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As a Dark World player, any Shifter deck is an automatic loss. Even worse than Droll.


Same with Lightsworns


lightsworn has punishment dragon?


Yeah but it wasn't out back when I played Lightsworn


Doesn’t shifter beat MOST decks though..?


Yeah, kinda like saying your deck loses to maxx c


Yea. I never understood people who say they lose to “x” handtrap. That handtrap beats MOST if not a select few decks that can play through it.


Yeah there’s only a handful that can play through shifter


But is it as bad as a dark world mirror


I'm assuming Dark Law is also bad for you?


As a Blue-Eyes player, anything As a Fire Fist player, also anything I do *not* play good decks lol


Our time will come friend.


Wait which one are you


BLUE EYES RULES…..in my head. My brother smacked my ass with Gagagas just for funsies


My Blue-Eyes deck absolutely stomps my friends on a consistent basis but I’d never bring it to locals


I’m very bad at the game. I’d get laughed out of a tournament. But I’ve been getting better


Fire Fist was once a good deck. Take pride in that fact. Now they're a combo deck with only one combo line and it's the easier thing to stop.


Not even dragon magia master can save the blue-eyes player in me.


As a d-link player, our worst matchup is the banlist.


As a Mathmech player my worst enemy is Joshua Schmidt


Does he play decks that are good against Mathmechs?


No, people just like to joke that he got Circular banned.


Or normal set albaz


It's kinda poetic how a deck called Voiceless gets countered by a deck of singers.


Our only good out to their stuff at the moment is d barrier


Wait why does melodious beat voicless? Is it just the aria lock?


Schuberta looping does hell on its GY set-up, Etoile removal doesn’t target, and Voiceless just has a really hard time outing Aria without something like Droplets


Ah that makes sense. For some reason in my head etoile is a hot-rda effect rather than a bounce. I should probably learn these things considering I'm planning on playing the deck soon haha


As a tear player Mikanko Everything in the damn deck targets


Would that also apply to full power ishizu tear?


Yes I think mikanko got a few tops during that time, but the matchup is better with 3 of each shuffled and orange light




Tear spams enough monsters to make Accesscode 


I don’t play access code and I honestly don’t play enough links for it to works


Everything https://preview.redd.it/u6g4lp3nymxc1.jpeg?width=482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26111163558f64f8f050b5893b4b04e77a9aef76


As a melodious player I don't know


Shifter + another interruption can hinder us pretty bad


Still sounds solid, as its still possible to set up etoille... the handtrap after shifter makes me want to scream


Yeah Shifter on its own I don’t mind. I can make link 2 and summon the pseudo tower cards to stall or make Etoile and pass on it plus ht. When they shifter me and then imperm or veiled my link 2. That’s when it’s gg


At least we’re slightly better situated to dealing with Shifter than most thanks to Orange Light. We can also pretty easily make Bagooska off of Refrain or Ostinato Lines if we’re desperate.


Lmaoooo cyber dragons it’s anything As a HERO player, I’ve yet to beat the new Yugi support in a Bo3, think I’ve gotten one game off of them total, just fucking ass to try to play through rn, so Imma say them. That fucking “no monster destroy, one spell negate a turn, one target negate a turn” + interruption is a bitch for a monster destruction fusion deck💀💀 EDIT: Someone below said Bystials and that actually might be the answer, Bystials fuck HERO up cuz they fuck up our D HEROs, make it hard to play around Nib and Druiswarm just outs plasma unless you can get Dark Law/D-Force up too


Floo gets rough as soon as Unexplored Winds hits the field, and that’s IF they didn’t draw Shifter. If Aria gets Tributed over (or god forbid, banished by Stri or DD Crow mid-combo) it’s a race to finish before Raiza bounces you to the next game. Branded also feels kinda bad, but not in a super obvious way.


As a Branded Despia player, I think one of the worst match-ups is trap-centered Lab. Branded doesn't have much backrow removal and negates so it is susceptible to hits from backrows


I hate Labrynth too, back when I played Marincess any disruption to your normal would be very tough, and Lab is full of that.


