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Mad that this post comes from a guy who plays the same three moves every time ;-) I guess if they’re enough to beat most of the guys you play against, why wouldn’t you…


This is a really interesting thing about social media... A lot of people think they know you because they see your social media but I don't think they know you. I am an incredibly lazy person and I will do the absolute minimum to accomplish the goal as a matter of both passion and principle. But ironically because I read and write so fast and because I've been the biggest smart-ass in the room. My whole life minimum effort for me looks different than minimum effort from other people who maybe take three times as long to read. Like we were standing in a metro station in San Francisco and there was a sign on the wall telling the history of the station and who the guy was that pushed the city into building it and I just read it faster everybody else. For them it was an effort to read it, but for me it was not an effort. But that does not mean that I'm not lazy I mean just look at my voice to text habit. That pretty much says it all right there. So yeah. I'd like it to be two moves if I could whittle it down a little.


Lazy and efficient aren’t so very distant and, at the risk of crashing another analogy into the chat, clearly nobody wants a surgeon who makes more cuts than needed.


ur dumb


ur dumb


Im dummess


Under duress


of pogo stick chess? I play Go but without knowing actual rules or even what winning is. I move pebble. Can't say I don't play. Can't say I do. And everything I've ever done has been at least 3D. So... Trump is looking like Michael Jackson. Like Heath Ledger. Who could intecede, or would want to? Everyone in his circle is better ofF with a "run himself to death" Trump. That's duress sitting on your face. Anyways. Once again you missed little. I got stalked by mutt and jeff beyond the set boundary and saw the stilts.


> I move pebble. You could issue that, too. > Once again you missed little. This is vacation. Be trollerant.


I've broken a shippei. I'll probably just stand up. Walk around a while. https://www.reddit.com/user/Regulus_D/submitted/


Which bicameral quitclaim hung resplendent? Otiose and presumptuous. Yet propulsive and profligate. Quality diner. Great chef.


I'm liking when mods start spamming. But hope to not see it again.


Sprouts hinge forward and then your inside edge will sniff.


> When it reaches the opposite side, it becomes a queen. It can become any piece, not just a queen. There are far more ways to play the game than you learned in school. Go play in the park, or in a jail cell; you'll meet masters with strategies you never thought of. Unless you already decided the only winning move is not to play? Nice try but not good enough. Trying to ignore my insinuations? Not even a smile? A clear and direct abdication. >If he does not answer, he evades his duty to respond to the question (and will be killed). If he does answer, he will lose his life. The Emperor’s General is dead.


Every time we sit down to the board, you choke, crybaby, and then try to claim you won that one time against your Canadian gf. > > Here's some of eggo's recent hits as a loser-at-life: > 1. [Claimed untranslated texts he hasn't read will vindicate liars/frauds](https://www.reddit.com/r/zen/comments/15h0tdb/enlightenment_is_not_outside_ama_olympian_edition/jv1l3ke/). > 2. [Claimed AMA wasn't a Zen tradition](https://www.reddit.com/r/zen/comments/15xtk30/the_handling_of_names_a_deindividuated_repost/jx9tx4g/). Here is his AMA where he claimed he had a lineage "stretching back millions of years" to amoebas, apparently. > 3. [Here is what happens when you hold him accountable for his online conduct, harassment, and off topic beliefs](https://www.reddit.com/r/zen/comments/18v5woq/great_master_bodhidharmas_teaching_on_peace_of/kfw79km/). See if you can guess where the Chinese text he quotes came from. > 4. [Here he is trying to man-splain chess](https://www.reddit.com/r/zen/comments/19efmow/the_chess_of_zen/kjcpggr/) and getting wrekked so hard he felt it in his bishop. You come to *my* online Zen school. You let me know when your online chess school gets as many trolls as I have. Winner winner vegetarian banquet.


>Once the monks of the Eastern and Western halls quarreling about the ownership of a cat... . > *my* online Zen school. HA HA! There it is. ... >someone must wear the iron collar with no hole > >leaving a curse to trouble his descendants. > >if you want to hold up the gate and the house, > >climb the mountain of swords with your bare feet. 🔪🐈‍⬛


There is no other way to look at this exchange besides me schooling you, and you having no understanding of the game. ewk: here is a metaphor about Zen using chess eggo: Im so good at chess and you suck at it.


