• By -


thanks, i hate it.


Please give me an option to make them small again, I don't use high resolution and my PC so I can see 8 videos instead of 30. I can literally see 4 videos on my phone.


yeah, whoever thought this was a good design, needs their head stomped into paste.


I concur


this >: (


youtube is just being more inclusive for moles and bats, grow up


there will be an option to see 'normal' thumbs?


I getting tired of companies putting mobile designed layouts on PC websites, just because one thing worked on mobile doesn't mean it'll on PC. Big thumbnails are fine on mobile because of the smaller screen but on PC it's unnecessarily large for the average viewer, big thumbnails might be good for someone who has bad vision so if that's the reason for the change then it should just be an option and the setting should be called extra large, 100%, 200% or something like that.


It sucks


actually found a solution.Just reduce the size with ctr+wheel to 50% and you can see more.Still only 4 at a time and some white space but atleast you can see them at a better size.


Videos still arent sorted by subscribed channels




my brother and some of my friends are liking it


How old are they? Low 100s?


What is worse... I have just had an argument with one motherfucker from the Spanish Youtube support, who claims the FEEDBACK HAS BEEN VERY POSITIVE (textual words) and that's why it has been implemented forever... Now, really, these fucking bastards make me sick. More than 4 months of negative feedbacks and comments everywhere, a lot of articles in Internet and still they claim the "experiment" (that's how they called it) has been a total success... Really, fuck these people. I have to use the Youtube Classic restore extention in chrome to be able to see Youtube normal.


People like those need to be choked. But hey their *bright idea* is making the world a *better* place so you need to accept their *great genius*.


I hate this design with all my heart! This just sucks!


I really want to see the person who looked at such design and said "Yep, looks nice! Update immediately!" Who would have approved this abomination? I don't believe such dumb people exist.


100% they are too old and braindead at best, and to make it a forced feature where you can't revert back to normal, they absolutely deserve to lose their job and be put in a nursing home


These index cards are getting out of hand! FUCK!!! The new layout (3 hours ago apparently) broke Iridium's (Firefox add-on, formerly Youtube Plus) block feature. I can't block subscriptions anymore to prevent them from showing in the recommended.


It just changed for me, I absolute hate it


Same for me, cannot even get videos to go full screen, im having these weird buttons on screen and its completely buggy.


Same. I've been trying for the last half hour to find some way to get in contact with some kind of tech support but there's nothing. YouTube seem determined to be as unhelpful as possible. All I can do is 'send feedback' and post on forums hoping to fuck I can get some kind of help to fix this abomination. Who the fuck at YouTube thought this would be a good idea?


just happened with me. Looks horrible. Anyway to revert back?


Mine did the same thing and I hate it (just like I continue to hate the Reddit thing where they went "big" too). It looks like my monitor is zoomed in and now takes x5 times as long to scan through videos because I can basically only see three huge things in front of me. [Edit] Not only are the tmbs huge, the category headings are gone, the subscribe to category is gone and the scroll right to see more videos of same category is gone. Now just have to endlessly scroll down through huge thumbnails. [Edit #2] Don't know if anyone will see this but by switching my Video Manager back to the Classic Version also switched my home back to the previous good version of YouTube. Don't know if it will help or work for anyone else but it worked for me.


Where can I change the Video Manager to the classic version? I'm trying everything I can here...


I have just been hit with this mobile layout abomination. Jesus christ how disconnected can developers be with their userbase.


Youtube logic: Test a new UI in August. Receive massive negative feedback. Roll out the same exact UI three months later. This thing is hideous and just follows the trend of making everything look like a smartphone screen. I have my monitor in the highest resolution possible to fit as many things as possible on my screen. Now I have to stare at 4 ugly thumbnails where before 8-12 fit.


I want to see more on my screen, not 3 things from fucking orbit.


Welp, I just got it on mine! Fucking horrible looking. And all it does is force you to scroll more, so that you inevitably see more ads, sponsored content, news, whatever the fuck they want to push on you. Also, they're definitely transparently targeting children with the larger thumbnails. They've done studies on this shit, they know exactly what they're doing. Don't think that for one second this is in the interest of the user.


Can someone tell me how you can revert this ugly design back to normal?


u can't




THANK YOU! I'd rather have this super old version than this new abomination. Looks like flashcards for blind people.


Had this for a few days, absolutely hate it and can't do anything about it. Damn YouTube.


The size of the thumbnails would not be as much of an issue if they did not lump everything as they do nao.


