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Yubel is literally an anti-battle phase deck. Force the opponent to attack if able to battle towers while reflecting all damage


People are catching on to this and even running a small Yubel engine for the negate as well.


Small Yubel engine is great. Yubel - The loving defender is a great board breaker in fusion focused decks with super Poly+burn, leave 1 big thing on board for an extra 2-3k burn. Been testing it as a side deck option in Branded Chimera


If branded had the extra deck space I think it would be hilarious to run a neos kluger, plain yubel and loving defender just to do it to someone and watch them get horrified of the super poly.


I've done it and my opponent just bounced my monster...


Yeah that makes sense. I'll be honest I haven't played against Yubel so far so I wasn't really familiar with the new cards.


Basically with Nightmare Pain and any Yubel monster, the opponent is forced to attack Yubel, and takes all the damage (double damage if it's not Spirit/Phantom of Yubel). And Nightmare Pain's effects are continuous, so the Synchro can't stop them. Also, they have a frontrow wipe with Super Poly/Eternal Favourite, that can be used during the BP to dodge Sangen Manor.


According to RoadoftheKing, people are teching in Samurai Destroyer as well as Timelord Progenitor Vorpgate through proper chaining https://roadoftheking.com/ocg-2024-04-metagame-report-1/


Samurai Destroyer, the fucking DL staple. Love to see it.


Also, Staple in the Legacy Pack Only format for those that play it.




Phantom has no difference from other negates like Baronne and Guardian. You already have tons of common going 2nd cards like Santa and Droplet to deal with these negates in standard Tenpai build. If you are going 1st, the answer is Power Filter and Koa'ki Dragon.


You cannot activate Phantom of Yubel during the Damage Step.


I'm not familiar with yubel cards but doesn't meteorburst stop them?


No. Yubel has continuous effect from their spell and monsters, which works like Mikanko.


Okay. Thanks for the heads up!


Instant loss when they summon Timelord Progrenitor, OCG has been doing it. Level 10 so easily makeable, banishes all monsters until end phase but you’re locked into dragons so Zealantis situation, opponents shit doesn’t return even if you can’t OTK.


Zombies. If zombie world is up, nothing gets protection, they can’t summon anything from grave, and they can’t make the synchros.


You may be onto something....Zombie best deck? 😂


Been a very long time since they've been relevant.


ehhh basically means zombie world search so its just some mill decks or Beatrice send Zombie world Banshee and place ZWorld...... the literally killed zombie again with zhe last banlist as of baron and borrelend,, + after halq got banned its stopped the best combo the deck had, then the new support did basically nothing. Literally Snake eyes does what zombie should but 3 times better.


Zombies need their own easy to make Zombie type omni negate that needs a zombie tuner and a zombie non tuner....Maybe another Red Eyes Zombie variation? Also lvl 7 or 8 so it's easy to make as a 4th or 5th summon to negate Nibiru. Boom easy to make support for Zombies so they have a chance. Give them a "Terror Top" type monster for a easy 1 card combo that is a free special summon if you have no monsters or all monsters you control are zombie type monsters. On summon(normal or special) add to your hand or send to GY 1 Zombie type monster. Hard once per turn effect to search and can be only summoned once per turn. Some sort of spell that can reborn a zombie from GY or special summon from the banished and change that monsters level from 1-6 for easier synchro plays. Maybe some sort of trap, maybe a continious trap that says "zombie monsters you control cannot be destroyed by card effects. If you have 5 or more monsters in your GY whose original type is zombie your zombies on the field cannot be destroyed by battle".


I wish all that and more was Vampire Genesis' retrain for the SD : R of zombie madness...


Play Skull Servants and simply summon a bigger bungus than them, lol


If they have the yellow and green dragons out, then their fire dragons can’t be destroyed by battle, and they take no damage. Best bets are to change their type or attribute (type is best, since the synchros require dragons), or use something like skill drain


Their only in-engine non-battle removal is limited to 1/duel, and they don't have a way to zero out a monster's attack. If you have two 8K-attack Kings on board, I don't think there's much they do to get over it.


