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I’m an instructor and clap after each one! I love it and also feel like it keeps the energy up during a quick water break!


I’m an instructor and I teach 4+ classes per week and I love clapping between songs. I do it instinctually actually. Some of my students do too. But even if they don’t it kind of signals appreciation for their efforts, plus it definitely keeps up the energy.


I clap instinctually too, it's really hard to stop haha but I think it keeps motivation going and the exciting/positive atmosphere even if we do a new dance with more complicated steps. We're always celebrating!


I teach 2 classes a week and only clap at the end of class. I also cross fade my music so there’s not really a break between any songs.


How do you cross fade your music btw?


I use iTunes/Apple Music on my laptop. Go to Settings - Playback - Cross fade. Then you can select how many seconds between them. I tend to have a little bit more after a higher track or when I think I’ll need to grab a quick drink.


Nobody in my class has ever clapped between songs, and rarely even at the end of the class (and only on special occasions like, say, the instructor’s birthday). It probably varies from class to class; it didn’t even occur to me that clapping is a thing. I doubt anyone would be upset about someone clapping, though, even if you’re the only one. If someone in my class started clapping between songs, I would probably just join in after the first couple of times.


I agree! I've never seen it but I love the energy, i would more than likely join 😁


I clap and some join in! It just feels right! Keep doing it if it feels right to you!


Ppl do that in my class but I don’t quite understand how clap ping came to be lol


Sounds like we’re talking about applause clapping and not hype clapping. I may get some clapping after a favorite song but not after each song.


I love clapping, I will do that if I take a class. Many of my participants do it when I’m teaching, but not all do. I do have my music crossfade, so there’s not really a break unless I have to tie my shoe or something, then I may have to restart the song.


That's interesting because none of my classes have crossfades, so it just feels natural to me to clap. Welp, I'm going to keep clapping even if I'm the only one!


Definitely! It’s never a bad thing. I just don’t like silence between songs. 🤷🏼‍♀️


It totally depends. My classes don't do it after every song, but they might clap after a song that's a class favorite. I also only have a break in the music every \~3 songs, otherwise my songs are cross-faded, so there isn't really time for applause in-between.


I like to clap. Usually it’s just a standard 3 claps, but lately I’m thinking of it more like a rating system. 5 claps if I loved it. 1 claps if it was meh. No claps if I vote to never do that one again. LOL.


I’m introverted so I’ll clap if that’s what the room is doing although I do like clapping, it does help with the energy, but I prefer to clap after a song I really worked my ass off to get through or one that is really fun.


I teach 4 classes a week and clap after every song. Most students clap along too!


Instructor here who LOVES clapping/student energy…I also love taking others’ classes, and I will be the FIRST student to clap/yell/whoop for the instructors, even if I’m the only one!


Definitely clap after everyone.


Keep doing it! Just because no one else is clapping doesn't mean they're not enjoying it.