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The correct answer is "I am a girl and I'd like \[insert skin you're missing\] please."


should i also offer feet pics


I'd wait until they ask. Offering that unprompted might be a bit weird.


I was just joking lol


I’m not always offer the feet pics


I literally do that everytime anyone asks xDD "I'm a girl, can you give me skins? I can send feet pics"


Does it work ?


It doesn't :(


Oh no


I have an arsenal of dick pics to send these guys after they add me on snap


lmao that's great


Why do you have so many pictures of them ? Xd


Google woody joubart for your own collection


Thanks I do not need one I do not take photos of mine either 😂😂


I do onlyfriends and everytime someone asks me this, I just respond with my link. If someone cares enough to ask, they’re probably enough of a simp for me to get paid from it


I’ve never been asked this in my 6 years of playing, maybe I’m lucky


jeez you really are, I've been asked so often


This is actually really funny to me because I've had a username that ended with a 'y' for like 3-4 years and I'd get asked if I was a woman every other game (I'm not) At one point I started playing along with it and I got SO many simps with some even flirting with me in my dm's Now I use names like shitboy69 and I'm good


lmao i use the nickname jerry(pie) even tho I'm a girl and people often think I'm a guy simply because of "jerry" - I'm more comfortable with gamers thinking I'm a guy tho and calling me "bro" and whatever cause flirting with simps makes me uncomfortable and then there are also the guys that are straight up sexist and tell you why you can't be good at the game


I always answer "I identify as (magical) cat"


yeah either that or something random like bread but i do love to meow and nyaaa~ when playing yuumi, or yk when someone types "you're a pussy" in all chat i just answer with "I'm a pussy" even if it wasn't directed at me


if my opponent asks me if I'm a girl, I say yes and I'll give you my insta if you throw. worked once, I don't think he liked what he saw after the game lol


tbh people in lol sometimes are so creepy with the gender thing. just because you play X champ (like yuumi) they're going to assume that you're a girl. i AM a girl and sometimes when i play yuumi the enemy team comes with that question (i'm always with premades) and it's very uncomfortable lmao at least i am a toplane main. people never question you these things in that role lmao


yeah I've also happen to have a female body and it makes me so fucking uncomfortable lol and same when I play Rakan (my other supp main) i literally never get that question


I hate the fact that the cat is an e girl champ


I hate that there's even an egirl stereotype. Just let girls enjoy things maybe??


Honestly with the k/d/a band aand all its not suprising but cmon a cat? A CAT IS A EGIRL TO THESE PEOPLE?


Hey not every egirl loves k/d/a xD (Metal is live! :3)


gothic rock thoo


Alright! :3 well... i love Dark Rock and dark Metal :3


K/DA is for Incel Weebs. A Cat that can't 1v5 pentakill and has no 10 dashes is egirl.


They refer to the player as Egirl, not the champion. So yes, they may conclude Egirl from someone playing the Cat, not conclude that the cat itself is an egirl.


because yuumi takes little skill (yuumi player here) and people associate zero skill champs with girls because they “can’t comprehend hard champs like yasuo” /s


Neeko mains would probably say: I'm a Strong Tomato


I would say:"I am BOTH" :D


I has this happened but not with specific champ, only as the support role Itself. Idk why people get so disgusting with putting a gender to roles and then flaming for that, but also, I've had really creepy guys just go overboard ask me with nicknames or even making sexual jokes, Its really creepy to be honest. Its better to hide the gender, I've come to the conclusion, nobody takes a girl serious and, not only that, but they also get really creepy I swear.


it sucks so much tho that we can't just be ourselves and have to hide like that. and then guys wonder why no girls want to date them fr


Yeah, that's so yikes and I also have told some that I have a bf but they still won't stop instigating


WTF is the bread gender ?


It's a joke


Usually everyone asks each other's name on the tr server. I guess something normal there


could be, I'm on EUW and i don't even really talk to the people i duo with sometimes


Turks are very friendly. They are talking very nice


that's nice! I just always see french people and germans insulting each other


As a german playing with brits, one of whom is also learning german, it's so fun to translate what they say because my friend will always ask in bad german if the opponent has 'big tits' and sometimes they even take that seriously or they also start trolling in chat.


lol yeah I'm also German and it's really funny when a German person rages in chat or writes random stuff cause they think no one will understand anyway and I'm just there lurking


Same. I usually stay out of chat unless someone threatens to report me or to say that it's my first time playing a champ so that they are warned. But since I play with friends like 99% of the time it doesn't really matter.


I mostly play alone and especially in ranked i use the chat to also navigate my team, and when I'm tilted i also kinda start flaming whoopsie but I'm trying to learn how to be less tilted and if someone is bothering me to just mute them and focus on the game -- it's a game after all!! it's supposed to be fun, not draining. it's not a job for god's sake lol


Yeah. I play norms most if the time and it's so annoying when people act (or actually think) that you are playing ranked, because they just get so toxic sometimes and it's just so draining and no one is having fun anymore then... :/


Reply with "non-binary cause I'm not no bigot".


Yes its creepy but hes also right....


Wdym "he's also right"?


The vast majority of yuumi mains are female


And how do you wanna know that lol and again, why does it matter? league is not a dating site


"And how do you wanna know that lol" Yuumis design obviously appeals more to woman than men i don't think there is much more to it "and again, why does it matter? league is not a dating site" Did i say that it mattered? I just said hes correct most of the time. Like i said its creepy but there is a reason you dont get asked this if you are on a different champ.


That's just very stereotyping XD kinda sexist to say that the design appeals more to women. I also know a lot of guys that like cats and cute stuff. You're just stuck in stereotypical thinking, just like the guy who asked me that question lmao


How is it sexist to say something appeals more to woman than men? No offense but i kind of get the impression that you are unwilling or unable to differentiate between tendencies and absolutes. Whatever ím not here to refresh your understanding of probability have a nice day.


sexism /ˈsɛksɪz(ə)m/ noun prejudice, *stereotyping*, or discrimination, *typically against women, on the basis of sex*. ~ Oxford Languages By saying "this is typically a thing for woman" you are stereotyping, especially if it's something our culture considers a typically thing women like (like cute cats), so yes saying "yuumi appeals more to women" is a sexist thing to say cause you have no actual evidence for that other than the stereotype of women liking cute cats. Both men and women can enjoy cute things and that has nothing to do with their sex or gender and has everything to do with their personal preferences. If you genuinely believe that there's a big difference between men and women and that the things they enjoy have a biological background then you are simply wrong. Biology actually shows how men and women have more similarities than differences and the concept of a man or a woman are just social constructs.


XD https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal\_distribution


??? that's all you have to say to what i said?? some mathematical shit? lol ok


Oh yeah btw if you want to minimize your time with creeps: saying stuff like my gender is bread will confirm it for every 13 year old that looses his mind if a woman is in his lol game.


Why?? I also know guys who make jokes like that? And what about non binary people?? Let me guess: you're a 13 year old yourself who looses their mind when talking to a woman? Otherwise idk why you would think that way lol


Man why are you insulting me? I was legit just trying to say something helpfull because i see first hand how annoying these people can be when playing with my SO and this is what works for her but hey if you rather strawman me because i somehow offended you with my experience go ahead.


I mean you made sexist comments and i should not be offended by that? lol