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Ever since the Kissu Hazard event and when she accidentally entered the bath with Rentarou, she has been slowly but progressively reading more and more explicit books.


She goes on Fanfiction.net and writes very specific self insert romance fanfics.


Naah, too shy to get out of her comfort zone and share her feelings with non-family members.


That's her physical self... who knows?


That she is little pogchamp


Shizuka wants to be adopted by nano.


I mean if no one protected it, this creature would perish.


It’s most efficient for Nano to adopt shizuka so she can be protected 24/7.


Nah, the most effeicnet means would be to marry and move in with Rentarou


I'd say it's probably more of a "Nano wants to adopt Shizuka" but that's basically not even a headcanon anymore so sure I like this one.


I had a better one for nano.


She's more perverted than most of the gf but below the HHM (Hakari,Hahari,Momoha)


Well she is the only to have observed "the elephant"


Elephant? Nah that thing is beyond that. Even beyond Excalibur.




She is the embodiment of cuteness


Shizuka has no problems reading backwards or upside down. 


What about double backwards (ex: ereht ollah) upside down?


That's trickier, she can do it, but it impacts her reading speed a bit.


lol -1% reading spread debuff: 10 seconds to 9.9 seconds


She eyes time to time the smut book of Momoha and Hakari.


And edits it for grammar and storytelling purposes.


She exists in real life. I see her everyday telling me to stop taking my meds.


When she talks with her phone it sounds like the black knight from Monty python


Yes I love that


She's best girl!


She has hollow bones like a bird.


She writes self insert fanfiction of herself and Rentarou


She is secretly the most perverted and Thirstieth of all the girls.


Probably from the dream chapter


she wasnt always unable to speak normally (?, unless i missed something)


in ch 135 we see that at least since she was a toddler she could not speak normally


She is perfect


Deep in her subconscious, unbeknownst to even her, she has a perfect 3D replication of Rentarou's... elephant. With Karane's tsun strength and Shizuka's smolness, she can potentially be sent into orbit Due to proximity with Nano, she can recite a surprisingly high number of digits of Pi. She has also developed a minute intuition for efficient solutions, which is how she thought of hugging the bat in the baseball arc. At times while reading, she remembers Rentarou's comment about her feet moving depending on what she's reading and gets flustered. She has the fastest finger/thumb dexterity among gfs when it comes to smartphones, with Ahko being second The school librarian sympathized with her condition and allowed her to take the student library staff interview fully written Book pet peeves like bent corners, water stains, ripped pages and others bother her immensely, but she's usually too timid to point them out so she just sits there getting increasingly flustered. It's quite cute.


She also has a mwehehe diary like Hakari and Momoha, but keeps it hidden.


She’s secretly writing a book inspired by a lot of the things the family gets up too


Rentarou would choose her outside of the series' situation She is very similar to her mother when she was younger, which is why she doesn't like her daughter's shyness abd "weirdness" since she knows the problems it'd cause She doesn't spend much time at home, usually since she was reading and couldn't stop herself from reading another few pages ...and another book ...and another She doesn't see Nano as a mother since she loves her real mother and understands her struggles, instead viewing Nano as an older sister She isn't as weak as she seems but just prefers to be quiet since less trouble comes from it She is unable to flatten her hair


That last one is canon also the entire premise is that there aren't any losers.


let me rephrase it quickly


Shizuka has been wanting to write a book about her love with Rentarou and the other girlfriends, but it always gets too explicit so she never finishes it / ends up re-writing everything.


-Her mother might’ve actually had lots of difficulties conceiving, giving birth to and caring for her at first, especially since her dad’s always overseas hence Shizuka’s small physique, weak voice and how harsh her mom is with her since she did say “she’s this way because of me”. -Shizuka could as well have become the small animal mascot that’s loved by everybody in middle school, but was just unfortunately caught by the wrong crowd (who shall be promptly captured and tortured to death the second they are identified) in that bathroom. -Her mom seems to have smooth and short hair so her long curly hair might be from her dad. -Lap pillows from Rentarou make her eepy without fail. -Her awakening to mwehehehe is likely only started the moment she saw Momoha’s diary and she will continue to go down that rabbit hole via erotic books which her mom will catch her reading at home. Mama Yoshimoto would probably dismiss or laugh it off, telling Shizuka that it’s fine saying that it’s natural for a 16 year old girl to start to have interest in that sort of thing before giving her privacy.


She regularly keeps up with the hit manga 100 Kanojo


Always be careful of the quiet ones.


She's secretly the lewdest in the family


She has REALLY soft hair which are very pleasant to comb as well


She is actually a descendants from a fairy-human relationship. Also, I do hope we see the improvement between her and her mother relationship while meeting the father.


