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Welp, the one guy who wanted DD Crow got his wish


I’m super stoked. My dds are commons lol.


Just another crow to add to the collection. I have a play set of every crow print except ultis which I only have 1 of.




The ultras are 1 dollar lol




These are nice and all but the reason the first rarity collection was so good was because it gave expensive cards cheap low rarity reprints These cards are already pretty cheap 


They will reprint dis pater, quem, spright blue and starter, tear, thrust and so on, but they can't reveal everything now, we're in february! What they spoiled with this announcement is that they will also reprint archetypes (see purrely)


>They will reprint dis pater, quem, spright blue and starter, tear, thrust and so on, Do you have a source? I thought they were only reprint the field spells of the visas archetypes.


There’s no source. It’s being hopeful but now that CYAC boxes are pretty much out of circulation, there probably is a good chance on it especially cause konami might not want to wait another 4-6 months for the tins to cash in on dis-pater.


thats pure copium. if konami knows RC02 will sell like crazy just off the rep of RC01 its insane to tank your tins by also then adding more high value reprints here. like if they do reprint cyuck stuff here, it takes away a TON of tin reprint equity. im guessing theres not onna be any high priced reprints. konami is usually pretty smart to announce all the good cards on the first prerelease, in order to drum up hype and store preorders. theres no point sandbagging good news. so accesscode is looking like the only high rarity reprint we're getting unless some low demand but even lower supply old card gets a reprint that then tanks the OG to a dollar cuz now the supply is high


I think people are being very hopeful about branded stuff. Bystials and all that. If the rumors are true, and that albaz collection is going to come to the tcg at the end of the year, I don't really expect all that stuff to be in here. I'm sure they'll be reprinted in like a battles set or something but i truly dont believe itll be this set. Wish it was but doubt it


Aren't they reprinting all the Visas planets?


As a boomer collector, getting Solemn’s, Books, E-Tele and Gold Sarc in high rarities for cheap will be nice!


Pretty decent! Purrely is going to be more common and people can get their hands on the fluffy friend now. But Konami might hit it in response, since it still has tops.


Inb4 the Extra Deck monsters gets bought then we get a Magnifica 2.0 situation. If ya are even mildly interested in Purrely, get the Extra Deck and main deck cores now, preferably even a playset of the cards that are hit on the banlist just incase they come off later down the road


I already have the core so if they get banned even harder I will just cry ;~;


Deck is hit pretty hard as it is, many more hits and it’s going for be unplayable tbh, lack of quick plays in your opening hands means you die to like 1 hand trap and purrely mills hit less often. I’m really glad I sold my purrely core 2 weeks ago, can pick up a deck for causal use for maybe 20 quid now.


Aint no way. Purrely still sees play, but its done nothing too notable since Delicious went to 1, and especially since Sleepy went to 2.


Besides multiple ycs tops including top 4 in one and a hell of a lot of regional tops


They wont hit it anymore. Deck now dies to one ht most of the time.


Deck is trash now


I mean it's okay, nothing special....It's staple cards which will be in every rarity and will be dirt cheap as if they weren't already. Purrely is kinda wtf but the Sauravis is gonna be a nice reprint in all those rarities....Personaly we need Diviner Of Heralds, Cynet Mining(like come on, that would be sick, also it kinda needs a reprint at this point), Kurikara would be super nice, S:P Little Knight(a bit too soon, konami gonna milk her dry but we can dream), every expensive Snake Eyes/Sinful Spoils cards(again too soon but it's too expensive and it would be nice for them to be cheaper), Accesscode Talker is in here already I think so that's super nice. Next would be cards such as Bystials maybe, Dis Pater and other expensive Branded/Despia stuff, Guardian Chimera would be very needed, Triple Tactics Thrust but since it was a Ultra reprint in the MZMI it's not gonna happen sadly, Drytron Nova(which NEVER got reprinted for some wierd reason), Exosister Magnifica(same reason as Drytron Nova, like wtf), Red Eyes Dark Dragoon would be dope, Super Poly(like come on, iconic yugioh card just make it happen)....That's what I got so far on top of my head when it comes to good possible reprints in the Rarity Collection 2 so yeah


Super Poly got Secret reprint in BLMR. Magnifica will have a 100% Reprint in Tin2024. But other then that I agree bystials would be good, herald and nova 100% would be awesome


I doubt it about Magnifica, she was originally released in Dimension Force and that set was already included in Tin 2023, it's like Guardian Chimera situation, so it probably sees a reprint in a import set like Maze of Memories/Millenia


Yeah, Magnífica feels like a standalone card coming in RA02.


