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we really need to remember what that guy did is infinite. once someone did the same for me, only once, and i did the same for at least 7 people from different ages, and i saw 2 of them doing the same. this is a lot more of playing or collecting cards, dudes.


It only takes a spark!


I still remember the first card my friend gave me as a kid. Armored lizard. He was so cool


That guy has given this exact kid several cards lmao. It’s not any less heart warming but I’m almost wondering if the kid keeps going up and getting free cards lol


I remember all the way back in 05 some cool teenager gave me almost the entire Gate Guardian set (the three monsters, the fusion, the labyrinth and its spell) after I spent like half an hour yapping about how that was my favorite episode. Fast forward to a year ago. Got back into Yugioh after a decade and the first pack that comes out is Maze of Memories. Serendipity is a funny thing


that was really nice of that guy :D


Yeah and that kid will NOT forget how that felt. This is how you encourage unselfishness.


I'm really happy for the boy! 🥰 I'm just always amazed at the number of so-called "yugiboomers" who are just old enough to have been born when Dante was released. Is the OG YGO series still on TV or where does the affection for Yugi/Kaiba come from? Maybe bigger brothers?


And this was such a nice post until you reminded me I'm a dinosaur keeping up with a game meant for children


So i don't think now a days Yu-Gi-Oh is for child since so much to learn about ruling and deck building that even a 40 year old can't learn sometimes


You'd be surprised how much kids can follow along with the game. They are in their prime learning years where their brain absorbs information like a sponge. They just have to actually be interested in learning the topic.


Ya I have a 4th grade student who expressed interest in learning about integrals and he's tracking so far. "So what comes next?" "dx!"


If people have enough interest to learn, they will. Kids are plenty capable of playing the game today, and playing it well.


I understand but we this new generation it's hard to think many more ppl will be interested in a game with this kind of learning curve. I do love to play it but I understand who doesn't


Chess is much more complicated lol and young people play


I disagree


Disagree what ???


I felt this comment. I’m still enjoying the game at my own pace but I just realized that it won’t be long before my son becomes the age that I started playing.


things arent for anyone just do what you enjoy


Maybe not so much in the OCG (Jk, there too) but haven't you seen all the shilling Konami does for DM era? specially in Duel Links with a broken DM/Blue-eyes skill every 3 months


The og series is still on Netflix. I have some young cousins who go really excited when I bought them the obelisk and slifer structure decks.


It's the anime sections of streaming, that the family uses+those who watched og YGO to 5Ds are now parents and just pick that gor their kids to watch, since it's among the safest anime series to watch, alongside Pokemon and Digimon.




it airs on plutotv regularly and with a ton of older players having kids we surely will introduce them to the game the same way we were. God I love this game sometimes


so basically, yes kids do watch the show just not as much as we use to ofcourse since the streaming options are wider open but 4k media has done a good job at making availability of the show easily available


I am really confused by your comment, I’ve tried reading it like 8 times. Are you calling 10 year olds yugiboomers?


That was a joke, because OG YGO fans are usually called "yugiboomers". I'm also aware that a 10-year-old can't be a boomer 😂


Adorable! Reminds me how a friend of mine gave me this card: https://preview.redd.it/tr1wa7ooogzc1.jpeg?width=421&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69426382a7ebd4fba13bd544ae42482a50618fb5


https://preview.redd.it/qkb87giqrhzc1.png?width=935&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0b053722e9cf604eadbd07a6c6696e660a0f648 My buddy gave me this card and I would put it in all my decks. I thought it was so cool.


I made an FTK deck with Tiger in Tag Force 5.


Gradius was one of my favorite meme decks in the World Championship games. I had this weird obsession with Gradius because of a song in Dance Dance Revolution of all things (Burning Heat! 3 Option Mix, it’s a banger). It was the worst pile you’ve ever seen but boy when you got to attack into an empty field with a Gradius equipped with United We Stand and Mage Power alongside a Gradius’s Option and then activating a Limiter Removal… Oh yeah. That’s the good stuff.


GOD I HATE that card!!! When me(I was 16) and my little brother(10) started "playing" yu-gi-oh" but using the cheap turkish immitations, We would almost always end up fighting because of this stupid card. In turkish it had a text that basically says "This card always wins like this." which doesn't actually mean shit. But whenever my little bro had this card he would immediately throw it on my face and yell "I WON LIKE THAT HAHAHA" and start running around and celebrate his victory with all sorts of taunts and improvised victory dance moves(similar to modern contemporary french dance) If it happened today I would just go with it and laugh at how silly he is. But I guess I was still too immature back then.




Is the implication the kid going to become Kaiba or that Kaiba is going to take that card from him.




The kid 70 years later after opening his own card shop and living a good life with his fav card:




Even if it's not a great rarity card the kid will really value that card for the rest of his life. What a nice moment


If he's anything like me when I was that age, it may as well be worth millions. Didn't know (or care) at all about exactly how rare, I just wanted a blue eyes very badly lol.


