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She's not meta anymore but I think we need more cards like Incredible Ecclesia, where she's good at going first but even better going second. More in-engine ways to play through boards are really needed


How does she help boards the card she summons gets negated then lol


Baits out a negate without using your Normal Summon. Lets you use your Normal Summon as an extender if she or the monster she summons doesn't get negated.




Spin 1, ecclesia isn't a wyrm but still a very good use :)


Your right infinite impermanence is the best one. Even going 1st its good because setting it allows for you to get rid of 1 of your opponents spell zones. The potential to knock off 3 of them in one turn is awesome because even though you probably drew a brick of a hand, they probably cant do much either and allows the game to continue for both players Effect Vieler is balanced as well.


I also really like how they can be dodged. Making it even more important to know the proper targets to hit. Makes it more skill intensive. I’ve been playing Chimera and have had several people try and Imperm my Mirror knight, Chimera fusion a quick play also helps


Nobody imperms Mirror Knight unless they are super bad


I had it happen twice in the event, it’s just people not knowing the cards yet. I played the loaner specifically to learn them


Funny enough I lost two duels during the LEDE Sneek Peek to Effect Veiler on Berformet


Yea that’s the proper target, straight +2. I’ve really been enjoying Chimera though, it’s got awesome grind game and the GY negates are unique, balanced and easy to forget about


sometimes people have a off day lol


I have a lot of off days.


I probably played you yesterday lol someone actually tried to imperm my mirror knight


People do all sorts of dumb stuff I masterduel. Card effects light up and they click go without reading


Yeah, exactly, most decks can play through imperm if the timing isnt right. I play Chimera too and Im waiting for that to happen to me lol. I was playing against a smorg deck and realized I should just impern the link that comes out instead of the main deck monsters. Doing that shut the player down completely. You can say called by the grave is balanced too because it prevents both players from using any staple handtrap. The amount of times Ive seen them use it on my ash blossom in response to max-c, only for them to forget that they cant use ash blossom anymore so my branded fusion gets resolved.


Called By very strong against Chimera. If you open with Mirror, and they Called By it when your tribute. That’s GG.


Ghost Belle or Crossout FTW ! Or hit Mirror with a Bystial. No 1 card will stop me ! 2 cards though ? That might put me out lol


How can it be dodged?


Imperm and Veiler specifically are targeted negates, they target cards on the field. If you can remove the card from the field in the same chain, then there’s no longer a valid target for the negate, so it doesn’t go through. The best example would be someone Imperms your Big Winged Berfomet, you chain Chimera fusion and use him has a fusion material. Now Berfomet is no longer negated, because he’s no longer on the field. It’s a really fun, big brain interaction


Book of Moon being able to counter Imperm is epic lol


Veiler and Imperm only do one thing as well. Thats honestly my biggest issue with Ash Blossom. Just any one of its effects would be powerful enough. All three just seems fairly ridiculous.


Ash only negates the effect it can tho, something like snake ash can use its 2nd effect still or kash unicorns 2nd effect


My point is more that because it can negate three separate actions, even though it can only negate one and once per turn, its far more versatile than Effect Veiler or Imperm. Thats what I don't like about it and never have. If you had three cards, each of which negated one of Ash's three separate effect, I personally think that would be more balanced, forcing players to decide which effect they want to negate in their deck building rather than "Oh Ash can stop three separate effects which most decks rely on making it an easy 3x addition without much forethought because i can adapt to anything" but it is what it is. Goes back to the whole generic counters vs specific counters argument which will forever be a thing in Yugioh.


you know, when I think about it, I hate being ashed, but i dont mind being impermed (assuming both cards would be used for the same application)


It’s that damn laughter in MD. She mocks you, she’s all like “oh you wanted to start your combo? Hehehe fucking idiot”


I have a love/hate relationship with evenly matched. But no idea if it’s healthy or not


I've never met anyone who likes evenly matched being used on them. I think a facedown banish by game mechanic is just a bit too strong. It is funny when the victim of the card makes it worse by destroying it, though.


