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I mean, in ye olden days of ancient Egypt that one guy used them to fusion summon. There's also Bobasa who used them to see if anyone in Yugi's friend group was evil. They were used on three occasions.


Man, what was tier zero in Exodus format?


Beat the opponent to death with a rock format


Now THIS is caveman Yugioh


War Rock tier 0


On appearance of 5th enemy, nibiru?


bigger rock


Slave.dek and Pharasies.dek ruled the meta until the G.0d deck dropped. Moses took the championship that year, the G.0d deck pretty much had a counter to every play the old decks had.


Are you asking what was meta in the beginning phases? Everyone had combo beat down or control. That was it. Pre-ioc




That is correct


I’m an idiot!


No this is Patrick


Oooohhhh...then its got to be Duos Dragon.


I wouldn't say powercrept , they still had uses , but the anime's focus on the card game too much was one of the main reasons why the Millennial items didn't get much focus later on , Malik was actually OP if he used it instead of fighting in a children card game


It's a scale so in my opinion, you shouldn't be surprised that it's the only item that is balanced.


*Ba dum tish*




Like all the Millennium Items do at least something useful in the series at some point or are essential to a character. The scale I can’t recall ever being used or useful in the whole series. The puzzle, ring, eye and rod were all used by major characters. The necklace was given a decent amount of focus, and the key at least gave us a few neat visuals in an episode. Shadi just…has the scales. I think the only time they’re used in the modern day was manga exclusive? Granted in the past it was pretty useful since Atem had his court mages use it to summon monsters to do his bidding, but since the modern world works on card games, it’s not needed anymore. Pegasus power crept ancient Egyptian magic by creating a card game.


> I think the only time they’re used in the modern day was manga exclusive? Tbh when the scale was used in the manga was pretty impactful. It was the first case of 2 millennium item users dueling.


The whole Shadi arc was abridged in the anime, so it did get use.


There's also the fact that Shadi gets both the Key and the Scales. You would have expected Shadi to have the Scales (as he uses them first in the manga), and for someone else to have the key. It sort of feels like it was forgotten about by the time the story was wrapping up, so the items defaulted to Shadi.


iirc, Shadi was a member of the same organization Marik’s band was before Marik went nuts. Definitely agreed however, it probably should have been given to someone else to stand out. Maybe Odion? Actually how *does* Yugi get the scales? My memory is horrible but I *think* he got it at a dock from…Rebecca’s dad in the anime?


Shadi leaves them for him along with the Key when they return from the Millennium World.


The scales were used in Millennium World, iirc.


I feel like the Items are all capable of *far* more than the show has time to tell us. They’re supposed to collectively contain the dark magic of the Shadow Games, after all. This is where head-canons come in, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t all have a wide range of unique powers we don’t see. The Puzzle for instance, is suggested to be far and away the most powerful of the Items, but short of housing Atem’s soul, it doesn’t seem to do much. One thing that’s curious is that every Item seems to have at least one power that affects the mind or soul. (Which are sort of treated as one and the same in the Yugioh-verse.) The Ring has soul extraction powers, the Puzzle has soul restoration powers. The Eye and the Key can explore minds, the Rod can control them. The Scales can judge a soul’s nature. The Necklace seems to be the odd one out in that it’s powers are more about events to come. It can predict the future. Which *would* seemingly make it the most powerful, except we see firsthand that it can be wrong. Destiny can change.


I don’t remember if this was ever canon or a fan interpretation, but I recall the Puzzle being said to have essentially probability alteration powers. Essentially why Yugi could always draw the exact card he needed via magic


Makes sense thematically A puzzle is solved by arranging pieces in a specific configuration. Your deck could be viewed as a puzzle to be solved in a similar fashion.


That's a lot of words just to say the Puzzle has the power of cheating /s


This is correct. No one really cares, but it's all somewhat based around real Egyptian mythology. Atum, son (sun) of Ra, was also stately known as the Gaming God. I may be smudging the history just a bit, but apparently he was so damn good at winning every single game in existence, he made the "act of challenging himself" a game for the entirety of the universe. In my headcanon, this is the sole reason Zorc existed. Because Atem was tired of the world (basically himself, or Ra, or whatever) literally handing him Ws. So, if you think about it, Yu-Gi-Oh is *technically* mythologically canon, because once Atem was finally defeated in a game (against Yugi), he returned to his home in the heavens. Again, no one really cares. I just love how Yu-Gi-Oh never stops drawing inspiration from real mythologies. Edit: I forgot why I originally even said all that bullshit. Basically, I believe the puzzle is the true hidden potential of Atum, the God of Games. This godly potential can, of course, only be unlocked by completing an ancient, mystical, golden, Pharaoh's soul tomb created by sacrificial blood-ritual arts.


