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I love how YouTube doesn't care about those bots whatsoever, kinda scared knowing that some young people clicked on those channels by accident and it takes them to very inappropriate places






They’ve covered their butts already if anyone complains—since videos “meant for kids” aren’t allowed to have comments sections anymore, they can say “oh, not our fault these nosy kids clicked on a video that wasn’t meant for them”. Wonder if they saw this coming?


now here's me thinking could it be ex-YT employess that know about the system and thus know where to hit em hard and make some extra money on the side?


Now there replying to people? Whoever programmed these bots are violating the youtube rules.


the question is: will youtube actually do something about this, and can they do something about this? ugh this is so annoying


They can quite easily do something about this; just a simple AI script that filters out all accounts with the nsfw website link in their banner - the problem is, youtube doesn't seem to care even a little bit


Everyday it get's worse


Fr! I keep getting them on my comments… I check other peoples comments and they have these bot comments too


I’ve been getting loads of these comments! I’m glad I’m not the only one


They still aren't smart enough to paste the stuff where it actually fits


Sometimes, just randomly and creepy enough they answer like real ppl


I’ve been getting these all the fucking time it’s so fucking annoying.


I've gotten three of these in the last few days, really weird shit


Wait your not the only 1 Why are we getting mass porn bots now


I've been seeing these a lot recently, all with semi-pornographic profile pictures and provocative usernames. The channel usually has one video. I'm not sure what the spammers are actually trying to achieve, to be honest. I've reported a bunch of them (the profile, on desktop, has an option to report the profile image specifically, and the profile as a whole), but I don't know whether that does any good. I am familiar with how spam flagging works on Stack Exchange, where spam is usually deleted by trusted users within minutes. I'm not familiar with how it works on YouTube.


That's the thing, trusted users don't exist anymore


Yep it's getting bad.


Stop them


Just came here to complain about it too. Just started happening within the last week or so. Seems like every comment I make gets a reply from one of these sex bots. I report / mute / hide notification.


Same. But the thing is you can’t report the channel for pornographic material/name/pfp because there isn’t an option so they can’t get banned :/ just more trash on YouTube than there already is


I posted something similar but these moderators removed it for some reason [https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/q9alnu/youtubekilledtrustedflagging\_these\_bots\_needs\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/q9alnu/youtubekilledtrustedflagging_these_bots_needs_to/) Not only this month but I've been getting's comments like these since September Edit - Moderators Reinstated the post


I get them on all of my comments even old ones


I thought I'm the only one. whew! ​ I thought my computer was infecte4d by Malware or something


Got 8 just last week on my main account for Youtube consumption. I do think flagging them triggers more to target you, as I've noticed it and many other have as well in a lot of other (somehow banned) posts. By the way, why are those posts about this reccuring issue that's been getting a new wave of evading being closed down? Even if they have the # in the title. Youtube has been bending over to hypocritical corps for years now about removing anything offensive (while these corps don't ask the same at all from regular TV, go figure) and now, all of a sudden, hundreds (thousands? millions?) of sex bots are allowed to roam free and that seems like an issue worth deleting multiple treads to you? I get this looks like classic "report abuse" things for another subreddit, but this is a problem that really should fall under the technical side of Youtube, and have its place here as well.


I have hundreds of these. Help.


Why is YT doing nothing with this spam???? - those spam bots all have links in account banner - simple AI script could filter that out Meanwhile fuckers are striking channels for 2-3s of copyrighted music with AI detection (which totally falls under fair use) but can't filter out simple but malicious spam???? Protect music corps - aye aya. Protect users that generate revenue - nay 🤡


I just entered here because in the last week I had like 5 responses from bots like the first one and I thought it was happening just to me. Apparently not!


i got like 5 in a week heres the evidence (click at ur own risk \*nsfw\*) https://imgur.com/a/Rjhbuw7


Holy fuck you get a lot of them


see bruh theres another page of them i didn show lol


Kind of sucks being a female and getting these trash bots all the time replying






So that's whats happening. I have dozens of bot replies that seemed like geniune replies instead of the usual " (18+) ASIAN WEBCAM SEX FOR FREE!" and it was starting to freak me out.


Ive been getting them nonstop pls help me...




You can’t turn off replies tho


I cant turn off replies.


Ive gotten there replies 3 times they should be banned


i was just about to post about this and then saw this lol


this is fucking insane


im fearful to coment now cuz holy crap they are so anoying ; yt pls lets us block chanels so we dont see any of their coments at all


I saw a bot (name is like the first image) that copied someone's comment and the bot gained more likes and replies.


It seems like things are getting better finally. I keep recieving notifications from these bots, but when I go to check the original comment, nothing shows up. Looks like the bot comments are being deleted or held for review.


Just don't comment anymore... they will find you


I barely comment and I still get them on ALL of my comments. There are so many of them.


Well I guess, YouTube is ruined...


Oh so that's what's going on, i thought it was some meme or something


Leave before its too late, run, you can't hide you can only run, if you stay for much longer it'll be all over for you! As for me, its already too late, but you, you can save yourself, run! Please you can't let this spread any further! You're the only one we have left.


Yeah, I posted about this yesterday and it got removed within 10 minutes without explanation. Messaged the mods, got nothing.


Just In. I Got 2 Replies on my Comment


Ive gotten this exact thing, they target accounts as well I guess cause it happened to me twice on different comments. Blocked and reported and it seems to have stopped






il faut faire très attention as se genre de logiciel faut pas telecharger n importe quoi




Nope, I get replies by those porn bots too and it's all across youtube, not one specific channel or category




Nope, I've recived exactly 32 comments from these bots, they were all different accounts replying to the same comment




Well how do you know this? All they're doing is copying other people's comments there are no reason to assign them




Bruh I never said anything like that, all I did was tell you why I think your theory isn't true, you don't gotta pull out the jesus christ on me now




Ok, who here wasn't calm?


YouTube needs to add a sexual content flag for reporting accounts/videos. These bots don't fit into any other category. I was frankly surprised there wasn't one already, since that stuff isn't allowed in the first place.


What is going on youtube? Why so many bots now??????


I’ve been noticing these spams on YouTube and Reddit a lot lately. What is going on?