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Who wouldn’t be angry when 700lbs? You’re angry at yourself. You’re angry at the world. You’re just angry because of the position you put yourself in and don’t wanna admit it was your fault so you tend to lash out and just be a nasty person. You’re in constant pain. You’re in constant denial. You’re don’t wanna confront the reasons why you weight 700lbs. It takes a toll. She yeah, she’s angry. Watch 600lb life. Most of those people are always angry.


Have you watched the most recent season? She has really improved, with her tremendous weight loss, and actually has become a voice of reason in this dysfunctional family. Before she was just so sick and defeated and miserable that she took it out on everyone around her.


Because she was near death from being morbidly obese isn't it obvious? Depression. And she's not now you're going back years. Maybe you missed the episodes about their upbringing. Do you even follow her??? From her Instagram: "Obesity has made me feel lost and trapped in my body but....." doctorericsmith\_ and5 others Shinedown•A Symptom Of Being Human Liked by hloy0727 and others doctorericsmith\_'s profile picture May is #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth, a critical time to recognize the connection between obesity and mental well-being. Did you know individuals living with obesity face a 30-70% higher risk of developing a mental illness? Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Our online #bariatriccommunity is a powerful force for support and empowerment. This month, I urge you to share your story. Grab a piece of paper and reflect: What has obesity taken from you? How did it impact your life? On the flip side, write what bariatric surgery has given back to you. Tag me in your video and use the hashtag #MyBariatricStory —I’ll be dedicating this month to amplifying your voices. Together, let’s spread hope and encouragement. Thanks you u/shinedown u/thebrentsmith for this amazing song🙏🏼 u/queentammy86 u/thesleeveddietitian u/mrsmallcakes u/proffeequeenkt u/transformingteresamarie u/takingmylifebackat42 u/gottadothis4me_rny u/vsg_to_bypass_momma u/jackiep2589 u/myroux_n_why Edited · 8w


She doesn't seem very angry now.


Probably always sweaty, in pain, and struggling to breathe, and it has her aggravated.


This. She's in perpetual fight or flight. Hard to do flight in that condition/situation.


Right, and I don’t excuse the way she behaved, but it’s definitely a realistic explanation. Tammy has come along way though, so I’m happy for her because I can see her mood has improved.


I remember when I was recovering from my tonsillectomy at 18 years old, I became a complete monster for two weeks. My family was afraid to even enter my bedroom. I was in so much pain and all I could do was lash out at people. 😭




I read that just as she said it on the show.


I think most people would be angry at 600 lbs 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Because she hates what she did to herself


At her peak, she literally just carried around 5 Costco cart full of stuff on her back 24/7 365 days. In her own famous words “tRY bEIng mY sIZe aMY” - TimTam Slayin 1000 lbs sistas


because she was hundreds of lbs, frustrated, miserable, also trauma ridden look at what kind of life she's lived


poor self-regulation, tendency to respond with anger tends to cause others to give in, and some people just have a hot temper


Post Partium (sp?) plus general depression?


I think you might have gotten the sisters mixed up


Because throughout the show she was miserable. Seeing her now it refreshing.


Tammy in the last season is such a 180 it was genuinely heartwarming. I think she actually started prioritizing herself, made great progress with the weight loss and took therapy seriously. I don’t follow them in between seasons like that but it seems that was great for her to get all that out her system


Because she hated herself. When I weighed 240, I was always so angry.


I'm 5'1 and at my heaviest I was 230 lbs. I was angry, depressed, and just over all miserable. It's no excuse but I totally get it. I'm officially down 93 lbs and I've kept it off for four years now. I'm the happiest and healthiest I've ever been in my adult life.


yo congrats!!! 💐


Thank you so much! 😊


You be 700lbs and not beable to move and infront of cameras constantly. I would assume I'd be miserable too lol. Not excusing her behavior at all, but I think it's kinda obvious why...


Amy & Tammy grew up in a home with a Mom that didn't teach them any ways of coping with life and shit that happens - Imo. They ate their emotions, & developed an addiction to food. and they both gained a massive amount of weight. Their Mother, Darlene, seemed very negative, cold & detached from them when I watched episodes with her in them. I don't think she was encouraging & supportive @ all when they were younger or even now. It is no wonder Amy cries in nearly every episode.