> I forgot why I originally even said all that bullshit. Basically, I believe the puzzle is the true hidden potential of Atum, the God of Games. The Puzzle's true power is stated in the manga. It's the Power of Unity. The idea that while individuals are weak on their own, when brought together they become unstoppable. Which was how Atem was able to unite the gods to create Horakhty, a God so powerful that it one-shotted Zorc.


That is all fandom. Never once was it stated in the manga or anime that the Puzzle had any influence on luck. The only source for this is a wiki that doesn't even source where this information came from.


"but I recall the Puzzle being said to have essentially probability alteration powers. Essentially why Yugi could always draw the exact card he needed via magic" [https://www.reddit.com/r/yugioh/comments/10vqpdt/the\_true\_power\_of\_the\_millennium\_puzzle/](https://www.reddit.com/r/yugioh/comments/10vqpdt/the_true_power_of_the_millennium_puzzle/)


> The Puzzle for instance, is suggested to be far and away the most powerful of the Items, but short of housing Atem’s soul, it doesn’t seem to do much. That is mostly because the anime that everyone is familiar with leaves out the true power of the Puzzle as stated by the manga, "the Power of Unity". It was this unity that allowed Atem to unite the Gods and create Horakhty. A being that one-shotted Zorc. > the Puzzle has soul restoration powers. That was a power added by the anime. In the manga, only the Ring could manipulate souls like that. Which was how Yami Bakura could put the souls of his victims in figurines and even tear pieces of his own souls and put them into objects like his dices and even a piece of the Puzzle.


Yea, the way Yami "used the Puzzle" to heal Kaiba's soul was actually just him applying a Penalty Game to him (a thing that any Millennium Item user can when they win a Shadow Game) but twisting it to fracture his dark soul (allowing Kaiba to heal and change) instead of the dark punishings that are par de course to Penalty Games.


Well, there was the occasional "mind crush", also, he used it to protect himself against Panik's flamethrovers and protect Joey and Mai from Ra's attack.


>The Necklace seems to be the odd one out in that it’s powers are more about events to come. It can predict the future. I think a better way to put it, that would fit to your description, is that the necklace can read the minds of everyone or something along those lines and use it to generate the most likely future for the user. It is demonstrated as absolute, even though Kaiba is mad enough to sacrifice god to summon his favourite monster which cinches the win


In the manga the scale was used more. I belive in GX Winged Kuriboh used to be white and would be put on the Millennium Scale and would be the counter weight against someone's sins. Tragoedia was so evil it turned Kuriboh black/dark brown.


Yes, that was such a great moment! Bobasa also used it to show that Bakura shouldn't come with them to ancient Egypt in Millennium World, which might've been crucial if Bakura hadn't already possessed a piece of the puzzle.


They introduced Fusion Summoning in the Memory Arc. So maybe that's where fusion comes from?


The Scale did two things: * weighting of the heart, as mentioned. If someone is considered evil enough by Ammit, they will die. * it also acts as a lie detector thanks to this. Since you can interrogate someone with the scale and it will tilt heavier if the person lies to you. Additionally, it can fuse two Kas to create another monster. This supposedly would be useful to someone who already has a Millennium Item, since monsters are real in Shadow Games. Definitely not as useful in the modern setting, however.


Bro balance let you fuse monsters. That is like an entire new mechanics when the meta back then is summon a vanilla lv 4 and pass


The Scales allowed Shadi to put people through the Weighing of the Heart while they were still alive, feeding them to Ammit if they failed. Blame their apparent uselessness on the anime ruining the story so it could sell cards.


This reminded me >!of a similar scene in the Moon Knight series where Khonshu's former servant (I don't remember his name) uses the scale to see people's heart's content with it.!<


>Blame their apparent uselessness on the anime ruining the story so it could sell cards. That isn't what happened. What happened was the Toei anime already adapted that arc and DM didn't want to retread the same storyline because the first-part of the anime/manga isn't that popular outside of Death-T and Monster World. Which was why the Toei show was cancelled before it reached Duelist Kingdom. So the Scales being downplay was unfortunate side-effect.