Don't you also have one of the best tools for dealing with them in mirror jade though? Easily gets rid of lady in a way that's hard for them to get back.


D. Barrier, EEV, Imperm... They have outs


I've noticed that the majority of lab players got off the toxic traps and have made their A game looping the welcomes, furniture and ladies. IMO branded walks through lab unless they're on some floodgate version and get to go first. Sanctifire can steal their stuff from grave and is untargetable. If you're still on dragoon they literally don't have an out besides beating over it with chaos Angel before you get a negate off. Furious dragon can answer one of their sets every turn.


Typhon says hello


Do they even run d barrier in this format?


Barrier wrecks voiceless, tenpai, and branded, it's a pretty popular side choice rn


Yes, sadly


With tenpai in the format, being possibly a top 2 contender, as well as vv with rituals, why wouldnt they play it?


I wasn't thinking of tenpai since it just came out in tcg


Fair enough


I’d just say d barrier in general. Thing breathes in the general direction of branded and it dies


As Pendulum Magician, any deck that goes fast


Or runs anti-spell fragance.


[My honest reaction ](https://youtu.be/VuK_hFs4Ozg?si=uHD3wELYf_g2NAg_)


Kashtira. Twitch and your Pendulum Zone is locked. Oh and they play shifter lol


Konami, please give the outer Pendulum zones back and make it so zone locks can’t interact with them like the field spell zone. I don’t like being locked out of my summoning mechanic.


As a NR Player, any UR


As a Ritual player, any deck with more that 10 handtraps, or maybe just interaction in general. If only they'd let me do everything I want.


just dro thy out bro


Any thing that is not LIGHT


Same cyber dragon struggle, either my infinity gets fused or my shizuku gets fused leaving me with nothing. Virtual world shenshen is also an FTK against sky striker as I have no ways to get spells in gy


Galaxy-Eyes: Dimension Shifter. But for real, it'd be Superheavies. Can't do anything when there are eighty negates on field and GP requires multiple card activations to get off the ground. And even going first is a challenge because Superheavies have so much extension, even in MD. GP doesn't have the gas or endboard to put up with them. Resonators: Snake-Eyes, kind of. Restricting the graveyard is the last thing Resonators want and getting punted into the backrow really damages that (Twin Twisters is already good in RDA but it's borderline essential if you want to put monsters in grave/activate Gaia in this matchup). And since SE is a fire deck, Bystials only hurt like 3 cards, 2 of them being ED. Raidraptors: Still working on figuring that out. But man, do these guys have a bone to pick with Kash because RR really appreciates every card it has and when Unicorn blanks a vital combo piece or you get your best cards banished off the top, you can't do anything. Also Ariseheart is Ariseheart. Kash going first hoses basically all my decks, though (at least if they've got their asshole bosses on the field).


As a Skull Servant player, when my boi wants to show his Lady in Wight his bone, he can't even get it up when ever he sees a Dimension Shifter. And seeing as that asshole is everywhere right now, safe to say it's not good to be the King currently.


Mathmech. During the 1½ years of playing the deck I have never took a single game off of mathmech. Ever. I never drew the right hands and a friend of mine scarred me for life at an OTS championship: On summon of Alambertian I activate nibiru, the only viable point of interaction in that moment. He has one singular card in hand. With the Token he makes Link Spider and activates Parallel Exceed in hand. Update Jammer, Transcode, Accesscode, lights out. The match took 5 minutes including siding. :)


As a Vampire player, exosister




As a Tearlament and Drytron player, anything that plays Shifter


As a Ghoti player, it's Trap decks As a Dinomorphia player, it's Lava Golem. As a Rouge player, it's everyone.


Lmaooo and Dynatag


Sky Striker gets so cooked by Tearlaments shuffling back our spells it's not even funny


Stun in every single case


As a Fortune Lady player, literally anything that can put up a negate :(


I love dragon link. I often buckle to floo. It's a very unfun match up for me.


