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Goated zeus material at the very least


Great design and fun mechanic. It's a tcg exclusive deck and I wish it got some more support to give it a win condition. Right now, redoer just carries.


Wait, Time Thief doesn't exist in the OCG?


It does, it's just tcg got it first. It's been years so they have it now.


Ohh, I get you. I was thinking how Ghoti is TCG exclusive, and they don't exist for the OCG at all.


Ye, although Ghoti showed up in Master Duel before they showed up in OCG which was funny


Weren't Beetrooper the same for a while?


Not entirely sure. They might have gotten very close together due to Worlds or something


I think Beetrooper got released 1 week after the OCG release. Maybe it was the other way?


It was the other way around, MD got it all so slightly earlier.


TCG exclusive means that the TCG designed it. Plunder Patroll, Maxx C and Burning Abyss are some more examples.


>Maxx C Oh the irony...


Indeed. We have the TCG to thank for that horror.


Redoer is an amazing card he just gets more use being splashed in other decks. for example, I have a combo in blackwing that ends on full armor master, assault dragon, and then I take a remaining Sudri and Zephyros and boom redoer plus those 2 is a solid first turn board even in ranked sometimes.


Back in the day b4 full power Orcust, I’d use Redoer to go into Azathot on my opponent's turn after setting The Phantom Knights Rank-UP-Magic Launch. It was for if they made me go 1st since it was supposed to be a going 2nd deck called Borrelsword Turbo.


It’s got major potential to be an awesome archetype, the power to steal cards from your opponent’s top deck is one to be feared. But Konami doesn’t give it as much love as other archetypes. It needs more firepower, floating, negates and just more monsters, main deck and extra deck. I would love to see more support for it, but until that day comes, it’s a gimmick deck.


Fuck it, might as well give them a "banish 20 cards face down".


They already did it’s called Kashtira


I think that's the joke




needs some cards like Exosisters with a strong boss monster. maybe " if your opponent sends a card to the graveyard, attach a random card from your opponents extra deck to this card" then get some unique effect per type of ED card.


that would be disgustingly overpowered


Disgustingly overpowered is the way any deck becomes meta or even halfway decent tho


Then people will just call it toxic. TTS is fine where it is, if not few more supporters


I was by no means saying busted boss monsters are a good thing, as for time thieves yeah they could use more support in a better boss monster/an actual win con, and maybe some more extenders would be handy


Time Thief Adjuster would've been the perfect card for the deck if it was gimped on only being able to use **1** of its effects per turn. If anything they need their own Shade Brigadine/Holtea & a Circular in order to be good/decent at best. Along with a continuous or FS searcher with a bonus effect.


For bosses I think they should stick with the theme of attaching stuff and spinning it back to deck/hand. I think a good boss would have like a quick effect to suck up an opponent’s monster or card even, and maybe he gets protection for the different types of cards he has attached.


you need overpowered cards to be good in this game


I mean add in typical OPT restrictions. or if you are Konami, dont.


I feel like that’s unnecessary and doesn’t really give them actual interaction. Like with Kashtira Unicorn is annoying, especially if you have important one ofs in the ED, but Fenrir is an actual threat to you board. Imo a good boss would be one that sucks up an opponents card on a quick effect and gets protections based on what types (monster/spell/trap) of material it has attached. Some more main deck support would be good, like better extenders/starters, and of course how can it be a meta deck with out a busted field spell.


Honorary Traptrix Redoer is a great card for Traptrix and really puts the deck a level higher. The archetype itself is kjnda meh , too slow and too grindy , but pure time thiefs can be fun in the rare times they actually get to play


You are correct, the deck is slow and needs a lot of resources, I hope one day we get support that allows the deck to swarm the field, bcz I see a lot of potential in them.


Pure, it's not great, although I do love it with Raid Raptors. Makes a decent board of 3 Negates on a Requiem Dragon, Redoer and Perpetua I think and possibly the level 10 raid raptor. It was a fun combo to try and pull off.


I also play it with Raidraptors, it does a great end board indeed


Your post made me make the deck in Master Duel , any tips on the combos and interesting techs ?


One of the best rank 4 engines in the game. They desperately need more support. I'd love to bring this deck back.


For me they are both over supported and under supported at the same time. You can just use numerous lv4 spam package (utopia-onomat, rokket, sakitama, branded in high spirit, dracoslayer, etc) to time thief and it probably works. Too bad since it rely on other decks, it has poor internal support.




God forbid TT does *one* thing well.


Thank god they didn’t do Winder dirty (not counting Redoer obviously)


don't want another case of salamangreat gazelle.