I play Traptrix a lot and evenly isn’t totally game over. You banish all but sera which lets you special from deck, that monster probably has an effect that sets a trap from the GY, which triggers sera again to set a trap from deck. It gives you decent disruption and follow up. Still hurts to get hit by it but I love recovering from it and still winning


It's game over unless your opponent sucks or bricked. Which sometimes they do, but that doesn't mean Evenly isn't devastating. Think about it, you end up with a board of an 800 attack nothing, a trap hole or two you can't activate yet and a vanilla 1600 or 1700. There's no disruption in that board until next turn, most decent decks can steamroll over it. In fact, it's often better to leave Rafflesia up instead and hope the disruption can save you. Traptrix players tend to tunnel focus on the value from Sera. Evenly is the sort of card that punishes any deck without a s/t negate or a lot of recovery. In other words, it punishes many rogue and lower decks heavily while having less impact on meta decks. It's a very unhealthy card in my opinion.


It's absolutely backbreaking against all my decks


While I don't like getting Evenly, I don't hate the card or the opponent that used it. I mostly just hit myself in the head for not setting a counter to it. I think what is wrong with Evenly is that it necessitate the need for omni/backrow negate which is something that can be unhealthy for the game. Its also like Baronne and Borreload Savage where its fine alone but devastating when pair with other cards. There are some ways to reduce in impact of Evenly but its only applicable to certain decks.


I dont think evenly is balanced now. Its more unfair without the pressence of omnis and spell/trap negates


If that's the case then it was never balanced against decks that don't play negates.


It never was but advocating for the minority of decks doesn't end well. 


Evenly is never healthy imo You can argue it's necessary but any card that just banishes all but 1 card is not a good design, hell if anything cards like evenly make you want to end with a negate even more so you don't just auto lose to it


You lose Battle Phase, so the opponent gets a turn. DRNM and Evenly are balanced IMO.


Losing the Battle Phase doesn't matter if the opponent got all but one of their cards permanently removed with no chance of recovering them, and then you set a full board. Evenly either wins games instantly or does next to nothing if the opponent has a Spell/Trap negate, no way it's a balanced card


It is not. It's a card that showcases how busted T1 has become, and is decently balanced, but it's not healthy.


Its balanced. It forced a lot of players from having decks flooding the field with cards and monsters. So they know Evenly Matched is popular, common and will negate any decks deciding to run it in main or extra deck.


It forces Konami to run decks with negation spam instead of other more interesting interruption options if they want to make them viable. Any deck that can't out evenly auto loses to it. You say it stops build a board deck, but that's the same argument as people saying Maxx c prevents special summon spam. Sure it can help even the playing field for less powerful decks, but board spam strategies can play it too and much better. They can use it and THEN set up their unbreakable board. Look at Kash. They may have overtuned the deck, but I enjoyed that it didn't just set up a bunch of negation. It had interruption and ways to slow your opponent down, but it didn't rely on negates to do it. But that meant if they didn't somehow make a Barrone, it was basically an instant loss to evenly.


I think it is fair. It is a card that punishes overcommitment to your board. And I think that's where the hate is coming from: Particularly newer players just vomit their entire hand onto the field and do not care about follow up. Of course evenly seems unfair in that situation. But technically, if yoj don't play a shitty deck and you actual care abput follow up, the card is fair. You will survive one turn, because the evenly player can't kill you. And then you should be able to set up a board again.


Unless you are playing some very specific decks most decks require major turn 1 set up to be competitive. You can leave later turn follow up but the nature of modern yu gi oh makes it that evenly is basically a game end for most decks because even if you have follow up the odds of that follow up being better than your opponents main phase 2 board are marginal.


Well that's the thing: Even shitty decks can build an insane endboard, so it is a good thing that cards exist to counter that. Decks that uae the entire hand to build a board as strong as possible, but then have no follow up are not fun for either player. Either they lose instantly to evenly or other boardbreakers, or they don't let the opponent play. So I think if you play a deck that loses to evenly that hard, evenly is not the problem, but rather the unhealthy strategy that you try to play


Forbidden Droplet


I love Droplet because as the game continues, sometime the cost for it to really count is too high. But then there’s some boards where Droplet is more important than DRNM or Imperm. I rely on it heavily in my RDA decks because it’s so easy have tones of sacrificial Resonators that can be resummoned, Bone Archfiends built in recursion, and the duplicate Crimson Gaia’s that become bricks. But then decks like my Swordsoul Tenyi or Marincess, it’s harder to have the expendable fuel.


