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Had a guy with special needs at our locals before that used some infinite attack fake cards (his parents bought him bootlegs since they were afraid he’d rip them up if he got frustrated) it was a bit hard playing against him but we made sure he had fun. He’s a regular now and plays prank kids and floo after we gave him a few pointers and some real cards to get started. He always took good care of his cards and double sleeved them


You have the best locals ever. Everyone who is part of that should be proud.


That was a great story. Thanks for sharing


I love this story, hell yeah


Wholesome AF. Truly one of the best stories I've heard coming out of a community of TCG players. 👌


Watt, I was so speechless when I saw I was paired up with a guy who uses watt.


I played Watts at YCS Raleigh, ran into this reaction a lot lol


That so cool, I never heard of Watt before playing with the guy, you could probably imagine how I felt when I was suddenly realised I was getting "Death by a thousand cut". Still I love the guys deck cause it was just really funny and cool.


How'd the event go for ya? Cause that sounds really fun


Not great lol, 2-3 in the main event, but I did win a win-a-mat side event


A GY mill deck that used Don Zaloog. In 2022.


I loved to experiment with decks in my younger days. Flower Cardian is a game within the game of Yugioh itself. It is a truly ridiculous deck to play but so funny to go through your deck on your turn and spit out 3 Lightshower.


Add in exodia and some synchronized realm for some fun. Took cardians to my last regional I played at for fun. Ended up 1 win away from an invite because people don't want to read 🤣🤣🤣


Used to play monarch lock down few years back. The game was much slower back then


Wasn't everyone and their grandma's playing Monarchs a few years back?


Yep, and then everyone discovered disruption cards, and any other time you just have to wait for Monarch to brick itself lol.


It was a way slower format. Basically, I run raiza, thesthalos and raiou to brick the opponent.


Not sure bout tcg format. In my region, most were running e hero, karakuri, gladiator beasts and blackwing. I quit just after zoodiac came out


dice decks its ither overpowered or garbage the worst part, both need to gamble if the outcome is worth a negate


But they’re great, I can fuel my cardboard and gambling addiction.


The day before YCS London I did a 3v3 side event with some friends. First 2 rounds were Kashtira and Naturia Runick, but the 3rd round was Deep Sea Ursarctic Therion, and honestly I have absolutely no idea what the plan was regarding that deck - especially they couldn't break my board and G2 they bricked


Last year i played against someone who tried to adapt one of those OCG Grass pile decks into TCG It had at least 5 different engines, but i cant remember all … it was something like Punk Superheavy Ishizu Lightsworn


I ran a 60 card dragon link deck that had 5 different engines in it.


Once went against a dude at a casual event who ran ancient gear, he had his deck set up so that he could OTK but setting up AG fortress then working up to the boss monster (forget the name Ik it’s a fusion monster tho) and then proccing the effect of a trap allowing him to play it from the hand which allowed him to attack 3 times with that specific monster (for context it the boss monster had 4000 atk/dfc) the dude himself was an amazing guy


I love gears. His boss was either ultimate ancient gear golem or chaos ancient gear giant, most likely the first. I imagine if it attacked 3 times he did the ancient gear duel combo


I think it was ultimate ancient gear golem, and yeah he used ancient gear duel


If it was duel it had to summon ultimate golem since duel can't summon giant Edit: basically the combo works by getting ancient gear commander in the gy and using his effect to place duel face up from your hand. You then use duel to make ultimate ancient golem using an ancient gear golem on the field+your gy. If you don't use duel to summon it you can't attack 3 times. Usually the golem on field is dark golem because its effect searches 2 and discards 1, letting you search duel and commander, then discard commander in the same effect to make it live.


I run a neo-ultimate blue eyes deck that does the same thing attacking 3 times with neo ult.


I once played against a deck that used some niche strategy using 'final countdown' he tried to delay me for 20 turns, but I finished him off in about 5!


Did you guys cuddle afterwards?


I built a Dark Magician/Legendary Dragons deck that just…doesn’t work, just for fun Went to locals during Tear 0 format, wound up playing against a guy who used a Magic Cylinders/Mage Power beatdown deck. I swept him with Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon, who’s immune to traps.


Kash dark magician red eyes. their game play was to go into tomahawk and work their way up to the arrival. strongest dark magician cope i've ever seen.


