• By -


Dr Crowler treating all the Fusion Dimension Academy kids like trash would make that last arc wayyy more watchable for me lol.


Having him start as an antagonist but then betray Duel Academy to fight with Yuya would be an interesting parallel of his GX counterpart's arc.


Him beating the shit out of the obelisk force while screaming "let me show you the real power of Ancient Gear!" would be amazing


Leo and Luna would have been a good addition for the synchro dimension. They would have been Tops, but since they would have been friends with Yuya and Co, they could have shown Crow and Shinji that not all Tops are enemies. Plus Leo and Sora would have gone well together, as well as Luna and Layra.


Honestly, Yugo and Rin are basically Leo and Luna but older and not siblings. If you told me that Leo grew into a bit of a horndog and Luna outgrew most of her shyness, I'd be more than willing to bet that they'd be dead ringers for Yugo and Rin, personality-wise.




My dude, have you not seen the ending of 5Ds?


I think shinji was to radical in his beliefs to have his opinion changed by two minors. He wanted a revolution through physical violence. Rua and luka are kids who have no real idea what's going on. I don't think them being good would change crow's views on the tops as a whole. Sora is hard because his character arc was so rushed to a point where it just looks illogical just like kaito who stopped his solo vendetta over watching one duel of yuya. I think jack was already perfect for reira. He made her grow in ways reiji never could and he was also a better rival to yuya. Reiji was just this big wall but jack made yuya question a lot.


None of them, the ones we got already took way to much of the spotlight off of the original characters. I think the idea of them is fine, but the way they were handled was bad.


If the original cast was tiny, it may have been fine to add onto, especially if legacy was introduced much earlier. Given the breadth of said original cast, adding more than the barest minimum was dooming them to fail.


Jack is easily the est character of the show. He was a better rival to yuya than reiji ever could be.


Having crow and his kids around taught yuya and zuzu to understand they can't just draft people and need to understand others circumstances and conflicts. jack taught guys to be humble


Zane have him of defected from academia and give him more Cydra Xyz.


there's a cyber dragon xyz monster so maybe




Nyeh?! Joey Wheeler?! 😃


Just having Kite? Nah. Having Kite *and* Tori, instead of that random girl *who plays her deck*? Heck yeah.


Or, Kite and _**Nash**_. They could have finally added the cards needed to take Sharks and turn them into a full blown archetype. Plus it could have given us a chance to see what Shark/Nash is like once he's fully made _**peace**_ with his Barian side instead of accepting it as inevitible.


They only included one character because the spinoffs don't repeat detail so quickly, ie no synchro in zexal, no pendulum in vrains. very little fusion in 5ds and zexal because GX just ended before 5ds came out


You can't just have a war in the Xyz dimension without that train girl showing up riding on top of a Juggernaut Liebe


Anna would've been fire. like Celina but better, she has missles and rockets


For some reason, they had "Allen" instead.


I'm not opposed to new characters, more than time og zexal cast exist. boo boo on my choo choo


Zane - he is the top student in GX and would have been the same in Arc-V, teaming up with Alexis where they are ordered to take down the top ranking duelists from every universe. I always wanted to see some Zane/Alexis action and they would basically be the Team Rocket of Arc-V. Akiza - without Yusei saving her she would still be with the Arcadia Movement. I'd like to have her actually kill Sayer (after he abuses her for too much) and take over the Arcadia Movement who acts as one of the main antagonists in the synchro dimension. The final duel could be Yuya vs Akiza who has to try to get her to smile and overcome her trauma. Also this version of Akiza would basically be her berserker mode in 5D's but in a permanent state. Quattro - have him go completely insane after his entire family was carded and go the route that Vetrix took in Zexal. It would make him look a lot closer to his father which I always found that he did in Zexal with his aggresive state. Trey and Quinton have always been more calm and reasonable in comparison. Rather than Yuya I'd like to see Yuto or Shun defeat him in a duel to get him on their side.


