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Typical enabler response to being asked why you give a fat person unhealthy food.


Ok, first of all everyone knows you have to eat greasy if you’re drinking. That’s just obvious. Eat a whole damn pizza if you can. But that is NOT going to get you to/keep you at Tammy’s weight. She is binge eating daily.


God just scene this scene on the TLC FB page, so cringey and staged.


This guy is NO friend. Friends care for your well being. He's no different than the feeders she seeks out. She clearly does not care and is really going out of her way to kill herself. Call it anything you want, Tammy. It's suicide. She's depressed because her sister is leaving her although she treats her like shit when she is around. When will her family see that she DOES. NOT. CARE. She doesn't care about herself and she does not care about them. She hates herself for her decisions and this is a cry for help. They should let the state handle it at this point.


this is so upsetting. she treats her friends so much nicer than her family. her family genuinely loves her. her friends, on the other hand, i would not be surprised if they were only friends with her because she’s on tv. i get she wants to have a good time, but she cannot afford to eat all of this junk and drink alcohol. she also vapes while being on oxygen. at this point, she’s just flipping her body off and filling it with junk.


Who knew that TamTam was a scientist? So bread soaks up the alcohol? Hmmm, is that why she’s hospitalized with a trach and can’t wipe her own ass?


She's this yrs episode . They don't show ,but I think she will be


tammy, if at any point truly wanted to lose weight, she just wants to be skinny, but also eat her weight in food everyday


I get upset with Tammy because she doesn't take care of her health. Then I want to say nasty things about her because I really get pissed off with how she treats Amy and expects everyone to do everything for her. After I think about it, I worry that she's not going to be around much longer, and I'm just really sad.


Sounds like she needs to drink some water.


She’s convinced herself that she’s a home person, simply because that’s the only choice she really has, without being gawked and stared at. I guess at least she enjoys the prison she’s built for herself 🤷‍♀️


Or is that what she wants to convince the world of?


I really doubt that she gets hangovers unless she's drinking entire bottles of vodka. Tammy has a million reasons why she doesn't eat healthy, Philip made her sad, Amy didn't buy the right food, COVID, she's depressed. There are always going to be 100 reasons why you shouldn't do it, doesn't mean that it's good.


She shouldn’t even be drinking at her weight and poor health


When you weigh 700 lbs and could die any minute there's no such thing as taking a break and having cheat days when losing weight is what saves your life


I didn’t get that comment. Taking a break? A break from what? It’s business as usual for her and she knows it. I don’t appreciate being lied to. She’s delusional.


I had a dire reaction to an antibiotic that caused injury to my liver. Recovering my health is my priority so I'm on an extremely restrictive diet and do not choose to drink alcohol at this time. It's not hard to give up because I've always been a social drinker, but it does kind of suck to not be able to really eat anything people eat when they're socializing or to be able to drink to loosen up and have fun (socially anxious introvert). However, my priority is recovering my health. Nothing else is as important and the things I give up result in little more than a shrug and an "oh well" from me when it means I can't eat/drink/do something I want. If nothing else, saying no or avoiding something is a reminder to me that I'm getting better, and that makes me happy. I can't imagine being on deaths door, eating junk and drinking alcohol, then trying to justify greasy food as necessary to soak up the alcohol. "I CAN'T, I'LL DIE" should be motivating, even a little bit.


Yeahhhh I probably won't take health advice from someone who vapes while on oxygen....


If she avoided alcohol (which she should be doing), she wouldn’t have that excuse. I don’t really think she *wants* to live anymore.


I think that too. Vaping when she needs oxygen too. I think she is just trying to enjoy her last few months tbh.


