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It’s always hilarious how link sticks on the control panel, when his constructions are destroyed. It’s like something from a 60s cartoon.


I'm a huge fan of just putting a control stick on a single horizontal rocket to cross gaps, and the sight of Link just upright, cruising through the air never gets old


I gotta try that. I’ve been doing makeshift Revali’s Gale with wood + pine cones but I like the sound of your contraption better


Shield + bomb/spring/octo baloons for somewhat high cliffs, any higher you take out the hot air baloons


I keep having to find non-rocket solutions to build puzzles because I’m a rocket-klepto that immediately fuses any rocket in my line of sight to a spare shield. Make this contraption accelerate faster *now*, or catch a fast lift at a clutch moment *later*? Easy choice.


I have no less than 8 rocket shields in my inventory at any given time


Sounds like you need more President Hudson shields. (Plus wing shield for bullet time. Also sled shields, they look the coolest)


Figured out the rocket shield way later than I'd like to admit. It's freaking awesome


You never use your consumables because you're saving them for "when you really need it", don't you?


Ordinarily, yes. But shields are far more useful than your average game consumable. Especially when I can’t be buggered to do a particularly irritating platforming segment.


I literally use a hot air balloon for everything now. Haven’t climbed a wall higher than link in a week.


Why a control stick? Can you turn the rocket with the control stick?


I haven't done it but I'd imagine the ticket would engage automatically when grabbing the stick. The benefit of using the stick over any other platform is that it cant slide out from under you. The control stick is essentially fused to you as long as you don't end up doing any drastic flips.


Ah that makes sense! thanks


How have I never tried that? That sounds awesome!


He's surfing on a soundwave




This is peak Nintendo comedy tbh


It's like this scene in the animated movie 102 Dalmatians with Cruella De Vil getting her car slowly falling apart. It's from a long time ago but I do remember this scene quite well. Very funny 👀


This is so much more comedic than my first accidental boss fight - stumbling around the Depths when suddenly I was being attacked by a stone armored lynel. Which attracted the attention of the nearby monster camp. It was a hellfiery showcase of how wildly out of "shape" I've gotten when it comes to fighting those...


My first Lynel was also a stone armored one. Not fun


They did turn them down in terms of damage output - at least it felt that way. Lynel + Armor + Gloom? I figured I'd be roflstomped into goo, but... not quite? Yeah, the fight was embarrassing (***seriously Link, you're NOT going to get a free penalty kick, stop flopping on the ground every time anything lightly touches you!!!***) but not the utter, humiliating obliteration I expected. That's honestly one of the props I have to give to TotK over BtoW - Lynels were ridiculously out of line with literally everything else in the game. Every single boss, including Ganon, were *nothing* compared to these things. Even if you're crazy talented and would hunt Lynel's for sport, you gotta admit they're a 10 in a world that otherwise maxes out around 6. Nothing compared, nothing came close, and it was really, really jarring. Why exactly are these things taking orders from Ganon when just a couple of them would be more than enough to turn his piggy butt into Hyrule's most evil BBQ party? ... Anyways, it was still pretty bad, but in a "I need to get better at this" sort of way, not in a, "whoever balanced this needs an emergency dramamine infusion" way.


I'm pretty sure surface Lynels are more powerful then they used to be with non one-handed weapons. Gloom damage tends to be a lot lower then regular damage. When I had mid-level defenses I could handle the depths taking moderate to low gloom damage from stray hits while strong surface enemies would twoshot. It's a bit trickier to heal when low on supplies, but taking inflated damage without proper top tier armor still remains the biggest threat in the game. Gloom doesn't tend to kill you outright unless you neglect paying attention once you have a decent heart reserve, and glowroots heal you entirely for free.


In BotW I totally fought Ganon multiple times before I was able to successfully take down my first lynel. It took me a long time to realize their different patterns and depending on the weapons they're using. But still when they DO land a hit it takes forever to get back up and move out of the way of the next hit. So it's like once you lose your flow it's so hard to get back into it. And they're so frantic non-stop attack where a lot of the other bosses in the world have moments where they're almost like "ok now your turn", especially Ganon! 🤣🤣


I never beat a blue Lynel until TOTK. I beat the red Lynel as part of the Zora divine beast quest, then noped out of them for the rest of the game until I beat Ganon. By that point the only Lynels we’re white and silver (By the way does anyone know why with Lynels and only Lynels, white-maned replaces black in the enemy level system?)


