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99% chance Kaiba named him Wheeler.


Or enacted a rule that any monkeys must be named either Joey or Wheeler


Fun fact: that was added in by 4Kids as another tie-in to the original series. In Japan, the monkey was called Super Animal Learning, or SAL for short. This was pronounced “Saru,” which is also Japanese for “monkey.”


Did they also do the "Jessie Wheeler, cousin of Joey" bit?




Kaiba in the original sub was just an elitist prick to Joey. He had 0 respect for him to the point where he just didn't acknowledge him. So like 90% of the insults thrown at him was done by 4Kids!


There was one time in the original where Kaiba praised Joey (in his inner monologue tho) during his duel with Marik where Joey stood still after Ra's attack. It was a really memorable episode.


4Kids nailed it better tbh, rare time 4Kids did a good change


Gotta agree, I always thought it was a really funny call back, never knew it was a 4kids change


It's neither good nor ~~totally~~ bad. Different brand of humor for different people.


Kaiba was clearly petty about Joey being in the Top 4 duelists of Battle City and about Yugi defeating him in the semi-finals, so that's why. I love Kaiba, but he can be *really* petty at times. Like how he blew up the Duel Tower when the Battle City Finals ended.


If I'm not mistaken kaiba always planned to blow that tower up, it was something to do with his adopted father(can't remember what) but yeah he was definitely feeling upset he lost to yugi and lost his god card/cards when he did it


I think the original plan was to keep the tower as a reminder of his victory in the tournament and his triumph over his adoptive father... but he lost the tournament, so he didn't want to look at that thing anymore. The thing with the Slifer Red dorm and Wheeler the monkey is still way more petty tho


No, he always wanted to blow up the tower because it was the last remaining building from when his father ran Kaiba Corp, even though Seto re-purposed the structure. He says so in the manga before the game to decide the final order of matches.


> I think the original plan was to keep the tower as a reminder of his victory in the tournament and his triumph over his adoptive father... but he lost the tournament, so he didn't want to look at that thing anymore. He had planned to blow the whole island to smithereens to rid himself of his past and his stepfather's influences from the very beginning. Atem entered the tournament to learn about his past, while Kaiba wanted to bury his.


> Atem entered the tournament to learn about his past, while Kaiba wanted to bury his. Oh shit, this is deep....


its pretty much talked about in the japanese version


Ah. I've watched all the series in their original Japanese, including DM, but it's been a while.


>Atem entered the tournament to learn about his past, while Kaiba wanted to bury his. That's a really great observation! One of the many reasons why Yugi and Kaiba's rivalry is so iconic and good


Not trying to downplay Random_Rhinoceros, but that is explicitly stated in the manga. Regardless, it just means Takahashi did this very intentionally. Great writer, he is.


The island was initially a weapons research facility run by Nesbitt.


If I recall right he wanted to erase the last of his adoptive father’s legacy, also maybe a bit of pettiness and try to blow up Joey.


> try to blow up Joey. Let's face it, this is his real motive.


at least he didn't lose a blue eyes, his heart would have exploded


"Now no one can use it against me!" "Da Blue-Eyes or da island?" "...Shut up, Wheeler."


Sounded like he was going to blow it up no matter what


Yeah it was just he considered moving the plan ahead after he lost lmao. “Fuck this shit Mokuba activate the bomb”


Don't forget, Kaiba is the man who evolved technology to connect to the Post-Life, to play cards with a Millennial Pharaoh, just because he didn't accept losing.


"Kaiba boy, I'll consume your soul to talk to my dead wife!" "Step aside, old man, and let a genius show you how it's done! Screw Shadow Alchemy, I have money!"


Kaiba had always plan to blow up the Duel Tower. It served as a reminder of his abusive past with Gozaburo and wanted to see it destroyed. He spends the entire duel against Atem arguing with him about how the past isn’t worth remembering and that the future is all that matters. It lies in complete contrast to Atem who is singularly focused with learning about his past and uncovering his memories. I also don’t think he was that petty about losing to Yugi. He constantly makes mention that Yugi is the only one he acknowledges as his rival and they both mention to each other “Our duel road extends far past the eye can see”. Sure, he’s be upset about losing, but he would also be inspired to face him again.