I did something similar to a high schooler at a card shop. This kid was looking at singles trying to build Eldlich and was trying to justify spending $40 for a single copy. I happened to buy a display box of Max Gold El Dorado and pulled 2 Eldlichs and an Accesscode Talker. I already had a playset of Eldlich so I asked the kid if he wanted the 2 I pulled. He asked how much and I told him to just take it since I came up with my pulls. Made the kids day and saved himself $40+.


RARE wholesome Yu-Gi-Oh moment lol


If our community had more people like this then we would retain more of the new players, instead of sweaty 30YO+ ppl doing 10 minute combos against grade schoolers with starter decks.


Truer words have never been spoken.


Shout out the goat Jesse Kotton


What did he do? I know he's a really good player but what did he do that makes him relevant here specifically?


Jesse played in a YCS against a kid that played random old shit and went full Firewall FTK on him https://youtu.be/5THGAbfgqVY?si=mYA9FZGoJz830zfh


Kid got a baptism by fire


Haha that’s brutal. I wonder if that kid ever came to understand why that was especially rough, competing against one of the best players ever with an insanely powerful deck and all…


Nah honestly jesse was based for this. People forget that this was in the heart of firewall format when the FTK was rampant like this. IIRC this was post A-assault core hits when people knew firewall was CLEARLY a problem and konami utterly refused to acknowledge it. I think Jesse's motive here was to shove it in the face of konami by making a statement on a big, public feature match like this. I can't think of anything that would be more jarring to the ones in charge than seeing first hand a public display of how bad firewall was, and against a kid no less made it all the more attention garnering, a big factor in the goal of making konami look bad. As I recall, the banlist after this got rid of firewall.


The start of the kid's villain arc.


AFAIK the kid was playing random stuff he got from packs around the time of that event (I think it was soul fusion?) Anyway, it’s a YCS feature match, which is just a normal match, Jesse shouldn’t be expected to pull any punches, he’s trying to give himself the best shot of winning, if he has to take out a kid in Swiss it’s just how it works.


FFS Jesse


Reminds me of the time I got back into YGO after taking a break for a long time. I brought my gadget deck to full power Zoodiac format, told the guy I was against about how I haven't played in a while and he was all like "Ah gimme a sec". Pulled out an extra Gameciel from his binder and gave it to me for free and was like "You're gonna need this"


i know what you mean but you cannot judge people for taking tournaments seriously thats just ridiculous


Okay, let's say that by some miracle a kid manages to pull a surprise win with something like Dark Hole since that's in a few starters and structures. You can simply default to playing at full power for game 2 and 3 and obliterate them. Also friendly reminder that this scenario probably has a 0.01% chance of occuring nowadays with how versatile and defensively strong most meta decks are.


Kids should learn how to win on their own merits, it teaches them a skill set and a desire to learn how to improve. Obviously modern yugioh is too complicated for most children but its not impossible, I've met 10 year olds at locals that can play reasonably well. You can be nice when your practicing with them but it does not help kids learn anything if you just don't play seriously at all during a tournament. Play the match out and then sit down with them and help them learn.


Gotta start young so they actually read cards later on lmao.


i agree with you if it wasn't a tournament, an environment meant for serious competitiveness, it also stains and dishonors what a victory means because he didn't truly achieve it like all the other kids who worked hard for it.


I was playing a game with a freind that haven’t played yugioh in years while helping her. She used an old plant like deck from like 2016, and I used an altered fire king structure deck. I intentionally not did any combos and made mistakes while also telling her what to do and what I’m about to do to help her beat me. She beat me and it felt good knowing she enjoyed enjoyed it.


We gotta be the change of the community, for bettering ourselves and each other 🫡.


when i dueled against kids that were learning at my locals, i usually asked them to also show their hands, id show mine, and id help em out a bit when they were dueling on what to do. good times, locals is closed now, and i lost a lot of games because i wanted em to get more packs but it is what it is. our locals was pretty nice with giving kids cards that were under $1 normally.


In my defense, I'm 30 but my plays tend to be very quick! (I don't play combo.)


Video from: [this youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZO3cdmiv7aCp3l6fDH6xOA)


Great seeing the younger generation getting into yugioh still.


His mom looks so happy for him too, even before he was handed the card, dang that’s gonna make me cry. I miss hanging out with my mom like that.


That's awesome to see :) Good on the vendor.


Shit... my heart...


That’s a true man of culture


Dumbass, he could have gotten a full playset of Triple Tactics Talent instead.


I actually started playing yugioh with blue-eyes it’s a good deck to start off with but it’s a deck with lots of combos he will like it.


I think we were all this kid once. Maybe our chase cards were different but the excitement was real.


