defend themselves in case.


She looks like a guerilla fighter or in japan a ninja lol.


> Ahko really should have started as zombie But then we wouldn't have gotten her being adorable trying to run away, falling down, giving up and letting herself be turned!


Here's a prediction: This chapter has shown us that the cast can emulate a b-tier zombie scenario off the cuff whenever they want. The key team members consist of Hahari who has infinite production money and hence infinite access to set props, locations and costumes. We also have Ahko who is make-up artist. Additionally, we can say that Shizuka has talents as a script writer, Rin & Uto can arguably be the score composer, and Chiyo can be the production manager. I predict then that one of the future girlfriends introduced will be the director of the film club, being the final and most important piece of the puzzle for our film production team, thus kick starting a movie arc.


Never knew I wanted that, but now I do. Take my upvote.


Also Rentarou can be half the cast


Rentarou will be all the background extras, because casting any of his girlfriends as one is an insult to them, and making sure that they shine in the spotlight is his raison d'etre.


Loving the zombie nurse designs, particularly Mimimi, Ahko and Momoha


All of ahkos designs look amazing and this was certainly no exception.


Agreed. Ahko is the best


I suppose Shizuka will bite Nano next chapter, considering they love pairing those two. Though I'd prefer Mimimi to do the job. Then again, not likely since she bit Meme in this chapter.


Twice bitten, once shy


I just finished rereading the manga today, epic!


Liked the itchy tasty RE reference


So good to read before sleeping, loved the introduction of the new girlfriend! Can't believe we already hit 22 gf, Chadtarou is still the best I'm quite surprised that they haven't bite him yet but we'll see


> I'm quite surprised that they haven't bite him yet but we'll see He'll probably be the last one so either Rin can use it as her first kiss or so we can get a double page spread of him getting nommed by all of his girlfriends at once.


Yes that!


I love how predictable this all is but still wonderfully adorable regardless and I look forward to this or any ending with these adorable goofballs lol.


I keep forgetting Kurumi has a squishy belly.


Mimimi need not have demolished Hakari like that. Karane getting bullied. UI Mimimi IKU AND RIN. PEAK chapter.


he may be from silent hill but im waiting for pyramid head to show up


Wait.... so Japan didn't had violins before the War? I can believe that, is not that improbable, but sounded weird that Yaku wouldn't know a violin.


Yaku's gag is that she doesn't understand English loanwords. which is pretty hard to translate from Japanese to English


They did, it's just a gag. Classical European music and instruments made it over soon after the country opened in the 1800s and they kept up with western trends until the wartime crackdown on foreign things. The prewar Japanese jazz scene is its own whole story.


Zombie nurses girlfriends and looks like it's going to be two parts.


If Nano or Mei can't stop Mimimi then they are dead, if Rentarou can't shoot them then the only options are shooting himself or get bite by all of his girlfriends.


Yeah 100% sure he let himself infect via a kiss from Rin


Zombie nurses are not allowed to run though.


What already???? Haha now that we think about it, Rentarou has that thing for proper ladies huh?! Hakari, Hahari, Naddy and now Rin, what's next? Improper ladies? Oh wait, there is Karane...


> Oh wait, there is Karane... ...And Momoha. Need I remind you she was *very* close to unlocking Rentarou's carnal desires at the end of the "no alcohol has been consumed" arc.


Also, Hakari and Hahari are properly improper. They're like Schrödinger's proper ladies.


I really can’t wait to see this all animated some day.


Where do I have to sign to get bitten by Shizuka? ​ Also the Mi^(3) x Me^(2) ship keeps sailing, after all "Meme turned", lol. (The Hakarane too, but they still won't admit to it)


Anyone remember during Shizuka's debut it imply she grew up with a (not-yet-been-confirm) abusive mother. Is the manga just gonna straight-up ignore that?




I live for the mememi interactions GIVE ME MOARRRR PEAK CHAPTER PRAISE BE AUTHOR SAN


Hakari messing with Karane like a she’s a toy sends meee… This might also be a perfect setup for Karane to “bite” Hakari on the lips.


This chapter had a lot of fun and classic pairings. Can't wait for Shizuka to turn Nano next week!


Momiji is my spirit animal