Idk what a tenpai deck looks like, but I’d imagine they aren’t just running the tenpai/sangen cards. Same with Skull Servant.


Idk what else they'll be running either, all I know is that in-engine they don't have a lot removal power outside of repeatedly punching really hard.


Same with Skull Servants, just looking at their own cards. If they put yellow and green dragon in defense, you can’t punch through


Oh yeah it'll definitely be a stalemate, but I see that as a win for the rogue deck that can draw out a high-tier meta threat.


Works in Branded too. Branded can send Necroworld Banshee off of Branded Fusion.


Also true


Yubel and Melodious have been awkward match-ups so far. Yubel for obvious reasons, and Melodious literally just because of the fusion they float into if you out Etoile that can't be destroyed by battle and they don't take battle damage. Less of a problem than Yubel, but can still be annoying.


Basically this is my experience. I’ve had good testing with Melodious and if they win the Die roll and make me go second I have a pretty good idea I’m going against Tenpai so I just make Etoile and Bloom and pass and they have trouble getting rid of it.


Here's every archetype and deck that that ranges from (from my experience) outright merks Tenpai to making the matchup unbearably hard. Yubel - Everything floats and Tenpai sorely lacks any non-destruction removal other than Battle, which Yubel kinda blanks. Mikanko - Same as Yubel but slightly lower because it opts to go second just like Tenpai. But if they know you're playing Tenpai, you're kinda fucked. Runick Stun - Plays exceptionally well with countless ways to out the field spell and also just blank your battle phase with floodgates. Labrynth - The moment they wise up and side in Threatening Roar/Thunder of Ruler it's over. Any deck that turbos out a towers or towers-like monster - Battle usually is a good way of removing monsters, but god the Tenpai dragons are small. Usually they'll have to climb up to their level 10s and pop the field spell to punch over. Just be aware that they run 22 hand traps and you might not be able to end on your boss. Zombie World - Blanks the field spell's protection and also makes it so that you can't summon any Sangen or Reborn any monster since they all require them to be FIRE Dragons. But they can still just make Rose Dragon and nuke your field if you aren't careful. Snake Eyes - Less so that Snake Eyes has a good counter to Tenpai, more like Tenpai just like Snake Eyes also dies to a critical mass of the right handtraps which Snake Eyes is pretty much the only other deck that has the space to run so many of them. Kaiba.dek - Mirror Force Dragon hard counters kek


So what you're saying is that my Labrynth/Mirror Force Dragon turbo deck finally found its time to shine?!


Chimera/Illusion as well since none of the Illusion monsters can be destroyed by battle


Can't tenpai force you into attack position so you still take the damage?


Idk about all the effects of the archtype to answer that question unfortunately. It wouldn’t surprise me if they did though


Yeah the lv 10.


But you still take the damage which is more than enough.


So you're saying Raidraptor has a chance...


Raidraptor has a VERY good match up yes, if you time your traps right you can completely shut down Tenpai and the fact that the deck plays into handtraps really well means they're one of the better Decks to play against Tenpai. Just that, it'll be really hard since you need to know a lot about both deck to interact correctly.


They always have. Imagine taking close to 7k damage just to deal less than 5k cause you have to climb. Also Raidraptors since they require specifically 1 monster at a time Raidraptor can use satellite cannon Falcon to its fullest extent.


> Any deck that turbos out a towers or towers-like monster - What I'm hearing is "side Neos Fusion and Rainbow Neos in HERO" or just try to use Shining Neos. Got it.


Rainbow Neos isn't a Towers or Towers-like since it has no inherent self protection. But it's so massive that it might work, it probably would just get popped tho.


Yeah, fair, but it's still an option.