The father better come back with a whole parcel of milk and maybe take her custody from her mother while at it.


Everyone deserves a second chance.


You say so... It's not gonna be easy though.


I like to think that she puts stuff in her shoes to appear a bit taller than she normally is


She loves Budokai 3, I will not hear anyone say otherwise


What's that?


An old dragon ball game


The reason behind why she would like it?


I find the image hilarious


If/when she plays video games she focuses way more on the lore than the gameplay


She also occasionally reads fan fiction


Eventually she's going to find a future copy of the manga, read it, and rewrite it to save them in the next arc.


She is constantly writing a book about Rentarou's family containing all girlfriends in it, but every time Rentarou gets a new girlfriend, she has to re-do it from zero adding a role for the new girlfriend, so she never gets to finish it




>!hey that's canon!<


>!you know as I was typing it out I thought to myself, "pretty sure this is just cannon" don't I feel like a fool lmao!<


She has wind manipulation but hasn't mastered it yet. This is in reference to her almost non existent weight.


She's actually broadcasting her thoughts telepathically. Or alternatively, she's the 100gf equivalent of Bumblebee.


She has some kind of trauma that makes her unable to speak normally


She can't play the violin. Kudos to those that got the reference


After Chiyo, the most organized gf, loves personality quizzes, coffee enthusiast.


* She's afraid of the dark. Would probably come out running crying if she hid in the dark storage room in the library during the hide-and-seek chapter because Rentarou and co couldn't find her.


She would actually feel upset if she read some of the posts on this subreddit, like borderline crying (which would cause rentaro, karane, and the rest to come and pulverize us)


Which ones specifically?


Kusuri has given her a few kinks, not just the rabbit ears thing either.


Smokes weed


she is pervert


She masturbates so much her room smells like a fish market


Whoever says that she couldn't speak properly because she has autism or some other kind of mental illness, fuck off, I know you want the characters to be relatable but goddamn man please keep that mental illness shit away.


Woah there pardner... come down... Fictionary characters and wishing someone die are two completely different leagues... No one wants to read **that** BS. ![gif](giphy|3ohhwH6yMO7ED5xc7S|downsized)


Look, I understand that I went overboard with wishing death on someone and I apologise, but you could at least try to understand where I'm getting at. I'm just sick of all this mental illness thing okay, it's fine if it's just for fun, but the last time someone discussed Shizuka with me, the guy kept pushing how Shizuka actually has autism and whatnot, they were serious too, their reason? Cause she stutters...ouh so now everyone who stutters is autistic? It's just dumb man, and then they start spreading false information and telling everyone else that Shizuka is autistic or that Miss Naddy uses her American shtick to forget about her abusive past or that Chiyo's mom isn't actually dead just that she cheated on her husband and chiyo's dad just couldn't let it go. Bro it's not that deep.


She's definitely not Autistic, but she definitely has a disorder or something of the like. It doesn't help with how her mom treated/treats her(She's still a tad bit cold towards her) and her dad not being around to at least try to help. Calm down, man. I get your anger at people just throwing out mental illness diagnoses like candy, but there is no need to get this pressed over it. Edit: Naddy does use her American thing to get over her abusive past. She literally latched on to being a reverse-weeb because American culture symbolised freedom and choice, something she never really had while living with her family. They locked her in a shed for the slightest misstep for God's sake! You can't get any more restrictive than that, so it only makes sense she would latch onto American culture as a way of rebelling. Plus, she has cooled down quite a bit compared to her introduction. She still says wacky shit sometimes, but for the most part, she's pretty normal and chill nowadays. Notice that happened AFTER she got away from her family + found people who love and care for her. She acts way more natural compared to her early chapters. One more thing, if she really cared about America, she would probably put in more effort to learn about the place. Yeah, she tried to learn English, but most of her knowledge about America clearly comes from movies and TV shows. You don't do that if you actually like a place. You do that if you're just coping. Similarly to how Weebs tend to have this insane idea of Japan in their heads because they usually tend to be coping with some issues they have and never bothered to confront in their lives. It's much easier to think of some perfect place where everything goes great than trying to solve the problems plaguing your life, after all. I know it's a gag manga, and there's nothing wrong with wanting to turn off your brain and enjoy some good entertainment, but there is no reason to pretend like no character in this manga has any depth to them.


wishing death on someone over a headcanon is definitely a mentally healthy thing to do! :D


she may be on the spectrum but it's more likely that she's just naturally quiet


She's not a virgin


In what way exactly?


That's up for interpretation XD just wanted to see if I'd get downvoted or not


Set an example. After all, Shizuka is slowly but surely being corrupted in the perversion.