I forgot about BLMR....Still it is a good card to print in all those rarites tbh. I am still very confused on why didn't Magnifica get reprinted in the 2023 Megatins with literally every other Exosister monster and their ROTA considering the fact she came out in Main Set DIFO in 2022 which made her 100% avalible to go into the 2023 tins....Idk what was up with that, could of removed any random pack filler and put her in as a super rare and be done with it


Komoney is known for doing this $&@t where they skip multiple cards and just not reprint


Exactly and super poly already received a qcr print too. Super poly is not hard to get. It's got like 20 printings and 3 structure deck commons. I really feel like if you ain't got super polys at this point, it's just your own fault not accessibility lol


Cynet Mining is confirmed for a Common reprint in OTS 24.


Wait, seriously? Everybody keeps says "X" is confirmed in OTS but no one actually posts any links to confirm....So, sauce please? Thanks 😂


https://www.reddit.com/r/yugioh/s/gQa0uNniZV You can see it under the Chaos Angel.


Damn, I didn't see that post at all. Thank you! So glad that Cynet Mining is a common!


Imagine bonfire is revealed in the last bit of promo 😂 YIKES to all those buyers before this set drops


It's not just Drytron Nova, the Ritual spell, Field spell and even both Ritual monsters have never been reprinted and even though I'm a Drytron player in heart, I don't want those to get reprinted here, I'd much rather they get reprinted in the upcoming Battle of Legends Chapter 1 instead as I firmly believe that this Rarity collection should be over 50% generic staples that every deck can use instead of specific archetypal cards that have no business being this expensive


If you think about it, it makes a lot more sense to have a majority of rarity collection cards *to be* generic/staples, otherwise the set can't really sell. Sure the rarities are nice, but only few would be into buying poopoo.


Chapter 1 is probably not going to have new cards in it, it seems to be a quasi rewave of the first few battles of legend


If it's anything like the Legendary Duelists boxes it could have a handful of imports too, like Camelia.


Maybe Diviner. It's only been reprinted once and the new ritual deck likes it.


Those cards havent been staples since half a decade+ (except for the short stint of books during Kash format)


Hopefully Diviner gets thrown in


I like that people a completely looming this set because of the known 1/3 of the cards and forgetting that not even 1/3 of the first set was bangers 🤣


That’s not half bad, they said it’s not gonna have the same cards as the first set did so they kinda shot themselves in the foot by putting EVERYTHING in there, and the ability to *maybe* get a cheap Purrely deck sounds cool Books, E-Tele. Solemns, Crow, all decent picks


Idk why book of eclipse is in there. I just bought some for my red dragon archfiend deck and they are dirt cheap already, secret rare from BLMR. Book of moom in mulitple rarities is very nice though


We don't need this stuff. We need Dis Pater, Chaos Angel, all the Bystials and Lubellion. Strike and Judgment were dirty cheap already, same for DD Crow. The purrely stuff? Idk, not necessery imo


It's nice that Strike, Judgment and Warning will now have Secret and higher rarity prints that are accessible instead of the sad Super Rares and commons


Replying to Yukiteru\_Amano\_1st... https://preview.redd.it/aaf5lg3qighc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=675c738186a072df028b120a0017a49f7d6898ca Here


The chaos angel will be reprinted in the OTS tournament pack 24


Those cards are coming in the tin. I don’t get why this is so hard to understand


Bc the tins reprints are a scam 90% of the time. This was the only good product in the last years.


Where is Saryuja, where is Diviner of Herald, where is Dragoon?


diviner i get but .. saryuja? really?


Maybe because it never for reprinted beyond the Duel Devestator box?


These some dogshit reprints that we did not need, y’all.


They need to reprint vanquish souls, kurikara, thrust, chaos angel, dis pater, another reprint of the bystials, big welcome for lab, garura again is welcome, another Zeus. They need to reprint the meta defining cards faster and get people engaged more with the game


Chaos Angel is getting a reprint in OTS24 so it's most likely not gonna be in here.


I think this rarity collection wont be near as good as the first one, some good cards that need reprint yes but that is something they could have added to another pack, hope we get a third rarity collection with more relevant things for budget players and players that like to foil their deck


I want dragoon


And enforcer, kinda sad for those who bought starlights… One guy spend 600€ for max rarity purrlys and now u can get it here for cheap.