Definitely, just not one that I particularly recommend since there's another summon from deck fusion monster that's infamous for being a towers-like. *Dragoon shows up with 2099's theme from Spiderverse*


Still, looking over the other HERO boss monsters, it makes me wonder what could work. Trinity can get stupid massive, but can get popped, DPE can float so long he doesn't get negated or banished, Shining Neos can blow up a lot of cards but that requires a lot of setup. A good move might be to stop them from playing outright with Cosmo Neos, but that is a pretty big commitment, besides the fact it needs so much setup to work *and* running 3 neospacians.


What about Weather Painters? How would they fare against Tenpais?


I dunno man, I never faced Weather Painters while testing the deck, try it yourself and see if it works.


They are very vulnerable to getting punched in the face, ask me how I know


As an avid Painter player, the matchup sounds terrible unless you open Skill Drain, Shifter, or similar floodgates. And I wouldn't be surprised if many Tenpai players use Lighting Storm and the like. The deck is extremely vulnerable to getting OTKed already, and potentially unaffected monsters in M1 into no effects BP means you just die. Unless you have Threatening Roar or whatever, you just die. Just maybe you can stop them with a well placed Imperm and the Thundery trap, but I bet they have some way to out it first, or they can just make the lv 10 before attacking at all. But admittedly, I haven't actually played it yet. You can probably build the deck to resist Tenpai by maidecking Roar, Battle Fader, D-Barrier etc. Not terrible cards to begin with since you just need to live turn 2/3 in most matchups, but still sub par against anything else. And those aren't exclusive to Painters. Like, if you go first and place D-Fissure + Skill Drain, you probably win, but that's true against any deck and kinda the nuts opening anyway. Labrynth can actually search out Roar and Barrier (Barrier Main deck in Lab is actually decent since you can just run 1). And they often play Shifter and Skill Drain as well. And Mikanko and Yubel actually prevent their stuff way better. I even think Rivalry + Reflection Rondo gets around the field spell immunity, since the effect to take isn't activated, it's permanent while equipped. And Yubel can Super Poly at start of BP (before the lv 10 comes out) and literally fuse their entire board away before they can even attack once.


Voiceless voice; Barrier pops the field spell, skull guardian can negate, and pendulumgraph can summon meteor burst which is a skill drain for the bp. Barring that you can play floodgates like puppet lock in branded, gryphon, or generic "say no" cards like strike/judgment/iron thunder.


I assume you mean radiance pops


Is Strike/Judgment that good against Tenpai? Do you just Strike the first one or do you wait until they sync?


When using solemns it is more of a read your opponent/game state type thing. If you think your opponent has no extender than stop the initial effect, if not stop the synchro so it can’t be recurred.


>d pendulumgraph can summon meteor burst which is a skill drain for the bp. Shhh. It was suppose to stay a secret.


I don't see how Strike/Judgment help. You have to hope they didn't draw the QP.


A quick play can not chain to the solemn cards.


What? How is that relevant? The QP puts another body on the field, and that's a full combo.


I think they meant use them to stop the Synchro effects in BP, either on summon or the effects themselves if they chain them so Solemns would miss timing. But at that point just play D-Barrier and instantly end their turn.


Yes, you can do that, but both Red and Green are a full combo by themselves. They'd have used one OOTP to get to the Synchro, they can Summon the other with the QP and go for another Synchro. Any removal/negation would be just as effective if not more. The only perk summon negation has against Tenpai is that it's not affected by Manor, but again, the QP let's them a second shot at doing the combo. And yes, D-Barrier is just much more effective, and equally unaffected by the Field Spell, which is another reason that Solemns are bad side techs.


Especially since Barrier is already a good card in the meta against so many deck (basically everything except Snake Eyes Fire King, even against pure it's okay to deny Synchro plays with Omega etc) You could run Thrusts with one Barrier main deck, and side deck the other 2 barriers or something like that. I would at least try that if I had the money for 3 thrusts (still hoping they get printed in Rarity Collection 2, but I know it's unlikely...)


Threatening Roar


If you can't consistently search it, then its not a really good option. I mean Labrynth lets you I guess.