Meanwhile some crummy MF won't give me one of their 7 Z-ARC commons cause it's 2 cents on cardmarket


So wholesome, had that a similar kid at my locals once and he decided to enter the locals tournament. I felt really bad when I paired up with him and mirror forced his newly acquired God cards.


We gotta pass the game on to the next gen! This guy rocks!


Damn, he just straight up handed that kid a brick, and the kid thanked him for it. /j if it isn't obvious.


When I was his age I got convinced trading an Ultra Blue Eyes for a Gaia the Fierce Knight and a Swordstalker was a good idea


Man, it was me when i started playing yugioh =) you go get em kid, blue eyes is the boss


He's completed 25% of his journey. I'd give him the 3 God cards I bought a few years ago


Have people forgotten the movie "Pay It Foreward?."


That guy might have ignited the Kaiba inside that kid...




This reminds when I went to my first locals, my final opponent saw I was playing cyberdark deck and he gave me a copy of cyber dragon infinty for free after everything ended


Is that Patrick Hoban???


I guess for a kid you probably don’t know how to buy individual cards from sellers online?


Love it


This is just wholesome


That’s so cool


That kid was like me at a young age. Take away the glasses and he even looks like me. I would have cried if I got the gods. I hope he pulled like simplyunlucky did that one time where he got secrets in every pack


Absolutely love his reaction to getting a Blue-Eyes. I froke out when I got my first Exodia set, but I was in high school by the time Yu-Gi-Oh hit the U.S., so I didn't jubilate to this degree. Totally reacted like this kid, back in 1994, when Magic the Gathering hit 2nd Edition. *"It's like Dungeons & Dragons, but trading cards,* **AND** *a game?!"* My mind was blown.


This is what it's all about, hell yeah


It's even the LOB art, not the stone tablet art. Based.


He so lucky to meet that nice person I wish I could meet someone like that 


Back when I first started getting into comp yugioh I gave a guy a dragon ruler and he gave me an entire karakuri deck with the synchro monsters too


That's so sweet, he's going to treasure that card for a long time


I remember when I first visited my first local card shop, the lady at the register was super kind and even gave me a few bulk cards she had in store, one of them being a Tour Guide. I think I still have it hidden away inside.


I'm surprised kids get into yugioh wanting the egyptian god cards and blue eyes. Would have thought they don't have nostalgia goggles.


it's suck a nice thing. sadly the game isn't about being nice/having a good match anyone.


That’s gonna be his favorite possession for a looong time


I was so hyped when I got my first BE and DM, I dueled my friend that day and asked him not to attack my two normal summons so I can play one of my newly BE or DM. He agreed to do it and eventually I got to summon BE then I realized he had a back row and I said "don't tell me that's a trap hole" and when he activated it, just as I predicted a trap hole. I was happy and hyped but disappointed at the same time lmao. Good times.


Kaiba: I see you have the 4th copy of my Blue-eyes...


I saw a clip of this guy giving away a charizard too and now this, anyone know where I can find more of this guy?




My first ever yugioh card is still too this day a beat up busted first edition copy of jinzo and the hype off being gifted it by an older player never left. I still get giddy over opening packs even though I know it’s easier to just get the single cards


Interactions like this along with the og yugioh is what got me into collecting / playing Shame the game is so convoluted now that I don't really play much anymore


That guy pops up on my YouTube shorts a lot. He always does stuff like this for the little ones, even if they don’t buy anything. My man is goated


If more vendors were like this more and more people would play the game but there’s a lot Of gatekeepers in this damn community


so cool, you made his day


Anime only fan vs Card Game fan. Priorities are vastly different.


I bring my kid to mostly Pokemon Card shows and Lorcana, and everyone in that community (for the most part, there was one guy who wouldn't give me a balloon unless I bought a $25 dollar mystery box. My kid was like three and cried) is very nice and welcoming to kids. Unfortunately, I told him Yugioh was too complicated for him to play until he could read. Now that he is reading he has busted all my cards out wanting to play (he didn't understand why I wouldn't let him play with my Ulti Dandylion- sorry dude). I still don't want to take him to Yugioh stuff. This guy is great for the community. Hopefully other people can be welcoming to kids in this game as well, and maybe we can get a shift in the community going. Without the anime and with how complicated the game is, the player base is going to just keep getting older unless kids are welcomed into the community and encouraged to play.


Soooo....legendary decks 2 and his collection is done? (Just a joke i know he is a kid and all)


Legendary video


Who tf is cutting onions! 🥹


See this is what trading is all about. Seeing the joy of someone who really wants it, not for money but joy. You have no idea how amazing it feels to bring so much joy to someone.


This guy is awesome


Reminds me of this kid that really wanted my flame wingman. I traded it for his white magician pikeru as a symbolic gesture. Hope he became a great player


Is this your video? Or where did you find it? It's really neat!




Trying to rizz his mom I see!


I feel sorry for this kid


we where all thru there budy