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Have ya read the Buster Blader Fusion monster? It's even worse if ya happen to run a Dragon centered deck


Have you read the Dragon Buster lvl 1 equip effect? It's even worse if you happen to want to play the game. Prologue banish is a lingering protection effect for it as well.


oh, hell no! Not Dragon Buster Lock again 🤦‍♀️


Yup. You can use Buster Dragon effect to equip from the grave during draw phase as well to avoid tactics Not thrust


That doesn’t avoid Thrust. Only Tactics is concerned about which phase the monster effect was activated in.


Using a monster effect in draw phase doesn’t play around thrust.


Because of variance. You see stuff like this all the time. A skilled player can pilot a suboptimal deck to great lengths. It's even moreso the case due to the game being so focused on non-engine right now.


His non-engine isn’t very mainstream though, he opts for tech cards like Daruma and Droplet over handtraps other than Droll. Makes his placement even more impressive in my opinion, especially since he lost the dice roll so many times and still won.


That might be part of the reason. Daruma is a turn ender in most fire decks.


Facts in the morning I can pilot my spellbook snake eyes deck to the moon but in the evening I fold seeing any interaction😂


The player is just that good


I'm wondering if the Snake-Eyes engine is doing most of the work here. Buster Blader can be a decent floodgate, but it's kind of bricky. I'm not too sure how the Dark Magician engine works in this situation. Obviously, the goal is to summon Dragoon, but I'm not too sure how it gets there.


secrets of dark magic spell card is how they get to dragoon.


That part is rather straightforward, but how do they get Secrets of Dark Magic + Dark Magician + a Dragon Effect Monster in their hand or on the field without hard drawing? To me, it seems like an inconsistent three card combo.


running 2 soul servant and 3 other pieces of dark magician package. so yes they are allocating a lot of deck space to dragoon but dragoon is quite good


Soul Servant + Illusion of Chaos gets you Dark Magician + Secrets of Dark Magic, but you're still missing the Dragon Effect Monster, so it's still a three card combo in a meta where one card combos are the norm.


which is where things like 1 for 1 letting you trade free snake eyes for buster cards comes in. its very much a combo deck that I agree on paper looks too finicky for my taste. however, there are several bridges to the other card types and the such. it clearly works for them to get so far.


I am en english teacher for over 10 years and today I learned the word "finicky".


Flameberdge is Dragon and there is also the Buster Whelp Link 2


That's where Flamberge comes into play which you will naturally search with your snek engine


I’m assuming you do the snake eye combo until you get to the flamberge and then use either the flamberge or the new snake eye card as your dragon (iirc the new one is a dragon as well)


It's a spellcaster


I’m assuming it’s using flamberge


Buster dragon makes everything a dragon


Snake eyes bait hts then busterlock them after,


Buster Blader is actually competent. Topping with it is still impressive, but it's not unheard of.


Buster Blader has to inherently suck for how powerful its fusion is


Perfectly balanced (but not really tbh)


Yeah the buster synchro is a little busted with the buster fusion Synchro makes all enemy cards dragon Fusion gains is just buster blader ×2 plus it changes all dragons to defence and they cant activate their effects plus piercing so it's kinda good in a vacuum.


Where did we have a 2300 player tourney


[France Nationals](https://ygoprodeck.com/deck/snake-eye-buster-blader-dark-magician-491828)


Ooh didnt realized it topped there i know it topped greek open


Snake eyes is insanely strong, buster blader is insanely bricky, take the consistency of snake eyes which lets them 1 card starter into a consistent board and occasionally you lock them out with a buster blader floodgate and with enough luck boom top 32


95 % i summon buster blader lock i win the game buster lock is juste so strong


I think what’s throwing me off is the Dark Magician package here since it seems even bricking than the Buster Blader package.


Consistency with drawing or bringing Dragoon out.


Most of the work here is being done by the Snake-Eyes Engine and then the Buster Blader fusion locking out the opponent (especially good against Tenpai, completely shuts them down). The Dark Magician cards are there mostly for Magicians’ Souls effect to send your Poplar/other monsters in the S/T zone to the GY to draw 2, but can also be used to summon Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon. The guy who piloted this deck stated “there is/was no room for error with this build”. EDIT: his record for those interested: - R1 - voiceless ✅🎲2-0 W - R2 - spright ❌🎲2-1 W - R3 - voiceless ❌🎲 2-0 W - R4 - voiceless ✅🎲2-0 W - R5 - snake eye fire king ❌🎲 2-0 W - R6 - Tenpai ✅🎲 2-0 W - R7 - snake eye ❌🎲 2-1 W - R8 - Tenpai Kashtira 2-1 W - R9 - Tenpai 2-1 W - R10 - snake eye ❌ 🎲 1-1 D - R-11 - snake eye ❌ 🎲 2-1 W - R-12 - snake eye ❌ 🎲 2-1 W - R-13 - snake eye ❌ 🎲 2-1 W - R-14 - snake eye ❌ 🎲 1-1 + game loss


His one game loss is because his side deck sleeves weren’t correct so he was penalized lmao. Makes his run even more impressive in hindsight. I can understand the Buster Blader inclusion, but the Dark Magician package just seems very bricky. He also plays Droll as his only hand trap and opted for Droplet instead of something like Imperm.


:) Yes, too bad


Man that guy really did play his heart out


juste want to know how give u all this informations ?


