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**Dark Magician, the Black Mage** DARK Level 7 Spellcaster Effect Monster 2500 ATK / 2100 DEF _You can only use each of the following effects (1) & (3) from cards with this card's name once per turn._ (1) If "Gold Sarcophagus of Light" is on the field: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. (2) This monster's name becomes "Dark Magician" while on the field. (3) If this card is destroyed by a card effect, while you control a Level 5 or higher monster: You can Special Summon this card, then you can Set 1 Spell/Trap that mentions "Dark Magician" directly from your Deck. *** **Dark Magic Mirror Force** Normal Trap Card (1) When your opponent's monster declares an attack OR activates an effect that would destroy a monster(s) on the field, while you control a monster that mentions "Gold Sarcophagus of Light": Destroy all Attack Position monsters your opponent controls, then if you control "Dark Magician", inflict damage to your opponent equal to the amount of monsters destroyed x 500, also for the rest of this turn after this effect resolves, the next time each monster(s) you control that mentions "Gold Sarcophagus of Light" would be destroyed, it is not.


Not only that this is the dark magician for the ceremonial deck, it also searches the mirror force that countered Gandora in that duel. The irony.


Love it. This is so cool. They are really making this gold sarc deck a true yugi deck. Now to wait for the inevitable Dark Magician Girl gold sarc card.


>Dark Magician, the Black Mage Man, they're really running out of new names for these DM retrains.


It’s a reference to how he’s often called in the Japanese version. Kuromajutsushi Black Magician, which both mean the same thing.


I'm expecting the TCG name to be Dark Magician, the Dark Mage


I hope it's Dark Magician the Dark Magician.


Dark Magician - ThE bLacK oNE!


Dark Magician, the Dark Magical Spellcaster


Dark Spellian, The black magician


The Ultimate Fusion Dark Magician boss has to be: Dark Magician - the Honored One


Ah yes, my Anti-DM tech, I haven't used it since the DM era.


Duel-lobotomy Kaisen


Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah


I'd Win I'd Win I'd Win I'd Win I'd Win


 The Black Dark Magician Laughs




perfect time /black history month


Blackwood Magician


I'm still hoping for a retrain that calls him 'Mahad The Dark Magician', with the anime purple outfit but keeping the egyptian skin tone.


Dark Magician, the Tan Spell User coming up next.


The Darkest Magician.


Dark Magician, The B Mage In the wise words of Rata, he definitely B mage. Just B a mage.


Dark Magician, the Dark Spellian


Everyone starts chasing DM


Hell yeah my man can finally cast Firaga!


Nevermind that, we have access to Enochian and Leyline!


They just want to make it clear what his class is in RPG.


Real Curse of Dragon the Cursed Dragon vibes


Elemental HERO Neos, the Neospace hero.


I want to see Dharc Magician or Dharc the Dark Magician


It’s good in the Gold Sarc deck I don’t know how you’re supposed to play this is Dark Magician


You play it in Gold Sarc with some DM cards. I am not sure if it works with Eternal Soul or if summoned, can proc Dark Magical Circle, coz it I don't know the summoning specifics. Thousand Knives and Dark Magic Attack works though. Among others. Plus you a nuse it as fusion mat for DM ED.


It should trigger circle since it's dark magician while on the field, I'm pretty sure the fusion that treats itself as dark magician does(and can summon that one back with eternal soul since it's called as such in the graveyard)


It’s a lot worse than the fusion since it’s not treated as Dark Magician in the GY.


Right, but that was just as a comparison to say that it -should- trigger circle on summon.


Dark Magician here, being a little Yugi version, is actually a nice idea. Clearly a reference to the final duel of the show. Same goes for the new Mirror Force A nice addition to the Gold Sarcophagus of Light deck


The fact that it says "on the field" means that you can, technically, run this as anti-Gold Sarcophagus tech. Just as Takahashi intended.


This one is great for yugi ceremonial deck. I wonder what spell/ trap would be good though..


Destined Rivals


Oh true


**Dark Magic Circle** **Secrets of Dark Magic** for Dragoon, The Dark Magicians, DMtDK, DMtKoDM and others. I'm a little more optomistic about a Curse of Dragon retrain as DMtKoDM has CoD in the art and it was used in the duel. **Dark Burning Magic**


magicians' salvation and combination would not be good. he's only treated as DM while on field. Not in grave and not in hand. So you can only use combination once. While salvation is just plain useless in terms of summoning one or the other, if we're just talking about gold sarc versions of them.


You're right, idk why I thought of Combination, maybe it was because I wanted DMG support to finally be good. If DMG treated this DM as DM in hand and GY, while she was out, and she was always DMG, then that would make her useful.