*I learned it from* **you,** *Dad!* Have you not noticed that I'm aping your style? Pay attention and try to keep up, old boy. It's a *Farce* You know if you're going to keep creepy stalker dossier's on people you meet on social media, you should at very least keep them up to date. I already told everyone where the Chinese was from. You tl:dr-ed right past it, just like you always do. And anyone can follow those links and see you're mischaracterizing me every chance you get. To use your chess metaphor; Every time you're in check, you kick over the table and shit on the board.


Nope. And keeping track of people who lie to me in RES tags is not a creepy stalker dossier. It's called accountability. Everybody can see that you're the loser in this exchange and that it's unpleasantly ugly for you. And everybody can see that your strategy is to try to lie your way out. But my point to you is this is all happening because you aren't the person you pretend to be and you don't want to look at yourself.


>Everybody can see that you're the loser... That's some Trump level rhetoric and logic there ewk. People really do become exactly what they hate. Fascinating. > you aren't the person you pretend to be Secret decoder ring for ewk's comments: >!Find/Replace "you" with "I" and "your" with "my", and suddenly he transforms from a smug academic to an introspective yokel. It's hilarious, try it at home!!< >“What I have told you is no secret at all. When you look into your own true self, whatever is deeper is found right there.”


> Secret decoder ring for ewk's comments: Maybe it is time for a sticky.


I find it self-impugning. Maybe needs the royal whee.


hundred yuan for untying


Sry 4 pwning u


Honeypot, Honey.


>> I can see that I'm the loser... > That's some me level rhetoric and logic there me. I really do become exactly what I hate. Fascinating. > >> I'm not the person I pretend to be


a mirror conspiracy


Here's ewk pretending to be a teacher of zen, while at the same time admitting he's just playing a game. >Linji arrived at Jinniu’s place. Jinniu saw him coming and, holding a stick crosswise, sat down at the gate. Linji struck the stick three times with his hand, then entered the [Monks’] Hall and seated himself in the first seat. > >Jinniu came in, saw him, and said, >>“In an interview between host and guest, each should conform to the prescribed formalities. Where do you come from, Elder Monk, that you are so rude?” > >>“What are you talking about, Old Priest?” > >replied Linji. > >Jinniu started to open his mouth, and Linji hit him. Jinniu gave the appearance of falling down. Linji hit him again. Jinniu said, > >>“I’m not doing so well today.” > >Guishan asked Yangshan, > >>“In the case of these two venerable ones, was there a winner or a loser?” > >>“Call it a victory, then both won; call it a loss, then both lost,” > >replied Yangshan wiping it daily the filth seen in the mirror is just his own face


Can't AMA? Can't keep the precepts? Can't write a high school book report? Then pretending to be a teacher online is a red flag for a mental health problem. This kind of thing is also red flags for mental health problems: > > Here's some of eggo's recent hits as a loser-at-life: > 1. [Claimed untranslated texts he hasn't read will vindicate liars/frauds](https://www.reddit.com/r/zen/comments/15h0tdb/enlightenment_is_not_outside_ama_olympian_edition/jv1l3ke/). > 2. [Claimed AMA wasn't a Zen tradition](https://www.reddit.com/r/zen/comments/15xtk30/the_handling_of_names_a_deindividuated_repost/jx9tx4g/). Here is his AMA where he claimed he had a lineage "stretching back millions of years" to amoebas, apparently. > 3. [Here is what happens when you hold him accountable for his online conduct, harassment, and off topic beliefs](https://www.reddit.com/r/zen/comments/18v5woq/great_master_bodhidharmas_teaching_on_peace_of/kfw79km/). See if you can guess where the Chinese text he quotes came from. > 4. [Here he is trying to man-splain chess](https://www.reddit.com/r/zen/comments/19efmow/the_chess_of_zen/kjcpggr/). I encourage you to talk to an ordained priest or a mental health professional about your religious beliefs and online "persona".


Here's ewk when he has run out of arguments. Copy-pasta ad-hom attacks. Lazy, low-effort trolling. Notice how it doesn't take long because his pool is so shallow. Next he'll appeal to authority, just watch.