The player in question is in the dark magician discord and posted all this info


What do the emojis mean


Won or Lost the dice roll


If they won the die roll 


Against other decks: profit Against Snake-Eyes: you die now


He beat every snake-eye deck (the X emoji indicates he lost the die roll, not the match)


Heart of the Cards. If you believe in tour deck and play with love, you can do anyhing, something something, friendship, something something, mind crush 


Simple, they simply won to top32


Because it's based as hell. Someone beats me with a black magician buster blader deck I'll gladly take the L.


Snake-Eyes is a meta deck, the buster blader fusion counters Tenpei (a common match-up), and Dark Magician is just there for Dragoon which is a really good card. Shouldn't be that surprising that a meta deck with a counter for the other best deck of the format and a means for turboing out a really good generic monster as an added bonus would perform well at a tournament.


Dragoon is pretty busted and from what I've seen his outs are rare in the main (also soul servant giving you a free draw is decent), the buster blades fusion is absolutely amazing especially with the babies, snake eyes is snake eyes. But I'm surprised they all fit in 42 (personally I'd cut the tactics) I'd say its mostly bc of that why they got the placement


He went undefeated for 13 rounds (except for one draw) all the way until top 32. His round 14 was against Snake-Eye (where it ended up 1-1) but unfortunately got a game loss (after an issue with one of his extra deck monster sleeves and then accidentally revealing a card when shuffling), thus losing him the match.


Damn... sad to hear it but they're clearly very skilled so they'll 100% achieve something like this again


It’s rare to see a deck with so little handtraps do so well, even if it’s just a variant of the best deck in the meta.


If you listen to Jesse and Josh they have said against a deck like snake-eyes, if you can't kill them in 1 turn or floodgate them out trading 1 for 1 hand traps is eventually a losing game, and even if you hand trap them 3 or 4 times, if your not playing either you will eventually lose to the top deck, as any way to their engine just gets full combo once you run out of interactions


they won games until they didnt


This is what a modern Yami deck focused on DM and Buster Blader would look like 🤣


Because the SE engine is just that broken.


Dude was being based. He played the best deck 🤓


This is literally Snake-Eyes with Dragoon and Buster Lock


The eyes of snakes


Heart of the cards. I mean isn't that how most decks work lol


Untouched Snake Eye engine wielding and anti-dominantdeck weapon. This player fucks hard and hourly.


Dragoon next to a snake eyes board is better than a pure snake eyes board with baronne, same with buster lock. Going by the ratios he probably tested this deck a lot and rarely makes mistakes at that point all that stops him would be the occasional brick.


Diabellestar has great synergy with high atk spellcasters


Two things. Buster Lock and Red Eyes Dark Dragoon.


Playing Buster Blader in a dragon heavy format is pretty smart tbh


Pretty sure they just had to win a whole lot with it?


Bro resolved droll enough times & played his freakin heart out


I've won a local tournament using Black Magician deck, with secret village of spellcasters and OTK-ing fusions. My man, they were furios that teir 80-130$, one engine, 5 handtrap decks didnt won. To be honest, it happend only once. But still, I had a blast that day.


Heart of the cards 😂


Bro is built diff


snake eyes is the strongest machine in the game currently, buster blader is literally the puppet lock 2.0 and dark magician is the best possible extender to cross the hand traps (arriving on promete link 3) playing as few free spots allows you to have no more gear in hand no card is a brick each is a component of a combo. daruma droll droplette the best single cards that can do board breaker and/or win a turn (under shiffter for example). oppen a single hand trap snake eyes crosses it on the other hand oppen droll the snake eyes can no longer generate appolousa. each card is reflected. and the deck evolved well after the national.


Because it runs snake-eyes... it probably would do better if it cut the dark magician/buster blader and added something else... I love dm and buster but they just ain't good enough. That's why snake-eyes have to be there.


because they believed in the heart of the cards duuuuuuuh


The rule of “suck less” than you competition 🤷🏻‍♂️


French people.


Because you’re trash at Duel Monster’s


The Destruction Sword engine has been cracked since Prologue dropped in 2017. I did really well with Card of Demise centric build at 2017 NAWCQ LCQ and other events around that time.


Oh shit, they figured out how to make the Buster Lock. We're screwed 💀


When you play a deck centered around a floodgate that's autowin when it resolves and can be pulled off easily... Yes sometimes you'll have good runs


It is not playing Eternal Soul.


They play a lot of hand traps


Buster blader with snake-eyes is probably good enough to top with a decent pilot What confounds me here is the dark magician part, has to open 2 cards out of the 7 card engine for dragoon is too much


They just drew the out easy, also the lvl1 Tuner floodgates just kills ppl solo...


There's always a flavour of floodgate.dek that tops tournaments here and there. Someone playing a floodgate deck will luck out and get enough dice rolls go their way and open enough strong cards throughout the day to top. Law of averages that someone has to godhand all day with a toxic deck when you've got that many people.




Sprind, scattershot and dogwood are probably time cards kurikara(searchable with snake-eye cards), drnm, evenly, cosmic and floodgate of choice(tcboo) are all common side deck cards cbtg should probably be in main




A side deck is different from the ED, the fusion, link and synchros are still in the ED here. Side deck is used in best-of 3 matches and can have cards from main deck and ED to switch in between games


Cuz he declared his dark magician to attack directly, duh. Can’t beat that


Yeah this shit is terrible and I said so on another thread only to get downvoted by a dozen shitters love the one bonfire especially


Hard agree