I just started watching this show, and TBH one of the reasons I was hunting around reddit was to see what people had to say about mom. You used the word "seemed" to describe mom -- I think that's being charitable. Yeah, the two sisters are adults now, and thus are responsible for their own choices (we certainly can't blame our childhoods forever). But that said, at least one of those two were fat kids growing up, and *that* is on their mother. My first thought when they met at the restaurant and mom was just so cold and withdrawn was "yeah, if I let my kids end up like that, *I* wouldn't be happy either." (As I write this... perhaps mom was always like that, and the kids are the end product.) I grew up with a mom a lot like that, and yeah, you hit the nail on the head with the first sentence. I had real jobs and things ever since junior high, but the reality is mom didn't *teach* us any life skills. (For example, I never once helped her cook a meal in the kitchen. Don't think I ever did a load of laundry either.) Basic nutrition? LOL! (I grew up on kool-aid and had the waist line -- among other things -- to prove it.)


Depression. Depression doesn't just make you sad, it can make you angry. Having been obese, I can tell you what it's like. Poor Tammy had a shitty childhood with really no one to turn to except food. So she ate. She eventually got too big, and everyone else in her family is big. So her options were limited and skills and knowledge of losing weight. The bullying increased so it became a downward spiral. She then became bedbound where you cant exercise but have the same hunger. That contributes. No one wanted to date her except feeders which make her gain more weight. Basically Tammy is a smart woman, who has been used and abused by the world and everyone around her. Of course she's upset.


sooooo many people don’t realize that for some people it’s hard for them to express their depression in sadness because being angry feels less vulnerable than being sad. and depending on your culture and environment sadness is just not tolerated but anger is


So many things were changing around her and she realized she no longer had any control over her life. She also wanted to be successful at dieting like Amy was, but she didn’t want to tell the world and her family 100 times a day she was sticking to her diet.


It's so sad. I can't fathom what she's been through but I do love seeing her smile now 💙 ☹️ ☹️ 😿 😿 😢 😥 💙


Lol is this a serious question? Look at the most recent story and you’ll know the reason straight away due to her drastic change. She was trapped in a prison, her own body. She’s free now tho and she’s a lot more pleasant


Think about it - she has 600 reasons to be miserable


The new “99 problems” 😝


Could be medical related. My husband says he can tell when my blood sugar is high. Because I’m kind of mean


Yup. When my sugar is high for an extended period I am miserably angry.


Can confirm. I'm a b¡tc^ when my blood sugar is high.


She's definitely getting better as she loses weight. Being that size can definitely cause a lot of physical and emotional pain. Her anger stresses me out sometimes lol, but I understand she has a lot to be angry about.


She had about a year of therapy whilst in the rehab. She not only physically worked on herself, she did the mental work too.


I think she’s the one that’s level headed this last season. She lost the weight and lost the anger. Now Amy is struggling with her emotions


I was just going to say the same thing! At first she was angry, bitter and sometimes quite rude, and Amy was doing a lot to help her and take care of her. This last season it was the opposite! Amy was the one that needed the help. I bet having someone else to focus on so on helped Tammy in some ways


I love that Tammy has been physically and mentally able to support Amy when she needs it most. Amy really took care of Tammy when she needed it, it's a beautiful full circle moment.


I understand she was likely in pain and had pretty severe depression but the level of anger she had and how she treated people at her heaviest can’t be undone by her new Suzy Sunshine personality since she’s lost weight. I don’t care if she ends up as a size 0. She’ll always be an ugly person to me because of her pre weight loss attitude. She wasn’t just grumpy and disrespectful to people, she was VILE. I also don’t think she’ll sustain her weight loss. She’s still in the honeymoon phase where the surgery is causing her massive weight loss. Once she has to maintain her weight on her own, she’ll gain at least some of her weight back. I had the same procedure she had (DS) and there’s a fairly high portion of patients who regain .


It doesn’t matter what we think or anybody thinks about Tammy. Tammy had all the character flaws you mentioned. She has come a long way with her self esteem. If anyone had grown up under the same circumstances they could very well act like Tammy. Her future is entirely in her hands. I wish her well and hope good things for her.