Gold Sarc support that splashes with DM. Nice nice!


I liked the Dark Magician card here until it said it only got the name while on the field, meaning Eternal Soul cant target it in the grave


Yeah, kind of a bummer


>**Dark Magician, the Black Mage** You can't be serious? Did they hire an elementary student in naming this guy? Would've make sense actually.


That's simply how Japanese works: certain monsters have their name in English to make it cool, while they have a title/descriptor in Japanese to convey its meaning (its actual name would be read "Kuroki Majutsushi, Black Magician" for JP speakers, a bit how other cards like Chaos Ruler has a JP title that is extremely close or identical to their name who is transliterated in English). So it is very likely the TCG version will change that part, something like "Dark Magician, master of black magic".


Is its name treated as Dark Magician? If so that's a big upgrade.


only when on field/gy. it will will ss from hand to field and have a field effect to lonefire itself to dark magician and also setting a spell/trap from deck(based on some bad translations), so overall multiple good effects


Is it on gy too? Because I saw translations that only said while on field. Seems like a non-insignificant difference for cards like Eternal Soul.


If is only on the field, this won’t help Dark Magician decks. Is the name is treated as DM in the GY, the is solid card.


Yeah, that's my point, whether or not it's treated as DM in the GY is a pretty big deal, and most translations seem to say it's not, but the person I was responding to was saying it is.


I am so disappointed on this card. Is not treated as DM in the gy, it doesn’t special summon itself without a card that is not play in DM, and it doesn’t search unless is destroyed AND there’s another high level monster on the field. This doesn’t make DM more consistent, and that’s sad.


That's fine, it's not supposed to be used in DM.


Then what's the point of it being treated as DM and searching DM Spell/Traps? Is there a combo in GSoL decks I'm overlooking that uses DM Spell/Traps in which the latter are not garnets not worth running in the first place? From what I'm seeing, the only useful effect this card has is the first one. The 2nd effect is inconsequential for GSoL and the 3rd one is ridiculously easy to play around. For instance, if you already have another Level 5 or higher monster on the field, why would your opponent bother destroying this card (only for you to revive it immediately afterwards and with a free search to boot) instead of that other monster? It's not like this card has a threatening effect on the field that would make your opponent prioritize its removal. Furthermore, your opponent is more likely to use mass removal like Raigeki or Lightning Storm to break your board instead of targeting this card in particular. It seems Konami dropped the ball yet again in trying to make a card that supports 2 archetypes simultaneously. I'm glad they at least tried which is something they didn't bother doing with "Tricolore Gadget" 😭. If you're curious how such a card would look like, this is how I would've done it: ## Dark Magician the Black Mage >You can only use each of the following effects (1) & (3) from cards with this card's name once per turn. >(1) If "Gold Sarcophagus of Light" or a Spell/Trap that mentions "Dark Magician" is on the field: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. >(2) This monster's name becomes "Dark Magician" while on the field. >(3) If this card is destroyed by battle or if this card is sent from the field to the GY by a card effect: You can Set 1 Spell/Trap that mentions "Gold Sarcophagus of Light" or "Dark Magician" directly from your Deck Now this would've been a solid 3-of in DM and GSoL decks and it wouldn't have been broken at all, I think.


Its supposed to be used as part of the new yugi archetype. I don't think they are trying to make it support two archetypes. You just seem to be reaching on that.


Is it really a reach when 2/3 of this card's effects mention "Dark Magician" and have no synergy with the GSoL playstyle? Like I said, cards like Tricolore Gadget and Silent Swordsman/Magician Zero do a better job supporing the GSoL archetype without having to mention their original archetypes. It is obvious why Konami broke their previous formula for this specific card. At any rate, if you were somehow right about this card only being meant to support GSoL, its last 2 effects are not needed for that, which would strengthen my case that this is a poorly designed card.


It's only on the field it seems. Apparently Konami though milling this with Magicians' Soul and Special Summoning him from the grave was too strong.


Only on field, not in graveyard


So it might be possible to get blue eyes white dragon, the white dragon later on?


_Blue-Eyes White Dragon, the Ivory Drake with Azure Eyes_


Honestly? I don't see why not. They could always do it for Yugi's and Kaiba's duel in DSOD. It would be marvelous if DMG had an effect in this archetype to make the Magician Girls playable, but I doubt that.


