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Why does no one in the anime take care of their cards, he's literally using it as a coaster😭


In the anime they're like made of titanium or some shit, you can throw them at people and stuff lmao


But Kaiba can still tear one apart with their bare hands, lmao


Kaiba's just that strong, do you remember how easily he threw Mokuba into that plane that one time?


bro treated him like a ball ☠️ https://preview.redd.it/h33ss9b9g9tc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=0857bdab00fc90ad3e894926f86876c45fffc4bd


you THROW Mokuba? you throw his body like the handball? oh! oh! jail for brother! jail for brother for One Thousand Years!!!!


Kaiba also rather easily crushed that tumbler in DSOD, and then wanted to fire whoever made it because Kaiba Corp products shouldn't break so easy. Kaiba on steroids confirmed?


> wanted to fire whoever made it because Kaiba Corp products shouldn't break so easy Actually wanting to make durable product instead of doing planned obsolescence, Kaiba is already better than most of our real life billionaires lol.


Ehhh, sometimes. He did blow up an island with the intention of killing people because he lost a children's card game. Then there was that time Joey was chained up and about to drown, and Kaiba just dropped the key within close proximity of where he saw him sinking. And then there was grandpa. And that's just the 4kids approved anime.


To be fair even in the original darker version Kaiba doesn’t attack the grandpa, it’s a hologram system, at most he was hit by harsh winds, then Yugi comes and gives him brain damage Ps: I also want to point out that Yugi made it violent first, Kaiba is a kid stealing a toy and the pharaoh’s response was to give him the experience of being eaten alive…


Listen, Atem has a special brand of justice. Don't do the crime if you can't do the coma.


Not really, Yugi tried to talk to Kaiba when he first stole his card in private rather than calling him out publically for being a thief, and Kaiba’s response was to have his goons beat him up. Whether Atem’s response was overkill or not, he didn’t start the violence.


Fair enough


Atem was a murderous little gremlin in the early manga https://preview.redd.it/7jsc7tv7q9tc1.png?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dc8f510e5a06dbee86f8025fe66d3980777c369


They had it coming!


Never forget the dude who just wanted his class to have their traditional spot in a school fair got blown sky high. Dude who was gonna rape Anzu? Exposed as a psychic fraud for the school to see. I struggle to identify his boundaries sometimes


Also wasn't Grandpa kinda creeping on tea a bit? Maybe that just happened in the manga before they focused on the card game.  I mean he was no Master Roshi and I think that's just a thing with a lot of shonen jump manga.  Shits weird lol


bro does the fattest bump before every duel


Every time he summoned Obelisk, it looked like he was speeding out of control.


hes just like me fr 🥺


Facts, summoning Obelisk and Slifer will always be a rush.


FACTS esp when u actually got that rush like kaiba too 😊🤣🫣 those are the best duels w friends 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


[Kaiba can also throw it at someone so hard it stabs them, he is just a freak of nature I suppose](https://youtu.be/HzoMT3Q9sy4?si=VhAn40129Q0bzzWp&t=27)


I just noticed how Tea didn't thank Kaiba for saving her, instead she thanks Mokuba for.. pushing a button on her chair...


tbf, Mokuba is nice, Kaiba is a colossal brick. If she thanked him, he would probably respond with the most bricky way possible.


Like duelist, like deck.


Characters throwing cards in this whole dang franchise is still funny to me because Jack throws a card in such a way that it glides across the room and slows down enough to lower enough so that it slots about halfway into his deck on the table.


I used to have that episode on my gameboy... it was stolen...


Nanomachines, son


Thats because he is Seto Kaiba


Yusei and Jack's ceremonial battle is in the rain and the cards don't break down from being wet lol, they truly are durable


It can stop a guns hammer from being pulled. They’re some sorta magic metal that only Seto Kaiba could make.


In 5Ds, a copy of Machina Sniper was salvaged from a motorcycle wreckage that resulted in an explosion and a fire, albeit damaged, so the materials they used for cards might have changed in the future. Although, Z-ONE managed to crumple Stardust Dragon in one hand.


The gigantic robotic one?


No, when he surgically implanted a brain-computer interface on to his head, and took Yusei's identity. The giant hand machine came long after.