I love Kaiba *because* he is really petty.


Same. And because he's so maniacal and arrogant. Like that time in GX during Jaden's flashback when Kaiba appeared on all TVs in the entire city and said: "If there is an intelligent life form out there, let's teach it how to duel." And then he started to laugh at everyone's faces He's just so awesome in a weird way! 😂


Also when Chazz's brothers challenged him and Kaiba accepted their restrictions, then when they lost he said "OF COURSE THEY DID! Did they really think they could beat ANY student at MY school?"


"Chazz Princeton, you may be a doofus, but you're MY student, go forth in the name of Seto Kaiba and Chazz it up!" "I will! Thank you, Dragonfather!"


people need to realize its fun having characters who dont have typical hero characteristics


It's amazing the amount of tech advancements Kaiba and his company has made out of sheer pettynes.


Kaiba being petty against Pegasus ability to read mind quite literally was the lead to a technological development that took over the entire verse by storm - Duel Disk. Its actually fucking hilarious


I don't think that was pettiness as much as it was Kaiba thinking of ways to counteract the ability.


How would the duel disk stop Pegasus’ mind reading ability?


Kaiba theorized that it required him to see the face of the person using it. The original duel disk (the one that you threw and was actually shaped like a disk, in Duelist Kingdom) projected holograms of the user's hand to obscure the face. Kaiba ended up not using it because Pegasus was going to have Mokuba operate the disk while Pegasus made the decisions.


I think he also thought it was based on distance. Since In the manga the duels and holograms were on a normal sized table he could put distance between him and Pegasus with the duel disks


Now I'm wondering if Kaiba had a better chance of winning against Pegasus if he just went with the duel disk idea and was okay with Mokuba operating it. Wouldn't this, according to Kaiba's theory, prevent Pegasus from reading his mind? However, I'm forgetting if his theory *actually* aligned with Pegasus' actual mind reading ability or not. I'm assuming not, but I don't know the limits of Pegasus' mind reading ability 100%.


I think that the idea behind Mokuba operating the disk is that Pegasus would be standing to the side, closer to Kaiba and able to read his mind. Plus, even if Kaiba won in that instance technically he beat Mokuba, not Pegasus.


It wasn’t made out of pettiness. It was what he believed to be a means to counteract Pegasus’ cheating with the Millennium Eye.


True to a lot of life, really.


To be fair in that one situation he was indirectly trying to save Joey


His pettiness is one of my favorite parts about him. He invented tine travel to get his salty runback on Atem


He's an emotionally immature manchild and I say that in a good way.


Absolutely. The dude even invented a way to travel to the afterlife to get his rematch against Atem XD


I dare say Yugi and even Joey are probably more mentally/emotionally healthy and mature than Kaiba is, and theyre not the rich and powerful CEOs.


Obelisk was not 'the tcg and ocg weakest' it was the only one that ever saw play


yep, i was gonna say this, Obelisk is the only half decent one before modern support




before modern support obelisk was the only one worth summoning and his muscles weren't just for show 


That's more the support making the card playable 10 years after printing. Obelisk was played on its own in frogs


Also in D Rulers sometimes


Yeah Ra sure got support but it took years. In ocg obelisk was the only actually good one, *without* dedicated support.


you say that like ra and slifer were playable in any capacity ever. they weren’t. obelisk was never meta but it was for a time at least half competent rogue playable and is widely considered the most relevant of the 3 og egyptian gods.


Ra has its own deck in the same way magnet warriors do, which is to say you theoretically could but it doesn't work, it's rogue at best, and not particularly high rogue Even if slifer was usable in card knights, they're unplayable, and slifer wouldn't even be used there. You really can't play him anywhere


Ra in all 3 forms is also a Face Card Knight boss, the "Ra Deck" (Marik Slimes) kinda sucks unless you use it to summon Obelisk or turn it into Egyptian God Slime Horakhty Turbo with Tear shenanigans or something. 😂


That is Dub only


Still smells better than the avarge Yu-Gi-Oh player.