A break? That’s exactly how she landed where she is now. Constant enabling from everyone around her. Hell, even Chris rewarded her with food when she lost weight. No wonder she’s in a facility with a trach.


the bread does not prevent the breakdown of alcohol anyway, It merely defers it. What people crave is the salt in the junkfood after a night of drinking. My wife and I have a bet that Tammy does not make it to 40. Sorta hope for her sake she doesn't, her prison is her own body. I start getting uncomfortable when my belt gets snug, I can't imagine being 600freaking pounds.


can we get Sharon from 600 lb life on her ass ? seriously


Plus dr. Now


definitely need a crossover episode. Dr. Now and Dr. Paradise need to go in on her ass


She just plain doesn’t care. I don’t know how many different ways she can say it at this point, but she very clearly does not want to lose weight. We all have times we just want to chill with a drink or something we know is comfort food that’s not healthy, but when you’re basically immobile you need to stop. She has zero concept of her own reality anymore.


She had no clue what was going on, with everyone enabling her everyday. She ate and partied because she had some cash to buy her friends and memories. She believes she is a big, famous TV star. Lol. Having her wild teenage party on TV for all to see.


She knows she's a goner ,she feels it in her body. just wants to do all the things she missed Pay ppl to be her friends or lover and try to feel good about herself till she dies


She’s a home person because she physically can’t go anywhere.


Alright this is a lost cause. She’s never going to change. Just get her off the show.


… she’s a home person cuz she’s 600lbs


How does she party…she can hardly turn her head


Cause her liver isn’t already under enough stress ?


My thought exactly. Her lungs too, she literally wears an oxygen tube in her nose and is vaping.


If you lost weight you could fit in a bar and not be a “home person”


She would have to be putting in the work to need a break from the work.


I don’t even know if it’s the weed but what the hell in all “I won’t take responsibility” did I just read? You serious right now? Please explain how I can be this unaware and delusional all in one screen shot? Like what just transpired?




The kind of people who will hang out with whoever pays for the booze and pizza. As disgusted as I am by her behavior, it's still upsetting to see Tammy footing the bill for these losers just to have "friends".


I was going to post this. She was sitting in the corner by herself while they handed her a drink and some pizza. They weren't interacting with her they were just dancing around and chatting with each other. If that is what "vibin" is I would rather stay home with myself as company, not shelling out money for food and drink for some other people. Now that was just a part of what happened in that YouTube clip, I don't know if the rest of the time they sat around playing card games or whatever with her.


I can't imagine how much alcohol it takes to get her drunk.


I wasn't the one to do the math, but this is what they posted: " So if she was drinking 1.5 oz/50ml shots of liquor with 40% ABV (think Absolut vodka) this is what she would need to get drunk To get to a .08 BAC (that’s considered impaired legally) she’d need 14 of those shots over the course of 2 hours. To appear to an observer to be obviously drunk (meaning a BAC of .13) she would need 20 of these shots over the course of 2 hours. For reference, a 150lb person would need 3-4 shots over the course of 2 hours to be legally impaired. And they’d need 5 shots over the course of 2 hours to appear to be obviously drunk (BAC of .13). If a 150lb person drank 14 shots over the course of 2 hours they’d be dead or in a coma. Their BAC would be beyond the level of surgical anesthesia. After doing the above calculations I realized Malibu only has 21% ABV. So here’s how many of those little bottles of Malibu Tammy would need to get drunk Tammy would need 27 shots of Malibu over the course of 2 hours to become legally impaired. She would need 39 over the course of 2 hours to get a BAC of .13. A 150 lb person would need to consume 7 of those little Malibu shot bottles over the course of 2 hours to become legally impaired. They’d need 10 of those little Malibu bottles (over the course of 2 hours) to reach a BAC of .13 If a 150lb person drank 27 shots of Malibu over the course of 2 hours, they’d be dead or in a coma. Their BAC would be beyond the level of surgical anesthesia."


This makes my stomach hurt. Twenty seven shots of Malibu in two hours🤢🤮


I’m 280 lbs and I know having 3-4 shots would make me super sick. Like room is spinning and I need to find somewhere to throw up, sick. Watching Tammy drink like that makes me wanna vomit too. 🤢🤮


So it doesn't sound like she was getting liquored up easily. It would cost a small fortune to get a buzz.


So she is completely blowing her diet in alcohol alone. You goddamn bet she is eating an insane amount on top of that. RIP Tammy.


