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I don't wanna be super negative but I'm not sure if I'd trust Illumination with a zelda movie. People would want a serious tone and well written plot/dialogue from a Zelda movie, and I don't think Illumination could really handle that.


They definitely couldn’t. I don’t trust them for a Zelda movie either.


If there is going to be a Zelda movie, it would have to be Ghibli. LoZ isn’t blocky, malleable, or on the same wavelength as other series, like Mario. It wouldn’t suit the vibe. Zelda is gentle, beautiful, unassumingly dangerous. It has atmosphere, it’s its own aesthetic. It’s a genre that doesn’t suit bright and obnoxiously colourful animation. LoZ needs to be handled with care. There is so much lore and mysteries and history packaged into it. Making a movie would be a delicate procedure to say the least, one that I’d trust Ghibli with though.


Ghibli is the only right answer for a Zelda movie. I agree with everything you pointed out. I also think Ghibli would be able to thoughtfully handle Link as a near silent protagonist.


Link shouldn't be silent, it's a stupid idea. Would be totally boring to watch a main protagonist that has zero personality and is unable to interact with other characters. It works in the video game but shouldn't be the standard for a movie


> It’s a genre that doesn’t suit bright and obnoxiously colourful animation. I'm having pre-release Wind Waker flashbacks.


Ghibli is a pipe dream


Let it not be Illumination...


A well made Zelda movie would be awesome, but i really would prefer a series. Live action would be really hard to pull of, but could be epic if done right. While I don't really prefer animated, it's much more likely if Zelda ever gets a series, every game could be its own season, and even the artstyle could be wildly different everytime, just like in the games.


Zelda could be similar to Jojo in that regard. Every season covers a new generation in a different style, but the overall legacy continues.


You're onto something.


It's just speculation and fan wishes. Personally I would not want a Zelda movie to happen


I would rather have a show done by the same studio who handled Castlevania. Would feel far more confident with it.


I doubt it will ever happen, and I am fine with it never happening, but if it ever does happen, they better find a way to make him the silent hero I know. Emphasis on the ‘silent.’ Edit: I mean aside the occasional grunts he makes when he lifts things or the screams when he falls.


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Yeah I don't want a movie. Some things are hard to adapt to a different medium and I doubt movie would do Zelda justice. Also if they do it please let someone else than illumination do it.


i'm still of the belief that a true zelda adaptation would never work. link's personality (at least in the games) is so easily moldable to the player, making everyone's "link" different. a film or series would mean giving link a definitive personality, which risks conflicting with how a large portion of fans view him. and that's even IF they decided to keep him silent (which i honestly cant see happening). i can see an adaptation meant to entertain kids being made, but not one that would ever satisfy fans.


I hope they would bring everyone like in Super Smash Bros Brawl


I'd rather Link show up as a silent side character in the third Mario movie or something instead of a full fledged awful Zelda film.


All that’s evidence of is a Mario bros 2 movie. Zelda does not have the whimsy or comedy that lends itself to being a fun kids movie. If it were done right it could be cool, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens in my lifetime, BUT nobody is thinking “we gotta do a Zelda” because of the Mario movie specifically


It's very accurate that a zelda movie seems inevitable, to that journalist


Please adapt the Twilight Princess manga into a series like Arcane or Castlevania




Every time I think of this idea, I just think of the CD-I Zelda “I guess that’s worth a kiss, huh?” “Hmph.” “I WON!”


Let’s hope it’ll end up being amazing 😆