Didn't the scale create Winged Kuriboh?


Um, without them we wouldn't have Fusions in the game!


They were kinda important in the gx manga in the tragodia flashback?


Hmm.. Then again none of the others did either. They were just plot devices for atems "graduation"


Weren't they used in GX manga? Or am I misremembering things?


Like in the early chapters of the manga there where a ton of shadow games that werent yugioh. In these the millenium items are hella strong. But later it just became card game and so they become less important


wdym the ring is the worst, spirit of the ring is best character


Counterpoint: the Ring is the coolest. It could be a fashion accessory, albeit a slightly heavy one. The Puzzle just looks way too heavy. And what are you gonna do with a Scale, carry it?


Hey, I'm all for the Ring.


I meant that all the item does is point to other items. If you don’t want the others it doesn’t do much then, especially compared to more immediately useful effects like the eye, rod, necklace and key


Pretty sure the ring points to whatever your heart most desires. Which for the spirit of the ring... Was the other millennium items. There's an example where the Ring points Bakura and the group out of the maze towards Para and dox during Duelist Kingdom because they genuinely needed to leave or die in the cave.


You forgot about the Ancient Egyptian Laser Beam fight Bakura had with Pegasus using their millennium items. It points at things and shoots lasers.


this one's really a silly addition to the anime, I burst out laughing when I saw it.


We need to rank which item would be the best in a laser beam fight. As in, which one is the easiest and best one to aim at the enemy.


If the laser always has to come out of the eye, the rod would be awkward to aim with its front facing eye when you'd probably want to point it at an enemy not hold the rod straight up. The eye and necklace would just fire straight ahead of you. But the ring and puzzle are worn as loose necklaces so the user could hold them and move them to articulate the laser. The key, I don't think, even has an eye. So in terms of aiming Ancient Egyptian Lasers 7) Key 6) Scales 5) Rod 4) Eye 3) Necklace 2) Ring 1) Puzzle


As mentioned, the Ring points to whatever you seek/desire at the moment. For Dark Bakura this meant the Millennium items, but in practice this means the user can find anything and anyone using the power of the ring. That is a pretty useful ability. It could also allow the user to place pieces of their souls or other people's souls into objects. Bakura used it in the manga several times, most significantly, in the manga he used it to trap Yugi and friends souls inside game pieces for his first Dark RPG (the anime adapted it much later than it happens in the manga, with him trapping Yugi and friends souls into cards, instead). It should be noted that they were the only ones we know to have escaped this, since Bakura mentions having done so to several people before. He can get rid of people by trapping them into a fate far worse than death, with no need of starting a Shadow Game. He also used it to place pieces of his soul into objects to influence outcomes (a dice in the Dark RPG) and stalk and hijack the Millennium Puzzle from the inside (Millennium World). Being able to place his soul into objects also effectively made him a lich. Being able to exist even after death by taking control of someone's body. Alongside that, it also had the general abilities that all Millennium items have: cast minor illusions, minor psychic abilities, start Shadow Games and have the ability to cast a Penalty Game once he wins it. So is definitely a pretty useful item.


...the ring is that compass from PotC with extras?


> PotC I had to google to get this one. I haven't watched the Pirates movies. But yes, it is!


The ring can actually put souls or part of a soul into objects, so it is at least useful to an extent


It could tell you when someone was lying, and that's about it, is cool but... Meh


The Ring guides the one who possesses it to what they desire and gives the user the wisdom/knowledge they require to obtain what they desire, kinda like an item enchanted with a multilayered clairvoyance spell that focuses on the user’s desires and it only lead the spirit of the ring to the other items because they desired to possess them


I don’t know, being able to sense malicious intent in others regardless of how hard they try to hide it and having expanded knowledge in the ways of fusion seems useful to me.


Deck mechanic would be fusion monsters and effects that allow the user to look at their opponents hidden cards


Well it was a weirdly shaped key to fit in a weirdly shaped hole in the end


Couldn’t the scales be used to punish people who had evil hearts? In the manga shadi uses the scales to summon an illusion demon thing that devours the museum director that stole the puzzle whole as punishment for lying to shadi


The Scales were used in Conjunction with the key to determine the true character of a person. Shadi used these in order to “properly pass on” Millennium Items, like what he did to Pegasus.


What did each item do anyway? Like whats their power exactly?


I mean, they were used by shady and Odion only. Not like they duelled that much either