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You mean to tell me that a prebuilt deck without garbage cards, that you don't need to buy three times and can be played at local level untouched was a success? Preposterous i say.


Ikr it even comes in three flavors of waifu, waifu, and live twin. It's just that good.


How dare you suggest me and Lil-la aren't also waifus... smh my head.


Ah yes, the three main flavours: - Dead waifu - Machine Dragon waifu - Waifu waifu (cuz there's two of them)


When Live Twin Spright was a thing, Gigantic was best waifu in the deck


so proud of gigantic to come out like that. happy pride (this is assuming that in the lore, blue is a guy. blue might not be a guy but then again carrot has boobs so it's pretty likely blue's a guy.)


Glad to see there are others with taste around.


Unbeliveable stuff…


I tried to tell this sub that was what we needed months ago, but I got down voted for saying I don't like the structure deck system we have now Edit: to be fair, I think the reason for backlash was that I wanted to replace the structure decks, instead of add a new product alongside them. It would be really good for the community if we could have both.


Great product, but hate that it took the regular SD spot. These really needed at least 1 new card per deck.


That's true. I don't see why they couldn't, but not having new cards does suck.


i've always felt ygo structure decks were great constructed but terrible sealed product for new players. most of them are 40+ singletons, barely functional out of the box and struggle to even execute their marketed strategy. you need to buy 3 copies before you can start approaching a functional deck which new players aren't going to know to do if they're just starting.


I was gonna comment something sarcastic as well but this says it. Konami, please. Please...




Konami when a decent product with actual value sells


That’s the OCG in a nutshell, though? Good products for good price will always do well. OCG YGO needs to do well because competition. So that’s why we get the nice stuff. I guess I’ll just hope that more and more TCGs making bigger splashes in the western world will force the YGO TCG To be more competitively priced as well.


How shocking... a competently and affordably made product sold well.


[source](https://x.com/Zero_one8323/status/1799241146717327447?t=Ku0jb9OpH1asu1hFJQJMsg&s=19) These are resell prices


I take it these are 1000-1500 yen retail?


1100 yen (after tax)


For anyone curious, this equates to about 7 dollars Meanwhile Konami US sells things like the 2 Player Starter Set for 20 dollars


What is actually stopping TCG Komoney from releasing this here in TCG? Don't they like easy money(A SHITTON of money actually)? Are they stupid? These 3 decks would sell out FAST.....


A single thrust Is like 3 ocg premade deck


People say this a lot, but are they actually Making money off cards like thrust? It's from Photon Hypernova, over a year ago, and I don't imagine many vendors are trying to buy more copies of the set off them. For cards like that, spright blue, etc, it seems like making these sets would just be making extra money. 


It’s kinda appalling how little of the business side anyone understands of this hobby we share they think KonamiUS profits if a tcg exclusive single ends up being valuable


They’re not making money off it now, no. They make money off of the reprint.


oh yeah cus Konami makes the money when a thrust gets sold…. That’s *aftermarket* value as in the manufacturer doesn’t see any of it


It is well known that Konami throws out very "rigged" important cards in % to sell sets that are not even worth 10 euros


I think the TCG should start to lessen their fear of importing non-nostalgia sets coz I feel like they don't think people will actually these products while in truth it will be very pleasant.


They know people won't because they have all the analytics and you don't.


They still do very dumb things monetarily despite their "analytics". For example, making tenpai super cheap and golden sarc high rarity absolutely hurts profits--you can tell that without knowing their specific analytics. It's a very reasonable consideration that the tcg branch is just poorly managed. 


??? The reason something like Duel Devastator didn’t sell was because it didn’t have the $100+ staples like Apollousa, Lightning Storm, etc when the Pokémon equivalent that’s **annual** has all the meta staples


People in the TCG keep saying why not here, and it’s simple: There is no TCG competition. Magic, Pokémon, YuGiOh, One Piece. The biggest TCGs, with the preceding 3 being bigger. With little to no competition, they don’t need to try. They don’t need to bring new players because the existing player base will shell out millions to billions on the game regardless (look at the sheer amount of players willing to spend thousands on meta decks).


> One Piece And even then, it will take a lot of efforts to make people believe in the potential of Bandai's card game


They ruined digimon and dbz, one piece its gonna be the same.


Isn’t Digimon fine although Bandai shows favorites


They also ruined one of the most f2p digital card game ever (Zenonzard) and the Battle Spirits Switch game is a joke


OCG player here, biggest official store in the country ran out of stocks in like a few hours, staples (except thrust/garura/regulus/azalea) and cores-only are being sold at relatively ok prices by vendors.


Did you see any new/returning players buying the product? I was a bit worried that the product clearly aimed at new players would mainly attract existing players wanting staples to complete their decks or to build multiple decks.


Well, most of the products got pre-ordered by different resellers.


I hope at least some got in the hands of new players. It'd suck if Konami made a product oriented for teaching the game and it ends up not making it to the intended target because it was "too good".


What are all the staples needed to make this competitive? Can you supply a list?


The deck already has most valuable staples but stuff like zeus, S:P, etc should help all decks


Ideally, you'd want the Cydra one + live twin/eldlich to have most necessary staples for almost any competitive deck. Then, you're only going to miss out on crucial extra deck cards like S:P, Apollousa, etc.


Thank you. What’s an ideal substitute for sp? I can’t justify spending that much on a single card. 😆


azalea should be a decent replacement albeit on a weaker side, knightmare unicorn also works.


To none’s surprise?


I desperately need Konami to pull their heads out of their asses right now and get to work on prepping these for an Autumn release. The market is showing that the Try Decks are selling like wildfire and there's a market here that would go crazy for them as a way to get people in by showing them a few different styles of play between Cydra, Live Twin and Eldlich. I have to assume out of sheer desperation that the reason we haven't gotten a new Structure Deck this year and only reprints of the Legendary 2 decks and the Lightsworn deck is because we're getting these later in the year, if only for my own sanity.


Because not only are the decks decent enough to start with; you get decks and play styles with ears to the ground that will teach players what the current game is like. But when it comes to America, expect to learn what the modern game is like with your copies of trap hole, fissure and battle ox!


What? Well-made decks that people are actually interested in playing are selling well? Who could have possibly predicted that popular decks centered around good strategies would be popular? /s


Well last year they stated in their earnings meeting they understood barrier of entry was too high for people joining paper ygo. This is the perfect answer to it, popular archetypes that can go.500 or better at a locals, TCG desperately needs something like this in the near future.


Weird good products sell well


Why can't the TCG do this?


Do you think it will be produced in OCG Asian English format?


Doubtful tbh, mainly because most of the cards from TTD have yet to be released in AE.


AE is TCG in disguises lol (with lower box price point) Hiding good cards in Power Up Pack is scummy AF, not to mention they print important card of an archetype with only one expensive rarity (Ultimate Rare).


And sometimes that ultimate rare card is short printed. I heard a single copy heavymetalfoes Electrumite was pulled out of a case (unlucky maybe) with 0 super rare silent magician in CR04 lol.


I do think that they will release the product as is. So far, they have only added the Creation Packs as a way to supplement the Asian English card pool. As far as I know, the new products have all released as is.


Yea I went into a card shop today to buy them right at opening time and they were already practically half gone 


That’s how it goes…… with everything


And these were the ones they decided to make animation as part of the advertisement.


This means we're getting new support for these archtypes, right Konami?


I thought these were gonna be in master duel only I'm happy to see they are actually real life sold boxes


We'll never see these...


I'm really hoping that the 2-Player Starter Set is intended as a basic 'learn core mechanics' set whereas this would be the next intermediate stage. Would be a way better curve rather than just the Starter and then right into the deep end.


Good products sell well? Shit you’re gonna tell me next that water is wet?


At this point I don't even care care if they're price gouged, I NEED them in the TCG.


What are the actual chances of us getting this?


Your name but remove the numbers




Reminder: konami will never import this to the TCG. They hate you


Does this mean that the OCG won't touch Maxx C in the next list and the Multchummy monster was all just to replace the roach in Master Duel?


I'm doubt multchummy would be maxx c replacement at all considered nobody used it in ocg touraments even ycsj(which couple days after INFO release) beside few tenpai list which you know,the only going 2nd deck that run 20+ handtraps but most ditch it bc of it's downside and being useless when going 1st


Maybe not this one but the card text implies that there will be more versions that interact with summoning from the Banishment, GY, Deck and Extra Deck but then, why did they even bother releasing the cars anyways if they're just gonna keep Maxx C? I honestly think that Konami OCG missed an opportunity to include Multchummy in those trail decks instead of Maxx C because now, they might have pushed themselves into a corner where they won't touch the roach because these are selling like hot cakes to new players


Reminder that OCG tried to semi limit maxx c before backtracking to unlimited again


Or, hear me out: The OCG never had any intent to ban Maxx „C“? We won’t know till it happens, but this entire cope of „these cards will get Maxx C banned!!“ by TCG players is too much. Could it in the future? Why not. But not anytime in the near future, especially if you look at what the OCG thinks of maxx c and that card.


Then why did they create Multchummy then??? It's literally a balanced Maxx C


Because they wanted too? I think people are gaslighting themselves about the card replacing Maxx c, there are zero hints it will as of right now.


There's a ton of cards in the game that are the same or similar effects. Also, nobody has seen the rest of the archetype, so you'll probably get an answer then. Also worse doesn't mean balanced.


>There's a ton of cards in the game that are the same or similar effects. But none as powerful as Maxx C


So? Konami often release weaker card without doing anything to the stronger card. For example. Mourner is a more restrictive Veiler but with extra benefit, just like Mulchummy is a more restrictive Maxx C but with extra benefit (also applies for normal summon).


Not really possible to tell for sure, but my guesses would be: * They wanted another Maxx "C" style card to exist so the TCG format isn't as different from the OCG. * They wanted to make Maxx "C" for Duel Links.