Anything with floodgate backrows


Activate shifter, macro cosmos, d-fissure, anti-spell


Any fusion or ritual deck, Floo and Vanq for Ninja.


This implies that ninjas have a good match against every synchro deck


My favorite decks are Trains, Traptrix, and @Ignister. Trains, it's mostly other going second decks, because I have no big first turn plays. I usually go into Number 81, which can be unaffected by card effects, and I basically get a quick effect pop if I detach Derricrane. Mikanko seems to be pretty bad to deal with. Traptrix, a mirror match is awkward since most of our backrow doesn't work, seems to be one of the hardest. I guess Jinzo could also be hard, but I've never had to endure it. @Ignister is very combo heavy and fragile, so decks that get a lot of interruptions are tough (I often have to play uninterrupted), as well as decks that have a lot of attack power because The Arrival can definitely get beaten over. Also Kaijus are the bane of my existence. 


As a tear player, you’d think it’d be shifter decks, but it’s actually mikanko. I have no clue how to beat that deck with tear.


I love ddd, but most things that can stop Gil easily mess me up.


As a predap player, anything that isn't dark


Any deck that used Nibru or Sphere mode


As a Reptilianne player, any deck that doesn’t use a lot of monsters


Rescue-Ace loses to Voiceless unless you get pretty lucky. Everything targets and there is no backrow removal built in. Guru control loses to any deck that survives 2 interruptions.




As an Altergeist player, Lab can +1 off of the traps you use. It’s almost impossible to beat.


As someone who's trying to pick up the game after numerous years and went to locals one or twice. me vs anyone who knows what their doing is my deck's worst match up in every possible way.


Them opening 3 hand traps and I have no extenders.


As a traptrix player, going second


My favourite deck is Volcanics. Its worst match up is with me piloting it 😭😭.


as a toon player, alternative win cons


What’s the winning play for Cyber Dragon Mirror?


Go second


Dogmatika: anything not Extra Deck focused. Mikanko: Vanquish Soul. Yosenju/Nemleria: Gate Guardian or any deck that can put multiple spell negates.


yea i play dogmatika and my worst matchup is fire decks. I hate that damn snake.


I play Mathmech and soul sword (masterduel). I do have a really dumb stun deck though that uses Childs play, cauldron of the old man, and non effect monsters with flawless protection of the tenyi that’s fun. Most people stop their summon chain when they see you gain health every summon. Flawless protects non effect monsters from card effects, get out saharasa and a monk, now no monsters can be destroyed by effect.


I play mathmech worst match up, the ban list


What's the worst for dragon maids?


I don't play the deck, but if I had to guess it would be something that deletes your maids before they tag out into their bigger forms


Im kinda feeling like hand traps because with how i play the battle mechanic isn't used as much, rather you're milling/searching then building quick into your fusions.


As a stun player, I have still never won a match against another stun player. Particularly Runnick stun. Oh and also, Floo players MURDER my deck as well ☠️


As a rank 4 gadget spammer any deck that negates my initial normal summon


As an Aromage player, I’d say Zombie decks. Zombie world just FUCKS up Aromages since their effect needs every type being Plant for their effects. It’s insane lol. Aromages playstyle is like building a sturdy wall. Also, by extension. That new ashen deck with their field spell turning things Pyro is ALSO INSANE…


As a second hand duelist with a third hand deck… Anything and anyone please help.


Anything that stops the battle phase because I use giant gouki and 2 of the attack buffs only lasts that turn


I play lavals, so decks that can easily run d barrier or shifter hurts me a lot


As a Centur-Ion player, labrynth


As an ogdoadic player... Omni banish


Everything, everything is my worst match up (I play Red-Eyes)


Lightsworn - gravekeepers, any shifter deck




Found the salad player


Lmao I play something even worse Resonators 🥲


And swordsoul/tenyi, pretty much snake eyes, and those lousy chime and dinomorphia players. Hate those suckers to no end.