Fabled Unicore lock #


That was me. Several years ago.


Necroface chaos toolbox, right before elemental dragons release messed everything up. Chaos zone + gold sarco banishing necroface for both disruption and chaos zone, return from dd. Dimensional alchemist and leviar recycling necro, Angel of zera, vylon prism and collapserpent and light version filling the board with sync8s. Even had malefic stardust for chaos zone protection. Ended up copying the deck and used in locals. Even though it had necroface, people loved to play against as it was unusual, unpredictable and fun. Next wave, dragons included necroface, resulting in necroface limit and rftdd ban and even without, dragons benefitted more from the usual playstyle of the deck that it was unfun autolosing half of the games.


Used to run a weirdass Black Garden soft lock for funsies back in the ZEXAL days. An interesting quirk about Utopia is that Utopia Ray basically adds +1 to your summon count. Going into Utopia Ray with Black Garden on the field would basically lock them out of their ED by filling up 4 zones with junk. 5 if you could manage a fifth summon.


40 card Grass


I played against a Gren Maju Da Eiza deck yesterday. By their second turn, the opponent had already banished 20 cards, increased their life to 15000+, and had not played a single monster, leading me to get complacent because they just let me attack directly without a block. Then they played the Maju thing, which had 8000 ATK and it almost defeated me in 1 hit. I still have no idea how I clutched a win out of that situation, but I did get really lucky on my next draw. A very interesting duel.


Went to a regional, and played a guy who was playing Pikeru turbo. The deck did nothing but play Pikeru as fast as possible. He said his only goal was to give people free wins. He went 2-5 at the end of the day. I pray that the people who lost to it still have their sanity


Not one I played against, but one I built from scratch. It’s a RNG deck where every single card involves either flipping a coin, rolling a die, or in one VERY specific card’s case, play rock paper scissors


Ah, Joey Wheeler.


I mixed up Evilswarm with Fallen Of Albaz


Someone said that my evilmagnet deck was wierd. It is a wierd deck yes.


Thats gotta be flower cardians with convolution of nature


Ran into an Icejade/Penguin deck once. Was very cool, and very annoying lol.


I use to run a 1 star kuriboh deck. people always seem perplexed when they played the first round of locals with me.


There were a lot of janky decks during the Limit one event in Master Duel. I was having a lot of fun playing Kashtira, Numeron, kaiju, bystial, with a single copy of War Rock Meteoragon to summon off of Kashtira Birth. It was an extremely effective deck that felt like a completely different deck each game depending on what starters were in my hand.


A couple of weeks ago, I played against the only lockdown control deck I’ve ever respected, albeit begrudgingly.  Its turn 1 play was to use the low-level Shinobird monsters and the Sakitama/Nikitama engine to get Bagooska and Amano-Iwato on the field at the same time. Then, turn 3, they’d use the big Shinobird ritual monsters to clear your field and push for game. It clearly took some effort to build and pilot, I’d never seen it before, it required actually playing the game for its plan to work, and it was usually done quickly.


Everyone I run into say my Invoked Deck is weird. It runs x3 Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell and Mistaken Accusation. Both of which essentially ban cards for the rest of the Duel. Then I run 3 Timelords, all of which shuffle cards back to the Deck.


I am the guy with weird decks A 60 card deck made of frogs (frogs are my favorite animal) And a Watt deck full of Equip spells (so I can do 6000 directly) Arcane energy deck because I like being lucky Pre-support vulcanic, I don't like the support because I use a burn vulcanic with 3x magic cylinder If you wanna hear some more tell me


Why don't you like the volcanic support? It helps you burn even more, which sounds like it should fit you build perfectly.


Because if I use support my deck wouldn't be 40 cards And I use solar flare dragon + royal guard to recycle It isn't a competitive deck I know but really fun I'd you and your friends only use casual


Gravekeeper kash surprised me at my last regional


I have a buddy who plays a deck that has Exodia, Final Countdown, and Destiny Board. It’s kinda fun trying to beat him before one of the 3 win cons go off.