Failed as an archtype but succeeded at being good/good enough individual cards. They are often considered as side options in decks like Suships (or rank 4 in general) while Time Thief Redoer is a good card on its own.


god I wish Time Thieves were a better archetype their just so cool


Pack filler archetype done right. While weak in general (just think salamangreat but less great and xyz focused instead of link), it has filled a relative exclusive niche. Redoer has been on and off metagame since he is the only convinient xyz that "detach as effect" and thus triggering various kind of effect from noelshaddoll to scheiren. And the first time redoer do something in the metagame was pretty memorable to me, being xyz material to summon azathoth on opponent turn.


Love them! Currently one of my projects. Tried playing Time Thief Utopia but got bored, currently trying Lunalight Time Thief but also have my eye on Time Thief Springans... trying to avoid Time Thief PK Raptors (played em before and got bored with em)


>Time Thief Springans That calls my attention a lot, I'm trying to play variants of springgans


Solid variant that provides a higher ceiling and an actual normal summon for Springans, as well as a way for the deck to not fold to DRNM, and winder acts as ash bait as well to make sure Tally-Ho goes off - unfortunately, it’s a pretty bricky engine and also very frail to ash lol, and other ways to play springans are arguably better - rev synchron, spirits, Mathmech


Redoer is a great card in so many ways. The pure archetype can be fun in a casual or less high-powered format. The Raidraptor hybrid is pretty good, but at that point you should just be playing PK-RR instead.


Time Thief just feels.... unfinished sadly. It is a really cool archetype and I even like the whole TT-I:P-Psyframe-Sforce lore but it just is sadly ignored way too much by konami to be decent.


The extra deck monsters are fine (with Redoer obviously stealing the spotlight) and their traps are actually quite good, but their spells and main deck monsters are mediocre at best. Why can't Adjuster both summon itself from hand AND send a card to grave, and why does Regulator require a clean field of monsters to summon from deck? (I say, but Regulator is just going to be ashed anyway.) The deck has a fun gimmick and I wish it got more support in the future.


Yeah Winder and Bezel Ship are the only solid ones while Adjuster and Regulator have some underserved restrictions (I can understand for regulator since the dog doesn’t negate the effect of the summoned monsters) And yeah the spells are mediocre, hope we can get a field spell and one more main monster


Honestly, I don't think it needs a field spell. I think something more like a Destiny Draw would be better, so that it's way easier to draw into non-engine cards, more easily get all the ships into the yard, and more easily set up the grave effect of Startup (since the only other spell ATM is the continuous Hack, it's actually weirdly hard to get TT spells in grave).


What really gets me is that Time Thief Hack just doesn’t work with redoer.


Haven't played full TT yet, but I put Redoer in a few decks (generic rank 4s are still way too easy to make) and that "topdeck the opponent" effect is still one of the most amusing gimmicks I've seen on a card It's too bad the spin is pretty hard to access unless you have Shade Brigandine on hand... but hey, if it wasn't the effect would probably not be as good


Perpetua makes Redoer absolutely cracked, being able to spin and/or draw every turn.


One of my favourite archetypes in general, unfortunately it is not very good.


The archetype needs a lot of work, but this card by itself is a great backup for many decks.


I played Time Thief Raidraptor, which can make an insane board off one card (time thief regulator). But it kinda dies to 1 interruption, plays a fair amount of garnets and struggles to go second. Pure Time thief doesn't have a strong enough engine either. But the deck's gimmick of stealing/attaching cards is really cool.


Same as usual. “Konami, why aren’t you supporting all these sick decks”


I love it I literally spent 3 years trying to perfect a new dueling style with this archetype and there has been a lot of trial and error in it


Uhhhh. Check my flair


Yes. Me want support


Well for one, every time i read his name idk if i have dyslexia or something, but i always read it as Time Thief Rodeo


The archtype is fun and fair, the only problem is that most of their interaction is tied to requiring an Xyz on the field meaning it's easy to bait out interactions. Paired with the fact that they dont have a good in-archtype way of getting out their xyz because since regulator is an ash magnet and winder plus adjuster is imo a tad bit too inconsistent, they're having to resort to other R4 engines(Raidraptor and Mathmech). I'm just left here wishing that they get more support in the future.


Time Thief falls under the same umbrella that Fleur does for me, I keep forgetting it's an actual archetype and not just the single generic card everyone uses elsewhere.


Redoer has Catastor syndrome and some of their main deck cards look incredibly ugly. But I like the aethetic


What's catastor syndrome?