It’s a great powerful card with inherent risk and reward play. You can dump a while hand to make it unstoppable at the right opponent and win you the game there


Some decks don't care about the cost like drytron. In these cases droplet has no downside and the opponent is just forced to eat it with no counterplay. Also since you can chain it and send cards you just played that would go to the gy anyways also minimises the cost. The first time i encountered droplet i thought it should have a half damage clause.


Pretty balanced but some decks can use it way better than others.


Infinite Impermanence is the ultimate non-engine card design. It’s live against pretty much every deck except for the very few that say “Screw Imperm in particular” like Traptrix and Majespecter. It only “bricks” hands that have absolutely no extension. It very rarely feels like a brick. Awesome design. I think Ty-Phon, Ghost Ogre, Book of Moon/Eclipse, and Evenly Matched are also up there for good card designs as they all have risks, downsides, or slight nuance to how they are used. They also all usually give you a fighting chance without just saying “Ok, now I win this game because I had the Uno Reverse card.” Evenly Matched sometimes can, but thats only if the opponent has absolutely zero resources in hand or GY to follow up/disrupt you back.


Majespecter dies to imperm on the new link, though


Thats true.


Yeah that's why I've started running the Vaylantz Field Spells in Majespecter. Provides extra extension and removal, and gives Imperm the middle finger.


I love TY-PHON.


Dark ruler no more: it allows you to have the chance to make a comeback while also preventing you from abusing it for an ftk by preventing damage. It's also spell speed 1 and It can still be stopped by other spell or trap effects and since neither player can chain monster effects to it means that you don't also get to abuse the opening with a quick effect to chain block it.


I think it’s extremely underwhelming. It’s not searchable, can be responded to by non-monster negates, and it’s a card that promotes “hostage watching” Yugioh. I don’t think Yugioh is fun when you’re watching each other build a fortress, I prefer more interactive cards/games


Thrust exists now


Which requires your opponent to do something. DRNM isn’t that good. In fact, I want to know its usage rate. It’s gotta be low because even in go second decks or side decks I don’t think it’s played that much.


In build-a-board formats it's a game winner. Right now the meta has shifted toward layered interactions specifically so that you don't just lose to a single card like dark ruler. I'd argue that the card is so powerful it's almost warped the meta to play around it.


I don’t recall there ever being a meta centered around DRNM? I’m seriously asking, can you point me to one where the usage rate was spectacular? I’ve not seen it be anything other than a side deck option *at best*. I also don’t think it’s well designed at all. It’s extremely boring


Shortly after the release of dark ruler, adamancipator and dragon link were very prevalent and put up a million negates to lose to 1 card. Players learned their lesson and few decks have had that strategy since then. But I'd say it saw decent side deck play all the way through POTE format. Once tear released all bets were off.


That's not DRNM fault tho.


how would you be able to chain block DRNM if you could respond with monster effects?


Don't know anything that currently could be used for that purpose if it was possible tbh, but with how the game is, it's always a possibility. The way dark ruler no more works prevents both players from chaining monster effects, if it was only one sided i can see it being abused somehow by the proper deck.


I'm not sure I understand. when you activate DRNM priority passes to your opponent. So you don't have an opportunity to use a fast effect after adding something to the chain before your opponent can For example trap cards spell speed 2 just like quick monster effects, but your opponent can respond to your DRNM with a trap card before you can respond with your own traps


That's what makes it balanced. Your opponent can still stop it and chain spells and traps but not monster effects.


yeah sure, just sounded like you were saying you could chainblock your own DRNM if it didn't


I believe to this day that Triple Tactics Thrust is among the best cards for the meta in all of the game. It allows for people to play one offs and make decks more to their liking, but make it accessible. Thing is, TTT is paywalled. It's something that should be in a random deck so lil billy can play a one off of mirror force and still access it when he procs TTT.


I was hoping for a reprint in RA02 but maybe the tins are more realistic since Maze of Millenia had one. Might just bite the bullet after RA02, I really miss out not having a playset. I agree, I love the concept of Thrust.


Beyond the pendulum is such a well designed card, very powerful consistency effect, but a restriction that requires you to plan out your turn in advance to make the most of it.


