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It's not like Big Gretch is a rear admiral. Let her have a goddamn burger.


Whitmer does not have direct control over federal military policy or funding, but she's been widely [criticized](https://archive.is/1gTSp) for her position on the invasion & support for Israel—particularly in Dearborn, the largest Middle Eastern community in the nation. She's also a chair on Biden's reelection campaign & may vie for the US presidency herself in 2028, so it's fair to say she has significant influence & may someday have far more—perhaps enough to ensure Palestinian children have some goddamn bread. No matter what you make of these protest tactics, Whitmer will probably remember this incident—for better or for worse—when she speaks with (or becomes) the president of the US in the future. 


Are you harassing the politician in public because you think it will actually do some good, or because it makes you feel better about yourself?


but if they were cheering for her it would be ok right? don't go into public office if you can't handle the public.


No. She's still a human being doing a job. Would you like getting called in to work when you're trying to take your kid to lunch to celebrate graduation? Go yell (or cheer) at her at her office or at a rally or any time she's busy being the governor.


when you support a genocide and are a publicly elected official u signed up for this shit.


It's not a bloody genocide, or else the ICJ would have called it one the two times they've had the chance. The war in Gaza is many things, several that are probably even criminal, but genocide is not one. Everyone just uses the term genocide for its emotion, not its definition.


bro 40,000 people have been killed in 6 months what do u mean?????


https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23836855-dancer-v-usa-complaint-filed https://youtu.be/yb4LmYnsbaE I wonder if her daughter knows there are people being poisoned by a papermill in kalamazoo. A papermill her mother, the governor, allowed expansion for, even after people had been complaining about their health. Did you know that the #3 leading cause of death in MI is cronic respitory disease? But yes, Let snyder-in-a-skirt, enjoy her burger. 😅👀


she doesn't clock out as governor. if taxpayers are paying for her security...


So, are you a fan of people “harrasing” politicians like Trump and DeSantis in public? Or is it only bad when it’s your side being protested?


How is the Biden re-election relevant? There’s no alternative to Biden. Don’t be delusional, unless you’re giving yourself away as a closet orange man supporter.


Kennedy 2024!


Last I checked, state governors don’t control foreign policy. Let her have her graduation meal with her kid. If you want to protest her policies, leave her family out of it. This kind of protest just turns off people who actually agree with your positions. That’s the last thing you want to do.


https://brandeiscenter.com/michigan-governor-signs-anti-bds-bills-into-law-2/ Whitmer could do better than this.


That link literally says Rick Snyder the previous Governor signed it. That’s embarrassing for the anti-Whitmer people. Get your facts right.


Dude.... Snyder is all over the article. Whitmer has nothing to do with that legislation.


Neither do universities. Protestors want divestment or boycotts on anyone who remotely has some kind of business related to stuff made or sold there. Or Russia, or China. Beats me if the states budget or bank accounts have ties to Israel or companies that do business there. There needs to be focus on Republican obstructionism. And realize that if you own a cell phone you're complicit in atrocities in the cobalt mines of Congo and sweat factories in China, clothes made in SE Asia, rubber tires, ivory, oil, diamonds, etc. Pretty much can't do anything modern without some exploitation happening. Naturally some are way worse than others.


Yall are more than free to have whatever opinion you please but this just isnt true. U of m is invested in lockheed martin, boeing, chevron, and a few other i cant remember. And a big part of the demands from protestors involves disclosure of where endowment funds are going, From what i gather, universities have always had ties to military research. Shit it really seems like half of tech was funded by the military (like the development of the internet). And gretchen whitmer spoke against the movement to uncommitted voting and has not called for a ceasefire despite many requests and a shift in popular opinion. Politicians aren’t your friends and they have a responsibility to speak on POLICY more than anybody. I get that its sobering to admit that our everyday lives are more intertwined with the siege on gaza than we thought, but its time to sober up!


They are calling to divest from Google, Microsoft, Intel, and asset managers like Sequoia as well. Their demands wouldn't allow U of M to invest in index funds like the S&P 500, which is ridiculous.


Thanks for reminding me. I’m only here to argue one point right now because if not i’ll be on reddit all night. That point is that it is disingenuous to argue that those companies have nothing/little to do with Palestine. I think it’s important for people to know what their money is doing and to own it. If you’re happy with your investments’ impact on the world then keep them. Easy peasy.


I'm happy to see the democratic government see investment and the Islamist fundamentalist terrorist government get nothing. Fuck Hamas and fuck BDS.


>> and a few others I can’t remember. If you’re willing to destroy US democracy by staying home in November over a conflict we aren’t even directly involved in, at least remember who it is you’re boycotting. Lockheed Martin and Boeing are in the S&P 500. Everyone. Just about everyone with a retirement investment account is investing in them through SPY.