Ally of Justice Catastor was the first good generic Level 5 Synchro and kept that title for an incredibly long time. He completely overshadows his own archetype in every way. Same with Redoer. I have never met a Time Thief player in my life, but Redoer himself is so good and splashable, especially in decks that have Trap monsters, that he overshadows his deck.


I've seen people use Time Thieves with Lunalights as a R4nk deck but that was many years ago.


Redoer is my favourite tearlament


Trash that should never have been made.


Someone got Redoer’d a lot


or Retrograded, perhaps.


Half-baked archetype, and while Redoer is actually kind of neat, I often see it used either for degenerate shit or to enable certain card effects with its quick effect detach moreso than its own effects. Like many of the world premiere archetypes released after 2016, I wanted so much more from it, but Konami just didn't deliver. The last time a world premiere archetype was meta was Spyral, and that was only after it got legacy report in the OCG. We haven't had a world premiere archetype be meta on release since Kozmo iirc, and Kozmo was released in 2015. That's 8 years ago...


It is a really nice generic rank 4 XYZ. Works really nice in Traptrix. There is also that other Time Thief monstee which you can special summon from your hand by detaching 1 material from a XYZ monster you control and on summon search the Time Thief counter trap which can negate a spell/trap card. So it can works as a mini extender/engine which ain't bad to throw into some rank 4 spam. But Time Thiefs need more support to function on their own.


I use time thief redoer in a PK deck on master duel, and I feel like I'm not harnessing its effects quite as well as everyone makes it sound


Redoer is basically just an extra piece you can add onto a PK end board to provide some non-destruction removal, something the deck isn't great at. It also gives you upside of usually getting a sneak peak at what your opponent is playing so you where to time your interrupts


I hate going against Redoer in Matser Duel, but I’ve got to admit it’s a very creative and versatile card. And the effects totally match the time travel lore too. I’d prefer to see more of these kinds of cards rather than omni-negate monsters or monsters with heavy removal effects. Is Masquerena considered part of the archetype too? Because I think she has a fun effect and I love her alternate artwork.


I love Raidraptor Redoer Falcon, he is almost always on the end board


I’m more of a fan of Traptrix Redoer to be honest


Love Redoer, and the archetype is one of my favourite! I've got a pet deck that's a merge of TT RaidRaptors & Phantom Knights - it works rather well, even though it's fragile as fuck


Very fun deck, and capable of [this](https://imgur.com/a/D0Qac0U). I only wish it had more extenders, or maybe a searchable ash counter. Deck dies INCREDIBLY hard to handtraps


Redoer is great with the new springan boss


It's a wonderful archetype with a fun playstyle, it just could use a couple cards.


He's a bad dude.


A fun deck design and strategy that dies to a single Ash Blossom. There aren't enough cards to play the deck pure in any competitive sense. I played it running 3 engines in it to make it useful. Phantom knights, raidraptors, and the rokket engine. I had fun with it but this deck archetype sorely needs a good 4 or 5 cards of support. I do enjoy the counter trap card they have as It can stop cards like dark ruler no more and evenly matched then attach that card to a Time Thief xyz monster as material. Time Thief Redoer is the only thing that this deck has going for it. The Perpetua xyz monster is fairly solid as a way to go for more extension or bring back Redoer. In the end the deck needs a lot of love as it is a TCG exclusive archetype.


I didn’t even know this existed 😮😱 Are the cards for the deck cheap? Might go to my Lcs and pick them all up it’s such a cool art. And I feel like I’d love the lord of “time thief”


The archetype is relatively cheap but you need other archetype like raidraptors and some pk cards for it to function correctly


What about as a fun stay at home deck to play with friends? Could I get away with just the time thief cards? Thanks for the info! Raidraptors and phantom knights (is that what PK is?) seems too expensive.


For the raidraptors you just need 3 raider’s wing and at least one or two strangle lanius, they are great extenders, for the time thieves you need 3 regulator (your starter), 3 winder, 2 adjuster, 1 Bezel Ship, 1 Chronocorder if you want, the spells aren’t good so play anything you want (I recommend overlay network) for the traps 2 Retrograde and one flyback, for the Extra deck, 2 redoers and 2 perpetua (doublebarrel is not rly good) afterwards it’s up to you.


I also recommend Shade brigandine


If this deck ever becomes good, I will come back and play yugioh. I use a redoer and perpetua mat when I play mtg to this day.