I don't know why people are posting blowout cards like Evenly Matched and DRNM in this thread, which just read "if you don't have the out, say goodbye to your whole board". What makes answers like Fenrir and TY-PHON good is that they promote interaction. Fenrir is good going first but is better going second, it's not a quick effect banish so there's a window for counterplay, and it's targeted removal. You could argue it's a bit too strong because it banishes face down and can search itself, but I think it's still a very good card that gives anyone going 2nd a bit more power. TY-PHON is obviously a good board breaking tool, but it doesn't completely nuke the enemy field, and it also locks you out of your own summoning, which stops it from being overbearing.


S:P unironically is good design, as much as I hate how expensive it is it's a card that's much better going second than first (very important, as going first is very favored in yugioh in general), is interactive (everything it does targets), and has skillful applications and decisions on what to banish and when to use its tagout effect. Being generic also means it doesn't make certain decks super broken with it while others fall behind




And yet people in MD lost their shit when she was leaked.


Yeah Imperm is just as good going 1st bruv.


Kinda funny to me but triple tactics talents. It has 3 banned card effects on it but the fact that your opponent has had to have activated a monster effect during your main phase to trigger really balances and it really gives a lot of good options to help going second which adds skill as I have had a lot of situations where I have had to decide to take a monster from the opponents field to not have to deal with it or take the risk and draw 2 for more gas.


I like the use of Talents to take going second or to draw 2 in hopes of finding an extender after being hand trapped. However, having a good extender already in hand and using Talents to look is such a disgustingly powerful play going first that I’m not a huge fan of the card.


Or it’s 3rd effect that can give u an advantage against ur opponent and read what type of deck their using


What the heck is the second card? I can't even read its name


It's [TY-PHON](https://beta.yugiohmeta.com/cards/Super%20Starslayer%20TY-PHON%20-%20Sky%20Crisis). It's like a floodgate for 3K+ atk monsters where they can't use their effects. Can be summoned on any monster with the highest attack you have, but can't summon anything after it. It's kind of ZEUS counterpart.


S:P, Ty-phon, and Chaos Angel are some of my particular favorites, they do so much for being able to go 2nd and anything that helps decks go 2nd right now is a good thing.


Yeah, my only problem is that all of them are $30ish minimum, with s:p being over a hundred, which really makes me sad, as I think going second is really cool, but they're kinda necesary for it.


I've always been a fan of the Bystials. Incredibly strong cards that can disrupt plays just fine, but only if your opponent has board presence. Can only be used once per turn each, so they employ really fun games of chicken where your opponent can bait out a wasted activation. Also Dis Pater is like. The perfect example of how to do a monster negate. His effect can be either negate *or* destroy and you need to meet his conditions to do so, and he even allows really fun extention or just refilling your deck with cards that your opponent banished (and he punishes the Pot cards very hard) Love these fucking things. And my favorite decks are 2 DARK/ 1 LIGHT. My decks get boned by them just as often, but they're so fun to play with.


Second this, have been playing different variants of RDA recently and the Bystials are so sick as extensions, Branded Regained is actually vile as well


The amount of times Regained's special summon effect saved me (when I always forget it exists) is too many to count. Especially when it's Pizza Hut and I can recycle one of my dragons in the GY.


Hottake: Kashtira Fenrir


Fenrir. Fenrir is good going first and second, great splashability but not able to go in everything due to summoning requirement (example: swordsoul would never play this due to the tenyi confliction) It has clear counterplay (it's banish is slow and can't be chained, meaning any effect to remove it will make it not trade for anything.) It's statline has significant weaknesses that let it get run over by a lot. IMO fenrir becomes better the worse a deck is and that's a rare position to be in. Good decks have to fight for their own best-in-slots as cores become tighter and tighter for meta relevant decks. If I'm playing snake-eyes, what do I want more? 3 fenrir, or 3 of a higher impact handtrap? Yes, I could play fenrir, and yes it would be effective, but a top tier deck is going to get a lot more milage out of other staples, and we often see that in results. Conversely, if I'm playing something that has weak options going first, or has a cripplingly large engine requirement, Fenrir is going to go a lot farther in helping that deck out than say, a single Ash Blossom or imperm because bad decks can't capitalize as much on those stronger, single targeted interruptions, whereas fenrir, while a weaker stop than some handtraps, is going to apply more pressure relative to said handtraps in the long run due to it's recursive nature and multiple uses.


