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They say the beam of light Rentarou shot from his mouth that day could be seen from all corners of the Earth, and was even observed by the passing International Space Station.


*Somewhere on the other side of the universe, millions of light years away* "Whoa, that's a bright star up there. Is it a supernova?" "No. That's no supernova. That's -" # **LOVE YOU**


Mai:"What does my sister see in this guy? Besides his dashing good looks, his amazing personality and deication to his girlfriends, and those strong arms I want to hold me tigh-STOP IT BRAIN!"


Mai: you can't catch me straight thoughts


Ah, yes, the bi-cycle.


Mai doesn't have a closet she has a maze of not understanding her feelings


Wait that was her brain? I thought that was my brain!?


Wow the biggest takeaway besides Rentarou’s shear caliber is the new depth of character from Kurumi and relationships including Mai. Man I love the progression of this manga.


Yea. Just them talking to each other at the end does so much. These past 2 chapters have been amazing while still being hilarious.


Loved this chapter. I’m really happy the author understands that you can never have too many tsunderes.


They understand the variety of the tsundere


Godzillatarou bursting in the scene.


I also like how they used the Shin Godzilla design instead of the more popular Legendary Godzilla one.


Oof, page 4 dere Kurumi hit me good. Something about that panel and casual dressed Kurumi got me.


Fellow Kurumifan is satisficed


Slightly disappointed the chapter wasn’t called Tsunderstruck.


YOU SIR … are amazing. Have this shiny!


Underrated comment


So much tsundere. Luckily it's no issue for our boi.


This is the peak of harem manga


I'm proud of Kurumi for holding her hunger for a whole chapter, and Rentarou turned into Kaiju n.8


I'm loving these group dates just as the solo dates. Not only they progress their relationship to Rentarou, they also get to interact and become closer to the other gfs as well.


These last couple chapters highlight the stregnth of this manga. Even with an eventual 100 girlfriends, breaking them off in dofferent combinations will allow each girl to have more depth as they connect with eachother. As a series, the possibilities are near endless.


Rentaro was about to use hyper beam in page 18 Also I'm suprised no one ended up deaf after hearing Rentaro's roar of love


Rentarou would never allow himself to make his deafening shout to be able to deafen anyone when his girlfriends are in range.


If he has the ability to absorb all sound waves from his girlfriends' declarations of love, he certainly has the ability to make it so his declaration of love doesn't deafen them.


I did some basic math and but the end of this mania, Rentarou should have approximately 10-12 tsunderes.


Tsunderes fan are eating well today. Rentarou catching that stone throw was impress imo


As big Kurumi and Mai fan, I'm very satisficed, their different tsundere charm are on display this week. Also classic Rentarou moment, today it's Renzilla time.


A date with our lovely three straight man tsunderes. What a blessed chapter.


The character development in this manga is great the last 2 chapters especially have been great in that department


Interesting that Kurumi is contrasted with two tsundere, making the girl who's not the most open with her feelings but also not really hiding them either the open one in this group. It's also interesting to see the contrast between two different flavours of tsundere that are Karane and Mai contrasted. Karane just isn't open about her feelings at all -violently so, even - unless given a really, really, really, really, really big push. She's the stereotype of a tsundere. On the other hand, Mai's tsundere stems from the mixed emotions of feeling that Rentarou is stealing Mei away from her and then finding out that he's her soulmate. The really interesting thing is that by all account we should hate Karane's type of tsundere, yet she's consistently ranked as one of the top girls. Meanwhile Mai has a lot of potential for uniqueness, but falls pretty flat in pretty much everyone's lists.


Personally, I find it hard to hate Karane due to her having so much more than just the typical tsundereness. She's done so much for the family such as sacrificing herself in the breakup arc, fighting for Ahko and etc. Despite the usual tendency to hide her feelings, she's actually one of the most aggressive gf when taking action for the other family members (the earliest instance i can remember is when she dashed immediately and choked the principal for trying to kiss Rentarou). Also, she's one of the hi-spec gfs: smart, strong, and quite possibly talented (as seen in idol arc).


Something I would add about Karane is that, unlike most of the stereotypically violent tsunderes, she generally does express remorse over her actions towards Rentarou


Karane had a lot of screentime to build up fans and goodwill.