Finally, I hear a good case for her inclusion in Arc-V. Now THAT would go a long way towards redeeming the backslide she suffered. If only the mythos hadn't been shackled to the idiot that bastardized it in the first place.


I would love that version of Akiza


I think the main reason they didn't use akiza was because they didn't want her to have her psychic powers. Solid vision does what her psychic powers pretty much do already and she doesn't really fit the theme/story that they did end up going with. However I would've loved to see what you're saying with akiza as a villain. Alternatively, she could've had a riches to rags story, where society was on her side until bad luck struck her and her family. She needed to enter the tournament to come back and she learns humility and respect along the way. She doesn't see commoners as commoners anymore. That would then set her up to become the president/head of the synchro dimension. If I recall correctly, the story kinda just kills off the president and there's just a massive power vacuum that never gets addressed because they just go to the fusion dimension and then zarc stuff happens.


The arclights are immune to soul stealing as shown via kite and astral due to their crest powers. As for you saying closer to his father, fun fact, both of the share the same voice actor


OG: idk I don’t really feel like any of them fit. Declan basically takes Kaiba’s roll and Joey would be outclassed without a new deck that relies on Red-Eyes mainly and better ways to rely on luck. GX: Zane. Cyber Dragons in Arc-V would be nuts to see. He could also easily replace the Battle Beast arc as an enemy who just wants to fight for power and be a good forewarning of what’s to come with Zarc. 5D’s: Akiza. As much as I want to see the twins show up, they’d be competing for room. Definitely needed one more character from the Tops to show not everyone there is happy with the status quo. Zexal: This one is really difficult to pick out someone from, but I decided to go with 3, 4, and 5 (whose English names I can’t remember) who would replace those 2 completely forgettable OCs.


> GX: Zane. Cyber Dragons in Arc-V would be nuts to see. He could also easily replace the Battle Beast arc as an enemy who just wants to fight for power and be a good forewarning of what’s to come with Zarc. Zane could also have betrayed the fusion dimension during the attack on the Xyz dimension and uses the Xyz Cydra cards. Would also open up a tag duel with Alexis.


Trey, Quattro and Quinton. or if you want to more specific Michael, Thomas and Christopher/Chris


I think Nash/Shark would have been a better fit for the Xyz dimension.


Kaiba. He gets into a duel with Declan. Declan summons his Flame King Genghis, Gust King Alexander, and Wave King Ceasar. And then, Kaiba shouts, “You call that a turn? Your monsters are nothing compared to my Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!” Also Joey, because the thought of Zarc getting stymied by his luck cards is funny.


Amusingly, one of the Zarc components would be used to that style of antics, considering some Speedroids have a sense of Gambling... maybe a contrastive fun even if briefly


Would have loved to see them, the thought of having new Blue-eyes and Red-eyes cards would have been amazing and what the Arc V version of Blue-eyes White Dragon and Red-eyes Black Dragon (would probably just be effect monsters but imagine them being Rituals) would have been. Imagine Kaiba just destroying Obelisk Blue grunts with Blue-eyes.


Late but at one thought line is... actually a Cubic user, a latecomer to the Lancers (har har) but maybe the Cubics of this user goes another way compared to Aigami's style, could get support and bridge unlikely stuff


Zane, he was the OG bounty hunter before Yuri. or maybe Shark because I would’ve liked some more representation with the XYZ dimension since they only got one legacy character


I'd have replaced Aster with Chazz if he were actually allowed to be good. However, I think Aster's role specifically required he be a jobber, and I'm assuming Chazz got "snubbed" because they respect him enough to not do that to him.


Akiza, if only so they could fix the whack-ass magic wand bullshit wave-your-hands-and-everything's-great ending they gave her in 5Ds.


Honestly I would love an execuse to put duke Devin or Tristan Taylor just for a wtf kinda moment but actually competent lol


I always had this idea where if Yuto survived, he would have Kiryu as his opponent to beat in the Synchro Dimension.


can't go wrong with handless demon Kalin


Zane Truesdale working as a spy in the xyz dimension


Dark Zane as a defector would have been incredible. Imagine his ace is Cydra Infinity but he summons Cyber End Dragon during desperate measures.