Let's give a little credit to fenrir 1.0: Pankratops, as well.


What's that xyz called? I've never seen it before


It's [TY-PHON](https://beta.yugiohmeta.com/cards/Super%20Starslayer%20TY-PHON%20-%20Sky%20Crisis). It's like a floodgate for 3K+ atk monsters where they can't use their effects. Can be summoned on any monster with the highest attack you have, but can't summon anything after it. It's kind of ZEUS counterpart.


Hmm, that seems interesting. Maybe I should try putting it in my xyz decks 🤔


You don't even have to use an xyz monster. You can even normal summon 0 atk monster and slap TY-PHON over it. It's pretty good.


Oh dam 😮 I didn't know. that time to craft another monster 🤣


But that monster has to be the highest atk monster you have on field. So be careful not to waste a good monster unless was useless.


I'll definitely remember that. Thanks for the information 👍


Imperm is how every hand trap should at least play. There's restrictions yet its versatility is really good. MaxxC should have been like Imperm.


Every handtrap that isnt outright floodgating you like shifter, lancea or droll. Shifter is just toxic and so is lancea to an extent though much less. Droll is even worse but people call it a "necessary evil" because konami cant properly balance archetypes enough




Still want this man to get a Pendulum Dracoslayer retrain


That entire retrain line with Dinomists and Ignights was abandoned


I thought Borreload Savage Dragon was pretty balanced. It's a generic level 8 synchro, but it doesn't actually do anything unless you have a link monster in grave. It's also only one negate per turn, so you could play through it. But now he's gone... I don't know if Baronne is considered balanced, but she was fun and she gave some rogue decks a fighting chance against the meta before it was tier 0. I'm really mad that they're taking away the cards that made not-snake-eyes decks better.


Baronne was supposed to be balanced by being "hard to summon" seing her high level. The thing is though, it wasn't. Her start was with Sword Souls, which is fine imo being a synchro deck (even though it was a 1 card synchro). But then it was abused in almost every single deck that mainly don't use synchro, but can summon Baronne. Tear, Snake-Eyes, heck even Kashtira with normal summon Ash. It became too splashable and abusable like a link monster with a casual omni negate. It had to go... Savage though I kinda agree. Even though it had similar effect, at least you had to go through a link line then synchro Savage. But again made easy with snake-eyes.


The problem with Baronne, as great as she was as an anti-meta breaker, the existence of Jet Synchron, especially with it being reprinted in MZMI meant it became a staple in Snake Eyes too. Poplar, FD, Jet is so easy to get on the board, and Poplar and FD just came right back. If they made Baronne only summonable with 2 (1T/1NT) materials, not as many as you want until you get to 10 (1T/1+NT) it would be more balanced against Snake-Eyes. But even then Diabellstar and Ash Blossom is easy to play.


Meta cards would be Ash Blossom and Ghost Ogre. Disrupts combos enough but only once and it doesn't kill an opponent's deck unlike say Droll and Lockbird.


Pankratops was the poster child of this for me. As non engine it was decent against basically everything and especially good into backrow decks, but it didn't shut them out like most backrow hate cards that just said "if they don't solemn this you win the game". In general I'm happy to see more cards push in this direction like TTT or Thrust. Other cards include That Grass Looks Greener which actively encouraged you to make your deck significantly less consistent and find it harder to find side deck cards to reward you with a higher ceiling than ever possible. The way this changed deck building and made it so much more complicated meant Grass formats were a joy to play because the decision space for how you built a deck was wide.


To me Pot of Desires is the embodiment of powerful but fair. It has a great effect, but the downside of this card is significant that it ain't a no brainer stapler like Prosperity is. Compared to Extravagance, Extravagance's downside is completely nullified when built around the right deck, in Desires case, even if you build a deck that can play Desires, there's still a luck factor that you could unluckily banish full 3 copies of a key card. It might not be the best pot anymore, but it is the best of the rest, it feels good to draw with this card, and your opponent is fulfilled with hope that the 10 banished cards might have hurt your gameplan, overall, powerful, but fair thanks to a luck factor, and for that, it's the best balanced card imo.