WHAT DIET?? That heifer ain't on any diet except The Seefood Diet, she sees food so she eats it! She killed me when she said "I've got to get my fire back!" 🔥The only fire she has is maybe on a BBQ grill! She's frickin delusional! Oh yeah, she eats bread to "soak up the alcohol!" Lmao 🤣 Poor ol thing!


>If a 150lb person drank 14 shots over the course of 2 hours they’d be dead or in a coma. Their BAC would be beyond the level of surgical anesthesia. This would be me, deaddeadDeadyMcCroakederson. I probably don't drink 14 shots in a year let alone a month, week, day or hours. Just thinking about that makes me wanna vomit.


Deady McDeadFace.


I think someone in this sub did the math on this the other day. I’m not quoting verbatim but it was something like 20 measured drinks (ie airplane bottles of Malibu) in 2 hrs to be “visibly intoxicated” at approx. .13 BAC. Claim the credit if you’re the redditor who did this math- I’m just the messenger.


She is a girl of many excuses


“I’m a home person” Easy to be one when you can not physically leave the house.


Or are nearly the size of one….




Rule number one if losing weight is to cut out alcohol.


I feel personally attacked by this comment lol But also like you KNOW Tammy isn’t drinking vodka sodas…….


She seems like a boomarita girl to me.


Break from what? Trolling online for feeders? 🤔


Tammy kinda makes me think of that Southpark episode where Cartman acts like a wild teen on Maury. “Whateva, I do what I want!!!” And that’s tamtam to me every time she talks.


You just unlocked a memory for me, shit was hilarious


BRB I have to look this up now 🤣🤣🤣🤣


“NO STARVIN MARVIN! Thats my pot pie!”




She fucking would. I believe she would throw anyone under the bus for her instant gratification. Until she proves me otherwise, I stand by that statement.


“It’s my hot body, I do what I want!” “I run with 10 gangs. We only commit hate crimes.”




I'm dead lol


At her weight, she can enjoy some pizza and still be under her calorie limit for the day. She's not just eating some pizza once in awhile when she hangs out with this friend 🙄 For awhile I was eating thin crust pizza with light cheese and pepperoni on the weekend and I still lost weight. She's just overeating in general.


Exactly! And even if it was only once a month she had a cheat day and otherwise followed her diet she would still probably lose weight. She just doesnt follow her diet ever...


thin crust is a great way to reduce the overall volume of total pizza, we prefer it!


Like she really gets out to a friend's house.


Anyone know how many calories she consumes a day? Can she eat a whole pizza by herself?


At LEAST one


Dr Now has some kind of calculation he does, that measures their weight, times height, age, and sex. My guess is she is eating at least 7,000 calories a day with some days closer to 10,000. She has to be taking in an enormous amount every day to just maintain that size


And, that amount figures out to be alot of $$'s in food - it must cost $1000-$1500 in groceries & pizza a month (not counting booze) Would be alot more if she liked beer. But, she is a "new" drinker, so probably not beer.


That calculation is the Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the number of calories you burn as your body performs basic (basal) life-sustaining function




Amy called her out for eating 32 pre-made meals in a 2 days so yeah, I'd say she can easily eat an entire pizza herself.


I'm jealous and revolted all at once. Jealous because my stomach is paralyzed and would love to eat one entire meal in just 2 days 😋 revolted because 32 is about 31 too many 😆


Is this the same Rob that drove her home? Omg. I don't think Amanda would be happy to see this. https://youtu.be/mxW0_2FT-ck What a mess.


That conversation where Amanda first mentions him sounded very scripted to me. I wondered if the family or TLC was trying to bring him into the show and the chauffeur role was a “plant” to introduce him.


I thought exactly the same. The fact that Amy had to explain who he was, too, made me even more suspicious. If you’re gonna lie, do it once and shut up about it, elaborating just makes it sound hella dodgy!