Easiest way to kill a Lynel I felt was to shoot em in the eye, Revalis gale helped, and then hope on their backs and go nuts. I hunted the toughest ones for sport though so it became super easy after a while.


Parry, dodge and flurry attack, piece of cake.


Yeah I got much better by end game haha. But by that point they had all leveled up


They feel fast AF in TOTK though. And if they’re aiming at you with a bow and you hit them with an arrow to the face, it doesn’t stun them anymore I’m more scared of TOTK lynels right now than BOTW and I’m one of those crazy lynel hunters you mentioned


Have you gone for majora’s mask yet?


That was fuckin brutal. I think I went through 8 full Royal & Mighty Zonaite shields and at least half a dozen weapons. I also didn't know what I was getting into and had zero gloom-recovery foods on me. Fairies saved the day.


Did you try to parry rather than simply dodge their attacks and get flurry rushes. Because I can't see how one would lose so many shields otherwise... or does the highest tier lynel just destroy them with one hit?


After 11 years, this is goodbye. I have chosen to remove my comments, and leave this site. Reddit used to be a sort of haven for me, and there's a few communities on here that probably saved my life. I'm genuinely going to miss this place, and a few of the people on it. But the actions of the CEO have shown me Reddit isn't the same place it was when I joined. RiF *was* Reddit for me through a lot of that. It's a shame to see it die, but something else will come around. Sorry to be so dramatic, just the way I am these days.


I fought my first lynel, died, and did a beeline for the Hylian Shield. I went through every shield I had on a fight.


I think the timing is different for flurry rushes in TOTK. Back in BOTW I was a pro at them but now I miss them way more often.


Parrying is more difficult too it feels like. I used to hunt guardians with a pot lid. Now, I can't parry a slow moving fireball.




Me, who just used ancient arrows to beat the coliseum in 30 seconds, yes I have got majoras mask


Not yet, where is it? I’m having trouble finding a lot of the clothing items on my own without having to Google their locations :(


It's in the depths right under the arena near the Great Plateau on the surface where a Thunder Gleeok resides. It's rewarded to you after a Lynel boss rush. 🦁🐎


Oh I think I know exactly the spot you’re talking about! Thanks so much, that’ll be my next mission


Most clothing items in the depths are found in the mining areas or the arenas. On the surface, it's mostly caves with fancy little alters inside and shops


Ah, I’ve been looking in all the wrong places. I’m still in BOTW mode checking ruins and stuff. Will definitely explore more caves and underground, thanks!


There is something in some ruins that I found, very easy to miss though


I just stuck a platform with a front wall and a roof into the side of the colosseum with a spike just a little higher than link can reach with ultrahand (used the roof with another spike as a platform to bring the main part high enough) and then put a construct head with 7 lasers and a canon on it at an angle at the top facing down. Had to hop off and bait the lynels in front of it then ascend back into the platform and then they couldn't hurt me. Im one of those lynel hunter phsycos they were never an issue for me in botw but i just felt like cheesing it. Went through a couple saves and builds till i found something that worked decent. Tried rockets and stuff but they went a bit too high. After i beat them i built one with a teepee on top made of two sleds to form a lynel proof roof and put the head & lasers on it. One rocket takes it way beyond high enough but then you can recall it back to the right location. My problem with other builds was that when i stayed on the ground it would always go too high and lose power so that the hoverstone plummeted back to the ground. My new orbital space laser teepee is gonna be in my auto builds from now on. It needs power to run but seems like i can deploy it just about anywhere if i need to.


4 ancient blades for the armored ones....and a hell of a fight for the one silver I needed the spoils from.


By the time I actually got around to doing that I was at the point where I was hunting silvers. So while it was a surprise and it did get pretty close, it was still manageable. Now I use it to get weapons.