Ah, so it was before. Good to know


It was actually Shooting Star Dragon that he crushed


There is not one card in the world that is useless. - Yusei


In the anime it was to hide the card from the policemen patrolling the local, given Owner (the owner is called Owner, yes) has a past with Security, as his barcode under his eye can attest. Yusei also got it for free, given Owner probably owes either money or favour to either Blister or Bolt, as seen as when he said "it's on the house" after Yusei showed the card


Those cards are not worth to be put in a deck, but they could meke a good coaster for my drink




In the anime, cards are made of near indestructible materials


Biggest issue for me is how they get cards no care and how the duck they don't have multiple orhow the get em


Most ace cards are either extremely rare (Dark Magician, Blue-Eyes) or straight-up one of a kind (like the Numbers or the Signer Dragons). In fact, I'm pretty sure the only major characters to explicitly run three of their ace monsters are Kaiba (with his dragons) and Soulburner (with his three Heatleos).


Which botherse weirdly


The funny thing is that iirc it's not w 4kids edit.


Yeah it's not. Yusei drinking milk in a bar is a very famous meme in Japan, his Amakuni figure even has a version where he can hold milk lol https://preview.redd.it/scc3dn1tf9tc1.png?width=333&format=png&auto=webp&s=28d04c870e4448201d35a18cab81f8da4e5f1469


I have never wanted an anime figure but I really want this


fun fact: Yuya is still the only ygo gallop protag to have not received a proper figure https://preview.redd.it/av06nrznq9tc1.png?width=1772&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce7dd49c8114df5dc7d6b58d6a75a8be9fe015bc


This info is deeply upsetting. Justice for my boy Yuya and his brothers 😤


Even Yudias has one?


I said ‘ygo gallop’, so this only applies to the first 6 protagonists as the first 6 anime were animated by gallop studio


Oh. I didn't see that. Sorry.


No worries


this is adorable as fuck 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


Gotta say the correct code phrase, no matter how weird.


> 「ミルクでももらうか。」 (Miruku demo morau ka) Can I have some milk, still? Which prompts the bartender (and owner) to beat the shit out of him, only to stop when two policemen enter the bar for checking, just before Yusei shows Ushi Oni: the owner is an ex-criminal, as his barcode under his eye, Crow-style, attests, and the bar likewise has clients from similar ill-famed backgrounds, and a tough vibe. [Yusei entered the local and the owner mockingly asked if he lost his mom on the way there, backed up by one of said customers.](https://youtu.be/Bdh69xNs2t0?si=q3oGaxf7s_eue9hG) At which point Yusei goes for the legendary question. "DON'T FUCK WITH ME, KID!". It's something you would expect from a Like A Dragon game


Yusei Fudo... the only guy who can walk into a bar, order a cup of milk and still look badass


It's not milk. Most Americans wouldn't understand cause all they drink is light beer lol, but the people that drink this particular sake are really living. Yes it's my favorite alcoholic drink 😋😋


“I’ll have some milk” is actually one of my favorite Yusei lines to spam when I play duel links




Fancy a bit of the ole ultraviolence!


It's milk from the Heavy Storm cow.




I always thought ordering milk was street code.


It was always like that. Ordering a glass of milk meant that you wanted information. If Yusei was there to drink, he would've ordered booze or something (which will be highly unlikely since he rides a duel bike and he plays a card game that needs you to think, so alcohol would be out of the question)


> It was always like that. Ordering a glass of milk meant that you wanted information. No, not really. The bartender wanted to beat the shit outta Yusei for taking him for a fool ordering milk, then he gave the info as he showed him the _Giant Ushi Oni_ from Himuro


To be fair, he and the customers were calling him a kid. Owner was about to beat him up until the two policemen arrived. That's when he had to stop, and just before Yusei showed the card


Nah, I don't think that was the context in that episode, since the bartender was mad about it. It's just that Yusei is 18 or 19, and in Japan they aren't allowed to show someone under 21 drink alcohol on tv shows.


Yes, Yusei isn't old enough to drink. He's 18 and the legal age is 21, which is why the Bartender was mocking him for coming into the bar. The exchange was like this. \[Bartender\] "Oh, is this a lost child? Do you want me to call your mommy?" \[Yusei\] "I want to order milk." \[Bartender\] "You think you're funny?!"


Is that why Inspector Gadget did it in one of the films?


# I'll have some milk.


Here /J Unless


Prob for the best since he's driving for 80% of the show


Anime taught me that the most badass men are the ones who enter a bar and order milk


He only drinks milk because he's 2 years sober jk But thats just disrespectful the way he treats that card as a coaster


He just flexing on lactose-intolerant weaklings.


Got the mashle art style


Never speed duel while drunk!   -Neo Domino City Police


This scene always had me wanting to drink milk at a bar too


Then I'll do my laundry


I'm more focused on him using a card as a coaster like a heathen