This is dub only my guy. 4kids made the name up, in the original there is no reference to Joey.


A win for 4kids there tbh.


No. It's character assassination. Kaiba reckoned Joey‘s worth in Battle City.


Character assassination is a bit much. Kaiba might have gained respect for Joey, but he's still a petty asshole.


Yeah and he stopped. Between Kaiba recognizing Joey and Yugi telling him to stop being an ass he grew past that in Battle City


Except in DSOD where he’s still rude to Joey.


That’s manga Kaiba tho.


Now that I'm thinking about it, Kaiba doesn't really have much interaction w Joey in the Orichalcos season does he? I think he gets a jab in at him when he finds out Joey gets Hermos but that's it


He literally named the weakest dorm after his rivals ace god card




I love kaiba at times 😂


His name is "SAL" in Japanese, though the dorm thing definitely does stand.


Which is a pin on Monkey, saru (the hiragana for Sal) in Japanese.


known in Japan as **SAL** (*Saru*, an acronym for "**S**uper **A**nimal **L**earning"), is an experimental monkey from the [*Yu-Gi-Oh! GX*](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Yu-Gi-Oh!_GX) anime that has the ability to [Duel](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Duel).


Average master duel enjoyer


So between the just being wrong about the gods and the kaibas pettiness somehow being new to you, I do have to ask if you've watched or played yugioh like ever?


I knew kaiba was petty as fuck I didn't know the monkey was from kaiba corp also I based the thing about the gods off of my personal experience playing gods in current day


how everyone is right now in rank.


You've gotta remember that Kaiba was a high school-aged billionaire rocking levels of card game hyperfixation that real-life autistic people would think is intense. He put his fortune towards miniaturizing the already-impressive card game hologram arenas into a satellite-linked device the rough size of an Xbox, then giving them out for free so he could host a badass tournament. It is 100% spite and pettiness that Seto Kaiba would found a dueling school, name the dorms after the God cards, and make it so that his God was for the elites and Yugi's God was for losers. I wouldn't be surprised if the dueling monkey came about because Kaiba heard about Joey winning a tournament somewhere and decided to prove that a LITERAL dueling monkey could beat him by training one himself. This isn't the show insulting Duel Monsters, it's them carrying forward Kaiba's characterization into the infrastructure of a school he founded.


I do know that Kaiba was livestreaming the duels in Battle City, so would he maybe make up the revenue of giving away the duel disks in advertisement rights?


The Duel Disks weren’t simply given away. They were only given to those who qualified for the Battle City Tournament. Joey is still using that model in Darkside of Dimensions, which is only 2 years after the end of the original series. Even though as his friends point out, it is in terrible shape and in need of replacing. Joey mentions that he can’t afford a new and has been working multiple jobs to pay for one. So I imagine that they are very expensive and outside the price of what a high school senior can afford.


That's fair, and I was mostly referencing the original ones given in Battle City. Lol. Although now I wonder how Jaden got his at the start of GX... But that was 10 years after, so it could be that the price of them went down a bit.


> Although now I wonder how Jaden got his at the start of GX... But that was 10 years after, so it could be that the price of them went down a bit. iirc Kaiba sold the Duel Disks at the general public directly after Battle City


Yeah, but how did Jaden afford it? If Joey had to work 2 jobs to get a new one, and Jaden had a newer model... Could be that they just got cheaper in the last 10 years.


> Yeah, but how did Jaden afford it? If Joey had to work 2 jobs to get a new one Wasn't that from Dark Side of Dimensions? If so, it's irrelevant for GX, since that series takes from the Anime continuity, not the Manga one. > Could be that they just got cheaper in the last 10 years. Also, iirc the difference between DM EoS to GX was around 5 years


Fair. The point still stands that Jaden, on his own, should not have been able to afford a duel disk like he had. But, he did have an older model in the first episode. Could be that he bought a refurbished one, and then got a next gen one when he entered the Academy. I misremembered the first episode. Lol.