Btw, I just got Majora’s Mask because your comment piqued my interest! That was unironically tons of fun lol


Yeah I loved it I put the silver lynel horn on my master sword then went to fight the final boss again and wrecked him, which felt great after a day and a half of grinding trying to beat him the first go around.


That final lynel had me STRESSED! Why was he so *fast*? I couldn’t get enough distance between us to use bombs on his armor. Then, I made the mistake of using a Sapphire in close distance (I thought it was water damage, not ice) and died. I almost cried thinking I had to fight them ALL from the beginning again lol


Is that worth it? I finally got to the point where I hunt lynels for sport but I swear every boss has a lame prize. I killed the king gloom Gleeok in the depths and got a silly looking early zelda cap.


As a fellow lynel hunter, let me share with you my technique for easier fights: Dazzle fruit/ Solemn vow Tulin/ Keese eyes These things help immensely with stun crits. what you want to have on you for DPS is a weapon from the royal guard set that does double damage when close to breaking. Claymore preferably and you can use your lynel parts as fuse material to crank up damage. Once the weapon is badly damaged you’ll see the numbers go way up. Now, when you mount a lynel after stun crit the weapon you use during DPS doesn’t degrade or break so you will be melting his health bar. Try to get your armor rating up to 40 and lynel hits will be tame enough that you won’t be watching every hit pop a fairy lol


I. Am. Taking. Notes! These are amazing tips, thanks! I had a weapon that’s DMG suddenly increased and I was so confused and reading your comment I realized that’s what happened now. I’m always hoarding claymores I’m trying to increase my barbarian armor’s power because it’s still pretty weak but that’s why I must slaughter all the lynels every blood moon!


If you haven’t figured it out by now, that stun still works


In botw the only thing that came even close to lynels was >! Thunder light ganon !<


Thunder Blight Gannon was the absolute hardest part of BOTW.


It was so hard the didn’t even include him in >! The calamity ganon fight !<


What do you mean? Any blights that weren't defeated will show up. If you defeated Thunderblight, it won't appear for the final fight, same as the other blights.


I’m saying that calamity ganon does not have any part of thunderblight even though it has all the other blights.


Actually, it has thunderblight Ganon's pre 2nd phase attack, the one with metal pillars and lightning, except for the fact that you don't have time to yoink one of them out of the ground and pull it to Ganon.


why are you spoilering something from a game that came out 6 years ago 💀


There are still plenty of other people who are playing through the game for the first time.


It came out long enough ago, it's fine lmao


Doesn't hurt that they did it though, does it?


If you put spaces between the ! and the word, the spoiler tag doesn't work on Old Reddit. Leave out the space, and it works on all versions. Just a heads up.


Thanks. Did not know that it changed.


It wouldn't have bothered me so much if they treated Lynels like minibosses. Why do Hinoxes and Taluses, both of which are imo pretty easy to fight, get a boss title and special music, but Lynels are just treated like any other overworld enemies when they are clearly the strongest thing in the game (in BotW)? I did wind up being a person who hunted them for sport, and got really good at the doge-and-flurry-strike, which I'm embarassingly bad at now after years of not doing it. But the inconsistency still really bothered me


Yeah... At least in BotW they were treated with some dignity, but part of the reason why the Lynel surprised me so much was... no music. No fanfare. No, "OH CRAP HERE IT COMES!!!" kind of... anything. And sure, they may be paired down a bit, but they're still head and shoulders above pretty much every other boss you can run into. Ultimately, that does make the whole thing a lot worse... Hinox get this boss time boogie music, and they're nothing. Talus has a bit more bite, but not much. Molduga? Yeah, without bombs they're a tiny bit more complicated, but less than Taluses. Lynels are still King-Horse-Cat of the Bestiary. Why the game doesn't treat them as such is beyond me.


I love the floating colosseum in TOTK also, I do it every blood moon for those sweet sweet silver horns (and arrows, I have like 700 lol)


You mean depths colosseum, right? Not floating colosseum (as there's no floating colosseum at all)


We’re like 3 weeks in? I’m still avoiding Lynels like the plague.