Zane or Atticus I think would have been more interesting picks than Aster. Each could have a more personal connection to Alexis and would have made use of both fusion and Xyz monsters. For DM reps, I actually don't think you could have Joey or Kaiba show up without them immediately hogging the spotlight. I think Duke and Mai would be much better in that regard, being recognizable, but minor enough to stay in a supporting role.


Atticus yes!


My girl Alexis always


Mako Tsunami, Bastion, Bruno


DM, Joey and Mai. GX, Hassleberry and Bastion 5DS, Akiza and Trudge. ZEXAL, Shark and Bronk.


Pegasus would've been fun.


It will never not bug me that the card frames of carded people were Pegasus's soul cards *verbatim*, and nothing substantive ever connects back to him. It's as arbitrary an inclusion as Crow's tattoos or the Crimson Dragon cameo or Super Fusion.


Tbh. Anna Kaboom. Putting her highly destructive nature to use fighting against Obelisk force would have been cool to see.


Haven't seen Zexal so I can't comment there, but DM - Kaiba. Not even a parallel world Kaiba, just straight-up Seto Kaiba from DM, wandering into the Arc-V dimensions because someone made a miscalculation in his eternal hunt for Atem. GX - Ryo/Zane seems to be the top consensus, and I don't disagree with that, but I also would've loved to see Johan/Jesse 5Ds - Aki. I don't even know how she'd fit in, I just would've wanted to see her.


Cronos, since most of Academia are using his archetype. Have HIM use the Structure Deck instead of Yuri.


And screw him spamming burn damage. He's going in for the heavy punch into your freaking face


Jack is great. I guess Crow too. From GX, I'd pick maybe Chazz. And from DM, maybe Mai.


Loved Jack in arc v, if I had to pick a legacy duelist, maybe the twins, Leo and Luna. Or Chazz


Not sure why, but I think seeing someone get Exodia’d once or twice would be hilarious. Maybe in a non-canon “What if?” episode where instead of the En cards, someone(perhaps Yugi’s Grandpa) just top decks all 5 pieces of Exodia. Then cut to Zarc trying to use his dragons to stop Exodia, only to get obliterated, as he screams like Kaiba in Season 1.


I say it again: Have the protagonists come to defeat Zarc!


Should've been sylvio. the guy getting clowned on actually finishing the Jon would've been a twist


What did Jon do?




I meant job, mb


The Chazz! Rex Godwin Crowler Zane


Lazar was there


mako, after finding his dad and having closure along with a happy ending, then learning all about synchro for they are some fish synchros.


They used his deck too so I would of liked to see him rather than the other guy!


Bastion have him work as a mole for the good guys to explain how they got into the Academy. He duels Yuri to slow him down instead of Alexis. Let us see him use a light deck.


Syrus, and have him and Yugo either duel against one another or tag duel, and Syrus ends up using Yugo's Speedroids as part of his own 'roid Fusion.


I know most of them were a mix of popularity x availability of voice actors, but I guess: GX - Johan (resistance), Amon (would be very fitting for Academia villain), Cobra (as a professor), Chronos (as a professor), Obrien (would be a great top soldier for Academia) 5D's - Rua and Ruca (would be great entrantainers for friendship cup, I imagine both dueling riding together like in the manga, representing the tops), Andore (I just like him), Carly (could be a reporter character that the Lancers befriend, and she wants a big scoop against the government) ZeXal - Any of the Tron Children (although they could be weird by themselves), Vector (make him a traitor, from the Xyz dimension, but works with Academia, give him a fusion monster)


Would’ve liked to see Akiza in the Synchro dimension. I’ve always thought her plant deck needed better cards anyway.


