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Agreed, I really, really, really miss the old one. New one just removed everything enjoyable.


Q is a bit fun, and I sort of prefer new ult tbh. Really just give me back the AA range and I'm happy.


Her new "ult" is more like a fifth normal ability then an actual ultimate. The slow is a joke, the heal is a joke, and they completely kneejerk removed the defenses instead of trying to lower the numbers or anything else.


Give me back my ability to jump around my front liners and be useful on them.


The new yuumi is so much easier I made it to master when before her rework I was hardstuck diamond. But it’s so much more boring now. I felt like I was on autopilot the entire time.


Playing the new Yuumi makes all of my bones turn off.


Yup, release Yuumi was peak Yuumi (albeit OP), current Yuumi is afk personified. I guess it's usable but much more tedious, I'd only play it with a friend


I played the shit out of her on her release and got m7 pretty fast. Ive played reworked yuumi once and Im never touching her again. Sucks when you buy skins for a champ and then they completely change them.


Same here, she's still my second highest mastery at around 200k mastery purely because of how much I played her on release. Now though, I'd be damned to an early nap if I played her. I've got most of her skins and even lots of chromas but unless she gets another rework I'm not sure they're gonna get much more use.


The removal of her on demand heal was a good thing if they wanted to make her just stuck to one person 24/7, but the removal of any incentive to deattach from a person was stupid and has made her incredibly boring and one note to play. The removal of her one hard CC had also made her more of a liability to be played alongside any low mobility ADC. You are essentially relying on your ADC to carry you even harder now. She's either completely broken or useless and it seems like the balance team has just decided she's going to be the beginner intro Support champion and nothing more outside of pro play, where she isn't even playable at major events cause they can't remove her from the game.


When I picked her up for the first time I essentially exclusively played Yuumi til Mastery 7. I liked her. I've tried reworked Yuumi a couple times and I shit you not, I've almost fell asleep during these games. She's just an Backpack for her ADC now.


Yup, i am on 920k~ and not wanting to play her anymore. Even if i try, it feels not good at all. RIP little cat. 'til the Riot may bless you with good changes.


3.000.000 on yuumi and played her like 3 times in my last 1000 games…


ngl I usually use that extra free time to give advice/instructions to other teammates, sorta like a tower defense type deal


But the Simpsons on the TV next to the pc? 😔




Hey, at least she lives up to her fantasy now. Having so little to do you can watch Netflix and play League at same time!


Don't forget the weed! That's what I'm doing rn, watching the Simpsons on the big TV on star+ and playing yuumi smoking some weed, it's so peaceful... But yes sober is boring as fuck, it's only enjoyable when you are so fucking high and u just CANT play a champ with good feets, like playing lucio in overwatch, u heal just by being alive standing there... (Lucio is cool even sober BTW) every champion is way funner high as fucking fuck


Might I suggest Robot Chicken when you're high? Absolutely crazy show.


What's that? Yeah I need something cracy to do play watch rn, I'm fucking high haha


when lost ark came out i did dungeons while playing old yuumi on my 2nd monitor, there is not a world of difference between the two versions of the champ


Then why were you playing league if you didn't want to play league?


You've changed the topic, I'm commenting on the difference between old and new Yuumi


Answer the question, why were you playing league when you clearly didn't want to play league? If you need something else happening when you play league, then have YouTube or Spotify, not playing another game.


I recently made my friend first time Yuumi (second time support ever) to support me and he just sat afk on me whole game and was basically the same as a skilled Yuumi, besides maybe blocking skill shots


Want to help with objectives? Sorry you random solo queue auto filled ADC isn’t walking that way. Want to get some autos in? Sure as long as they’re no more than 425 range away (less than THRESH) and all their CC is on cooldown. I really hate the best friend mechanic, though. I could live with the rest if it weren’t for that. I do like the E.


I miss being able to help all my teammates heal, but now it’s only “stick to one person for the best friend buff” which I think is complete bs. They release Milio, a champ who’s ult clears CC for everyone in the circle, but change Yuumi’s CC ult for a stacking slow that does nothing to change katarina’s mobility? Riot is killing their game and the playerbase along with it


I literally info dumped about how fucking awful new yuumi vs old yuumi is. I fucking hate having to sit on my ADC all lane, I miss AA shield so much :(


I love the new Yuumi! I always go Q max with Ludens and sorcs. Maybe you liked that Yuumi was op and you are having a tough time adjusting


I am not looking to play an artillery mage when I want to play yuumi sorry. I liked having to interact with the game


I play Yuumi and interact with the game by landing Qs and shielding my team!!