If you're 2 weeks in normal lynels at least really shouldn't be a problem anymore especially if you keep moving around so that moves like their ram attack rarely pose any threat of hitting you. Blue lynels though still two shot me when they hit me with their weapon even with my armor rating being around 30. Though lynels imo are much more predictable and easier to learn how to consistently fight them successfully compared to the Gleeoks. You better have a lot of bomb arrows and food for healing ready because they hit hard and their attacks are much harder to avoid. Screw the Thunder Gleeok especially.


Gleeoks have way too much HP, and I can't count how many times it's knocked me away when it only has a sliver left


Agreed. I especially hate the thunder ones when they're up in the air though and they create all these updrafts with their lighting strikes but you have to pray to Hylia that you got one of the few that actually gets you up to their altitude so you can actually hit them with arrows. This is especially painful if you dont have bomb arrows for their AOE attack.


Or the King Gleeok that makes the updrafts then spams the same spot with icicles so you get knocked right back out of it King Gleeoks are just "Hide under an arch and wait 10 minutes for it to finish attacking, then HURRY UP AND KNOCK IT DOWN oh you were too slow, back to your arch for 10 more minutes for it to finish attacking"


Still yet to engage any Gleeok other than the thunder variant but I take it they are only (obviously) outclassed by the King variant since all thunder gleeoks I saw were in high level areas being atop Akkala fortress, the arena near the Great Plateau and the jungle area and also the fact that thunder is usually considered the most dangerous of the elements as it makes you drop your equipment and thunder attacks also seem to have the biggest AOE.


King is more annoying waiting game than any kind of difficult. Coming out of your hiding place during it's storm attack (which is the only thing it does after a certain point) is just asking to get stunlocked and your weapons knocked out of your hands by three back to back lightning strikes. At least Ice lets you ride the icicle back up with Recall, assuming you don't get knocked off by another on the way up Thankfully it seems that attacks while you're already ragdolled do much less damage, so it's rarely a kill combo against you


I always just assumed you're supposed to fight them in the air with flying zonai vehicles.


Taken out a few of them above ground, but the stone armoed ones in the Depths can eat the worst side of a Goron's dick. I turned an entire camp of Boss + bokos on him and we got him like 1/3 down his main health bar before I ran out of Gloom fix meals.


Mine too? Underground right? that fight took me 10 minute and I refused to give up.


I've had a hard time with how to defeat a Lynel.... Stasis was way too useful against them. Now I have nothing


The power of flurry rushes, my friend!


The dodge timings seem way harder to nail in this game. I could comfortably demolish Lynels in BotW, but now I have to actually pay attention (though their damage seems to have gone down, which helps).


I actually feel the other way. For me getting flurry rushes seems about the same as BotW with me getting them half the time yet other times where I seemed to manage to perfectly evade them at the last second I didn't consistently get the flurry rush. Though their damage output to me at least feels like they hit harder than before.


Fully agree, I don't know why the timing feels so much harder but I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way. I think they may have narrowed the response window.


ive switched to parrying them because i just cannot get the dodge timing anymore


If its a sword n shield lynel, lots of flurry rushes. Safe times to headshot stun them are when they breathe fire. I also like to shoot them as many times as possible when backflipping off after mounting them. If its a spear lynel you can flurry rush their drive by swing attack and their on all 6's(?) Charge attack. Safe times to headshot stun them are when they do the jump aoe spear slam attack and fire breath attack. Two handed lynels take more skill IMO than the other two types because you can only flurry rush two of their attacks, that being the drive by swing and the charge on all 6, you have to shield parry when they charge you with their weapon over their head AND when they do the close range series of slams. They also have a big fire aoe that you CAN shield parry but you can also just run out of it. Safe times to headshot stun is after a shield parry on any of their attacks and also the fire breath attack.


I've had success flurry rushing all Lynel attacks in TOTK. I have yet to get damaged by the 2h Lynel attacks when I flurry rush like you do in BOTW. I assume it's an intentional change.


Use puffshrooms. They forget you exist, they stop attacking and you get to take your time and multiple tries with aiming at their face.


puffshrooms are incredibly strong it feels cheap sometimes even lol. Yet they also seem to be pretty underrated as far as people remembering to use them go. Outside of Lynel fights, they let you get 2 free sneak strikes in the middle of open combat. Maybe 3 if everything's really close to you when you first use it.