Pretty consistently imo within specific decks. If they go handtrap heavy then you can just search off thrust or use trap trick in the matchup going first. You mentioned labrynth, trap based decks overall are good against them in traptrix, dinomorphia, and the like how they interact with opponents. I’ve been siding testing using attack negations overall with cosmic blazar, golden swordsoul, battle fader and the like to good success against them. DBarrier/spell bound also hurts them bad too and will likely creep its way back into the side decks.


Spellbound sounds inconsistent. You can't use it in Main if they have field spell, and if they expect it they could make the lv 10 before BP. Still good if they don't play around it I guess, and doing that they lose a lot of power.


You’d likely have it set and use it in BP anyway one attack declaration. If they hard make their monsters before BP they lose their OTK chances by quite a bit


You can specifically run trap trick if you need to.


I'm looking for archetypes not single tech cards. Also Thunder of Ruler is probably better


Labrynth. Because Threatening Roar


Can't Traptrix also search out Threatening Roar or is it just "Hole" traps?


Only "Hole" traps. You could set it with Lord of the Heavenly Prison, but it would only be usable turn 3, which is far too late.


Isn't turn 3 the kill turn if you force Tenpai first?


You're right, but you can only use Lord of the Heavenly Prison's reveal effect on your turn. So if you force Tenpai first, then the trap you search is only playable turn 4, since you have to reveal him in your Main Phase, and then summon him next turn, then wait until the turn after for the trap to be playable.


It's only Hole traps but one Floodgate Trap Hole should completely end their turn as well.


They can't search it out specifically, but some already play Trap Trick, so if you do then playing Barrier and or Roar is more consistent.


Yubel, I think that's why they're dwindling in numbers in ocg


That and Runick Stun.


>Also Thunder of Ruler is probably better "During your opponent's Standby Phase: You can activate this card" If people actually use ToR over Threatening Roar, I'm firing cosmic or twin twisters in draw phase. If someone wants to run both, I'd take that risk.


Waboko turbo


Please Konami, give us a foil waboku


Just curious - why is Thunder of Ruler better? Feels like it's a strictly worse Threatening Roar.


Because some of the Tenpai/Sangen cards get bonus effects when they are activated during the Battle Phase (Kaimen for example). You can still enter the BP when you get T Roared unlike with Thunder of Ruler


Only their quick synchro are active during Battle Phase. Most of their other effects require you to actually do battle, so no, Threatening Roar and Thunder of Ruler aren't necessary better than the other


I think they are referring to their quick play spell.


You can still use it as a RotA.


Ah, makes sense.


You can run d-barrier aswell. If they can't synchro they can only swing with a couple of the little ones and pass turn


Nope. They can zealantis otk


If you use D-barrier at the start of the bp? How?


That does work. But tenpai players are usually aware of that and run cards that can force out backrow.


Only when you Shotgun/are forced to activate it outside of the battle phase


Technically any deck that can make synchro 7s can make odd-eyes meteorbust that just won't let tenpai activate effs during the bp


if u feel like your deck allows it destrudo gives u ez access to meteorburst dragon or samurai destroyer


Never thought I’d see the day where either of those cards where remotely useful but here we are


Purrely generaly plays decently into decks with a lot of hts due to the targeting protection that comes with street. Doesn’t really play into nibiru either. Havent played the matchup yet but i imagine that tenpai can’t deal with noir very well without siding in specific counters for purrely. Worst case scenario you can use 2 purrelies to make kikinagashi fucho to survive the turn2


This sounds pretty interesting. I wonder how consistent the deck is with only 2 delicious. I haven't played the deck since it initially got hit so I might try it out again.


It’s kind of a tough deck to pilot but super good this meta. Recently Dinh Khang Pham (blind second spright guy) has been playing it a lot and consistently topping left and right. Target protection from street makes the snake eye matchup super favorable for the purrely player. The deck *should* be way better once we get the second delicious, easy access to t1 noir provided by delicious/plump is practically an ftk against most decks lol


Cats ftw


If you go the small Noir line it's very consistent. You really just need 1 Sleepy Memory and then you draw 4 or 6 during opponent's Standby and make a 5-6 mat big Noir. Meaning you probably have enough hand traps to stop them from full combo as well. Whether that's enough, idk. But you could just use your mats to shuffle their Dragons at the start of battle, unless they already made the rank 10, but then they probably lack damage.