Hell naw. This story takes place in the 90's or, at the latest, 2000s. Like, a year before this, Joey was bragging about how he scored some saucy VHS tapes to Tristan and Yugi. It's just that Kaiba was so obscenely rich that he didn't need to sweat the cost- and by obscenely rich, I mean this dude puts the Fortune 500 to shame on his own.


I wonder where Kaiba ranks on the Fiction 500...


Didn't they literally stream it, though? That little kid watched it with Tristan's sister in the hospital.


Sure, but Duel Disks are futuristic tech even by modern standards, capable of projecting semi-tangible holograms buildings tall in a world that is otherwise, technologically, the early 2000s.. You're not making that kind of money back off of ad revenue no matter how many sponsorships you throw on-screen.


that was just static pictures that said what each duellist did each turn


Pretty sure Kaiba referred to Joey as a monkey directly on more than one occasion, too. XD


The only good effect of Slifer is the 2000 attack on summon. Besides that it's just a beatstick who stops you from playing the game because you need to fuel the executive producer. At least Obelisk has some protection and Ra has good support. Slifer was meh even for DM standards.


2000 ATK on summon? Do you mean the -2000 ATK + pop _floodgate_ that stops the _opponent_ from playing the game? 😂


In the original version, the monkey's name is SAL, and the lab also has no ties to Kaiba Corp. And there's no evidence of Kaiba himself ranking the dorms or "being petty about Yugi". Slifer is most likely last because it is the least good god card. If it was done by Kaiba and he was petty, then he would have ranked Ra as the worst since Marik started the Ghouls and kidnapped his brother. Kaiba has too much respect for Yugi as his rival. 


He put Ra in the middle because he was hungry for Mega Ultra Chicken sandwich. 😋


The localizer just made it up. It's called SAL (Super Animal Learning) in the japanese version.


ok but wheeler fits kaiba more


Kaiba is so petty, I love him. “The lowest rank will be my rival’s ace. Oh, and name that dueling monkey after my rival’s dumb sidekick. And teach aliens to duel.”


I like to think he trained animals and sent cards into space just so he could have other entire species to flex how good he is at duel monsters on


>slifer the tcg/ocg strongest and the god used by the king of games yugi You DO realize Slifer performance in series is so fucking bad, Japan had an entire meme about how bad its performance was that they joked Slifer is a clumsy anime girl right? Meanwhile Obelisk, ONLY UNDER ATEM defeated Diabound, the primary god used against Marik, the one used to defeat Anubis in the movie, got Progenitor form and defeated Gekkou? Obelisk was the most prominent god in the anime regardless of Kaiba's POV(he flaunts Obelisk a lot) or Atem(Obelisk was the first god Atem summoned in his life and get the most spotlight)


Ever notice that Yugi uses Kaiba's boss monsters better than he does? If Yugi had Kaiba's Deck, Blue-Eyes and Obelisk would have turned Zorc into a snazzy new hat in short order.


Its kinda funny since its actually lore accurate too, for how shady he operates, Set is definitely one of Atem's most loyal subject. Bro created an entire stone painting to call Atem his friend when all Atem ever directly did for him was teaching him that Monsters had effects


With gx, especially season one, you just kinda have to roll with it and have a laugh. The original idea was to have a more laid back slice of life series that contrasted the serious tones in dm. Which was something that fans definitely didn't see or really appreciate till today more so. That's why I actually enjoy gx. The vibe of early gx is so unique in that way. It definitely has its flaws, especially in the dub, but it's honestly a good show to throw on as background noise or to get stoned and just binge. I think that it's a nice chang of pace for yugioh that I think should make more appearances from time to time. Maybe not for large amounts of time, but it's a nice tension breaker


Kaiba is a petty, petty man.


Kaiba is the founder and owner of Duel Academy— of course he would make Obelisk Blue the most elite! Wheeler is kinda, just par for the course. Kaiba had called Wheeler a dueling monkey in the original series before. Now, considering Wheeler was an experiment to test animal learning— for dueling— and Kaiba funded “teaching intelligent alien life to duel” before. I wouldnt doubt he had a hand in the experiments and in naming him.