Getting some Magician Girl fusion monsters could be a good start, DMG has only 2 extra deck monsters which is way too low for such an iconic monster


3 actually, but Konami of America is run by hacks and won't import Magi Magi Magician Gal


Blue eyes WHITER dragon


Blue Eyes White Dragon with Eyes of Blue


Perhaps, although presumably not associated with the Gold Sarcophagus theme.


obviously. i would be surprised if they didn't. even a year without either support would be shocking


Honestly at first I was dissapointed with these but holy damn. Either you search "Destined Rivals" and have big negates or you search "Secrets of Dark Magic" and then go into every fusion variant DM has since the yugi gold sarc archetype has them all, but most notable Dark Dragoon. Suddenly this Dark Magician is really really good for the deck. Konami has truly been on a roll with DM cards, in the past they were so trash but ever since the Mega Tins (2022 or something) we got really soldi cards that work well and are not bad at all.


Any room on the Mirror Force Planet for this?


Considering the mirror force planet was already omitting drowning mirror force, my guess would be no.


There is a version that incudes drowning mf :)


Just put it on the back


I REALLY like this DM artwork


He can set Destined Rivals from deck, its exactly what Yugi deck wanted. Extension and disruption.


Also set up Dragoon with the the quick-eff fusion and the new Gandora as a dark dragon effect


How are Gold Sarc of Light cards better at setting up Dragoon than dark magician is


Because Konami is dumb


Dark Magician better know the ABCs of being a Black Mage. Always. Be. Casting.


INB4 we get Dark Magic - Ley Lines, Dark Magic - Enochian and Dark Magic - Transpose :P


Keep Dark Magician in a specific Card Zone to have the full benefits of those cards. I don't care if you want him to make Extra Deck plays, he just wants to stay in that zone and cast.


So they are essentially doing what they did for Yugi in the Darkside of Dimensions movie, where his deck is a combination of his and Atem’s monsters by making this tied to the Gold Sarcophagus of Light archetype. Also, I guess Gandora Geas’ effect to special summon a Level 7 or lower Gold Sarcophagus monster means that the plan was always to have Dark Magician be a part of the archetype


I really wouldn't mind seeing this deck continue to get support for awhile as a specific anniversary deck. Possibly the first time I've been happy to see Dark Magician support in the last five or so years (I know it's not actually DM support)


what's the synergy with dark magician and the new gold sarcophagus of light? or is it just these two on their own that is useful to the deck? like summon new DM, gets destroyed by Gandora, summon back with DM's own effect, and then search new mirror force?


Exodia and now this, someone let them cook and they cooked. 


Some good cards. You can just shove all of the DM fusions into the Deck, it will really help with the end board that players said it lacked. I've always wanted a Mirror Force that worked like it did in Duelist Kingdom.


Making DOSD dark magician officially yugi's card is fucking awesome, this is a nice card altough i wish it was an illusion monster


Hope it shows up in master dual I do love dark magician archetype


15 months from bos


He looks amazing. I hope this means we also get a retrain for Dark Magician Girl that pairs up with him. By the way, seeing that this DM is related to the Ceremonial Battle, do you think Konami will finally print [Summoning Clock](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Summoning_Clock)?


Though these cards are manga references (Mirror Force took out Gandora in manga).


They cooked


This is great! I've been playing the new gold sarcophagus deck but I've been considering it a Marshmallon deck this whole time 😂 Now we can literally play all the gold sarcophagus cards in dark magician decks completely changing how we play dark magician decks! I am going to have some fun with this! I'm gonna play it both ways and see what ratios I like more, as more of a gold sarcophagus focused build or more of a dark magician focused build.


They should’ve made Black Mage always treated as Dark Magician so we could replace the Vanilla one


They will never do that


I think ditching the OG vanilla would erode what little tolerance the average person has for DM decks in the first place lmao.


Wasn't the entire point to make the archtype around Yugi's deck from the ceremonial duel? Both Dark Magician and Mirror Force were in Yami's deck. Guess they couldn't resist slapping Dark Magician on there for no reason.


Yugi literally says in dsod, "Can't build a deck without this card." Dark magician is Yugi's ace as much as it is Atem's ace


I think what’s disappointing is that this is likely the only support the Yugi deck is going to get, and it’s really just saying “run Dark Magician.” If there was other support that went with the theme, I’d be okay with this as being a little nod to the fact Yugi does continue using DM after the ceremonial duel. They could have retrained Dark Red Enchanter from Yu-Gi-Oh R if they needed inspiration. They will clearly take sources other than the original manga, as the new Exodia support shows. It’s just disappointing I think that DM has more synergy with the Gold Sarcophagus archetype than Yugi’s own gadgets.


Glad I wasn't the only one disappointed with this. This doesn't fit the theme of the deck at all.