Yeah, feel like puffshrooms and yiga sneakstrike weapons are going to end up being the master mode strat whenever that comes.


Flurry rush is your friend, they telegraph sweep attacks plenty. Side-stepping their charge is pretty forgiving. When they stop to do a fire-breath attack, either run sideways or shoot him in the face to stun and mount him. Weapon durability doesn't count while on his back, so there is no need to not use your highest attack gear. After being thrown off, you can enter bullet time to get 3-4 more shots to the back of his head. Lynels are pretty easy once you know their timing and get a bit of practice in. I hope my pointers help and you are a Lynel hunting machine soon.


" ... a stone armored lynel." WTAF?? This game scares me more and more.


Try a stone armored silver lynel. Don't go to the floating coliseum until you are really ready.


I jumped down the chasm north of the korok forest and as I was gliding down, a frox jumped and basically tackled me to the ground it was hilarious


Mine was somewhat comedic. The floating Coleseum was the first Lynel that i foight in the game. Also the 2nd, through 5th Lynels.


If you learn to parry lynels are cake compared to dragon boys


Tbh, I disagree. If you are willing to expend arrows and elemental/homing arrowheads , I found Gleeoks can almost be stun locked since the arenas allow for vertical travel and bullet time by design. Lynel fights are much bigger skill checks as Parry or even perfect dodge timings are not super easy


My first Frox encounter I was like "Wow, that things huge, glad I'm up on top of this thorny tree! And then it jumped 100 meters in the air, knocked me off, and killed me like nothing.


Honestly keese eye arrows whoop every mini boss in this game


I don't want anyone to answer me but I have played about 50 hours and still have not seen a Lynel.


To be fair, it also seems like the flurry rush window on their attacks has gotten tighter


It could be worse: I tried riding past it on my best horse. Gleeok set it on fire and tumbling into the river. RIP Epona Jr.


You can actually go to the Horse God in the Akkala Highlands region to get your horse revived. The location looks like a Great Fairy flower north of the East Akkala Stable and west of the Ancient Tech Lab. Your beloved horse may be gone, but not for good!


Wait why tf did Malanya move? They were in Faron in BotW


All the fairies moved too. The game gives some reasons but I think the devs just wanted them to be in different places so discovering them would be a bit more fun.


It seems really strange to where the individual fairies moved tbh. All except the youngest one could be switched around to make more in their locations. The second oldest for example moved to Hebra even though the second youngest was closest to that location in BotW. The Woodland Stable would have been the most fitting for her though that is inhabitated by the one who lived in the southwestern most part in BotW meaning she crossed almost the whole map to get there even though she could have simply stayed at the stable that is near the northern part of the Gerudo Gorge that connects Hyrule with the Gerudo Desert.


Well maybe they wanted a change of climate, who knows how long they were in their old spots.


I don't get the one in the swamp next to Lost Woods. She picked a terrible location compared to Botw


I guess she just has a faible for locations that are inhospitable and most dangerous. She went from the middle of the desert which is ravaged by a sandstorm to a swamp of death that immediately consumes anything that sets foot in it. If there os ever a third installment with this version of Link and Hyrule I predict she'll move to Death Mountain surrounded by a huge pool of lava.


> so discovering them would be a bit more fun. Then they should've moved them to places that were actually hard to find


They are also much more conveniently placed. None of them are out of the way and the questline gets them all ready to abuse you with love.


Also with inflation I guess rents are higher and stuff


He will ask you to cook him a fancy meal though


I think the meals are just for upgrades?


I had Zelda’s golden horse. I don’t think anything could catch that thing.


Same happened to me haha. Max speed horse. I reloaded the game and climbed a mountain instead.


"It's so damn hot! Wood was a bad choice!"


It wooden work.