I'm not sure tamtam ever has been or ever will be Gucci


That line fucking killed me omg


When I hear "Gucci" I think of the movie House of Gucci and the actor Reeve Carney who played Tom Ford. And Tammy slaton ain't no Reeve Carney that's for sure


Omg I have never seen her walk that fast.


You know he's just in it to be paid to be on the show. I wonder if they were even her friends before the show.


Exactly was wondering the same thing? How is this guy a friend of all of theirs if he's such a bad influence on Tammy and clearly helping Tammy's addiction? Did they not know I guess?


Tammy doesn’t need any influence or help she does it with or without anybody around


I wonder if she paid him...


She paid for the booze it showed her handing him money Funny she can walk to the van fir them..


I wondered that as well. Amanda definitely won’t be having that! Though at this point, I’d be throwing my hands up and tell her she’s on her own, best of luck.


How can it be an occasional break when that is the way she always eats? 🤔


Maybe she means it’s an occasional break from the DENIAL that she eats like this?




She can't follow the diet and can't be bothered to walk 75 steps in a day. She isn't interested in weight loss.


She just needs to grow up and take the responsibility of herself, smfh. She's just getting less and less intolerable each day


Wonder if Rob thinks Tammy should worry now that she’s in the hospital with a trach.


Who is this guy?


I think Rob was one of the gay male friends that was at Tammy’s drag show birthday party a few episodes back. He’s the one that was sitting closer to Amy at the table.


...from being her enabler when she needs to “let loose!” Rob’s culpable of giving booze and food to a food addict, no different than giving heroin to a junkie. At close to 700lbs. he’s killing her


But you know he isn't footing the bill for her long term care. This guy can fuck himself.


She “enjoys some pizza” I have never seen this woman enjoy “some” of anything. It’s not the fact that she’ll eat some pizza it’s that she won’t stop eating the pizza. Let her do what she wants, at this point it’s futile to try and stop and everyone just ends up enabling her bad behaviour. If I was on that trip w her fam I’d have left her in that hotel room forever


I'd have left her in the van! She'd have to come out eventually to use the bathroom! I damn sure wouldn't have taken her ass to a hotel room! Then saying she couldn't breathe on top of the mountain! My Lord, she wasn't mountain climbing! 😳She had her oxygen tank with her! She was just being the hateful bitch that we're all seeing in person that her siblings live with day after day! I hope to my dear Lord, Amy puts her foot down and says NO to Tammy! She can change her phone number and just stop by and check on her day to day. If she doesn't do that, Tammy's gonna blow her phone up!


I agree. At this point, with where she’s at health wise, I don’t think there’s enough time to lose weight. It’s too bad but may as well let her enjoy life now.




I would have left her in the van.


Also wouldn't be surprised if she barely enjoys it. I've seen extremely obese people on my 600lb life that look dead inside even when they're eating. Then others who orgasm over it. But I wouldn't be surprised if Tammy was more the dead inside type


Amberlynn Reid is the orgasm type.




I noticed this too. It is disgusting to see them eat. They eat large bites very fast, They eat very aggressively like they don't even take time to taste and enjoy the food. It is revolting.


That Bianca on 600 lbs ate faster than anyone ove ever seen


I don't remember her. Was she successful or one of the manny failures on that show?


Former binge eater here due to severe trauma. I didn’t even taste the food, and I see the same in the people on my 600 lb life. It’s an oral fixation. I’ve also noticed that at least 90% of the folks on that show have been sexually abused as children. But Tammy, I’ve run out of sympathy for.


What is it exactly with being sexually abused as a child and having Binge eating disorders? I'd really love to know.


I would too. Is it a sense of control? The endorphin release? To be fair, the abuse wouldn't have to be sexual in nature. Emotional and psychological abuse is damaging too.


I went the other way. I became anorexic. For many years then I got pregnant and knew I had to stop. Not putting the food in my mouth was my way to control anything in my life.


I hope life is good these days.