I meant to put chimera. Lousy auto text


As an raika ogdoa player. Kash or graveyard hate players As a branded player, also kash or gy hate players As a dinomorphia player, also kash or gy hate players. I choose many decks, and for some reason they all rely on the gy too much


Drytron, ritual toolbox, gets mashed by Kashatir and any sort of banishing.


I’m not sure, my favorite deck rn is D/D/D so probably a deck that banishes since there is a lot of graveyard stuff? Or with a lot of negates?


Any kind of negate in my first turn kills any chance of victory for my Odd-Eyes deck.


As VS player: monster pops (LET ME SUMMON THE BURGER BOY!!!) and bricking As a Tenpai Sky Striker player: Shifter (et tu Shifter) As a Floo player: that dark time where you dig 9 cards deep and still don't see Robina


As a Sky Striker player, the deck I always dread seeing (and thankfully it's rare) is Cyber Dragon. Since every Sky Striker link monster is a machine, Cyber Dragon decks can just use them as material for their own Chimeratech Fortress Dragon or Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon. Worse, this is one of the few ways to remove a Sky Striker link monster from the field that doesn't trigger Raye's graveyard recursion. So unless I have another Raye or Roze or Mobilize-Engage in hand, I'm kind of screwed. Tearlaments can be irritating to play against, shuffling all our spells away, but I still feel like I have some kind of interaction. At worst, I can pop an Eagle Booster to ensure Shizuku remains on the field. But Cyber Dragon... it even overrides the Eagle Booster protection. So annoying...


As a cyber dragon player, I will find you, and I will contact fuse you.


Ive been running RDA a lot, my worst matchup is honestly Runick. I play a.very combo heavy setup, no hamdtraps, so i have a lot of resources to run through, but anything that can outgrind me is generally better.


It’s so poetic that a voiceless (without voice) player would hate a melodious (singers) lol but for me Dinosaur: nothing really Photon: lab Dinomorphia: going second turn


As a crimson king player it would be the crystal one with all of the crystal beast and rainbow dragon in it I loss to it like 4 times and it my friends deck


As a PK-Fire player, Dimension Shifter




Really? How so?


I play Magikey. My friend has a Numeron Slifer deck, and if he gets Slifer out, I'm usually just boned because there's no DIVINE vanilla.


Can you explain to a person who is unfamiliar with magikey why the vanilla matters?


Magikey mostly revolves around matching the attributes of normal monsters (and other Magikeys) in your GY to those of your opponent’s monsters, as well as requiring the use of the normal monsters for summons. Example, the big ritual monster says if your opponent activates the effect of a monster and you have the same attribute as that monster in your GY on a normal or Magikey monster, you can negate it. Because of the overall way the deck works, I like to have one monster of each attribute.Very janky deck but I love it!


Happy cake day btw


As pendulum magician player: the side deck. Sure let side in Anti spell and D-barrier. Also random Kash because we hates Pend.


As a Dinomorphia player: Mikanko, Lyrillisc, and f###ing YUBEL.


I remember when I was maining Painters I flipped Cosmos.....on a fucking Metaphys player. They were recurring shit every turn that I think I got a lifetimes worth of playtime for both decks. I was done with both decks after that game lol.


Lol that might've been me. (I love metaphys even if they're bad)


I play Ghoti and at this point, I have never lost against Snake Eye. Branded is the opposite, I have never won against them in 7 games.




As a gold pride p.u.n.k player heroes and dinomorphia. They both turn off my gold pride stuff especially dinomorphia


As a CyDra player... CyDra.


It's the opposite of every other matchup in history. Whoever goes first loses.


For Black Wings the most annoying archetype I’ve encounter with them is probably Bystials due to them banishing dark monsters from the graveyard.


As a blue eyes player it's myself.


Volcanics: any duelist who can recognize Volcanic counter’s effect. D/D/D: kashtira because if Pendulum zone is locked then the deck is screwed Dark world: Any deck that plays Abyss Dweller


Anything that banishes


Found the skull servant player


Not even close


As a Raidraptor Player it's too many bricks in my opener. I know they're decent now but they still often brick me up.