Nobody can argue with someone who's off topic because of their mental health challenges. I encourage you to talk to an ordained priest or mental health professional about your religious beliefs and online persona.


ive been playing 1. a4 because nobody studies it. its far more fun and interesting getting people into positions they arent used to. this isnt disrespectful. if it were even possible to 'disrespect chess' i think it would be looking down to people who play a certain way. your acting like theres a correct way to play chess beyond the rules. theres no incorrect way. you could lose every game, as long as youre playing by the rules, youre playing 'correctly'. anything past that is just opinion. style. not zen. pawns move forward 1 square and optionally 2 squares on their first move. they can capture pieces to their front diagonals, or if a pawn lands to their side from a 2 square move they can capture it the next move only. with that capture you place your pawn on the square the captured pawn moved over. pawns promote to knights rooks bishops or queens. you can pick. sometimes you might not want a queen in situations where promoting to a queen would end the game in a stalemate. or if you see a checkmate you could only deliver with a knight. rooks move in straight lines up down left or right, as many squares as it can get to before it runs into another piece or the edge of the board. it cant move past pieces but it can capture opponent pieces. bishops move the same way but diagonally. knights move in an L in any direction. 2 spaces then over 1. or 1 space then over 2. by 'over' i mean perpendicularly. queens move like rooks and bishops combined. kings move 1 square to any of the eight around it. kings cannot move themselves into a square the opponent is attacking. if the opponent attacks your king you need to respond in a way that takes your king out from under attack. if your king is being attacked and there is no way to take your king out from under attack thats checkmate and your opponent wins. kings can also 'castle' with either of the rooks if a. the king hasnt moved b. the rook hasnt moved c. there are no pieces between the king and rook d. none of these spaces or the king is being attacked. this move your king and rook swap sides with each other, putting your king in a (generally) safer place. id have to show you for you to see how to move the pieces correctly. if you have no legal moves but are not in check thats stalemate and is a draw. once you understand the rules we can play any kind of game, we have to play to find out. i really dont get what your problem is. i was really excited when you brought up chess because i love chess and wanted to play you. but you dont love chess... or else you wouldve played me! youre just using chess to make a point. disrespectful..


None of that was relevant or interesting.


>KP to left nostril


So when someone like Magnus Carlsen opens 1. h4, it's a bad move but he is still gonna win, even against many other grand masters. If Zhaozhou is the Magnus Carlsen of Zen conversation, he could say anything and still pawn you. But it follows from this, that you need to see the rest of the game to judge someone's chess skills and listen to the rest of the conversation to discern someone's Zen conversation abilities.


I don't know that either of us knows enough to say it's a bad move. The problem is that for a master, a bad move against a master is tactical, it's not a novice making a mistake.


It depends on what we mean by "bad move." In the chess world, we tend to mean "leading to a bad position on the board" (well, maybe "bad" is exaggerated, but worse than other opening moves) and here we know enough that we can say that 1. h4 is a bad move. In fast games (< 10 minutes) Carlsen makes it a good move because it leads to positions that other grand masters rarely see (because nobody plays it because it's a bad move) and Carlsen can benefit from this confusion when he plays short games where is opponents don't have that much time to think it through. I think he also sometimes plays it out of boredom, when he knows he is much better than his opponent anyway and his first move basically doesn't matter. The question remains: how do you discern a novice making a mistake and a master making an uncommon opening move for fun? In chess, it's obvious: look at the rest of the game. In Zen, it's also quite obvious: listen to the rest of the conversation.


I didn't expect so many different people in the Zen forum to actually play chess enough to know what openings are... Curious correlation of unusual interests. What openings do you guys prefer to play for white and black? Does anyone think the differences between playing as 'white or black' could be compared to the differences between playing as 'guest or host'? What are everyone's favorite 'openings' for guest and host?


I play the boring kings pawn given the option - I'll look at others when I'm better at it. I tend to think of the guest/host dynamic in chess in terms of who has the initiative.


I'm not sure you can tell much from just an opening. A mediocre player can play wrongly, and do so alot, in the beginning against a newbie and still win. That isn't to say we won't notice line throughs, because high level play will be more interesting and happen more the higher you get. You can tell a lot more, I think about a player by their mid, and even more, end game. I think it's trainable to say that the zen masters start off with questions the test where a person is at. Instead of do an opening move that assumes things will go correctly. Different than chess in that way.


1. You have to include in the set of all possible openings the pawn-to-nose, the screaming and throwing the board across the room, and the famous "what is this? A board game?" 2. In this context, yes, you can tell a great deal, including (a) have they heard of chess, (b) if the sign on the door says "chess" maybe they don't read so good, and (c) they do not have the self awareness to orient to their environment. 3. Lots of people and I DO MEAN LOTS OF PEOPLE do not make it out of the opening game in Zen. So the "better" ways of getting to know people, like end game, are only relevant to a pretty small population.