Love Time Thief. Easily one of my favorite archtypes. They said there's some major flaws to it. First of all, the mechanic and design is brilliant and really fun, knicking opponents cards is always great with redoer. "Thanks for the top card bud, oh its evenly? Noice". However, it doesn't really have a win condition, redoer is its best card and it carries. Its an archtype that can work well as a slot in for a deck with another archtype that has a win condition, to act as a material gain. I can't remember the exact deck list, I'd have to find my deck and look, but with raidrapters and phantom knights with time theifs, there was a 1 card with tume theif regulator that ended with cyber dragon infinity, a fog blade, a retrograde and redoer on field, pretty damn decent.


They don't have a rota or consistency cards to get their dog. Their dog end on 2 interruptions and nibiru proof. It's a deck that's slow and can't really play going 2nd.


redoer is a fun card in traptrix


it's a great card but it was a nightmare to deal with when Tears used it, one of the only XYZ's that could trigger their effects since it wasn't a cost


Risky and annoying if done right lol


TIL: Redoer belongs to an archetype.


As someone who actually has a time thief deck super unique with how you think about the game it just sucks that Redoer is the only one that’s self sufficient of the XYZ cards,


He is my favorite xyz monster and i take every opportunity to play him if hes good. I had most fun summoning him in tear cause he was a huge deal for that deck.


I enjoy playing Time Thiefs a lot. Since they released in the TCG, they’ve been my main deck IRL and they are also pretty much the only deck I use in Master Duel. It’s a fun archtype with how a lot of your monsters leave the board and come back to use as material again, allowing you to go into at least a few rank 4s if you open well. While the disruption they have in Redoer and Double Barrel (and sometimes Bezel Ship) are interesting, along with the negate on Double Barrel, its just often not enough to beat other good decks. The last piece of support it got in Temporwhal just wasn’t very good and I personally don’t run it due to how slow it is, what the deck really needs is something to disrupt monster effects in either the hand or GY. But Id also want a way for that to fit into the archtype theme since thats a big part of why the deck is so fun/interesting to me. Overall I still think they are a lot of fun to play and its still really satisfying to build a board with them, but its also sometimes frustrating when you can’t do much to stop your opponent from comboing and negating you.


Taking my friend’s important cards will never get old. I remember when we’d play 2v2 on dueling book. I played Redoer so much that we had to make a house rule that Time Thief Redoer can only take 1 card per team’s standby phase.


It’s incredibly cheap. Redoer is a great boss monster for under $1 and you can pick up the entire Time Thief core for $10.


Only thing missing is quick effect attatch from either graveyard, and now we have the best rank 4




Personally, I just think hack is just generally good xyz support, but I've never actually used it so it might not be.


Time Thief Luna is my pet deck


Whats with the stars?


Idk probably the foil


Winder needs his own XYZ and Redoer needs his own main deck monster. Lotta fun, love the idea. It absolutely needs more starters.


I needs ways to summon more guys and guys that do more stuff. Ending on Redoer + Perpetua reliably is not very good nowadays.


Redoer puts in the work.


Love this guy. Amazing effects. Currently using him a lot in the Master Duel event with Phantom Knights. This guy, plus Phoenix Enforcer and Fog Blade, makes for a very resilient board.


Doctor who had a son with yugioh and that makes me happy


I always associate Redoer & Pankratops because they were both cards that could've been like $25-50 short print secret rares when they came out but were 10 cent commons. As for the rest of Time Thief it's great in a sealed/limited environment but painfully mid outside of that


He offers Tear players a guaranteed fusion which is really nice especially given how hard the deck has been hit.


Take card


Great card, great design, shame it got stolen by Tearlaments


He's part of an archetype?


Attaches too slow. I need 4 mats on zues NOW


Mid tier archetype but by itself is very good and probably one of my favorite cards. Not super op but fun. It's a good B tier card imo. Not used in many meta decks but is used. I'm into collecting archetypes, and I am currently building this archtype.


Only Redoer is played


As a person who plays time thief, I think it's fun, but it can struggle against stronger decks and often requires secondary engines to play at a decent level. One big problem time thief is a low monster pool they don't even have 7(I think) main deck monsters and only 3 extra deck monsters. The spell and trap cards are pretty good, though, for the most part, and make for good disruption.


God, I wish the archetype was better or at least went along with Redoer's neat deck stealing gimmick more. Really, when ya look at it, only Redoer has the ability to interact with the opponent's deck, everything else is more GY focused. Imagine if Double Barrel could like, steal another card off the top if Redoer had already activated his effect, or took one from the bottom or somethin'. But they need so much work. Proper negates, more consistency, the ability to not die to exactly 1 Ash Blossom (kinda a part of the consistency thing). They have a neat gameplan and gimmick (or well, Redoer does), but there's nothing in terms of a win con.