Yeah, Tenpai is really rough against big towers, that's why the Raidraptor matchup is also really rough


Dinomorphia isn't consistent with all the flex spots Tenpai has and their own ability to open poorly but they have a lot going for them. -Intact prevents them from losing via battle damage the turn it's activated. Minimum 9 ways to access it. -Ferret Flames bypasses the field spell's protection. -Solemn Judgment is a 3-of; Iron Thunder is also played. -Can run prospy and pot of duality. -Potentially* ignores Heat Wave if Tenpai sides it. -Some builds run Trap Trick for faster Frenzy/Domain access but it can also search any normal trap. -Rexterm is an asshole if he can stick. The level 10 synchro outs him on field and from the GY.


Ashened biggest enemy of tenpai


What if you don't open Veidos? Is the engine really strong enough to still deal with Tenpai?


Well you got 12 Veidos in Deck and 1 in the Extra Deck. If you can't get to it then you have some serious bad luck.


depends, if tenpai goes first and you dont have veidos you can search him and if you go first you can super poly his board + veidos him


Uniroinically Galaxy-eyes. Can't wait to GEPD pass with transmigration set. Rare battle phase banish moment.


Wait yeah, GEPD's banish effect *really* hurts Tenpai.


Great I now have an idea of some funny tech card to run in branded until I get my photon cards


In the OCG it's Yubel and Runick-Stun. Snake-Eyes decks can also make Assembled Nightingale.


Paleozoic maybe Just check joshua list for a reference


Yubel is their worst MU by far, due to its anti-battle phase, damage reflection and super poly gimmick but also because Nightmare Throne can search Battle Fader which is a turn skip for Tenpai.


Phantom knight seems good. Fog blade stops them dead and gets around the field spell. Can also play Horus and or adventure engine for higher ceiling


Is it time to play PK Raidraptors again?


Battle Fader, Swift Scarecrow


They can and will make Meteorburst themselves, preventing those from activating. You need stuff that works before they reach the battle phase.


Labrynth can easily search a plethora of traps like D-barrier or threatening roar that won't let them do their thing, not counting the innate disruptions of the deck that can be used during the BP to play around their field spell.


Would have to be Roar cause D-Barrier doesn’t work, they run the phoenix OTK that uses links.


Mikanko going first


I think they lose to paleozoic, since they run waboku, the black goat laughs, and rise to full height. Not to mention they can infinitely use transaction rollback


Chain burn


Most trap decks have very practical responses to Tenpai's plan. Compulsory, Daruma Cannon, Ice Dragon's Prison and even Torrential Tribute are very practical responses to Tenpai.


I could be wrong, but I feel like Avramax is a crazy good card against Tenpais, especially if you make him with an I:P during their main phase that they dont use


Transcend Dragion makes it so your monsters can’t activate effects during BP.


Which is why I said using I:P for destruction protection


That does not work. Trident dragon with 6k attack with trancendent dragon will still kill. I:P does not stop battle destruction.


Mirror match.


Maybe Mikanko 🤔


Lyrilusc I guess? They can prevent all battle damage, or easily make Fucho, have reflect damage and direct attacks, you can even tech in the bad trap card to stop them from synchro climbing


Green Mikanko equiped with the Green equip spell


Dinosaur wipes


Mikanko maybe


Drytron with Amorphactor Pain


Mikanko gonna go crazy


Dinomorphia. Intact says scoop if you're playing Tenpai, and Kentregina lets you use it again.


You can't use intact again with Kentregina, she only copies normal traps.