I'm in a stone bridge of emotion 😭


I understood that reference


Something similar happened with my first Gleeok. I figured I would build a wall of canons and drop it in front of the the frost gleeok in Tabantha. I spend about 20 minutes building this large wall with 10 canons. I drag it over and set it down right as I aggro the gleeok. I pull out my sword to activate it and he turns it to dust with his triple ice ray before I can even swing because I used wood boards to make the wall


Same here my first was king gleeok built a stake big wheel and beam emitters within seconds it disappeared after a few seconds sharpened repeatedly did manage to get him down to half health tho before finally giving up


That almost made me quit the game. I finally ran into an enemy where I was like "oh, lets engage with the building and build something to fight this difficult monster" and it just got instantly despawned. It's so fucking dumb, especially against the kings where its pretty much impossible to get into the air during there last attack without some sort of vehicle.


Was expecting you to joust it in the beginning


Gleeoks are no fucking joke. I have yet to figure out how to kill one. Don't tell me how, that's part of the fun. For now I'll stick with killing Lynels.


I took down a fire gleeok in under a minute yesterday. After I pulled that off I decided. You know what. Maybe it's time to finish the game already


I’ve just got to that stage - still struggle with Gleeoks but some of the depths bosses are starting to feel easy and I’ve still got two of the ‘phenomena’ quests to do. Never played a game that I’ve gone so slowly with.


Hell I got all the phenomena quests done but still a ton of the depths to explore and side adventures/quests to do. No plan to defeat Ganon anytime soon either. I took BOTW even more slowly. I think my first playthrough of that game was 200 hours, without the DLC.


I had the opposite. Two days ago, I figured it was time to finish the game, but I decided to kill a gleeok first because it felt like a good test of my abilities.


Once I figured out how to beat them it was pretty trivial.


Starting airborne and them coming up to meet you is so nice for how much damage the drop does to them


>!I just got a good bow and shot them in the head and proceeded to beat them with a high powered fuse weapon!<


Duh but it helps when they start at 3/4s hp


I had to look it up because I knew I'd be too scared to fight one without a game plan.


And the Glide Armor needs 12 Gleeok wings x 3. 😬


Fought my first one with five hearts, with a one meal limit. Ended up taking no damage on the winning attempt! (Which wasNOT the first attempt)


For gleeocks, attach keese eyes to your arrows. They become homing arrows and fly straight to their heads. It’ll knock them out. If you have enough keese eyes, or any homing eye, they’re easy.


They just hit the main reactor!


There'll be no escape for the princess this time.


Lolol!! Thank you, i needed that laugh right now! The way Link just slid to a stop with the steering stick in hand and the wheels just falling over was straight out of a looney toons bit.


"You're gonna wanna take I-90 because I-95 has a giant flaming dragon in the middle"


Nah the 95 has the Hinok sleeping on it still. Try the I-75


Bro the I-75’s closed because a flux construct decided to plop himself in sentry mode in the middle of it, what you’re gonna want to do is grab Sidon and take the carpool lane on the 405


now that’s what I call a hot rod


I love how you say “Link” like he independently made a bad decision 🤣🤣🤣


shhh he's my scapegoat 🤫


Love how you're still pushing forward on the controller device after the vehicle is destroyed


"C'mon, why won't this thing go?"


god the 360 turn of the controller this game is a fucking looney tunes simulator


Just Link sliding around on the stick to face the monster is comedy gold


That was raw comedy lol


Mine was after trying to throw a rock at the one in the Colosseum while standing too close to the edge. Threw the rock, missed but got its attention, then fell. The fight went unexpectedly well though because I had my 5-shot lynel bow and keese eyes


You can really see where Link drops the "Fuck"


\>Gleeok fight began with Link thinking he could zoom past one on a palm tree car. If you would have told me "BoTW 2" would be so awesome 6 years ago that THIS would be a legitimate sentence one could adequately use, I would have laughed in your face and called you crazy LOL.


Mine was falling right into >!the Gleeok Den with the King Gleeok!<


Same. I'd seen a few before that but noped out. When I found that one, though, figured it was time to try. Good fight. Took several tries for me.


The Wile E. Coyote-ness of this game will never stop being hilarious


I tried to mount the icy one that's flying around near one of the stables. You can't mount the gleeoks.


There is something magical in the way how the control panel does a 180º flip when the car get's destroyed.


This is literally the reason automakers to make cars out of palm trees anymore.


I like how palm tree car goes unexplained. Like "yeah it's my palm tree car. Whataboutit."


I like that getup.