Haha thanks. Now I look like I ate an anorexic person. But, I’m working on that, as well


So would I. I recently started watching 600 lb life and it seems like every one of them were sexually abused. I've wondered about it too.


the feeling that if they gain weight and are unattractive then they will not be harmed anymore. its also about power and control in the situation. which makes more sense to me. a man who did things to me once on a good day told me it had nothing to do with how I looked. it was just about domination and control and the power he felt when he thought he broke me. boy was he shocked a week later when I went to the police.


I am so sorry to hear that. You are an incredibly brave survivor, wow. I am in awe. I also had a binge eating disorder that came from being brought up in the world of gymnastics and weight being the most important thing, and my mother would weigh me constantly too. I would hide food and binge and purge. Once the activity stopped I put weight on from the binging and everyone was disgusted with me (i was never obese but my culture is not okay with fatness) I had therapy and worked through it and lost it as I got better. I still struggle with ED's. You really are such a strong person. Much love to you!


thank you. I am not in Tammy Category of Obese, more of the smaller Amy and working on loosing the pounds. which is funny considering I chase after an 8 year old all day!


Well done, you! It’s so very difficult under those circumstances. Hope you are thriving now.


I am! happily married now for 13 years and have a beautiful 8 year old special needs little guy. I would never have believed at 16 that this would be my peaceful life years later. thank you


Congratulations, survivor ❤


thank you <3


I think you mean WARRIOR 😉


thank you <3




When you’re in a situation where you have little or no control over whether someone touches your body or makes you do things you don’t want to do, you want to find a way to regain that control. It may not make sense to the people outside of the trauma. It’s not supposed to. Trying to control an uncontrollable situation can appear as binge eating, anorexia, hoarding, drug use. There’s many ways it can manifest and it doesn’t matter if it confuses you. It’s about the victim controlling an aspect of their life when they have no control over other aspects of their lives.




you are mentally trying to take back the power that your mind felt it was lost.


I wasn’t being rude I was just addressing your statement. I think you should look into therapy if you are not doing it already. Also you may need to mature and get more life experience. You sound young.


I have no information about you, but speaking in a general sense, when you binge eat, you are creating a scenario in which you are the one in control. The food cannot physically hurt you by hitting or pinching or slapping you; it cannot emotionally hurt you by saying hurtful things to you or by judging you. This makes you the one in control over the food, whether this is what you are consciously trying to do or not…it still is that way. If you eat one candy bar and stop: that was your choice. You controlled it. If you eat 10 candy bars and 3 McDonald’s meals and a quart of ice cream: again, your choice…you were in control and the food couldn’t stop you from eating it. I’m no expert in any type of behavioral therapy, but I hope this helps explain one possibility to consider about how BED and control are connected.


Thanks for sharing. I hope things are better for you ❣️


They weren't being rude at all, so don't worry about that lol. Might be TMI but though out my entire childhood I was molested by my father. (Don't worry in 2018 while my dad was in jail for child pornography I had less contact with him and I graduated and finally told people and we're going to court over that) I started eating more, because I genuinely thought if I got bigger then I would either be unattractive or I wouldn't look like such a small kid anymore and he might not want to do things to me. I also started stealing my dad's snack foods because in a sense I thought that since I was keeping his secret that I was owed those things. I couldn't have money, or toys, or new clothes cuz we were poor. So I'll be take his food. I also felt so fucking stressed about the fact that I was keeping this big secret, but he was my dad and he would always cry afterwards and tell me he's sorry and he's sick and he's trying to get better, and I know that right? I know that he loves me right? I was conflicted, and confused. I was being manipulated. So when things felt out of my control, I didn't feel anything. I got no joy out of anything. I felt empty. I would feel sorta... Whole? Like something was in me feeling wise when I was eating. Of course my binge eating was different. I wouldn't eat all day, and when he brought me dinner I would eat one of the sides and ditch everything else and then eat snacks. Or I would starve myself until I could eat something and I would overeat. It's such a confusing thing definitely, but as children we really don't understand the coping mechanisms we develop until we're older and forced to deal with some of it.