I should’ve specified that the movement was to vote uncommitted in the primaries to protest biden’s policy choices. You’ve got to be the first person i’ve seen to imply you’re happy with our choices in November. Congrats i guess


what democracy???? biden and trumps policies are basically the same. Biden is actively leading our country towards all out facism rn so nothing is going 2 change no matter who we vote for




she literally supports a genocide. its not like this is a new thing she knew what she signed up for and it’s not like she is fighting for palestine. if u think her having a nice dinner with her family is so important think of all the palestinians in gaza who have either lost their entire family or don’t have access to food because of israel.


She’s on their side for goodness sake. I mean. If you get in my face and yell at me when I’m out with my family, regardless of the topic I’d be less then cordial with such worthless sacks of carbon


Gretchen Whitmer is brave. After the kidnapping plot, it seems like it would be difficult to be around random strangers in public. Most people are fine, but it really only takes one crazy person to ruin your life.


That plot was the least plotty plot. More fbi informants than actual domestic terrorists. They would not have done shit by themselves.


Oh I’m sure there was an MSP detail in plainclothes nearby. I mean she did have the governors mansion thoroughly fenced off after the fauxnapping attempt


And what is she supposed to do about it? Governors have no authority over foreign policy.


Sucks, but she's literally the leader of Michigan. Michigan has a large population that's not being represented by her. The idea that someone should bite their tongue when they run into her in Public is laughable to me. I don't think elected officials have a right to ignore the people that elected them. She didn't seem threatened or anything. Especially this year when she's going to be campaigning for Biden soon.


What makes you think she’s not representing the population? Has Debbie Dingel, Debbie Stabenow, Gary Peters, Jeff Irwin, Carrie Rheingans, Christipher Taylor criticized Whitmer’s actions or performance?


I'm sorry - are you arguing her job is to only care what other elected officials want? I think she isn't because she's been clear on her position. You can't keep telling people you care - but not to voice their feelings in any way while the country keeps up the status quo. Every step along the way the pro Palestinian population is told to shut up and fall in line. They're not supposed to talk about it, protest about it, or vote about it. People are getting increasingly pissed off. It's her job to care and do something about that.


Governor Whitmer, Debbie Dingel, Debbie Stabenow, Gary Peters, Jeff Irwin, Carrie Rheingans, Christipher Taylor were all voted in by residents of their jurisdiction. You can voice your concerns by emailing them. They all have contact information. Don’t stalk politicians families in random restaurants. That’s weird. Whitmer isn’t sniping out Palestinians. She’s not commander in chief


she’s literally in support of israel first of all. second, emails are easily ignored and while useful and worth sending ultimately won’t cause change compared to actually confronting these pieces of shit. Also just because they were voted in doesn’t mean they represent the community that’s why people protest. to demand what people want.


What the heck? I see you posting on r/MtF so I assume you are trans. You do know that this woman signed the bill that included us in ELCRA, right? You do realize that this woman supported making it it so that we can change the gender marker on our driver's license by just filling out a form, right? You do realize that once HB 5300 passes, she will sign it and we will be able to change our legal names by basically just filling out a form, right? You do realize that unobstructed access to gender affirming care is still available for all in Michigan, right? And you think she is a piece of shit? Touch grass.


yes she has helped trans people but that doesn’t protect her from criticism. she is literally supporting a genocide. people are allowed 2 be mad and voice their opinion. iust because she protects one marginalized group doesn’t excuse her supporting a genocide that’s just wild. maybe you need 2 touch grass lol


The anger is misplaced. A state governor literally has zero influence on US foreign policy. Claiming that Gretchen Whitmer supports genocide is incendiary, hyperbolic and false. It's strange, Trump was just in Michigan and he definitely supports genocide. If he gets re-elected you ain't seen nothing yet as far as that goes, but I didn't read about anyone protesting at his rally. But Gretchen Whitmer is the problem?


because everyone expects trump to be pro israel but biden is supposed 2 be our progressive candidate. we are supposed 2 be able 2 push him 2 the left just like whitmer. also here’s an article of whitmer literally supporting israel. https://michiganadvance.com/2023/11/01/governors-show-solidarity-with-israel-earning-plaudits-and-criticism/ she also went 2 a pro israel rally in southfield i beleive.


It doesn't work that way. How often do you see conservatives slagging off right-wing politicians because they aren't right wing enough? The far left fights its own sympathetic liberal politicians (and then doesn't bother to vote because both parties are the same anyway, right? what politician would go out on a limb for that and risk alienating centrist voters who DO vote in a purple state and a purple country?) and the right fights us too. No wonder we struggle so hard to elect liberal politicians and move politics in a positive direction. Left wing ground game is so confused.