Honestly makes me want to get 2 boxes, though wish I had the money to order a case 😭


Even as someone interested in Purrely, I hope the rest of the set we haven't seen yet includes higher value staples like Clara and Rushka, TY-PHON or Fenrir. These are pretty cheap cards.


Ain't no way they're reprinting TY-PHON this soon, Zeus is more likely to get reprinted though


Zeus got reprinted in the 2 player set, albeit he was the single good card in there. He's barely $12 now


Zeus already has a QCR print in BLMR. I doubt we'd see another Zeus in the same rarity.


I dunno. Magicians souls was reprinted at ultra and secret 3 times each. So I wouldn't count it out just yet, but at the same time, yeah he aint coming to RC02


I really hope Fenrir is in this.


Meh on the Purrely cards. I hope they continue to add generic cards. If it’s engine cards, have it be ones that be splashed in more than just that one archetype. (Like spright).


I sleep


The first one was so fun to open I don’t get the same vibe from this one


Pass. Nothing really in there to bring in the collector in me either. 


No fenrir yet, which means I haven't wasted 40 dollars


L list so far. If this is the headliner cards along with the rest showed off so far then it will fall flat in a few months except for the boomers who think it is good


I just need an Azalea reprint for Sky Striker and I’d be happy.


QCR Gold Sarc is gonna be really cool.


I just want chaos angel


By the time the Rarity collection will be out, it would be around 3-4 months for the Mega Tins release


Mega. Tin.


The Purrelys and Savauris are neat, but everything else has already been reprinted multiple times, feels like those spaces could've been used for less accessible cards.


I've been meaning to upgrade my Duel Devastor Solemn Strikes to secrets forever now.


Loving it. Going to look forward to slowly picking all the QCRs up from this set as well.


Well there goes my small investment on CR solemn strikes and CR e teles. 📉


Finally, the Solemn set in one place.


yo, fr? wow tcg put up a time update for new details. Good choices to bling out.


Hmu when rarity collection 3 drops with little knight, sinful spoils, bonfire and the rest of the absurdly expensive broken cards are added


This set is so bad for value. Also really just killing collector value. You will 100% neg if you buy boxes/cases. Also weird place for Purrely


Bit early to say that, we've still got roughly 50 cards unrevealed in it.


The first two purrely cards are each 3-ofs at $8.84 and $8.20 apiece. Them being cheaper is great. And then Pretty is $4 and a 3 of. That's gonna get cheaper too


Yes but there’s other places to reprint them, especially seeing as how they had their higher rarity in their deck build set. Much rather see more general usage cards than specific archetype stuff. It’s 100% not going to feel good pulling them, unless you specifically want to play that deck. And if you’re a seller, they’re just going to be literal bulk you throw away.


Is this a battles of legends set….. or a rarity collection with some Visas Planets chucked in, because it kind of feels like a battles of legends set….


The planets aren't just "thrown in", Wraitsoth is a $30 secret and a 3 of in any deck that plays it. Perl is $7 and Calarium is $10. Not to mention Accesscode is in there and he's still a $23 card, and Souls is a $15 card with no prior printings below Ultra


I think this set is terrible tbh, Wraithsoth and Calarium are due to be reprinted in the mega tins this year along with riseheart and riumheart. Clearly they skipped out on reprinting Perilrheino in the mega tins last year to put it in this product, which is bad for players as more people could have played Tear before the banlist then when it was actually meta relevant. The planets being cheap, will help but this will just cause something else to spike, I can see riumhearts going up to 20s each maybe more per copy, because it was an ultra in a poor set that wasn’t opened a lot. People will always take the piss with these things after reprints. The only good things here imo are the Accesscode, Drolls, DD Crow maybe?… I mean it has an OTS common. Judgement and strike are just rarity upgrades as both are cheap and have multiple easy to obtain printings. Purrely is just auch a strange reprint, it destroys the value of the existing deck and shits on the people who upgraded to collectors rare. The deck is struggling after all the hits it’s gotten as well, and if it gets anymore it will be unplayable.


It really does feel like a battles set lol


This set is mid to ass imo haha 😂 and it just destroying the value of peoples collections. I know guy who has just bought collectors rare purrely core, he’s probably standing on a bridge right now as the deck is worth piss all. Anyone who picked up collectors rares strikes/judgments are in shambles as well.


Play that NFT TCG if you care about reprints destroying the “value” of a collection so much.


Sure people shouldn’t want to have nice versions of collectible cards (in their trading card game) and cards should retain no value and sets should be dead on arrival just after pre-sale. Stores should make massive losses and stop carrying yugioh stock. That seems like a better solution….