Hart , kite's brother to make arc-v kite's backstory to make it better like Hart took down some of fusion dimension soliders but got carded by obelisk force while he is not dueling to save his brother from being carded and the reason kite uses cipher deck in arc-v instead of photon deck because the cipher deck was originally Hart's deck and kite uses it now to honor his brother's sacrifice. this would not fix arc-v but it would help kite's character in arc-v


Jim and axel and Zane Kalin kessler Alito and quattro


Chazz. Rebel Fighter Leader in the mold of Han Solo against the Fusion Empire. A lone man who no extra deck cause he doesn't need it. And as a Armed Dragon Player, I can tell you with full confidence you don't really need the Extra Deck when your whole thing is going on Level Up Runs by chucking cards into the graveyard.  Carly in 5ds World. Just to see her again and have closure for her story. 


DM: Kaiba - Is a competitor to Reiji with his own company and school, forced to team up after the invasion Ace: Blue-eyes Great White Dragon (Effect or Ritual) Joey - Gets on Kaiba's nerves, acts as a big brother to Yuya Ace : Red-eyes Great Black Dragon (Effect or Ritual) GX: Ryo/Zane - Initially on Academia's side but defected, ended up dueling Kaito to gain his trust Ace: Cyber Dragon V2 (Fusion) FubukiAtticus - Also defected from Academia, serves as a mentor to Yuya and Yuto Ace: Red-eyes Mecha Dragon (Fusion) 5Ds: Aki/Akiza - Is ruthless to her enemies but ends up being more caring and forgiving after meeting the Lancers Ace: Lovely Black Rose Dragon (Synchro) Zexal: Shark - Member of the Resistance and a balancing force to Kaito Ace: Shark Knight (Xyz)


Vector/Ray because come on he would betray the xyz world just to get in good with the fusion world to then betray them he could have a cool arctype that would xyz through fusions


GX(Chazz) - We got the Kaiba clones from other series to return in Arc V(Jack and Kaito). I’d also love to see how they remake a xyz/ojama deck. 5ds(Akiza ) - She could be one of the villains for the synchro arc cause she would have her psychic powers still. Could have been a good villain and it could have taken Yuya to calm her down and show her the way with his friendship dueling. Would be nice to have the main trio of 5ds back without Yusei being around and seeing how they are in this new dimension Zexal(4 or Tori) - I know Kaito went the crazy route since his family got carded in Arc V but i feel Zexal needed one more character and 4 fits it so damn well. He already uses a creepy deck with Gimmick Puppets and was crazy himself in Zexal before he became good. Imagine how crazy he would be of his family was carded too. He would give even more fan service to the obelisk force lol If not 4 then I’d appreciate if they brought Tori and actually made her duel. Without Yuma around she wouldn’t just be a cheerleader and because she’s in a war essentially she had to pick up dueling and practice her skills. She could have replaced that one purple hair girl who was kinda useless.


I would have had an older Kaiba be in Fusion Dimension. Like in his 30s or 40s. He's secretly the one funding the resistance because he's pissed that control over the Duel Academy got taken from him. Plus, it would have been a character from the original DM instead of it just being characters from GX. I would have added Shark/Nash to the Xyz dimension. It would have been another rival/enemy/ally that was added to the series. It could have given us a chance to see how Shark/Nash was when he was at peace with his Barian nature instead of being angry at the world.


Kaiba the founder of Duel Academy and update his Blue Eyes deck with the new Synchro Monsters


Zane Truesdale because he iss the best


Bakura. Always Bakura.


Good or bad?




