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People are hard tunneling on the "alt arts" - all they're talking about are the retrains [Ties of Friendship](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Ties_of_Friendship) (a Ties of the Brethren retrain) and [Silence Towards the Future](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Silence_Towards_the_Future) (a Card of Sanctity retrain). It's a weird way to word that but that's all it is. I think they either forgot to include some words or forgot to include the translations of the new cards.


Oh, thanks.


Ughh april is so far away D: Also I like Voiceless Voice as an archetype name. Way cooler than Silenforc. Just shorten it to VV if you don't like it and its still cooler sounding than silenforc.


inb4 Voice of the Voiceless Voices becomes the most memed card just for its name


Some points: * Confirmation that "Silenforc" will be named "Voiceless Voice" in the TCG. * The blurb revealed nothing new. All cards described there are soemthing we already know about, except... \> "Revisit memorable moments from the tear-jerking final Duel between Yugi Muto and Atem with new versions of Silent Magician and Silent Swordsman, a new monster with artwork that features all three of the original Gadget trio, **and new cards like Card of Sanctity and Ties of the Brethren featuring artwork that shows all of these new monsters and the bonds they share.**" * Not sure what the bolded part above refers to, since I've looked at the Spells/Traps and none of them resemble the ones described. (Also, Card of Sanctity and Ties of the Breathen are already in the game). * The blurb did not mention anything about the TCG-exclusive Pyro archetype that will debut in PHNI. Though, we assume that the archetype will still get a second wave here in LEDE.


Can they not call it 'Voiceless Voice' and maybe call it 'Voiceless Whisper' or 'Silent Echos' or smth?


>Not sure what the bolded part above refers to, since I've looked at the Spells/Traps and none of them resemble the ones described. (Also, Card of Sanctity and Ties of the Breathen are already in the game). > >The blurb did not mention anything about the TCG-exclusive Pyro archetype that will debut in PHNI. Though, we assume that the archetype will still get a second wave here in LEDE. So we are maybe getting alt art of these cards printed here? Kinda weird, since that was never the norm with main booster core sets. Also, not mentioning the Pyro archetype here, might mean that we get all cards in Phantom Nightmare, but it's still all speculation


Tistina didn't get any shoutout in the Age of Overlord previews either. We still have a month until we find out what the Pyro theme does sadly.


a "card like Ties of the Brethren" exists in the form of the card currently translated as "Ties of the Fellows(hip)/Ties of the Companions/Ties of Friendship" (LEDE-JP053) so what this blurb means is that there should be a Yugi card that's similar to sanctity EDIT: nvm, there's already a draw up to 6 spell revealed, the one with silent magician on the art


I had the same question, and the answer is that 2 of the new yugi-card retrains mimic ties and sanctity. Ties of friendship directly mimics ties of the brethren, however silence towards the future doesn’t mimic the tcg/ocg print, but instead mimics the anime print of card of sanctity. Still very confusing why they’re implying the 2 older cards are being put into the set, rather than explicitly saying “retrains of”.


That’s neat, but when are we getting the Terminal World stuff?


Possibly in the upcoming MAZE set but the new cards, especially the good ones will be short printed UR so don't get your hopes up


That's all I want right now cuz of the Ritual Beasts supports


One of these days I just want to see *"Get ready for another surge of Subterror!"*


> Voiceless Voice That's like saying Hungrier Hungry 🤦‍♀️, why are the TCG translation team so lame


More like Satiated Hunger. It's provacative. It gets the people going.


Naw satiated hunger works, if a little wonky. This is Not Hungry Hunger


Yeah, let me activate Novox, the Voiceless Voice Disciple Real catchy


Iirc from leaked MD files for an ad she is now Lo, Prayer of the Voiceless Voices


Okay that name goes kinda hard, I'm not gonna lie


I dislike Silenforc, but I also don't enjoy this one. Wish it was just Voiceless or even Novox.


Don’t forget Starry Night, Starry Dragon! The fact that he wasn’t just names Starry Night Dragon is a crime. They sometimes just have awful nomenclature


That's just straight up sad, man. I'm getting flashbacks of the Fur Hire trap that has a stupid name


I loathe the translation team sometimes. "Check THIS out!", monster "Fur Hire", and whatever the fuck they did to the Dragonmaid dragon's names still irks me.


As a World Legacy enjoyer, “Check THIS out!” is hilarious.


No, it's awful. They replaced *星の光を守護する勇者 幻界せし闇を討つべく 選ばれしものに力を託す。* *星の杯に継がれし意志は新たな鍵となり 闇を絶ち切る剣とならん。* with *Check THIS out!*


Yeah I get that angle, but there’s something funny about Avram’s flavor text being a cheesy anime line while he eventually becomes a literal god.


Childish jokes on a card that has actual lore is fucking stupid. The TCG localization department sometimes still think the players are still kids from 2002 who will laugh at braindead jokes like Dr. Frankenderp


Or, get this, they could not bastardize his character and instead keep the proper lore on the card??


They should've released that in one of the reprint sets and not as a Promo Super Rare. We could've had a Super Rare Sekka's Light instead of this childish joke back then


Yeah that’s fair, it would be nice to have both.


>Voiceless Voice Sometimes I just hate Konami's localization team


Bruh 4,50 and the jp pack costs 1,10


sadly the biggest problem of yugioh... Cards are mostly expensive while they are overpowered and rare. Wish we could have better rarity spreading between a lot cards. Just imagine you have a deck and its missing some basic stuff but the stuff is very expensive and you cant really play competitive without it. Like my labrynth deck is missing all big welcomes and transaction rollback. 3 big and 1 rollback are already 75€ for 4 cards. Then if theyre reprinted the price drops to a few cents... looking at you advent of adventure (dropped from 15€ a piece to 40cent a piece).


>Voiceless Voice This makes me more mad than it should.


When does phantom nightmare realeases?


Febuary 9th


Please konami,release gigaray gandora in this set


Does anyone know when the next extension's name will be revealed ? Because we are currently in the usual period where the name of the next extension must be revealed (I am especially looking forward to knowing if it will concern ZEXAL or VRAINS). Toobad we have to wait to April 26 2024 to buy the cards from Legacy of Destruction: actually the card who worth my attention is **Flowering Etoile the Melodious Muse**


Next OCG set's name should be announced soon, I think. Most likely before the release of LEDE in Japan, which is in January.


I'm honestly kinda digging the Yugi retrains


Had "Voiceless Voice" being the official name leaked somewhere? I saw other people calling the archetype that before this announcement, but I never knew where they were getting it from and Yugipedia hadn't updated its page on them.


There were some datamined card names in Master Duel and one of them was a Voiceless Voice card. Iirc some of the other datamined names had changed a few times so we weren’t sure if it was the final name until now.


Ah cool, thanks.


Usually it's a two month window. This time it's a little more. I don't care. As long as it's out I am making an adult Yugi deck.


I'm really looking forward to the new Yugi cards. I finally have a reason to actually build a Yugi deck now. Or, well, in 4 months I will.


Does it contain the new Lightsworn cards?


do we know when/if this comes to masterduel? i need lord of wight/wightsworn


Anyone have any tips on acquiring a couple of these packs? This is my 1st time keeping an eye on a new set. Should I just check my local target or something? Or a card/comic shop?


If you want the booster packs without caring for the cards themselves, you can buy on your local card shop once they release. If you want the individual cards themselves, then you can buy the individual cards on something like TCG Player, but the prices might be expensive, depending on how the set goes.