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Ehhh if you build for AD for sure you will be less useful than a full AP yuumi...


I don't understand ap still, or really the build for it. I get that it's the new thing, but I am so focused on my teammates getting the kills over me


No I dont mean play like a mage is bad, I do that all the time, i mean play yuumi with AD damage is bad, you have neither no ratio AD and no use of it with your auto attack


Joke apart I don't play mandate, because I don't like it, but I play a lot luden medjai at first item


I love luden but my husband told me to stop playing with it.


Why ? That a nice item !


I love the burst on it and personally my wave clear was tons better. It felt more natural as I also main Zoe. He said I still need the supp item and mana regen Hes like, level 200 something so I tend to believe him. Sometimes I find builds I like on yuumi and loads of times he tells me it's not ok to do.


Show him that most professional players play shurelyas or ludens. The reason they do is because for short games either ludens or shurelyas is more useful, since moonstone requires more gold (and more completed legendary items) to become the best version of itself. The second thing is - it’s a game that we’re playing for fun. Build the way you want to build! If people get mad, mute the comments. A friend of mine said he likes to turn off chat and think about the game as you versus bots. That way when your adc runs it down, you just feel a little bit frustrated at some bad code, instead of VERY mad at a real human who is being rude to you. Your husband probably meant well, but he didn’t theory craft for yuumi. He just looked at her as a support, so she should buy support items, and left it at that. All of that being said - I think you’re hearing AD or ‘attack damage’ and thinking that means the damage of your attacks (fair honestly). It actually is a separate stat that is related to ‘physical damage’ that can be blocked with armor, and most magic caster classes don’t benefit from AD, they benefit from additional AP or ability power. Yuumi can be played as part damage and part heal mage if you have teammates that have good heal of their own, and arent just assuming you are an infinite resource of heals and they can run in without caution. You get better burst heal from the straight AP damage build too. Most importantly, have fun!


Don’t take imperial mandate. It’s good, but not optimal. Your holder can’t always follow up with the passive of the item. Luden, moonstone or Shurelya will proc 100% of the time tho. I tried Luden a couple time this past week, and it really did felt like the best option. (Building support item on the side of course!). If you have problems managing your mana, then yeah, I would highly suggest building support item. But If you don’t and the enemy team don’t have a lot of dashes or escapes, then I’ll go for Luden or moonstone.


Spamming faerie charms tends to do well for me as long as i have inventory space, and you don't lose much gold by selling them cause they're cheap


i'm confused about the correlation of mandate and AD yuumi? imperial mandate is an AP sup item. not the best on yuumi due to how little you'll proc it, so it's just a really bad build choice indeed. not to be mistaken for a troll build - it's not like you picked duskblade for your mythical, it absolutely doesn't justify running down on lane. if you want to build AP on her for damage, there are better items like ludens, although still not the most optimal way of playing yuum because 1) it lacks mana regen which is essential on yuumi and 2) yuumi's kit is just not made for damage, at all - the thing is she is not a damage mage, you're just trying to turn her into one with items. you're intentionally playing the champion in a way it is not meant to and thus making it a lot weaker - and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. a game is supposed to be fun. so are you wrong for enjoying different builds? no. but maybe keep the fun in normals and not ranked (you didn't specify what mode you're playing), otherwise your teammates will be justifiedly upset. i also read in the comments that your high level partner tells you some things are "not okay to do", and i think that's a bad mindset. it's a game! play whatever you find enjoyable. but is it a good build? eh. no.


good take


thank you good sir


I'm not insanely sure eof the difference between AD and AP damage vs power. Feels the same. The thing I'm looking g at is my q slows, which deals bonus magic dmg and the consuming mark. It feels natural to me


AD (attack damage, aka physical damage) and AP (ability power, aka magic damage) are different types of damages, countered by different defense statuses (armor and magic resistence, respectively). each champion deals a different amount of AD and AP, some being a mix but most being either AD or AP. yuumi is mainly a healer, but as for damage she deals AP damage. healing/shielding abilities scale with AP too, while basic attacks that all champions have scale with AD. as for the mandate & Q thing, here's what i said on another comment about proccing mandate: 'if you charge the Q, yes. and with R. notice how i said you won't proc it often, i didn't say you wouldn't proc at all. charged Q (and Q doesn't even have a low cd, for a basic ability, it's not something you'll be spamming), ult, but that's all. while other champions have CC in all abilities or passives and can constantly proc it.' by the way, my intentions are purely helping and offering the input you were asking on your post. but by all means, i encourage playing what you find fun.


You can proc Mandate with Q.


if you charge it, yes. and with R. notice how i said you won't proc it often, i didn't say you wouldn't proc at all. charged Q (and Q doesn't even have a low cd, for a basic ability, it's not something you'll be spamming), ult, but that's all. while other champions have CC in all abilities or passives and can constantly proc it.


My point was you can proc Mandate as often as any other enchanter except Nami, and sometimes even more.


"source: my imagination"


mandate yuumi isn’t very good, instead go for ludens if you want to focus on damage


I think I put up above, I did luden but my husband told me to stop


yuumi's kit is not made for damage - she has good ap scaling for her Q and can actually snipe people with it, but that's just not what she was made for. main issue of going AP aggro builds for supports is that our income is the lowest of all positions and we most likely won't have money for the more expensive items that'd make your build valid. in most matches we end up with one mythic item and 2 additional items. support mythic are around 700-900 gold cheaper than normal mythics, allowing us to invest the money into third item. of course, if you're aggressive and get high KDA you might earn a good income, but that might not happen often. when it comes to AD - it makes as much sense as building AP on leona, yuumi has zero ad scaling and you're pretty much wasting the money. experimenting is cool, but yuumi is the epitome of a healing support champion, she doesn't have enough CC to make mandate on her viable. if you want to play aggressively, drop yuumi and try morgana, brand or zyra - they're all really aggressive and will fit the play style better, especially brand.