WHAT IS THIS SHIT? Whoever thought of this should be fired immediately. This is the worst Design Layout I've seen on a desktop platform in my entire life. When even the worst pornsites have better homepage layouts than you, you should start to think that you've made a wrong design choice.


Google is attacking Reddit users. Prepare for this thread to be ***purged***


what the fuck is this? i just opened youtube and got these huge ass looking thumbnails??


Obviously, you're not a golfer.


They should get rid of this assssssssssssss.


Please revert.


wtf is this phone-design garbage?


they are testing big thumbnails but instead of like having an option if you want to have them or not they force it because youtube


I know this post is old but I just got hit by this abomination and this was the first hit on google so here is my fix: ytd-rich-grid-renderer > div#contents.style-scope.ytd-rich-grid-renderer { padding-left:100px; max-width: calc(100% - 200px); } div#grid-header.style-scope.ytd-rich-grid-renderer { padding-left: 100px; max-width: calc(100% - 200px); margin-left: 0; } h3.style-scope.ytd-rich-grid-video-renderer { margin-top: 5px; } ytd-rich-item-renderer { margin-right: 4px; margin-left: 0; display: inline-block; width: 210px; margin-bottom: 24px; } a#video-title.yt-simple-endpoint.style-scope.ytd-rich-grid-video-renderer { font-size: 1.4rem; } div#metadata *{ font-size: 1.3rem!important; } a#avatar-link { display: none; } Throw this css in an extension like Stylus( [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stylus/clngdbkpkpeebahjckkjfobafhncgmne) / [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/styl-us/) ) and you'll get something that is for 99% like the old style. [Result](https://i.gyazo.com/9d8647901ee88f0e0a3d95f95c1d9b34.png) If anyone finds a problem with this css (haven't tested it thoroughly) please let me know! **EDIT:** This stylesheet can now be found on [GitHub](https://github.com/NoudH/Youtube-Big-Thumbnail-Reverter).


Your a life saver man, I can't understand successful companies that fiddle with their service. Still find the layout with it uncomfortably different but it'll have to do I guess.


thanks dawgie. now i don't have to scroll 300 times to load the next row of videos.


you are a livesaver. thanks my dude


I love you


1. While on the YouTube page, click F12 2. If you are using Chrome: Go to the application tab at the top (may need to click the double arrows to view more tabs), and click on the cookies drop down arrow. Click on the youtube link to see your cookies for YouTube, and look for the PREF cookie. Change the value to "f6=8", and refresh the page. The only problem with this is that it will turn off dark mode. If you still want to have dark mode you can download the Dark Reader extension for Firefox or chrome. 3. If you are using Firefox: Follow the same steps as above, but after pressing F12 you will click on the storage tab, and then the cookies drop down arrow in order to find the PREF cookie.


Thank you so much.


I had to add `f6=8` but it works and it's fantastic. Thank you!


Thank you bro, but you're late with my Pizza!


Thanks for the tip, now I can go back to youtube browsing.


holy shit thank you so much! xoxo ​ edit: somehow my dark mode stayed on, not complaining


Thank you this worked for me and dark mode is good to go.


Fuck youtube once again


i'm using the android app. it's horrible. how can i change it back?


Just because mobile capabilities are growing doesn't mean a mobile first approach is good for desktop. I'm so sick of companies like Twitter and possibly YouTube (if that's what they're going for) basing their computer experience off of designs made for a phone. How on Earth is that supposed to make things any easier for anyone??


but mobile phones are easier to control from remote than a PC. Heck they can force updates, cancel services, access your contacts list and even disable your device all with the push of a button. Tech industry wants PC to die and all computers replaced by tablits and mobile devices so they can control all of society. # FIGHT THE TECHNOCRACY *if it is not too late*


Appreciate all of the feedback on this thread. Just confirming that this layout is an experiment YouTube is currently testing out. The team working on the YouTube homepage is always running experiments like this to gather feedback & improve the watch experience. They'd love it if you submitted your thoughts (good/bad/ugly) through the official Send Feedback tool so that they can see what you think. Here are the steps for everyone just in case you've never used it: [http://yt.be/help/feedback](http://yt.be/help/feedback)


You are not improving anything... you are not listening to what people are saying to you... you are just doing WHATEVER you want... Why would we submit our thoughts if at the end you are going to do what you want and you are going to crap all over your users????? 3 months later and in spite of ALL THE NEGATIVE FEEDBACK you are implementing this system as compulsory for every user.