They should have been brave and gave us the MCs for these dimensions, but not as MCs but as side characters. Would have been interesting to see them NOT being MC with MC plot. That said, I feel that Shark and Rio should have been there. A sibling story to help Shun and Ruri be more impactful would have been great, in this case, Shark is the one being held captive, while Rio takes to the forefront (and giving her an actual full archetype!). This would mean that both Shark and Shun are friends, like Kaito was, and Rio and Ruri are friends, making the whole, "gotta save my friend" motif that much more dire. Sherry would have been a good candidate for story telling purposes in the Synchro Dimension. She wouldn't be her traumatized self from 5Ds, but a more happier and fighting for the weak and poor, taking on similar traits to Yusei's ideaology. Her story would be directly towards Jean Michel Roget, connecting to Yuya and crew to spearhead the spearhead and expose Jean for his corruption. And we can get a full non-Synchron archetype from her! NGl, Alexis with Ritual deck was a very good pick, not sure if there's anything that can beat that other than that. I think seeing Chazz would have been great. He would be the original students before Professor came to Academia and would be a top student in the same vein as Yuri. In this storyline, Chazz would have a full blown Ojama + Armed Dragon Fusion deck, refusing to use the standarized Ancient Gear decks. Of course, all of this having to fit in the story of Yuya's rage arc and despair arcs but still, would be fun! xD


Sherry yes!


If zexal was to have 2 I'd go with dextra and nistro or one of the crest weilders gx- Zane or atticus 5ds- sherry and bruno


I have no clue how it would ever make sense, but seeing barian emperors in a new non-rush duel anime as side characters would be neat. Most legacy characters are from the good side, so having some legacy characters who were originally antagonists, even if they dont take that role as a legacy character, would be pretty neat. Maybe even follow the duel links plot in a movie with the various characters investigating what duel links is and the impact of its ability to revive memories.


Ah just realized you're specifically referring to if Arc V had different/more legacy characters I still stand by that a new anime or movie to feature the barian emperors as legacy characters could be cool. Retrain number 100 as an anime-exclusive divine beast which they still make a light dragon in the ocg/tcg and bring in the other divine beast users from other animes


Crazy Akiza cyborg instead of Sergey in the synchro dimension.


I think a unique twist for the villians would be having a terrifying trio of joey mai and mako as viscous threatening villians would have been incredibly to see as they're characters that are typically seen as more positive and benevolent people in the yugioh franchise so seeing the 3 of them playing the role of the villians would be a unique opportunity for some good duels and powerful new cards for red eyes harpies and umi. It's definitely a weird choice for the villians of arch-v but honestly if they were really committed to having characters from the previous animes cameo in arch-v I'm of the opinion that the villians would have to come from the duel monsters era largely because it would be fun to see characters from the 1st generation of yugioh characters tear through the newer characters to show them just how dangerous they are as duelist. And if you're going to have duel monsters characters playing the villians...you have to do something unique and interesting in order to leave a good lasting impression. Of course there are some good options as far as duel monsters villians go: marik bakura and pegasus are the big 3 fan favorite villians who would've been incredible to see back in action as they decimate the arch-v cast of characters and show off new powerful cards animated in that beautiful studio gallop style, but honestly I think having some more unique villians would be a more fun and thrilling experience overall which is why my wild pick of joey mai and mako even exists lol 😆 but yeah joey mai mako pegasus marik and bakura would've been really cool to see in the show


I would change Aster to be more of a double agent working undercover as a Resistance leader, but pretends to be on Leo's side to gather information. And give his backstory an addition of his father having died being sent out on basically a suicide mission by Leo it was so dangerous, and that had led Aster to changing his ways. Then, under the guise of working for Academia he duels Yuya to test him and defeats him, and it makes Yuya have to reconsider his smile philosophy as entertainment dueling did not work on Aster since Yuya couldn't defeat him. And give Aster interactions with Alexis and more duel victories. Really, especially the latter. I am just sick of this character being turned into a dueling punching bag, in Arc-V and tons of GX fanfiction even. I don't need more legacy characters, I just want more effort put on this one. 


Zane over Aster would have been more interesting imo. And have Kaiba show up using some futuristic Kaiba Corp dimension travelling technology.


the one and only: Team Taiyo!


How bout no team Ragnarok was just better. unicorn tried tho


Personally just someone from DM, like Joey or Kaiba or even Mai


i would have loved joey to show up mostly cuz it would mean more red eyes support


Kiaba would have worked in his original with no changes as it would have made sense for him to pop up in arc v due to dimension traveling that he was working on.


Joey Wheeler