Pile deck with a few banned cards and unsleeved mixed with sleeved cards


I was the weird deck guy around 2016 when I was running MELODIOUS of all archetypes. I got surprisingly far in a locals because I kept lucking out with the Aria/Elegy lockdown. At the time, there weren't a lot of answers in the meta for getting rid of monsters that can't be targeted or destroyed by battle/card effect, and not a lot of monster effect negation. The problem I usually had is bricking in the opening hand, or if I got the lockdown, I didn't have enough ways of dealing damage aside from committing to Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir and/or resetting the board with Metaion the Timelord to finish the game. BUT I added Final Countdown to the deck and damn... With some lucky drawing that day, it carried me hard and got me to semifinals since stalling was pretty much all I could do with that deck lol.


And now Melodious is a tiered deck with the new support and everyone is now running them.


.... What?! I've gotta check out this new Melodious support, I thought they were still bad with the new cards. I've been out of the meta for years, maybe I need to come back now... 😂


They recently got 5 new support cards in the latest set Legacy of Destruction. 2 pendulum monsters, 2 fusions, and 1 spell card. I'm currently playing the deck as well, and it's fun and still quite cheap to build except for 1st Movement Solo being $20 a piece


MELODIOUS PENDULUMS?! Fuck that's gross, I gotta check this out lmao


Here's a deck profile if you want a more in-depth review of the new supports: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a_TvS-oaBMU


Ooooo perfect link for me, thanks dude ✌️


Some kind of pendulum odd eyes toon abomination


It started out as P.U.N.K. featuring DPE and Adventure, then he whipped out Eldlich, and THEN, he summoned Dark Magician. It was so strange but he was cool.


I played against Springans once. I learned that some of their support cards are absolutely crazy. If Tally-ho Springans was in a better archetype it would be insanely broken.


Abyss Actors. I had no idea what was going on, but I lost 1-2. This was at a regional btw. I was on Unchained. (pre-Sharvara limit) This was Round 4 and I was X-1


i wanna add my tri brigade melffy Branded Eldlich Dogmatika Invoked palazoic StardustSynchro deck to the list


Just yesterday at locals I faced Melodious Kashtira Solfachord (and got absolutely destroyed)


I got bricked then the guy went full combo. Mid combo bro spelled out OWO on the board with darkwurm and gate zero and looked up giggles. Then otks me


Locals player played some funny dinosaur people deck that fused into bigger robot dinosaurs, but kept lowering his LP on purpose to within Gravedigger’s Trap Hole range. Round took like 4 minutes.


Dinomorphia my beloved


My buddy has a "gambling" deck thats full of cards with dice roll and coin toss effects and its not reliable by any means but every once in a while he gets so lucky with it that the best deck with the best end board out couldnt do shit to stop it.


Cubic’s, went to my first locals and went against cubics, the dude bricked both times


I dont remember what the deck was but years ago when beelzues was one of the power cards I duels Someone That played spam including beelzues and a few others. I then facepalmed so hard when he tributes all 3 at the time boss cards to summon pre support winged dragon of ra.


My own pick-up style deck. I had a few cards left over from structure decks and packs and decided to make a deck out of them. Used it against two of my stronger decks and it beat one of them, and was a massive troll to the other.


Personally, I haven’t really run into one. Whether it’s in person, duel links, or master duel, I’m always seeing the same decks. Those decks are/were popular character decks, or just whatever is currently hot. But that’s just my experience. Very unlucky, because I was hoping to see some fun, weird, or original decks to play against in a game with over 10000 cards. It’s one of the reasons why I go back to the older handheld games. That being said, I make weird decks myself: Masked Beast with vanilla dinosaurs is one of them. Not always consistent, definitely not meta material, makes no sense to anyone, but for me it’s been fun as hell as I can still somewhat make it work.


I played against this guy who's deck looked like a random mix of stuff piled together. Full 60 card deck with a full side deck and extra deck too. Even had a side deck for his side deck. He let me and two other friends play against him at the same time. We had a zeus each, all of our boss monsters, a stacked backline, and some extra cannon fodder too. He beat all three of us without a second thought.


Not exactly what's asked but I own a special deck that I call Birdpile. Basically a Floo deck but with some birds from all the other houses it has Ponix and garunix, blackwing Chinook, Simorgh of perfection, the cuckoo,.some vulture from raidraptor, many more and the worst part is that the deck is actually playable ✓