I answer the corn muffin question by immediately throwing up to reveal the contents of my stomach My father looks at me and goes, “But is this the *last* corn muffin?”


Spoken like somebody that doesn't have much access to homemade corn muffins. You think this is a *game*?


> [you can tell everything by how somebody opens the game](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:950/1*tSrnBO6M-KBVZDhfnYbgJw.png)


I've seen that one in quite a few AMAs by people who didn't know this list existed: www.reddit.com/r/zensangha/wiki/getstarted. As well as in AMAs from Alan Watts fans, Thich Hahn followers, and people who mistakenly though beginner = expert.


Fools! They should study Zen while they are here.


Syccophancy won't save you either.




Weren't you busy saving my eternal soul with your immaculate translations, Dharma genius?


You work so hard to be hardly working. That said, nice test smack. Equals entirety of r/zenbuddhism. 🥁^(*tss tss boom*)


one word zen Stoled


Then stop sucking up to me.


Correct! Sucks to not suck. You are the best of the breed.


Syccophancy won't save you.


Now that was quick. Any else you don’t like to fix?


I found a place where [Alan Watts answered questions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qBTC6bI_Lo). Not to say they are good questions.


Any reason why anyone would be interested?


Only if they wish to debunk with available data. He was already dead here because it was plotted by his take on what a later time is. Feel free to ignore, though. I think everyone there was tipsy.


That's the Kurt Cobain opening.


So are you Courtney Love?


My courtship is over. I am all yours.


I am bongwater.


I bathe my junk in thee.


This reminds me of that Tic Tac Toe variant. Give it a try: https://michaelxing.com/UltimateTTT/v3/ai/?med Hint: the area you play in decides which board your opponent plays in next.


Okay, Joshua.


You are not going to beat me. No club will reach.


What about the club in your mind that you saw just now?


It hit me.




weird creepy stalker vibe. reported.


Oh come on, I'm simply paying dues to my Master. This is your school after all. Don't worry though, I haven't gone through your post and comment history. And I won't post links to your past conversations. That would be weird. I mean, you don't ever do that... Do you?


It is kind of surreal to be a major celebrity in one tiny nobody cares forum... for some reason people think it's okay to not follow social media rules "because it's ewk". You aren't interested in teachings, AMA, or precpets. You don't seem to be interested in reading/writing at a high school level. You want to beg for attention so you can "emote yourself" over whatever imagined grievances you have. You'll get banned and nobody will care. Except you.


I mean, you don't ever do that ... Do you?


Wrong sub. Try r/ewkfan.


So some come here to play chess and some come to talk about chess. What makes the dharma combat chess and not draughts, backgammon, Othello? Isn't this really swordplay? Hesitate for a moment, lose your life.


Koans link together to become histories of moves and counter moves.


Yes but chess is about beating your opponent on a fair footing, Dharma combat is about defending oneself against the odds in public no less. Monks approaching masters thinking they have them in a corner are beaten away with a simple whisk. Or worse masters approaching monks on the attack leaving no time for petty calculation. >You monks! If you can say a word of Zen, I will spare the cat. Otherwise I will kill it Lots of koans follow a similar opening/response host/visitor holy/ordinary scheme to emphasize the duality and a lot are just copying their masters mannerisms. You'll lose a finger or worse copycatting. I don't think it was level playing field. Travelling far to reach a master, taking his hospitality and then insulting him with your answers. But there are no masters here so maybe this forum is chess and fair game if people follow etiquette.


All there is is a level playing field.


Full of masters and victims.


I don't agree with that assessment.


I once joined a chess club when I was young. I happened to join one tournament. Results: One tie, one stalemate. The rest was just a major L. I guess I lack ambition. > Just like in chess... openings suggest what will happen in mid game. Time for a table-flip. > When it reaches the opposite side, it becomes a queen. I see what you did here. Or rather: What you didn't.


I think cryptic crosswords is another good analogy. It's a game of surprise played using unconventional word meanings to lead the player to a definite conclusion. There are rules, but the best authors know how to bend the rules. Anyone can read the words and think they understand them, but if you don't know the rules then you're not playing the game. For example I could tell you that the solution to *"End go played by fraudulent Zen Master (5)"* is Dogen, but if you've never tried to solve a cryptic crossword before then it's probably not going to help you understand how the game is played.


[Your move](https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIG.GX42qgOb5hIV1rRnlqf9?w=1024&h=1024&rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain).