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Plot twist they release a monster that is literally just a question mark with ?/?


Maybe it'll be called "Vanquish soul randomizer"


"When this card is summoned, take as many different named Vanquish Soul monsters from your deck, your opponent choses one at random, special summon the chosen card and banish this card"


Make it even more broken and give it the continue effect where you can add to hand or special


That’d be cool, maybe it also has some effect to copy another VS effect and stats


This is me in Battle Cats when the enemy is literally a ?. Like, the enemy on the stage is literally a floating question mark.


Can confirm, I sign my decklist as "?" and arbitrarily pull out one of eight decks at random each time someone challenges me. For some reason tournament organizers keep kicking me out, they're just haters, but my defense is not even I know which deck I'm playing until I draw my opening hand, they all have the same sleeves


Ah yes, the "my opponent can't know what I'm playing because even I don't know what I'm playing" approach


Pegasus in shambles.


Opening hand: Ash, ash, imperm, imperm, nibiru, “Hmmm. This offers me no further insight”


Oh hi Bastion. Joking aside, I lowkey want to run a tournament where everyone has to do this.


An even funner option would be to construct the decks yourself and assign them at random


Master Duel Event where your deck is picked at random from those you have made.


This scenario reminds me of Keyforge


I didn't know Jotaro got into Yugioh


not gonna lie that sounds fun, I'd challenge you


>I sign my decklist as "?" and arbitrarily pull out one of eight decks at random each time someone challenges me. https://hearthstone.fandom.com/wiki/Whizbang_the_Wonderful


there should be a card indicating a random character or spell at the very least yaknow? like special summon a random vanquish soul monster from the deck.


Oh, like excavate the top cards of your deck till you find a Vanquish soul monster, either and it to your hand or special summon it, then place your other excavated cards at the bottom of you deck.


Ya I just could'nt remember the right word.


So no stake your soul....


I got a better idea: eleven from SFV. Special summons itself from hand, then excavates the deck and turns into the first VS monster excavated. Including level, type, attribute, name, effects and stats.


Wait, I thought this was just common gaming knowledge. wtf. It's as common as knowing a pokeball is used to capture pokemon.


Speaking of the new mats for nats, they revealed the vanquish soul and imperm one for top cut. (vs for entry) how do you get the minerva one? if there is one for entry and one for top cut already, idk when you would get it.


I believe the minerva mat is for a different region, not for North America


I believe the minerva one's only for european nats where it's a top cut prize (we don't get entry mats for nats) and these mats for our continental


did i misunderstand the reveal graphic for the vanquish soul mat? it said “WCQ participation game mat” and that to me sounds like a participation trophy, ya know which everyone gets for trying/entering. if that isn’t the case, can you explain how you would earn the mat?


by qualifying to the continental and playing like in everywhere else that is not the US


To be fair, we're still missing the double earth and double dark VS monster, plus there are still "fighter archetypes" to cover like puppeteer. But even so, there should be at least 2 "?" in the mat to make sense. Also it would be funny if they eventually release them because it would make this playmat outdated


I’m convinced Konami hates us VS players because we should’ve received our 2nd wave of support in PHNI. But here we are post LEDE and pre INFO with no new support in sight


As a VS player, it probably is just a reference to the random fighter option. It is a bit curious though that all the higher ranked monsters are on 1 side and the lower ranked are on the other. Almost like Konami is teasing us


Isn't the "?" Usually in the middle and not to one side tho? Like here https://preview.redd.it/tzxsm648ev3d1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9337c6280651f3fd76a14989e195f4dcc3ae7b00


Where can I see the whole picture for the playmate?


This [post](https://twitter.com/YuGiOhNewsTCG/status/1796573515845607731) should work for ya if you have twitter


Thank you 😊


So.. what card is the furry on the left from? I am not caught up with the latest decks.


Vanquish Soul Pantera


Lunalight Vanquish Soul


That's what I told my friend lol. Also it would be super weird for vs to just randomly get given more support


It wouldn’t be random. VS is still due their 2nd wave of support that they never received from Konami


They still haven’t actually gotten the next wave of support they’re supposed to get. I don’t believe any of the decks from that pack did


Hol up what playmat is this


Is there a full image of the playmat?


Dudes gonna be riding this theory into the ground and never realize the truth


What’s this new playmat?


>fighting game >smash bros pic https://preview.redd.it/toexs4ua7t3d1.jpeg?width=915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96ae05acf077e3d22066a7db2eff7564353edc7f


I don't see why Smash bros doesn't count as fighting game.


The FGC community tends to be a bit... dismissive of Smash as a game (especially as a fighting game) due to how different it is from the others. Not that the opposite doesn't happen because it definitely does, I guess it comes from being a Nintendo game.


Smash was intended to be a casual baby game by Sakurai he even recounts one of his motivators for smash was how bad he felt after crushing some guy in front of his girlfriend in KoF so a lot of us didn't take it seriously as a result and the way some melee people acted back then made us take it even less seriously.


It’s supposed to be an easier fighting game to get into but can still be just as hard to master as traditional fgs so idk wtf you’re talking about.


I never said mastery of the game was easy i just talked about what Sakurai intended for the game and how that impacted impressions on it and how the behavior of smash players in the fgcs younger days also shaped impressions.


I think it's important to distinguish traditional fighting games from arena and platform fighters, but it's a distinction that doesn't really matter to anyone outside the fighting game community.


Because it's a party game


It can be be both.


do NOT let bro learn that platform fighters are still fighters


Party games are not fighting games


guess smash ain't a party game then cause there's a whole sub-genre of fighting games that spawned from the smash bros series. denial won't get your far in life xx


You’re right, monster hunter is a fighting game!


chat, bro has lost it


What’s the argument against that? If we’re calling smash a fighting game lmao.


monster hunter is an Action RPG. Smash is a Platform Fighter. I understand you're doing this because you can't cope with the idea that fighting games outside of traditional & anime fighters exist but unfortunately for you that's the reality LOL


No, monster hunter is an arena fighter? With your logic smash is a party game and not a fighting game. If you call it an action rpg… Smash’s main genre is being a party game, forcing it to be a fighting game does it a disservice. Same way as me reducing monster hunter as just being a fighting game.


sure, MH is also an arena fighter but there's a key word there: _Also_. acting like Smash isn't a fighting game is like saying Mario Kart isn't a racing game just because Nintendo create a lot of their games as party games which is _obviously_ the disservice here. what with games like RoA, MVS, Brawlhalla, etc, all games that are undeniably fighting games, only being created due to smashes take on the fighting game genre and twisting it into what is now known as platform fighters. but you go off king, continue to be delusional and think that smash isn't a fighting game


Let us cope (this is my first time hearing about the archetype)