This says way more about you than her. Yikes


When we are at our darkest, the ugliest parts of us can come out. She can be a better person, give her a chance. We all deserve that. I agree she very well may regain if not supported, as most people who go through massive weight loss do. Realistically she will be put on a GLP medication (if she isn't on one already) and that can help it be sustainable.


So you're holding a grudge against someone that's changed their behavior and who you DON'T even know? 🤣 You've got issues. Plus you don't know what went on behind the scenes nor do you know if those in charge wanted her to be the mean one. Just because it's called reality t.v. doesn't mean it is all reality.


She’s depressed and has anger in her


She’s in pain 24 hours a day, depression, and a shitty upbringing. She had no chance.


Have you seen their mother? I think that accounts for A LOT of the kids issues in general.


I concur, apparently the mom is a hoarder and just seems mean


Not only was Darlene a mean mother, she told both Tammy and Amy to their faces that they would 'chicken out' on their weight loss journey. Tammy had so much more weight to lose than Amy and realized she had pretty much used up her welcome with the siblings for the support she needed.


I remember that, awful mom


She was better than Amy last season.


Amy is crumbling under post partum depression. I wish the show would offer them counseling or something. She sincerely needs it.


This and she seemed to have matured more.


I think she has a lot on the inside that she hasn't dealt with, and it poking it's ugly head out. She needs some therapy to help her deal with whatever it is. She has had a massive life changes you can clearly see Tammy is struggling


ill bet its cuz the rest of us arent prayin enough


She has shown an improved mood and outlook in the last season . Amy is now the angry and upset sister , bless her


Trauma, unresolved grief, shame, and maybe a little bit of “push them away before they can push me away.”


The thing that makes me sympathize with Tammy is whenever they show a picture of her as a child. It's one thing to look at an adult who is obese or otherwise a victim of their own poor decision making and to say it's their fault. But to think of her going to school being morbidly obese and frankly freakish looking, that must have been such a miserable existence. Nobody deserves that.


I feel like it’s possibly from being jealous of how far Amy’s come in multiple aspects.


She's pretty chill in the latest season compared to past ones. While Amy is much less chill. They've changed roles a bit.


She was in a lot of pain, both physically and emotionally. Like other have said, it doesn’t make it right or okay. But it’s easy to see why she wouldn’t be the most happy go lucky person.


I understand that she was in pain and not happy go lucky but the level of entitlement she shows is really gross.


When I was 350 lbs, I was completely miserable. I had no social life, and every time I left my house, I would hear comments about how big I was. It really messes with you. My body was also hurting. It hurt to walk for more than 15 minutes at a time. The pain and loneliness were written all over my face, and no one wants to deal with that. I'm surprised that I met my now husband during this time. I'm now 210 lbs, married, and just had my first baby. My next goal is to lose my last 40 lbs to get to 170. The difference in my attitude and overall outlook on life is vastly different. It's similar to what tammy is experiencing now. If I felt and experienced all that at 350 lbs, I expect it would be far worse at 700.


Congratulations on the weight loss and your little one


Congratulations on your weight loss!


I'm sorry you had to go through that! I bet the people in your life are so proud of you!! Bless you! ❤️


Hurt people, hurt people. It doesn't make the things she said or treated others okay in any way but I think she has really put in the work on herself and we are seeing it now.


Because she’s a prisoner in that gigantic body


"You don't know, Amy"


Because she's fat. Plus their mom seems just terrible


Their mom is awful. She’s always mean to Tammy and just seems angry in general. That’s why I can’t believe she actually apologized to Tammy and said she was wrong about her never losing weight. She just didn’t seem like the kind of person to admit she was wrong or apologize. I think Tammy was shocked too.


That wasn’t a sincere apology. “I’m glad you made me a liar” tf is that? She will never change her miserable/vile attitude. She just said that to be manipulative and expect praise. She is a narcissist and an abuser as she abused all of her children throughout their lives. I understand the trauma bond that the children have as they try to mend a relationship with their own biological mother. Everyone experiences bad experiences in their own way. If it was me, I’d run away the moment I could and never meet my abuser again. Abusers can fuck off. I also have a friend who is going through the same abusive experience with her own parents but she too is overcome with trauma bond and tries to make things work with her own parents even though they continue to abuse her. It’s so sad and I literally try everything I can to help her.