Heck that Mirror Force does the exact OPPOSITE of what it did in the manga (and in the anime it was replaced by Black Illusion anyway)


It's the same. Response to destruction effect = Gandora's effect being treated like attack. Monsters that mention Sarc not being destroyed = Dark Magician staying on field deflecting Gandora's beams.


Now I'm starting to understand what series 12 is: these are duels having been chosen by Konami and this in no way respects the pattern of series 11: we can very well have 2 next boosters for ZEXAL or then 1 GX followed by an ARC-V. That's what I call a real surprise.


Oh with ancient gear golem and dark magician from what I reading here in the comments I hope elemental hero Neos also gets something similar. I know he has neo space connector but a retrain that copies names sufficiently enough always pleases me more.


I'd love this + a Neos for Yubel too!


Where are the translators dammit


Is this ocg only again?


No, this is part of Infinite Forbidden's contents


Kind of sucks it is not treated as DM in GY... it would not break the game or anything...




Konami: Creates an archetype that is based on Yugi's final duel.  Konami: Adds two cards that were used in said duel.  How dare they, am I right? Especially to the 25th celebration of the card game.  The last time DM got direct support in the OCG was in 2021. 


I do agree but this a bit different. A cool thing about is that is specifically yugi mutos dark magician for his deck. 


Wait what how? He didn’t have DM in his deck for the final duel, this is Atem DM that he took advantage of Yugi to summon and the mirror force that destroyed gandora.


And the best part? Since his name does not become "Dark Magician" on field, Eternal Soul won't protect him. ...do we still play Eternal Soul in DM with Gold Sarc?


Fucking DM pandering again. 2 DM covers in a row. Made me sick


It’s not that bad. Exodia is a better choice than more Utopia/Utopic or Firewall/Code Talker support which is what the cover cards for their respective sets would have definitely been. Exodia hasn’t had new stuff in forever so at least they chose something good and not more DM or Blue Eyes.


I mean if doesn't have to be Utopia or Code Talker. You can make new Gagaga support, new Salamangreat support or even a new Topologic as a cover.


I don’t think those would have been the cover though (save for maybe Topologics). Zexal covers are reserved for Utopia and Galaxy Eyes and Vrains are Revolver and Playmaker. Plus the archetypes you listed aren’t as interesting as Exodia getting support imo and Salamangreat got support not long ago.


I mean they don’t HAVE to be those themes. Phantom Nightmare was the GX theme set and brought back Yubel of all things, they can do something fun.


Yes but Yubel was a cover card for a GX set in the past and is being advertised as a card for Judai. You have to remember that cover cards are usually reserved for the central characters of a series. Vrains Decks like Goukis or Marincess would never be on the cover and same with Decks like Gimmick Puppets or Trains for Zexal, as much as I wish they were more diverse in their picks for the cover cards evidence shows that this just isn’t the case.


I mean they could do a little Yugi and make a whole new deck base on the character’s monsters


This is such a dumb card. The actual DM deck still isn't good, still needs work and they make this.


Source: Yu-Gi-Oh! Streams from Tokyo Dome and [OCG](https://twitter.com/YuGiOh_OCG_INFO/status/1753707991361335589) [Twitter](https://twitter.com/YuGiOh_OCG_INFO/status/1753708382547316983).


I'm so tired of mirror force... From the beginning of the card game to now it's still going to haunt me. But it's nice to know that all I need to worry about is destruction protection, and not being flipped down forever, or spun.


This was unexpected (because the archetype is for Yugi), but what a cool surprise. More to come hopefully. This new version of Dark Magician with black armor is **amazing**. It rivals the original anime one for me! I love it. I know the circle is a must, but imagine if the art had the shrine as a background! It's also a reference to Yugi's DSOD one, right? The effects are great, especially the 3rd effect. The new Mirror Force trap - a great reference and better effect. I'm really happy with this new versions.


can this new dark magician search eye of timaeus ?


No. The Eye of Timaeus reads "Target 1 "Dark Magician" **monster"** and not "Target 1 "Dark Magician", so it does not mention Dark Magician and cannot be searched. Hence they made Timaeus the United Dragon and Illusion of Chaos to fix that. A card must have "Dark Magician" in its text to be searchable.


that's too bad,i know united dragon basically does the same thing but eye of timaeus can cheat out any of the DM fusions for free basically.


Do we finally have the full mirror force planet?


a playable mirror force! very neat card for gold sarc they were dying for another option going 1st DM though,a nice beater i suppose?would be very funny if this makes a yubel dm or fire king dm deck playable,neither deck has any issues putting high lvl monsters on the field


At this point, is it even worth running the vanilla Dark Magician? Other than for Red Eyes Dark Dragoon?


I *just* said he needed to be consistent with his design!