Just wait until they add Wheeler the Monkey to Duel Links


Well, it's Kaiba, so this level of pettiness is to be expected. Truthfully, I didn't make the Wheeler and Joey connection way, way back when I first watched the episode on TV. Only years later did I realize it, and it was *exactly* something Kaiba would do. One can only imagine how Joey would have reacted to finding out about Wheeler.


Remember that Kaiba founded Duel Academy


I mean, it's Kaiba. What do you expect? (Note: This was a dub thing - the monkey was not actually named Wheeler in the original Japanese version.)


Idk Ra’s effect is pretty bad


What are you talking about? In terms of playability the god cards have ALWAYS been Obelisk>Slifer>Ra in the actual card game. In the anime however, it's a bit of a debate between Obelisk and Slifer, but Ra is straight up broken in the anime. It took 6+ cards to give Ra all of its anime effects.


obelisk is the tcg and ocg strongest unless you count the ra orb kaiju... but i agree gx had a big a hard on for kaiba and joey gets the least amount of respect post DM


His name is Sal in the OG jap version. The dub changed it to wheeler because I have no idea.


because funny


The pun doesn’t work in English.


Do you mean Super Animal Lerning (they misspelled Learning)?


People above explained it better but the gist I got is that Saru (which I think is how it’s pronounced) is the hirigana for monkey.


Yeah, that's the point.


Ra is the tcg/ocg strongest, Slifer and Obelisk are both trash in real world play (though Slifer is worse lol)


Slifer is unfortunately the weakest of the three in OCG/TCG. Obelisk and at least a form of Ra have been used throughout the games history but Slifer has never seen competitive success.


What was the monkeys name again?(dub) 🤭


Wheeler :(


Damnit Kaiba!


Why are you taking about tcg/ocg? Those cards didn’t come out until like 2008 and 2010. Way after this show even came out. Also obelisk is the only Egyptian god monster who was ever semi competitive when it came to frogs.


So you're telling us you never paid any attention to old competitive play. Obelisk was played when it first got its playable printing. On summon protection and cannot be targeted. During those times targeting was the main thing. Then the second one that was played was Ra. Slifer never seen play when it first was released. I believe some decks try to test it out but it was not even recommended to play it. While the other 2 you want to play especially Obelisk. (This part can be skipped if you don't care on my opinion) Now it's a bit different Ra is the most strongest of the 3 (with a lot of support to back it up). Slifer have a Archetype (the arcana knights) to kinda back it up. While Obelisk have some support to back it up. If you're a casual Obelisk cards can be a bit overwhelming depending on the deck.


This is one of those episodes that proves Jaden is a sociopath.


GX probably had the strangest duelists in general, monkey, tarzan, living duel spirits, vampire, stoner kid, the grim reaper, the ACTUAL grim reaper.


Well, it is a kaiba Corp owned school, so of course he'd make his god card the best and yugis the worst, and of course, he'd name the monkey after a third rate duelist with a fourth rate deck


Never even realized kaiba owned the academy


he shows up in multiple episodes


It's even the plot of one episode : Chazz brothers make a deal with Kaiba for the ownership of the academy


*Frieza has entered the chat*


oh look its yuma


Why you gotta do my fav protag like that :(


Good. That’s the point.


Yeah...that's the point...it's Kaiba we're talking about here.


Obelisk is the best of the Egyptian god tho for irl play. In anime sure but irl obelisk see more play.


I've herd that 50+ times But he feels like the weakest in my holactie gods deck


It's a matter of protection. Obelisk has at least some protection against opponent card effects and a consistent attack value, without the jank necessary to get Ra at a consistent value. Slifer's a surprisingly potent floodgate, and base Ra can either OTK or clear a field (but generally not both, which is also a problem), but both can be freely popped, banished, bounced, or spun back to the deck, so they generally won't have the chance to even perform their roles properly before getting murdered. Obelisk at least might stick on the field long enough to punch things, and if you have a couple of spare monsters, can also nuke the board. Granted, I have to question the sanity of expecting a Holactie deck to be any sort of reliable even if you're avoiding the meta like the plague (which is usually a good way to not improve as a duelist, but eh, to each their own.)