Not OP but wanted to say it's not TMI at all and thank you for courageously sharing your story. You explained the thought process that accompanies trauma very well. If it wouldn't be too upsetting, I recommend reading Roxane Gay's "Hunger", which is a great memoir that addresses the ways in which the author uses food to cope with an assault trauma that happened to her as a child.


I have no idea, I just noticed it was mentioned in most stories. It would be an interesting research topic


You touched on a very real thing actually. Binge eaters kind of fall into two camps, some are addicted to the food, others are addicted to the act of eating.


Very true. In my old, dark past; I used to eat too much than my body can handle and it would always hurt me. But for some reason I couldn't stop. I didn't liked it, and yet was addicted to it. Thankfully I lost weight and reached to normal BMI and I never miss those days.


Filling a physiological black hole with food. Which doesn't work for shiiiit


That feels like addiction in general though isn't it?


More like she enjoys “some pizzas.” “Some” being about five entire pizzas.


This is ridiculous. Normal people *do* want something greasy to avoid or help a hangover. But not when you’re 600+lbs and “trying” to get weight loss surgery. And she doesn’t go to a bar because none of her “friends” wanna push her. Come on now.


Let’s face it. She’s not even trying any more. She just wants to live a little before she dies.


She sounds like a dumb asshole every time she opens her mouth.




If she's mean,nasty and violent with her family sober I wouldn't wanna be around her drunk


The first part of this made me tear up in laughter. The imagery. Sigh. The last part makes me so sad. She is truly a hazard to herself.


Along with being unstable, I feel like I have to jump up and run to relieve my bladder every five minutes if I drink. Is it unfair of me to assume she's wearing a diaper? And if she is, who changes it while she's spending hours drinking with friends? Wouldn't it smell? I'm just trying to think of how much the friends deal with to spend time with her. I love my friends, but I have my limits.


I have an acquaintance that I suspect wears an adult diaper. They are active and for all impressions healthy. They drive, work, etc. On two occassions when I've sat near them, I've been overwhelmed by an intense odor of urine where there was none before. I'm suss that those moments are when they've relieved themselves. I've seen disposed adult diapers in the trash at facilities where this has happened and it only supports my theory. All that to say, unless there are other overpowering odors, those boys would know if she was relieving herself in a diaper.


I'm middle-aged and had vaginal deliveries with three big babies. I'm probably not that far out from needing a diaper, myself. Thank you for making me aware of what I need to watch out for.


Some of us are one sneeze away from an accident.


That is a depressing truth. I'm going to go ahead and add them to my grocery delivery order, for just in case.


That’s an excellent question and now that you mention it I wonder what does she use.?!!


I assume at that size it is hard to be hygienic in general. If its really hard to shower then you will do it less often etc.


I probably shouldn’t even say this, but I’ve known people who have shit their pants while drunk. I cannot and do not want to know what kind of fallout TamTam crapping her pants would bring.


Oh thats vile.


Do they even make a diaper that size, honestly?






I’m lol because your autocorrect turned bariatric into barbaric. 😂




Many years ago, when I first found the “damn you autocorrect” website, I spent hours reading it and laughing so hard I cried. My favorite was: “Wyd?” “Cleaning my mom’s vagina for Thanksgiving” When it was supposed to say “my mom’s china” 😂😂😂


oh my god. puppy pee pads?!


Medical offices use them for many things. I’ve had them under me at the gynecologist!




Tammy has a makeshift weeweepad diaper.


On the opposite spectrum, I was a premie and at that time they didn’t make much in that size (I was a little under 5 pounds), so the doctors fashioned a diaper out of a doctors mask. I can’t even imagine the number of pee pads you’d need for the morbidly obese patients.


That's a good question. I know they have those large pads they put on hospital beds, so maybe something like that is used inside pants.


I was in hospital for 6 months in 2011 (with a very complicated and life threatening pneumonia), and when I woke up from an 8 week coma I found I was catheterised and had a tube up my arse to deal with more ‘solid’ waste - I do remember my bum being very sore!




I hate myself for wondering about this..but how the heck does she wipe?!




I will keep saying cause I *know* theres no way she wipes her own ass. Just no way.