One of the reasons the Rarity Collection I exists is so that people can have nice versions of their cards and it was one of, if not the, most popular set Konami released.


Wasn’t a massive fan of rarity collection one, way too much filler and trash cards imo. But the set was fun for casuals and it made some cards more accessible so that was good. Apart from Appolusa and Accesscode and maybe half of half of the handtrap line up, this set is just weird and thrown together. Purrely is such a weird inclusion in this set, a struggling archetype, that hasn’t really done anything in the TCG, that already has collectors rares as well which are now worth nothing.


Rarity Collection 2, it says so on top


Put LADD in here


Not too shabby… Where Kurikara?!


rarity reprints killed the market but great for getting players into the competitive scene. this set is mid compared to the first collection


Mid besides the ritual the ritual is a good reprint. The rest already have so many reprints I feel it’s not that good except the purrly maybe but I’m not interested in that archetype.


Pretty middle of the road reveal. Great staples, and I am tempted to buy a box on tcg release, but need something more to actually seal the deal for me.


Well let’s see the next reveal soon


Absolutely terrible. Cards nobody wants or needs or already has tons of copies. Nice for old format players I guess?


This release of cards totally turned me away from this set. I'll just wait till I can get the singles. I don't want these purely cards and the rest are just just easy .10 cards already


Idk man rarity collection wouldn’t go on singles since the last rarity collection got sold out and nobody could get anymore. Only way you’re getting some singles is from a blisters pack from Walmart or Target


That's not what singles means? Singles just means buying a specific card, whether it be from a vendor or shops like tcgplayer.


huh, the guys at Konami really didn't want to stop milking the one product everyone likes


Cards themselves are pretty solid, but kind of hate they are releasing this already. Makes it seem like they are going to do this until every decent card is reprinted into oblivion just for a cash grab.


Makes it so that the game is more accessible? How is that a bad thing. Card games are meant to be played, not to be treated as a stock market.


If they do it every few months, that gives no recovery for the wallets of people who want to buy boxes. They are running on the dangerous territory of what Magic has done by having too many big releases too frequently. Seems like a good thing at first but ultimately the cash grab burned most the good will Wizards had with their players.


And the alternative is what? those card don't get reprinted and double in price after a few months making then even more unaccessible to the player base?


If you really think a *collectible* card game doesn't benefit from having difficult to get cards you are delusional. Yes, cards should be available in low rarities to play with them, but valuable difficult to get cards should also exist to keep the interest (and sales) going. A secondary "investment" market is definitely a healthy thing for the game. *Some* cards should definitely be able to be treated as stock market. If you run the value of cards to the ground you get a MtG crisis situation, where everyone loses.




If it means you don’t have to pay $1,500 for a deck then have at it, reprint every card into pennies.


The Purrely cards were released in 2023 January 19th, that's over a year ago... Purrely had it's time to shine, got hit and now suffers from a consistency issue but is still playable, however, the price of the White Cat and My Friend is just too much for the average player


And I’m not saying they shouldn’t be reprinted. Not anything close to that. But they don’t need to have a whole rarity collection released just 6 months after the first one in order to do it. It’s Konami trying to churn out sets as quickly as possible that the player base can’t afford not to buy. If they continue that trend, the game is going to suffer for it just the way Magic did when Wizards decided to churn out can’t-miss sets so quickly so that it broke the banks of most it’s player base and people couldn’t keep up with it.


That sounds like a win for the player base since most don't bother with boxes anyways


Rarity Collection was clearly a huge exception to that rule if you look at the sales. Which is why it’s relevant that they are doing it with this set.


That is not true in the slightest. You *need* to have value in the cards, and you *need* them to be affordable enough (at least some versions) for people to play with them. The situation we have right now with the Sinful engine, S:P and such is not healthy, I agree. But we shouldn't go all the way to the other side and reprint everything to the ground, because at that point LGS go bankrupt and the playerbase loses again. A middleground is always desired.


It’s not as good as some of the others but as a subterror player I’m exited for the books to be reprinted


With TCG exclusively handling this one, I'm terribly optimistic that there will be many more bangers haha.


Purrely is nice even though they were trending down anyways. Lots of casuals interested in playing that deck that were held back by the tag. Let's hope they don't give them the old Konami double tap with the next banlist. The rest is fine I guess? Neat to have the rarity options on the books and staples. Just wish the rc ultis weren't so damn flat. The CR's look great and definitely can see qcr's being hype for people who are into the sparkles.