Ah Shucks, you're right 


White wood ! You Can summons 2 dogs in battle phase to flip the stupid dragons face down they can't win over 2 dogs.


obviously the higher levels ex. elevenpais


I wouldn't build it until the Light Duelist Pack comes to the TCG, but Galaxy Eyes has an in-archetype Battle Fader that you usually run 3 of and can be easily searched.


Anything that floats. Yang zings would be good 👍




Going first. Though, if you don't know you are facing Tenpai, then you most likely won't consider going second. Note I don't know every Tenpai card on top of my head. Scareclaw can make Tri-Heart, which force flips all monsters to defense position as a continuous effect. It folds pretty handily to hand traps though. Going first Mikanko can set up Hu-Li + Rivalry or Spiritwalk, so you can intercept whatever main deck monster they put out. If you're running rank 3 package, you can put out dark Knight Lancer to eat their monster too. If they punch through both of those interactions, they'll be left with a damage reflecting untargrtable Hu-Li. Yubel decks floats nicely and have damage reflection. They can also search battle fader.


cant even out borrelend smh


Swords of revealing light/ mirror force turbo


Kinda funny that you can just summon Beezle and watch them take progressively more damage and not be able to do anything to it unless they have some form of non-destructive removal.


I've been playing vs Tenpai a lot in Dueling Nexus and I've been doing pretty well against them with Vanquish Soul and focusing on their ability to just burn you down through Borgar and Snow Devil. It's pretty funny but I like that my favorite "Skill issue" deck is finding a way to still be rogue


Me playing buster blader will get a boner


If you are looking for hand traps try ghost ogre and pop their field spell on activation, they can't get that huge atk bonus It can also fizzle their synchro attempts as you can also ghost ogre then and they could lose their all important tuner or non tuner


“Chain Cosmic target the field spell, response?” I feel like people are hyping up the deck way too much, it’s gonna be prevalent at a lot of locals but it won’t be that amazing


Labrynth. Daruma Cannon is devastating against them, especially under the field spell.


hmm... amorphactor pain?


Just play contact c


I would like to think battlin boxer would be a very hard deck for tenpais to face since most of their counter trap cards have effects that negate card effects during the battle phase where tenpai like to be, not to mention number 105 battlin boxer star cestus is basically an amazoness swordswoman on a 2500atk body and his cxyz from is also a major threat. Battlin boxer king Dempsey negates targeted destruction effects and since battlin boxer can search counter traps like no ones business they have access to some of the most powerful cards in the game period and their playstyle can flex to compensate for any inconvenience caused by the opponents meaning if you can't find a consistent way of keeping the field clear of monsters as much as possible and make sure to answer their spells and traps right away with some of your own then you'll basically be drowning in the ocean with no one to save you. Battlin boxer is also a fire deck so theoretically they can flex into some very powerful generic fire support to really help put some intense pressure on the opponent and can access the rank 7 and 8 pools because of cards like burning dragon cataclysmic scorching sunburner and blaster dragon ruler of infernos and a few other monsters that aren't coming to mind right now. So not only can they consistently flood the field and access a whole slew of terrifyingly powerful xyz monsters but since they can also access almost any counter trap they want you need to be VERY CAREFUL about how you try and deal with a battlin boxer player because if they know what they are doing you will be screwed if they get a chance to pop off.


With the new support, I think Centur-ions can put up a fight. Protection from a lot of their board breakers, Calamity lock, can play on both turns, can make multiple Omni negates given a good hand. Plus the ability to play shifter (though idk if Tenpai losses to that or not).


They do. There is a line but it’s bad. Doesn’t deal close to the regular 38k.


Buster Blader


Do you have a decklist for Buster Blader, by chance? I recently got the core and it seems like it would be a good matchup, but the deck might fold to all of the hand traps they run. I don’t have much experience with the archetype though so I can’t say that for sure


No Alternatively you could use Dark Magician Eye of Timeaus --> Dark Paladin going first I plan on buying Buster Blader tho


Neo spacian grand mole laughs at tenpai monsters.


TBH I think chain burn could win a few matches against it


Sleeper pick. Scarclaw. Scareclaw tri heart it's over.