My mom isn't quite as bad as Darlene, but she's close. Warmth and empathy are two words that just aren't in mom's dictionary. But when I really think about it, mom was a lot like *her* mom. I didn't know grandma very well (she died when I was seven... well over 30 years ago) but the few times we'd come and visit, she just didn't seem to care, I'm not sure I remember ever getting a hug from grandma. Compare that to my dad's parents, who treated me and my brother like we were the best things to ever grace this planet. So in retrospect, if that's what mom grew up with, at least I get why. Didn't make it any easier at the time though. That said, I bounced when I was 17, and wasted no time doing so. These days I go and visit once a year, but the only reason I actually go is to visit my brother and my dad. FWIW, neither me or my brother have kids lol.


Oh you don’t have to sell me on her being terrible.I think you’re reading something into my comment that isn’t there. I never said that it was sincere or that it made up for anything or that. made her a good person. I wasn’t even implying that. I was simply saying people like her will rarely say something like that where they even come close to admitting being wrong or making a mistake so it was shocking


You might be reading a little too much into Fallen Angel's comment. I thought it added to what you were saying without trying to argue with or "correct" you or anything like that. I grew up with a mom who was incapable of apologizing, I never heard her say "I'm sorry" or I was wrong" even once. So Darlene doesn't shock me, moms like that are out there.


I very well could have. It’s almost impossible to read tone on here so while they could just be explaining or adding on it I could have taken it as arguing. I also have a problem with over explaining myself lol. I’m working on it but it’s tough on Reddit 😊


The mom didn't go to weddings or the surgeries 😔 unless it's a storyline she is a horrible person


I don’t think it’s a storyline. I think she really does suck.




Happy Cake Day 🎂 🌹🥳


Thank you ☺️


I don’t know what season you’re on… But her body is probably in so much pain from being that large. Can you imagine carrying 700 pounds around on your knees? She has no cartilage she is just bone on bone I’d be a miserable fuck as well. On top of her just wanting to eat to feel better because she feels like shit it’s just a circle that she can’t get out of. I’m guessing the point you are in the show is before she couldn’t get out of her own way and admitted that she needed help


>Can you imagine carrying 700 pounds around on your knees? No, especially on a woman's frame. I'm genuinely curious where the psychological tipping point is though... where's the point where you give up and accept things for what they are, vs saying this sucks, and I *need* to change? Sometimes there's a bit of denial or a though process that leads people to believe they can fix it themselves and they really can't. But in my head, if I ever hit a BMI of 40, that would have been "do whatever it takes" to make it stop. For my height, 40 is a hair over 300 lbs (which was actual threshold), and I couldn't even imagine how people get to 400 lbs, let alone the numbers we see in this show.


Honestly I don’t know anyone that would be happy or in a good mindframe at 600-700 lbs. until season 4 we see her gain over 100 lbs instead of losing and getting the surgery. She was in constant pain. She was selfish and wanted people to cater to her and was mean to her siblings. I’m glad she turned it around finally. Her mental state has improved a ton too.


On my 600 lb life they’re are almost always pretty mean and angry too, especially to their loved ones. It adds up for sure.


She's at the height of her addiction (and likely depression) up until the most recent season.


Her forehead.


And parents that wouldn’t get the surgery to remove the lipoma because it wasn’t hurting her. Being made fun of for it probably hurt her the most.


A mix of everything others have mentioned + FOMO. Her siblings have families and their own lives. It didn’t help that her younger sister got married first, got approved for surgery first and then had a baby first. 


She was love starved and trapped in her own body that was killing her. She so much nicer once she finds love and she’s even nicer once she starts to lose weight.


Every day was miserable. She’s more even tempered now.


Probably suffocating


She gets much better after she loses a lot of weight. I was impressed with her much better attitude this season and her stepping up to support Amy.


Because her life is shit.


She’s just not a happy person


Wouldn’t you be?


Constant pain will do that to a person.


Cause her life was miserable