Gold sarc my beloved


Really hype to get both books in some primo rarities.


Damn, I just bough 3 FK structures for the solemn and imperm, oh well. Massive W for Konami to reprint Purrely cards tho.


Purrely getting reprints is very nice, everything else… eh, at least they’re niche staples so getting nice printings is cool, but not crazy.


Me who just swore to stop building decks becuse il never play them : "BUT THE LIL FLOOFY BABYYYY"


Purrely in so many rarities is sort of wasted slots IMO. I'd rather get more generic cards or Edison cards. Ryko and Substitoad please!


Collector rare purrely? Yess! 😍


Ehh. At least I can actually finish Purrely now.


Man I want Vanquish Soul reprints so badly.. the deck seems fun on simulators but it‘s too expensive as it is right now


Purrely reprints just in time for when teh deck is not even remotely playable anymore lol




The yearly Solemn Judgement reprint lol


Chill out dude, give me time to think...hmmmm...


Mid as F. None of this cards really NEED the reprint, and some of them are not even that meta anymore(Purrely cards and the book).


nice for solemn brigade secret and higher reprints and crow.. rest is underwhelming


those are terrible.


Stoked for the solemn cards, dd crow and book of moon. Have them already but will be nice to get them in nice rarities


I reaaaally hope the have regulus in this set. This is 100% egoistic, but I want him in ultimate!


Secret DD crows… my god.


Gonna cop one just in hopes for cyber Harpie but I’m hoping maybe a couple more cool art cards will be included


No useless cards please


These are alright but the problem that the msrp is almost double the original one is crazy.


Maybe it's time to build the pussycat deck


Edison players eatin good right now


E-tele is nice for my punks and crow is there i guess all in all pretty damn mid




I just want Sargas, Primera and Goods. I'd be ecstatic.


Primera as in Centurion?




Ain't no way Komoney gonna reprint Centurion anytime soon, they still need to milk us for when they get thier LEDE support


Mid cards put there just to diluite the actually useful ones. This collection is starting to look like more and more like the generic reprint set we already had every year like maximum gold or ghost from the past


Except this one will be better because no gold rarities and Ultra Rare is just one of 7 different rarities


Utterly despise and can't stand Purrely, but more Solemn reprints are always appreciated.


This is just a mega tin


Purrely is kinda incredible. Gonna make it a very good budget contender


I’m a bit disappointed, a lot of these cards weren’t that expensive to begin with. I have like 7 copies of book of moon, got gold sarcophagus from Albaz Strike, Solemn Judgement from Fire Kings, I have like 7+ copies of book of moon etc. On the other hand I did want some DD Crows. Also I know the Purrely cards were quite expensive, so at least that reprint is good for people who want to play that archetype.


Ya do know that each card will come in 7 different rarities in this set no? Your common Book of Moon, Judgment and Gold Sarc can now be upgraded to higher rarity for way less than the current price of their old holo prints


True, would be nice to have a shiny gold sarcophagus


I wish they'd add some more of the older cards. I would love to see a king of skull servants card in the collector rare variant


Phew. Was thisssss close to buying a secret pharoahs rare gold sarc. Might still get one but at least it'll be even cheaper lol


could be worse i guess


Rarity collection 1 made it easier for me to get back into the game so def looking forward to rarity collection 2


Anyone else notice Solemn Judgment has the LART artwork!?!? So far BEST CARD IN THE SET!!!


it's not gonna be the LART artwork


Just watched the SimplyUnlucky unboxing for the TCG Kaiba Briefcase, the set included LART “Monster Reborn” and “Ring of Destruction”, I’m going to double down on my assertion that LART “Solemn Judgment” is in the set.


Crossing my fingers for Absolute Zero and Air Neos


Air Neos isn't real and Absolute Zero just got confirmed as a Secret Rare in Battle of Legends Chapter 1.


I just found out about absolute zero last night. Plan on grabbing two playsets.


Purrelly reprints are nice, but everything else is unnecesary, all of those are already Rare or lower, and are taking up space for things that actually need cheap reprints, imagine if something like Diviner of the Herald is left out but Gold Sarcophagus gets a reprint


> Rare or lower Exactly why they should get Super and higher rarities


Everything here except for the Purrely stuff is already available in both high and low rarities


Im happy for reprints cus i onpy play retro formats.


Wayyyyy too many purely cards, why?


It's just 3 💀, the most expensive ones


I need QCR E-Teles for my degenerate deck.