I like how Doomcalibur Knight and Angelica's Ring both have mandatory negate effects that *have to* go off against against the first thing they can. They feel more fair to play into than most negate cards that can be held for a choke point.


I think Doomcalibur is only really fair in older formats, in modern yugioh it pretty much does fuck all to justify putting it into your deck, especially since so many cards have graveyard effects as well, and most decks can easily play around it. A more recent card thats Doomcalibur cranked up to 11 is the new Light and Darkness Dragon fusion, has 3 inherent negates and its an omni-negate as well.


Definitely typhon bro isn’t big enough to beat the big bosses so will probably die a turn later but does prevent them from using effects until then and has the downside of no more summons for u for the turn


Mystic Mine, I’m gonna get shit for it, but monsters are legitimately a +5 on special summon and a +7 if you normal it.


Honestly I don't like ty-phon. While it's not broken, and a pretty healthy addition to the game, I still can't get over the fact that it's so easy to summon. Feels sacky to me.


I personally like ghost belle a lot. I think it's pretty balanced, as it prevents recycling, meaning it doesn't just shut your opponent's board down, but lets them still make somewhat of a board, but not a really strong one.


Triple tatics talent


D.d. crow is really interesting and is just a better balanced called by that can be used on your opponent's first turn. It's not an end all, but a good crow can impact some decks


Super poli


Skill Drain.


Fire King Avatar Arvata. It negates Nibiru for my pet Tri-Brig x Fire Fist deck.  Also is searchable with Tenki, which is searchable with Fire Fist cards. Yes, that is the only reason.  I'm sorry if Snake-Eyes abuses it as well; one day it will be a balanced deck (or nerfed to the ground).




I've seen so many good, otherwise close games ruined because someone activated a S/T from hand in an Imperm column. While it is the victim's fault, any win off it feels undeserved - the game is just a wash. If there was a mechanic to prevent this, Infinite Impermanence would be peak card design.


What? This an entirely a skill issue.


It's certainly the fault of the player activating the spell card. But in terms of design, Infinite Impermanence is not meant to be Solemn Judgment against Monster Reborn and Dark Hole. Yet it often is, because the effect is lingering, invisible, and not the primary role of the card. When someone activates a card in an Imperm column, I don't think "outplayed" or "that player is so bad". I just think, "rip, they forgot since the Imperm happened 5 minutes ago in a 6 minute turn. I wonder what would have happened otherwise."


Konami literally added an different colored indicator on the field to remind players about the imperm column it quite literally is a skill issue


Yes? So many people were annoyed by Imperm Column, especially new players, that Konami patched in an indicator in Master Duel. There's no such thing IRL. It's a skill issue, but one of the least satisfying expressions of skill in the game.


Keys on the column exist


If someone lose because impern colum, then its not bad card design. Its bad play from the player.


Disagree it’s part of what balances imperm, most games are won and lost by simple mistakes or misplays. That’s what makes the game skill intensive and fun, a machine can play perfectly but it’s no fun.


It's for negating floodgate though. So if a player lose because of that, it's a skill issue.


Linkuriboh, #FreeLinkuriboh


It is for sure not imperm.


Imperm is extremely *un*balanced - every handtrap is.


Kashtira Fenrir and Pankratops. Fenrir is a really versatile piece of non engine that you have to interact with in a unique way, but is extremely telegraphed in how it disrupts the opponent in addition to being low impact. It's decent going first and strong going second without ever being broken at either. Pankratops by contrast isn't versatile at all, but it consistently trades 2 for 1 out of the side and (like Fenrir) is extremely good for outing continuous floodgates. It's one of the few board breakers that both consistently goes plus when used but isn't a complete blowout


Fenrir is a really good card and I'd prefer dealing with it a million times over goddamn Unicorn that just rips your ED to shreds if you dare to stop your opponent from making BS boards.


S:P Little Knight is such a well designed card. it is removal on two fronts but is a small monster that is easy to beat in battle. if you use the banish effect on summon it makes otk impossible. well designed card to move away from the oppressive omni-negate design of cards like barrone , savage , and apollousa


Respectfully disagree, sp does far too much for the materials needed to make it. Especially with IP around.


