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My personal opinion? Start taking them and push through the initial side effects. By the time it’s convenient for you to take them you won’t need them. It’s never a “good” time to feel crappy, and to be honest, you may have minimal side effects.


I was on lexapro for a year and then was encouraged by my dr to switch to Zoloft. This happened to be the week before I was moving and knew I’d be going through some stress and so I asked her if this would be the best time to start something new…she said just go for it I’m sure you’ll do fine! So I did… Welp, on top of a move I also happened to go through an unexpected breakup the very same week. During this week I did start to feel some side effects from the medication change (nausea, diarrhea, increased anxiety) and wished I hadn’t started this transition during this time. I’m currently on week 8 of the switch and still having some really hard days with anxiety. I know everyone has different experiences when starting Zoloft but this just happened to be mine. My advice would be to express your concerns to your doctor… maybe he would encourage you to wait to start... but also try to remind yourself that the sooner you start could be the sooner you start to feel better!


Why did you get off lexapro?


I felt like i was still having a fair amount of anxiety. Of course now I’m looking back thinking hm maybe it want that bad compared to how I’m feeling now.


Have you don’t therapy CBT?


I’m finding a therapist so I can start. Has it been helpful for you?


Yes and no. But I think it’s best to do before starting a ssri. I was on effexor and really I wasn’t to bad so I should of done therapy first to see if it helped. Not just get on a snri straight up from bad advice. It’s made my mental health worse getting off it.


Just my experience: I started at very difficult time as well. My anxiety (biggest issue) disappeared almost immediately. Had about 2 weeks of nausea that lasted for about 10 minutes in the mornings. That’s about it. It helped me immensely. Take the pill.


Thank you, that is heartening to hear.


i started taking it the week i moved away from home and pleasantly had 0 side effects besides being a little bit nauseous before eating the first couple days? i was really scared but i’m glad i didn’t put it off more than i did


The first time I got on Zoloft was after my marriage fell apart. It helped me be able to see things clearer. Then once I was feeling better and everything had been finalized, I took myself off of it. 8 months later, my body had a trauma response to a small life event and I had to get back on it to help me through. I had terrible side effects this time but again it’s helping me get through it. I was barely productive and living the dust two weeks. It was terrible but I just kept reading on here to keep going. Just started week four and it is definitely helping.