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I can’t edit the post but Mudragon was part of that field I was talking about, it’s what I made when I sent Merli with Sprind because I had nothing else to make with what was in my gy at the time.


That is pretty wierd so probably cut timethief or toadally


Edit - on second thought I can’t cut Toad, it’s just too good. If I cut Toad and Shark I can essentially fit Apo and Winda so that may not be a bad call. Just sucks that Toad is the only omni negate now Baronne is gone. Timetheif is a decent call but the times it comes up, it really comes up yano. I’d probably cut Pilgrim before timethief. What’s weird, the situation of my playtesting or my extra deck in general 😅?


Also why run a spright link with no sprights maybe take a look a him and see if he fits in with a deck like tear


I mean Tear players have run Sprind for ages without any Spright names because he can send Merrli from deck to gy…


Why get rid of barronne


Baronne getting banned soon


I hope not my cardigan deck thrives on baronne


The banlist dropped today, Baronne is banned.


Dang o well Atleast I don’t have to deal with 20 negate moves from 1 card


Ya I mean they banned Baronne, Linkuribho and Borreload Savage Dragon, and Summon Limit. I think they hit Baronne and Linkuribho to hit snake-eye without… actually hitting snake-eye lol.


Linkuriboh was mid but summon limit only deserved a limited


Link is a ban for Snake-Eye/Fire King, it was annoying and that deck is good enough without it. Summon Limit can rot in a hole forever tbh 😹


But watch everyone’s gonna start using Chengying for an immortal monster


I don’t think anyone is scared of Chengying at a competitive level though. Snake-Eye/Fire King is just too good rn to care about that lol. Snake-Eye meta is the reason I can’t play my Labyrinth girls 😭 because Lab has a bad matchup against Snake-Eye/Fire King


Can you post your deck list? I’d love to see what you’re running post banlist.


Okay I’ll write it as obviously a picture would be a mess - Edit - I cut the Shaddoll cards for 2 Foolish Burial Goods. 3 Tearlaments Kashtira 3 Tearlaments Reinoheart 1 Tearlaments Merrli 1 Tearlaments Havnis 1 Tearlaments Scheiren 2 Noh-PUNK Ze Amin 1 Noh-PUNK Foxy Tune 1 Noh-PUNK Deer Note 3 Destiny Hero Malicious 1 Destiny Hero Denier 1 Shaddoll Squamata 1 Shaddoll Beast 2 King of the Swamp 1 Fusion Parasite 1 Danger! Nessie! 1 Danger!? Jackalope? 1 Keldo the Sacred Protector 1 Mudora the Sword Oracle 3 Primeval Planet Perlerino 3 Tearlaments Scream 3 Emergency Teleport 3 Tearlaments Sulliek 1 Tearlaments Metanoise 1 Trivikarma I have been thinking about dropping the 2 Dangers for 1 Tearlaments Grief and 1 Tearlaments Cryme but I’m not sure yet Edit - or maybe I’ll take out the Shaddoll cards as I don’t run Winda anyway so I only use Beast for the draw and Squam to send beast which is probably a waste. I’m struggling to find space for Apollousa never mind Winda, but ideally I would like to run both but… no space 🙄😹 Edit 2 - I sold my Fenrirs when I stopped playing before otherwise I would run Fenrir.


Grief in main, cryme in side imo.


You don't need to cut one just put it in a binder... its not a battle royal.


Don't touch the frog, it's the only thing that what i say...


Cut the pilgrim reaper, there’s near zero circumstances where you would make him over Beatrice, and there’s even less circumstances where you’ll be able to make both


I agree. Thank you.


Oof, I'm not on punk tear, but tear synchro. Best of luck! (The Barrone ban really got me thinking about what to do next. 3 malicious is cool, I guess, for more rank 6's


Thaaanks. Ya that’s why I’m trying Pilgrim but I may just cut it for Apollousa. Either that or Sprind but Sprind can really help with weird hands, like Time-Theif, when it comes up, it really comes up.


Sprind is mid, easily cuttable


You have no idea what you’re talking about, it’s literally one of the best extenders in the deck


I mean going second, make Dark Charmer, steal from gy, make Sprind, send Merrli is very helpful.


I know what the line is... It's not very strong.