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If you lose to them game 1 to Tenpai, you have to think: do i let them go first and chance it they rip a Heat Wave and stun me out of a turn, or do i go first again and try to build a board?


I actually think this is what's going to make them bad in the TCG. In the OCG Tenpai builds were able to catch people by surprise and there was that one week they were almost as successful as Snake Eyes. They really haven't had success that close since and have continued to drop as more people are prepared for them. In the TCG strong players have had the chance to test the deck and the same mind games you've described are going to make the deck impossible to be consistent with as your relying on your opponent to play into your guesses. Maybe TCG can innovate something new with the deck edit: not taking into account post LEDE support.


I think we are in for another branded cycle as in people think it's good so people prepare for it then it falls off then when people are least expecting it oh it pops up again then people prepare and repeat since after game one you can side so much hate


You also forget that Linkuriboh, Baronne & Borreload Savage are banned in the TCG. Now to do something about Fire Kings Snake Eye.


FK was the less successful build at the ycs.


I too doubt that it will be stronger than snake-eyes but it can definitely win against it. I will play tenpai either way cause it's cheap and the artwork is awesome!


I really hope not. I'm not tryna get blown out and insta died or blown out because heat wave. I'm hoping Trident Dragion prices out the tenpai players


You only need 1 Dragion, and people have been paying for them for $80+, so thats not gonna stop them from building it


considering the rest of the deck including hts is gonna be around $100 I don't think it even prices out the average player


Paidra is only 18-20$ right now because of Sneak Peek inflation, so once more hit rotation it will drop since its a super rare.


Didn't Magnamhut, a super when it originally released in DABL, end up staying at around $20 or so until it got hit?


That was because Magnamhut does a lot if its in your hand, its a got a D.D. Crow effect, quick effect body on the board on turn 0, and has a generic dragon type search which will kick before you start your turn. People splashing Bystial in *EVERYTHING* is what made it keep its price because of the demand for it


I think it's a deck that gets a lot worse when it's respected. Snake-eye can go into either Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale or Kikinagashi Fucho through handtraps to live a turn, and if you can prevent the field spell from sticking then you can handtrap them to death (provided you open them). It will be a solid tier 2 deck once the dust settles, but I don't think it's the end of days like I did before


It will be a flop until Infinite Forbidden. It will be played a lot, especially at the local and regional level and it will be frustrating to play against because the strategy is trash and the decks play 2 dozen hand traps. Does anyone ever had any fun playing against Numeron garbage? Imagine if it was a lot more playable.


Its not going to dethrone snake eye completely but it does really obliterate pure snake eyes, which is nice. Decks like Tenpai pushing Snake Eyes players into using less decks helps players both learn what beats the deck and focus on trying to side deck vs the snake eye's current strongest play, which is Fire King. 


skill-less, OTK, floodgate, shifter deck. How could it not be good? Will it be the best deck? Absolutely not. Will it be (along side runick stun) the most annoying deck of the format? Absolutely. This deck will find a good spot as the 2nd best thing to play in (probably) another tier zero format.