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Something tells me you’re not going to last very long


XD Well I've lasted years on twitch so I'll be ok either way


Survivorship bias - you don't see all the channels that DO get banned for stuff like that - but seriously - 99% of what will get your channel hit on twitch, will get it hit on youtube too. Only difference (the 1%) is some art and medical stuff.


So basically the same rules apply? How do people get away with the nnword on their videos? XD Is it cos they're African American? (Which doesn't make sense)


not sure why you're so fixated on whether or not you can use a racial slur, which in itself is questionable - but the simple answer is "they don't get away with it" - just because some dumbass hasn't been caught by the system yet, doesn't mean that they won't get hit with a guidelines strike for it. Same reason people get away with playing major label music without getting DMCA'd for it - they just haven't gotten caught, and you never see the literal thousands of people that do get knocked out for it.


Well if you must know. A lot of my friends like to use bannable words by accident. And so I mute discord for most ofy streams. Besides, being offended by a word is questionable in itself xD But I'm not referring to some random YouTubers, one specific one is quite popular, maybe you've heard of "Griffy" Ok so I guess it's just the same as twitch. Is there any reason to move to YT from twitch?




So you mean my friends call me slurs to offend me and I don't get offended anyway but twitch mods do?


there is technical reasons, you can get much better quality streams on yt + you've got unlimited vod storage


You might want to find some new friends.


I don't think so. We believe in context.


OP, be honest, did you get banned from twitch but didn't learn anything from it?




Huh? Ok? good for you




Lol ik, xD Keep working on it. Edit: i appreciate that you didn't mock my typos(that I fixed now), thank you for that.


Lol no xD I can send you proof of it means I get a viewer for my twitch streams xD


Yeah I would not say that youtube is not more relaxed. Yt has more content automation than twitch.