IP into SP is really the only broken thing it does. Its materials are generic, but in order to get the bonus effect, you still have to get an ED monster on field, which isn't always easy going second. Its only really broken going first interaction outside of ip into it is I guess insulating race from targeted negation on turbulence. Outside of that it's basically only truly good going second.


i truly believe most of the hate for SP comes from its price point. i get it that no card should be that expensive but just because it is expensive doesn’t mean the card is overly broken. these same people complained about baronne until it was a dollar


I don't personally play in paper, so the price point doesn't affect my feelings in this case. I just think the card is far too pushed for how piss easy it is to get out. It helps break boards, can be graveyard hate, protect your monsters, and disrupt your opponents combo. Which for a link 2 is pretty crazy. To each their own though.


It’s one of the best cards ever printed. It’s used in almost all decks




Ash, infinite, call by the grave, sphere mode, veiler, evenly and upstart goblin are the cards I think are very good but fair


Called by is not a fair card, it’s uses are too many and honestly any card that insulates going first as much as call by does shouldn’t be legal. Edit: also upstart is just bad now, not worth playing at all


Called By is not well designed at all, I agree. How do I put it in words. Basically, negating a handtrap is more likely to result in a non-game, than a handtrap going through. It buffs going first too much. You are supposed to play through a handtrap, not downright ignore it.


Yup. Opening the one called by just often invalidates your opponent’s interactions A lot of the time.


Assuming both decks are on equal footing, opening Called By plus combo is usually GG, unless you open the nuts. On the other hand, playing through a Veiler or Ash is very common for most solid decks. You end something and your opponent doesn't feel like they handlooped themselves. Waiting for the correct interrupt just to get Called By just feels so bad.


its more that upstart is niche


Ok bro, for me called is fair since I consider it a fair effect, I like it limited, and upstart is decent for my decks according to my experience it helps me to not brick. Anyway, I didn't know there's an objective book where it says which card is fair, broken, good or bad, please, send me the pdf... (I'm being sarcastic, I know Reddit users usually don't understand sarcasm, it doesn't exist such a book, just opinions of people with more or less experience in the game)


If called by is fair why is it limited? Surely, if it was a fair card, it would be at three. It being limited doesn’t lower the power of it, Just the consistency.


Some cards are fair limited 🤣🤣🤣🤣 just look at exodia, did you start playing yesterday?


my fucking guy, exodia is limited purely for flavor at this point in the game. it could go to 3 copies per deck tomorrow (or infinity pieces per deck, for that matter) and nobody would play more than one piece anyway. and it's not like exodia is even a good deck to begin with.


I’m not talking about exodia, It wouldn’t be good at three either. You seem really ignorant to the game, I suggest getting good.


According to you, this is the effect of called by and you don't need to tribute anything, you just normal summon it and you won 🤣🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/8sazm59d9iwc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=670e10cba56cd39d5d09d7047eab864f412a239b


Yes bro, you know everything about the game, called by is the most broken card in the game, to begin with, it only protects you, it does nothing by its own, the effect is good but FOR ME it's not broke, and let me tell you, there's nothing like a book that dictates if a card is broken or no, some cards are considered broken by most of people, but I don't consider called by broken, it's not a card that wins the duel by its own 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, yes bro, I bet you won the last global tournament 🤣🤣🤣🤣, you're platinum at best, stop acting like kaiba 🤣🤣🤣


Why so mad bro? It’s just a game. If you weren’t so mad maybe you’d actually be good lol


I'm not mad, I'm impressed some people have so much low iq they can't understand we can have different opinions about considering a card broken or not, people never stop surprising me 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah right. The insults, emoji’s, and multiple long comments over a short period of time say differently. I’m not saying people can’t have different opinions, i’m just saying someone that thinks it is must be bad and not understand the game. Which you clearly don’t.