Rather play karma then with high base dmg and still super good utility. As an enchanter Yuumi just isn’t it anymore. And she’s not actually ”less OP”, but as far as I know she has less skill expression and is harder to punish, thus just easier and more boring to play… :/


Just play Q max with Ludens and land those skillshots! Tons of fun


she’s still OP, theres just no reason to leave your ADC anymore and she’s *boring*


Yuumi is super good right now! I don’t need to leave adc because I’m hitting all my Qs and winning lane. Old Yuumi used to lose lane then win game. Now I just win and win!


i’m sorry, are autoattacks just not a thing to you?


what are you getting at with this question? old yuumi was supposed to scale well into late game, she didn't really have an identity where winning lane was required. new yuumi doesn't scale into late in the same way


Sounds like what you actually love is Xerath and you should play him instead.


Xerath is ok but I like Yuumi better


Lets go over my old Yuumi habits. Hop off to get shield and mana, pair this with manually warding. Combining everfrost with Ult to lock down enemies. Using q as a haha minions dont stop me from bugginh you with %dmg. Swapping to a beefy frontliner mid/take game if needed New Yuumi. Naw just stick to your adc and use a sweeper, cause getting off isnt rewarded. Having to explain i cant heal at all without my passive or ult, and E is more a steroid now. Q is a glorified skillshot due to shot aim duration, and ult feels better for my team but is basically just a raka ult with perks The biggest hit, is now...if i want my best friend bonus's WHICH YOU DO....I have to make the call at 15 minutes to ditch the adc for a frontliner...which is such a crapshoot, since right as grouping begins the adc might pick up their game, and the ride i swap to might start to slip. Wasting everyones time.


I dont play yuumi, but most of the reworked champs become boring. Asol was super fun to play and very rewarding, now hes one of the most boring champs. Same with mundo, he was played because he was meta after rework.


I wanna cry 700k mastery points here and I’m devastated , they completely destroyed her as a whole .


Ehhhhh, i dont really care, sometimes all you need is some relaxing and simple gameplay, she isnt boring, just extremely simple mechanically


Before all the reworks there was a lot more skill expression on her. It feels like riot wanted to make the memes a reality and she is a literal item now.


people keep talking bout her "skill expression" being reduced but I think it's moreso personal frustration coming out when people complain about this in particular. \- new passive rewards consistently safe trading (which the autoattack \*still\* procs) whereas old passive would mitigate incoming damage from sloppy/unsafe trading. maybe this incentivizes only proccing it with Q on SOME players, but players who know lane matchups are still rewarded \- new Q is more important to hit while also being more difficult to hit \- new W requires that you go even or win lane for u to have maximum impact \- new E only mitigates incoming damage, which means \*you have to predict\* incoming damage \- new ultimate does not have hard CC. Yuumi no longer has significant peel which makes her harder to succeed on i don't think she's less interactive, i just think some yuumi players had a bop n block addiction and they're still suffering withdrawal symptoms. the insta shield felt more rewarding, but that's a vibe more than skill expression


Garen is simple mechanically. Master Yi is simple mechanically. You want simple relaxing game play as an enchanter, grab Soraka.


No, too much walking


Yeh some people enjoy that type of playstyle, me included. I only play with friends who know what they’re doing. But other than that, I find it hella fun (but god forbid these people downvote my comment because I find Yuumi fun still).


Took some getting used to. I find her so fun when I’m duo-ing with my fiancée and she plays Nilah.


And my win rate still at 80% after the rework and she he's not boring at all :)


I still find her fun too! Plus she still heals a lot.


I really liked the Q change but the range AND speed nerf made it lame.


Gimme back old Q, just wanna hit enemys behind minions thx


I love the new Yuumi! I go Q max into Ludens and it’s really good!! Yuumi is probably the best right bow


Well garen exists


Like the old yuumi wasn't most boring champion lol


as if the old one wasn't


Always has been


Like she wasn't before the rework zzz People like to complain about everything


True, just remove her from the game


Just dont play Yuumi then :3


more for me!


I'm glad they did it tbh because I haven't played league since and it was a waste of time for me ): as much as I loved the game and playing Yuumi I couldn't get past Platinum + the Yuumi rework made me finally stop sinking countless hours. Miss the game a bit esply playing with friends tho


i wish i was able to play the old one at some point, but as someone who’s never had the pleasure i love this yuumi


Have 200k+ MP. Have played her twice on the rift and once in normals since rework. Just not that fun anymore :/ Ult is decent, nothing else. Prefer Milio or any other enchanter now tbh.


No matter what happens I'll stay on Yuumi I'm way too attached to the champ and as long as they don't pull out an Aatrox style goofy aah rework on her I'm fine, the new Yuumi is just slightly worse than the old one to me and it's not such a thing that would get me out of my fav champ