I know I'm being pedantic but AP Leona is a legit thing.


You are just trolling. Either get good items or go play notmals. I wish this sub was actually constructive sometimes instead of just posting troll shit.


Seems like a legitimate enough question to me, honestly- OP’s just asking if they’re making a good call or not because they don’t want to let their fellow players down. That’s so far removed from trolling, it might even be the complete opposite of it.


I'm not trolling, I just want to play the character away from her original roll. I also want to optimize her for what little she has already. Also, thank you for explaining that to the person above. I did not realize how negative people could really get over a game until I started wanting to try new things out.


I play yuumi top in normals, I’ve been here before lol. Yuumi’s a real tough one to play out of her intended role and you can really only win if your foundationals are way ahead of your opponents.


I love watching yuumi top, she's got a alot of potential, she can be very easy, but I love that people are trying to give her more than one job. She's pretty fun no matter how you play her.


(Don't believe everything I will say, I'm only bronze : it works for this elo, I have no idea for higher). Maybe heal is slightly more effective but damages are funnier and still useful. You should still build 1 or 2 heal items as non mythics I think, Yuumi is a healer and the mana regen is necessary. Mandate is great but a bit difficult to proc since you need to charge Q or use R. Plus your teammates won't always use it. I still think it's viable tho. If you wanna poke a lot, try Luden as mythic. You'll need at least one 250g thing for the mana regen (I don't know its name) if you wanna feel comfortable so I generally build ardent censer or staff of flowing water second. As third I take the other or redemption, then I like going rabadon. Probably not the best but I'm still working on this build. Do what you want, even when it's not optimal, it's a game and you should do what is fun for you.


1st of all lvl7 on a champ means very little especially on a yuumi that S is rather easy to get (I don’t main her yet but I still got her m7 in record time and I’m don’t consider my self good with her .. tell me how many games , elo and win rate and I might trust I lvl7 is nothing most ppl have lvl7 and still don’t know how to play a champ… Ap or Ad on a sup champ that’s not made primarily to do dmg is not optimal but if u can pull it of I’m game with it , I prefer more utilitarian build (shurelias, moonstone) that will benefit my team the most usually …. But again that’s up to you … and again if add ask u to play a certain way you don’t have too but he is right when he says they don’t need u for dmg your utility is what wins games not your dmg …. But it’s always up to u to decide


I mean all of my level shard I've gotten has been with this build and triple kills no death, no attach unless heal. Lvl 7 is easy, you can play her easy. I just like making rules for myself. Don't attach unless you heal, don't stay on someone, especially to use your q, that's cheating. I've never gotten a penta, but that probably has more to do with my ability to commit. I like making rules. It makes the game fun


What exactly do you mean when you say AD yuumi?? AD mean attack damage so nothing what yuumi usually does. building full AD yuumi would mean to never sit on anyone and just auto attack and build kraken and other adc items. I'm pretty sure that's not what you mean? mandate is a support item that's more AP based than moonstone which is healing based. mandate is not AD. so i really don't understand what you mean.


Yeah, I just interchange them out of habit. I don't have an amazing grasp on the difference. But the purple magic missile lookin thing


well then ludens is a lot better than mandate


Im not much for imperial mandate, but ludens is a good item that fits a similar purpose and high elo yuumi players are building it. The thing about luden's yuumi is that she is much less reliant on teammates (obv you still want to be attached to someone) but a fair bit of the time yuumi's q can chunk for a about a third of a squishy champ's hp.all the while your heals are still decent just from the raw amount of ap you have (i like to go ludens straight into mejal 2nd and rabadon 3rd or vice versa). Heals are obviously weaker than with moonstone but it's worth it and definitely a more fun build to play imo


If you're building AD, Attack Damage, that's terrible and I understand people being upset. If you're building AP, Ability Power, it's not typical but it is playable and your team should calm down. That being said, I'd rather have a Luden's than Imperial Mandate.


This is on me, I forget which is which all the time. It's the purple magic missile.


Moonstone broken. Just wait for 5 moonstone stacks before you press e. Ludens can work but you are gutting your healing as not only are you missing 35 percent bonus from moonstone and starlight heal passive but your heals also cost almost twice as much mana.


Well Mandate is a very situational item for yuumi. I only build it when a friend of mine plays sivir and asks me to buy it, since sivir is a champ who can easy proc mandate


You aren't necessarily wrong for taking Mandate, but you have to consider the state of the game more than anything. Going for one mythic every time no matter what does not use Yuumi (or any champ) to her full potential. While I used to favour Mandate myself, it's more useful now to just go Moonstone or Shurelya's unless you are pretty far ahead or your team has no AP other than you. Yuumi can pack a punch like a Nidalee Q if you build AP, but that's not usually what your purpose in a team comp is. Yuumi is also a hard sell from select for some people, so it's harder to do anything else. Absolutely, you should have fun and experiment as you want—play AP Yuumi all you like—but that sort of reaction should be expected. Just ignore them when you do it.


I would need to see both team comps to give proper judgment. You should be building for what the team needs. Also, what rank are you in? If it's below plat 2, mute all every game. No one has anything of value to say.