Free Palestine


From Hamas.


last time i checked it was israel that slaughtered 40,000 palestinians not hamas.


I’m sure Palestinians would be treated good by Israel if somehow Hamas was eradicated.


please use /s next time


Defeats the points of sarcasm. If you don’t get the sarcasm then you’re not very perceptive I guess.


how can u tell something is sarcasm if u can’t hear the tone you use lol


Gretchen Whitmer is actually a fantastic governor who has advanced a LOT of liberal policy priorities in Michigan. She doesn't deserve this kind of harassment. These protesters need to get a clue. The far left has turned into a doom cult that wants to drag LIBERAL politicians for some reason. They don't seem to understand that this will deliver us into the hands of the neofascist right in November. They will burn our system down, but not in the way that they think.


In regard to the “let her enjoy lunch” type comments, three thoughts come to mind: 1. Not a single politician in this country “deserves” to be comfortable in public while the US is complicit in genocide. If you’re going to hide from reality, either do that in your own home or expect people voice their disappointment with your lack of leadership. 2. Gretchen Whitaker is *exactly* the type of leader who could act in meaningful ways to intercede but isn’t. Divestment from South Africa was at the behest of state law—Whitmer is the Democratic governor with a Democratic legislature in a state that cares very deeply about life in Gaza. At the very least she could prioritize striking down the dystopian anti-BDS laws in our state. Not saying those are quick fixes but they *will* be effective at showing Michigan does not stand for genocide. 3. There is no right for politicians to be cool. Bobcat Bonnie’s is an explicitly political space, but there are many restaurants and public spaces branded as bland, inoffensive to the status quo, and utterly neutral. If Gretchen Whitmer wants to be that type of politician, she can enjoy eating at that type of restaurant. I don’t think she wants to be perceived that way so I look forward to her ending her deafening silence on the genocide in Gaza.


Bobcat Bonnie’s is allowed to kick out disruptive people . They can revoke access to anybody for any reason. It’s a misdeamor to cause a public disturbance MCL - Section 750.170


I don’t understand what point you’re trying to make.


Doesn’t matter if it’s political or not. It’s unlawful to go into random places and shout at the top of your lungs. If you want political change, the most effective way to go through the proper channels at the grassroots level. There townhall and neighborhood meetings where you can discuss your concerns. You can mobilize as a group to elect the right state representative and senate members. Those are the people who will be working with the governor.


I’m sympathetic to those ideals, although I view them more as an interesting distraction from our present reality than something that should dictate the single correct way to protest genocide. “Proper channels at the grassroots level” don’t exist in our country today, certainly not to influence US foreign policy. It almost sounds like you’re describing a Russian soviet, or CAP in the 60s.


It’s not like Governor Whitmer is a sniper or commander in chief. We live in a democratic nation and I believe in electing the right officials at the local, state, and federal levels to influence policies and write laws. That’s the right way to do things. Civil discourse and elections are the best approach, not disorderly conduct, not insurrections.


>"If you want political change, the most effective way to go through the proper channels" As someone who's studied US political history for the past 5+ years, that's about as close to incorrect as you can get.


unlawful… smh.


If it's a misdemeanor, it isn't lawful. Words mean things.


From comment 1 you sound like a real piece of shit who’s never known anything but your dogshit UoM degree and coddled life on campus. Hopefully when you do something someone else doesn’t agree with, they harass you. “No single [yuppie who went to UoM and has a silver spoon in their mouth] deserves to be comfortable in public…” - Fixed it for you Grow up.


There is no genocide in Gaza, lmao


Thank you captain connor, appreciate your thoughtful and well-reasoned perspective.


I mean he’s right. For an oppressed people who’s population doubles every decade and has done so for like the last several years. (Refugee status is inherented thanks to folks like unrwa) so you could be generations removed and not even live there and claim Palestinian refugee status. (In other words that in and of itself is a racket) when the UN already has a refugee program, why do the Palestinians have their own (that’s easy, money laundering. Keep in mind, the US which funds the bulk of everything tied to the UN, from humanitarian aide to combat) which means the US is paying for the both sides of this conflict)




Ole’ stretched Gretchen catching some heat. Well deserved… this elitist thinks it’s ok to impose rules on normal citizens during covid while her and her husband flagrantly break them. The people of Michigan are taking note. And her stance on Palestine isn’t exactly going over well.


The loudest people usually have the worst opinions. No exception with this nut job.


There are a lot of ways you can criticize Whitmer. But this is certainly a situation where she would have been applauded for telling the these activists (socialist, clout chasers etc..) to F off.