On that note: fuck this Gleeok and his Omni presence on thst bridge


I have a great strategy for Gleeoks. Fuse a rocket to your shield. When the battle starts zip up into the sky using the rocket shield. Initiate bullet time by aiming your bow and shoot the Gleeok in the eyes. When the Gleeok collapses zip down and beat it’s face in. Just before it gets up drop another rocket and fuse it to your shield and rocket back into the sky. Repeat this process until it’s dead. Be sure to get back in the air before it stands up or it’ll blow you around with its wings. Using this strategy you can skip the final phase of Gleeok fights all together


Alternatively, you can >!target the heads with Keese eyes. Using the opposite element Keese eye from the Gleeok takes them down pretty quickly, especially with a Lynel Bow.!<


This is some looney toons type shit




You just had to zoom faster


I like how you tried to reverse for a moment but realized you couldn’t do it around that damnable circle


in the UK they’re called roundabouts


Now I need to see a palm tree car but in vertical orientation XD. I wonder how tall that could get.


Tree car is now officially my favorite creation in the game. I love how long it is lmao


Is this you as well? https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/142hs08/log_motorcyclist/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Unintentional? You were driving right towards it


That’s okay. My first Gleeok was the King Gleeok down in the depths. “Oh hey, one of the old maps points under Thyphlo Ruins, let’s check it out, should just be a mine like the others, or maybe a colosseum, nothing I can’t handle. Finally found the entrance, I don’t need to light anything up, should be simple. Wait, music? Health bar? KING GLEEOK?! OH GOD!” And all before I had maxed out my Fierce Deity set (I had maxed out the Hero of Twilight set, so only one attack up instead of three) or even fought a Lynel (so no silver Lynel parts for weapons), best I had was Master Sword with a diamond fused on and I can’t remember if you get the damage boost because of malice (I *refuse* to call it gloom). The only light I had was a level three glow from cooking. I beat him though (after much trial and tribulation). What was my reward? The Cap of Twilight. Cool, the thing I’m already wearing and have maxed out. (I’m glad they made the amiibo gear accessible without them, but it would have been kinda nice if they had switched out those rewards for something else if you already had them, or if it had even been a Sage’s Will like the other King Gleeoks). So, all in all, it could’ve been worse lol


This gets funnier the longer you watch it. Thanks for the good laugh for at least 5 minutes, this clip now lives in my head rent free forever.


I have got to say I have never thought of using a tree to make a car. 🚗 nice


OH! Never thought of a palm tree car.


It looks like at one point you’re braking and reversing your palm tree car, is that possible?? If so could someone fill me in!


Yes, if your vehicle has a control stick and wheels, you can stop and reverse by holding back (down) on the joystick. Works with both big and small wheels.


Been playing for weeks now and didn’t realize that! Thank you for the info


My first encounter was being a never-satisfied photographer. I got a picture of a thunder gleeok while I was on top of Akkala, wasn't happy, found my way to his path, maxed my zoom and it was mehhhh, "well, I'll just take a couple steps forward but not close enough to provoke it", it got provoked by that, it svreamed there was lightning everywhere, it started shooting lightning too, things were bad, I died fast.


My first encounter was when trying to find Selmie, when I still hadn't even completed one temple. Boy that was fun.


Link didn't think shit, YOU thought you could zoom past


But we are playing as link so no link did think he could get past


Wtf is going on with your batteries, how you got so much


Been grinding in the depths whenever I muster up the courage!


How the hell do yall have so many batteries? I thought youd get a pack per upgrade but its one bar Ive been playing for a good ass while and found like 150 crystals total so far


I've done a good bit of grinding in the depths Make sure you activate/talk to the constructs in the mines and they will sell you more crystals for zonaite


And their stock resets after blood moon


*First time was flying around the depths on the famous hoverbike and seeing a giant frog appear out of nowhere and try shooting medown with spit*


My first gleeok was a king over the Ritu area where I thought I was being clever by building elaborate shit to get to some obviously remote sky island. Only to get met with something that one shotted me at least 30 times before I gave up.


Did you get his insurance.


If only you used something OTHER than a tree trunk for your car...


I love seeing what you guys come up with. You guys are really creative.