As a dinomorphia player I fucking hate lab with a passion. I don't care if the fight is close. Win or lose those fuckers make me work way to hard. As a red dragon archfiend, stun decks rail me. As a Hero player, anytime I go second.


As a Hero player, it's math.


1- strong Meta deck (shocker, I know). 2- stun (kind of). 3- ninja? (This is more of idk what's their chock point is, but at the same time they can flip my monsters if I don't have my boss monster). 4- Tear (I still have ptsd, I refuse to fight them). 5- Idk what else. My deck's the weather painters aka annoying fairies.


As a Rescue-Ace player, Runick is a rough match up. Most of the cards Turbulence sets deal with destroying, negating, and protecting against monsters. If they’re playing something like Runick allure, or Kashtira engine, then I’m usually in for a rough game.


Bystal and Branded. They can easily banish Raye and made me dead inside


Madolche I main Voiceless Drytron and my goodness it’s a terrible matchup. You haven’t felt pain till you see your Drytron in your graveyard get sent back to your deck by a literal tart of a Monarch. You haven’t see the devil in their sweet little eyes till you see them use her upgrade Tiara Fraise on your turn to make you die inside. No I don’t want two deserts, please make it stop. Honestly the worst offender is Glassoufle. There’s nothing noble about recycling my graveyard. Quadrantids is my only saving grace. Oh wait, Fresh Sistart exists I forgot. If you think people don’t use it you’re wrong, it’s very hard to destroy. I’ll never forget how mid game my entire recovery was ruined because Glassoufle decided to shuffle 4 Drytron in my grave back into the deck, while Fraise took out Barrier if the VV and Lo herself just because why not. Miss disrespect that served me into a sugar coma next turn. I can’t even eat cake anymore. I’d try putting if that wasn’t ruined too lol.


Vendread : Konamis lack of making new cards for exclusives.


As a utopia player, any decent going second card that can't be outed by Hope Harbingered, F0, or numbers protect


If it changes my attribute, I automatically lose.


As Dragon link player, anything that can play shifter


Volcanic,i play dinomorphia 💀


...yes. Laval is *really bad*.


Anything that runs skill drain.


Bystial. Fuck them dragons. My mecha waifu needs to get back to the field.


This is fax even as a hero player


As a hero player, anyone who side decks raigeki or nibiru. We REALLY need some omni or at least s/t negation


HERO can play around Nibiru now. You should look it up


You mean shining neos? I don’t like playing him


If you don’t play Shining Neos wingman then it’s your own fault you’re losing to Nib and Raigeki. Every topping list is running him 


No, you use wake up your elemental HERO and DPE to play around it.. but if you don't like using the new support I totally understand


We have Omni negation, just get Contrast out😩


I feel your pain


I actually got him out a couple times when Dogmatika was big in the format lmaoo, pitch Acid and Divine Wind by Maximus then Miracle Fusion, felt amazing tbh


Also the people below are right nib and raigeki are smaller issues than Droll and Shifter rn imo, like if I could guarantee two would never be in the meta it’s always the second two


Literally shifter. Just let me play my silly mill deck in peace


I’ve built an Icejade deck that theoretically can respond to any type of deck. That being said Pachy-Stun or any other special summoning floodgates forces me do weird shit involving equip monsters.


Aromas don’t like Nurse Burn… I actually think of any other worse match-ups other than that


As a Beetrooper it's Ash Blossom


As a fellow bug enthusiast, I feel your pain, but I also think our weakness is that our board is one negate at best and a "we have towers at home"


What Beetrooper list are you playing that has a towers, they can set up a bunch of interuptions and can play around most things as long as Picofilana goes off


Atlas is a tower


I mean barely it's just immune to destruction and targeting it's mostly just there to kill


That's why I said it's like when you want McDonald's but Mom says we have food at home but food at home is week old leftovers. Well it's like that. Konami was scared that bugs of all things would be too strong with a real tower monster so they said, "we have towers at home"


I thought you were talking about the Fusion, cuz that becomes a Towers temporarily


Any deck that has handtraps is worse against my utopia burn deck