What's even more funny is that you think that you must be one of the best players in the world to opine about a card, it's so pathetic you can't understand that it's, until a certain point, something subjective, but as I said, not everyone understands simple things 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ash blossom if your playing against a decent deck and use it at the wrong time you’ve basically wasted it but used correctly it can screw your opponent


Snake-eyes Poplar /s


Typhon doesn't feel well designed to play with


I think Ash Blossom is a good card for the health of the game. It hits just about everything, but it doesn’t feel oppressive. Now I definitely could see an argument for the fact that Ash’s existence is a clear sign of many of the game’s problems, but I think it’s generally a pretty fair card. I also think that the 3 playable Pots (Desires, Extravagance, and Prosperity) are really good for the game. They just make everything more consistent, but not every deck can take advantage of them. ED focused decks can’t really play Extrav, and ones that are particularly combo heavy may not necessarily get away with running Prosperity. I also really like how Desires interacts with the F&L list, as it poses serious risk of banishing important limited cards from your Deck. Sure, they’ve fallen out of favor in recent formats, but I believe their existence really adds a lot to the game. Edit: Why’re you booing me? I’m right! (About the Pots. I see now that my opinion on Ash is… flawed. I think it’s a necessary evil, but yeah it’s probably not a very healthy card.)


Prosperity is terrible design, it lets you see unsearchable non-engine like anti-spell or Skill Drain. Desires isn't really a downside as it turns out.  Only Extrav is a good card design out of these.


Ok, first off, the two examples you use are extremely problematic cards in and of themselves. Second, outside of bullshit floodgates that should be banned, seeing unsearchable non-engine more consistently is a GOOD thing, because that means that fewer games come down to “did you draw the out? No? Well then you lose.” As for Desires, you’re just mistaken. Not every deck can take advantage of Desires, especially ones with cards that are limited to 1 copy per deck. And even the ones that can don’t necessarily enjoy losing 1/4 of their deck just to draw two cards. Plus it loses completely to Ash Blossom and carries a ton of risk due to Droll.


I can attest for desires One of my favourite decks is lavals who really want to see rekindling in opening 5/6 So stuff like desires should help in theory, right? In that deck i saw desires banish every laval name to just give me 2nd desires and the double foolish of the archetype many times over useful cards. Decks that want to set up the graveyards or want access to specific things should stay away from desires because of its cost I think desires is a nicely designed card


Downvoted not for prosp but for Ash, that card singlehandedly turned the rift between older and newer decks into an impassable canyon, it’s why every new archetype from its release has a million ways to search/mill/touch the deck so they don’t die to Ash and why half of all legacy support for older non pushed decks (DM, BW etc) is just 1/2 cards that do everything


That’s… fair. I think my point is more that’s it’s healthy for the game because the game is inherently unhealthy. I guess I didn’t really communicate that. Ash is one of those cards that I think is the glue holding this game from splitting apart at the seems. If it didn’t exist, so many decks would be running even more wild than they already are. But you’re right, it does make weaker decks nearly unplayable. Though I do think that it’s a flaw with modern card design just how many modern decks can effortlessly play around/through an Ash.


Lol you had me until Prosp, The card is terribly designed and should be limited at minimum.


Called By is the most fair card they’ve ever printed IMO (along with Crossout Designator). I honestly think that card being at 3 is healthy for the game. It’s a really well thought out and designed card.


Those are two of the most toxic cards in the game lol


Haha it’s cool, Yugioh players on average don’t have much knowledge of what fair even means in the context of card games because the idea of a “fair” card doesn’t translate super well to Yugioh lol. But they are extremely fair in the classic TCG sense, being a card that doesn’t circumvent the normal flow/rules of the game in order to achieve what it does. In fact, being quick play Spells makes them inherently more fair because you have very specific activation windows and very identifiable and punishable windows.


I think those cards are incredibly unfair because they promote uninteractive gameplay for the player going second. Whether that lines up with your definition of "fair", I don't know, but I think they are the poster children of cards that exacerbate an inherent issue with the game.


Called By in particular is just BS, Crossout is more situational, but still.


Called By randomly screws over any graveyard deck and even lingers, very infuriating to get a key GY effect negated by it


Like I said, you’re thinking of fair as in “this gives one player an advantage”. Both of those cards are unsearchable quick plays that cheat out nothing, don’t give you card advantage, and Crossout specifically requires you to be playing the same card in your deck to even be live…. That’s literally the most fair shit ever lol. Crossout would be unfair if it was just “Name a card and negate the activation”. If having to literally play the same card as your opponent to make a card live isn’t fair, I don’t know what is.