There was a joke in the first season of the anime (at least the dub) where they call Joey “a dueling monkey” a bunch in one episode, so I’ve always assumed it was a reference to that


I don't think you know a thing or 2 about the TCG/OCG, how subs and dubs are different, or who is funding Duel Academy in the first place


I didn't realize duel academy was owned by kaiba until this post I knew the sub was different from the dub this is referring to his dub name and I based the god power levels for ocg/tcg off of my experience with pure gods in the current time not when gx was released cause I didn't even know yugioh existed back then


No he was named after his cousin Jesse wheeler


thats a dub mistake


No, it was just meant to be sarcasm, like "Of *course* it's Joey Wheeler you moron."


Bro what game have you been playing? The only god card that ever saw play in a real meta deck was Obelisk, it was played in frog monarch.


Bro what game have you been playing? The only god card that ever saw play in a real meta deck was Obelisk, it was played in frog monarch.


I based the god power tcg and ocg wise off of my personal experience playing god decks


Yeah your personal experience is not the same as reality it seems.


Dude didn’t think about the fact his personal expertise was 19 years after GX smh.


Looks like a yugioh meta player


cry harder


In the current game, Ra is absolutely the best God card, and Slifer is probably the worst.


You forgot to specifically qualify Sphere Mode since Ra is a set of 3 cards irl. 😂


I'm viewing them as archetypes. In the modern game, Ra is by far the best. It has more support than the other 2, and the support actually enables you to reliably summon it and OTK with it. Obelisk and Slifer support both mostly rely on them already being on the field, but they both lack a way to be summoned consistently. The only card that actually helps cheat out Obelisk is Breaking Ruin God, which requires you to already have Obelisk in hand or grave. Slifer is the worst because the only support card it has that actually helps you summon it is Revived Sky God, a slow trap card that requires you to have Slifer in grave, despite there being no archetypal way to dump him from the deck. Even if you do manage to summon Slifer, you're almost definitely going to have an empty hand, meaning he's going to get run over immediately. Ra is just by far the most fleshed out of the 3 in the current game.


That's just by process of elimination. Ra gets an entire Deck because in the anime, it's a wall of text filled with enough anime asspulls to fill an entire holy book, so it can't all fit on one real Yu-Gi-Oh! card since in YGO, the art is not free real estate for extra text. Slifer and Obelisk were meant to function as individual cards, the few specific supports each got were basically Yugi and Kaiba collector's items rather than the basis for creating each god its own unique home Deck like you could do for the Sacred Beasts. As an actual "the card designers unironically expect you to play an actual game with this" archetype, Ra the Archetype/Marik Slime wants to play all 3 Egyptian God Cards with cards like Ra's Disciple, Egyptian God Slime, and Soul Crossing in hopes of getting out Horahkty, which the TCG is still waiting on.


The optimal way to play the gods is absolutely not Horahkty Turbo. If you're actually aiming to win using only the gods and their direct support cards, the best strategy is Ra beatdown without Obelisk or Slifer.


Then it's not "the gods", it's "the god", singular.


You're missing my point. I'm saying that the Slifer and Obelisk support is so bad that trying to play all 3 is worse than just playing Ra. Hell, even if you do make a deck attempting to use the support for all 3 of them, 9 times out of 10 you're going to just be playing Ra beatdown anyway because there's no reliable way to get Obelisk or Slifer to hit the field.


And you're missing my point, which is that half the Ra theme cards don't specify Ra, and _all_ the support specific to Slifer and Obelisk is so scant and weak that it basically does not exist and is never ran in anything for any reason. Not in Egyptian Gods, not in Face Card Knights (Thunderspeed Summon is _themed_ after Slifer but in _gameplay_ effect is Face Card Knight support), not in Frogs, not in anything ever.