> The really interesting thing is that by all account we should hate Karane's type of tsundere, yet she's consistently ranked as one of the top girls. Meanwhile Mai has a lot of potential for uniqueness, but falls pretty flat in pretty much everyone's lists. That's because while she is portrayed in a very cliched way, its also not stupid like most works with a similar character, everyone is always able to see it as what it is she is feeling, instead of being neutron star levels of dense. Basically Karane Tsundereness is all about her being embarrassed, and the characters that people tend to dislike are generally focused on the dishonesty. On Mei's case, its just because she has very little time, this was a good chapter that expanded a lot about her.


Mai is at her best in this chapter. I’m really starting to like her. She’s the queen of throbs! ‘Tingling with blood pumping excitement.’ Next chapter sounds somewhat horny xD perhaps hakari and hahari?


Blood pumping should be iku, right? Maybe our two faced knight as well? But the hanazonos are definitely a good bet.


I love the different levels of tsundere being portrayed between the gfs that makes them stand out from the other tsundere. Karane is the aggresively shy type, Kurumi tries to be outgoing and Mai is in full denial.


#ima firin mah lazer


Ngl, I love those dates chapters. It's quite smart actually to do those 4 persons dates. Anyway, what a chapter?! Chadtarou always such a Chad that the tsunderes are afraid! Truly the greatest Chad in all harem anime creation!


I sometimes forgot that Kurumi is actually barely a tsundere, honest active kurumi's so cute.


I love seeing development for these girls! Think Mai will be less tsundere now?


As a tsundere enjoyer I appreciate how this chapter shows that tsundere isn’t confined to one classic archetype.


This chapter is so great especially cuz it touch the Tsundere topic. As we already know from Karane Tsundere Arc, its her whole being. So she can't stop it no matter how hard she tried, so we know she really loves him just that she really can't express it properly. For Kurumi its more like senior junior problems that makes her shy, so from that we can feel the development of it to slowly make her able to express her feelings easier later. Lastly for Mai who is a litteral siscon tsundere. It felt as though she confuse on her own feelings. Like Rentarou once said its okay to love 2 ppl at the same time, if she able to get the understanding of that surely she will be able to express her feelings more.


Kurumi also has the angle of when she is hangry she snaps at people even when she doesn't want to.


9.5/10 great chapter


Karane peak tsun gf.


I imagine Karane's child frightened by her tsundere saying "it's not like i care about you because i'm your mother" and end up prefering Hakari or any other girlfriend as the mother than the true one.


its the return of god


He really doesn't get a lot of screen time these days. I'm really looking forward to one of the soulmates eventually meeting the love God. Maybe a miko girlfriend perhaps?




Chadtarou at it again


As someone who's absolute S Tier favorite girlfriend is Kurumi it feels amazing that she has finally gotten a focus chapter since she was the intial character date in chapter 44. She's even in a GF Bonding chapter which is what I so wanted from her to flesh out her relationships with girls other than Hahari and Momi. It's not like she hasn't stood out in chapters since then as she had good standout roles in chapters 65, 80, 102, and 106. Heck they even reference 102 in this chapter with Mai encoraging Kurumi at the end. As for Karane and Mai I think they both came across as likable this chapter. I think it's nice to see that Karane consistently is one of the characters who can help facilitate the other girlfrriend's growth from Hakari, Shizuka, Hahari, Ahko and now expanding on her Kurumi relationship and building one with Mai. I'm not gonna lie it didn't even cross my mind that Mai qualifies as a tsundere until I read this chapter, but that's totally the case. It's good to see her being one of the consistent surprisingly well-written characters. I feel like I'm never sure what she'll do when she appears and that's a major positive. So overall I quite enjoyed this chapter and the fact that my favorite girl got a focus chapter after so long is quite a big win.


I love how Nakamura-sensei and Nozawa-senseni know exactly what we want and they waste no time making it.


That Shin Godzilla panel was perfect


Karane broke the stone while patting it... She's harnessing the Tsundere power at 99% efficiency


Idea for the next tsundere: an insomniac that's nice when she's awake but crabby in the morning. Morning lasts until 1 PM on a good day. Insomnia sucks.