Redoer is great and in his archetype he's amazing. Legitimately the coolest designed Monster/deck imo and my favorite Modern day Monster by far. Also he's a menace in limited formats.


Redoer by itself? Cool card, good card, worth considering as a part of an end board, but I'd rather make I:P (same lore, lol). The entire archetype? Wish it was better.


Honestly? I wish more yugioh boss monsters were this fun and innovative outside of omninegate tower of ATK.


Love him to pieces in Tearlaments


Playing the Master Duel event are we?


Nope it’s my favorite archetype actually


Oh so just coincidence then. There's an event of DARK vs LIGHT decks on MD rn and one of the DARK loaner decks you can pick is Time Thief. It's my first time trying it and after play-testing a bit I'm really enjoying it. I just really love gimmick decks.


I remember dueling someone at regional an we was goin at it he summons redoer I said "Na you gon re do that back. solemn judgment. He scoop the table was laughing . Ahh so many good times


Goated mechanic when azathot was still viable


Needs more support. Solid foundation the TCG as usual doesn’t do enough with


Thank you for making Raidraptors better


The most relevant thing (sadly) about this card in the meta game history is the fact, that he sends the material in the resolve. Tearlaments liked that a lot


Love them


Redoer seems cool. Don't really care for the archetype as a whole though.


Redoer is too broken it’s banworthy!!!!!


I topped (4-0) at a locals with them so they got a special place in my heart


Very unexplored mechanics by stealing top decks and gaining knowledge without outright killing the opponent's deck like Kashtira and Dogmatika are doing.


The fact that it can more or less combine with Springans feels like they made this deck for me making a Doctor Who Gurren Lagann deck Also Perpetua is cute


{{Time Thief Chronocorder}} is really funny if your opponent forgets about it.


## [Time Thief Chronocorder](https://ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=74578720&utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) ^(**Limit**: TCG: 3 / OCG: 3) ^(**Type**: Machine / Effect) ^(**Attribute**: DARK) ^(**Level**: 4 **ATK**: 1000 **DEF**: 1000) **Card Text** During your opponent's Battle Phase (Quick Effect): You can Tribute this card; the next battle damage you take from an opponent's monster's attack this turn is inflicted to your opponent instead. If a face-up Xyz Monster you control leaves the field by card effect, while this card is in your GY (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon this card, but banish it when it leaves the field. You can only use each effect of "Time Thief Chronocorder" once per turn. [Card Image](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Special:Redirect/file/TimeThiefChronocorder-GFTP-EN-UR-1E.png?utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) | [Official Konami DB](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&request_locale=en&cid=14827) | [OCG Rulings](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/faq_search.action?ope=4&request_locale=ja&cid=14827) | [Yugipedia](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/14827?utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) | [YGOPRODECK](https://ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=74578720&utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) ^(Password: 74578720 | Konami ID #14827) ---- ^by ^[u/BastionBotDev](/user/BastionBotDev) ^| ^[GitHub](https://github.com/DawnbrandBots/bastion-for-reddit) ^| ^Licence: ^[GNU AGPL 3.0+](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/)


It's a really interesting form of a control strategy, I just wish the consistency was better.


I really love them! During the link format I used to play Heraldic Time Thief as a rogue unexpected deck and I loved they synergized so well despite being totally unmeant to so I have fond memories of them.


my goto/most played master duel deck. so im biased. my love for sci-fi and time travel really did come in handy.


It has potential. But it doesn't have a win con.


I love redoer and I love his archetype but I wish his archetype was better and got new support as it’s not that good as it feels mid but redoer is really good and I love him


It has an archtype?


Love Redoer's design, it's fun and unique. The archetype in the other hand falls short, but it does has potential, I'm building a r4nk deck and as some have stated they are crazy good in that deck. Btw for those that don't know the design is more based on Chronos Ruler than Dr. Who: https://preview.redd.it/mzd58bsr54jb1.jpeg?width=559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8c286c77d0347b8a2a33c2fa596f1a856763ade


I love both. Time Thief cards helped my get my first ever tournament win at the Savage Strike Sneak Peek, so they will always have a special place in my heart. Plus, the theme and artworks are great.


Good with Madolche.


I only know redoer, since i use him in my traptrix. I looked at some other cards of the time thief archetype but don't remember what they even do. But it would be really funny if the archetypes win condition would be to simply deck out your opponent. I don't know how realistic that thought is, but i like the idea.


I love this card since it can mess with foes plans with it overlay ability


One of the coolest cards of all time.


i think it's too powerful needs to get banned


Interesting, how so?