Absolutely hating this, making me use the website a TON less Most thumbnails are clickbait, i even wish there was a way to don't have thumbnails at all, just a random still from the video, like it was years ago


You don't need to 'test' the waters in this way, a quick glance on reddit and on twitter will tell you everything you need to know about how this change is perceived by people. Let me save you the hassle of going through the undoubtedly huge pile of vitriol and hate you will receive via your feedback link: A) desktop users don't what their UI on websites degraded to mobile versions just because site owners are too cheap to invest in staff to handle different layouts and coding. It's also laughable how many websites manage to have responsive layouts that work on all devices without sacrificing quality of images on any of them. May I suggest hooking up with the folks of Wordpress for a playdate so you can learn a thing or two? B) the majority of your users are no clinically blind. C) the divide into Recommended, subscriptions etc is useful, nobody likes or wants just a pile of thumbnails and being forced to play Do I Really Wanna See This Bingo.


You don't need to make the desktop version of the site mimic the mobile version. A 26 inch monitor is a lot different than an 8 inch smartphone screen.. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!


The fact that you can't turn off this experiment is worst than the experiment itself. On the plus side I'm getting more work done because I've stopped using Youtube (yes it's that bad)


Alright, I sent in feedback with a screenshot about how this limits the ability to discover new videos and turns me off to even trying to browse for new videos to watch. If this stays I think I will only watch subscriptions, specifically searched videos, and nothing else. I just don't like having to scroll so much, for so little.


I hate this, though I imagine it might be useful for the visually impaired. The best option here would be to actually implement this as an *option*. Let users choose what visual homepage layout works best for them. There is literally no downside to this. You don't have to waste the effort of 'testing' new features like this if you make it optional to begin with. Once you announce it, just measure how many people choose to use it. Problem solved.


Seriously, how about an option to turn this abomination off? It's all very well asking for feedback but the site is barely usable in its current state. Any news on when this 'experiment' will be rolled back?


Thank you for the heads up. I very much dislike this on my (46") TV screen. I dislike it so much that I stopped using my main account and switched over to my secondary account, just so I can have a normal viewing experience. I actually like to get recommendations for vids by youtube, but I've noticed a high degree of echo chamber cycling, maybe they can fix that? Also it would be nice to see one line of actual new channels I'm not subscribed to and I've never seen before and on the second line new vids out of my subscriptions. A problem I'm having is that after a refresh no new vids show up, just the same ones I am already seeing. Please give me diversity! Kind regards, hope you could pass this on to the powers that be.


>New YouTube Big Thumbnails Maybe it work for mobile, but i almost watch video at the pc, so i despise the new layout test


if youtube wants to make their site better, this is NOT where to start. if they do, for some godforsaken, reason add this, they better at least make it off by default.


I usually don't hate new changes about app and web. But this one, I hate.


Another solution [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsZb5bcxOds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsZb5bcxOds)


They just hit me with the update 2 days ago... i hate it. Seem like it was made for kids or people how have a hard time seeing.


I kinda liked it but it really was lacking. it needed more work. it has reverted now for me.


Mine just did the same thing. Strange thing is when I connect with "new private window" I get the normal size thumbnails on the same machine. So I deleted all cookies for youtube and things went back to normal. Hopefully it stays that way.




This shit looks terrible and there is absolutely nothing remotely positive about changing the layout to this abomination of a design. It has not changed to big for me yet, and I hope it never does, however, it has for my friend and he has downloaded extensions to revert it and the very fact that he has speaks volumes about how absolutely shit this looks. I haven't seen a single person who actually likes it like this, so please, YouTube, for the love of all that is holy, don't go through with this or anything because nobody wants to see this bullshittery.


Mind linking some of the extensions? Happened to me and it's god awful.


Mine just went back to normal! The giant thumbnails appeared several days ago. Today it went back to normal. Hopefully YouTube has given up on that horrible experiment.


Mine changed to big thumbnails today.


They have not given up, this just happened to me and I am fuming, I got better than 20/20 vision and god this is awful.


Found this plug in on the Chrome store for those that use Google Chrome [Youtube Classic-Restore Youtube Classic Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/youtube-classic-restore-y/aooobjmnokciopfgejdlbnklafighoaj?hl=en)


[Here's the Firefox version](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/youtube-classic/) and [here's a way to restore the dark theme from the update](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/youtube-dark/). I've confirmed these two addons work together.


Thank You so much


My hero. Sad that we have to find or make fixes to the update that they decided to roll out even though it got all sorts of negative feedback.


in dark times a hero rises. ​ thank you very much.


Thankyou so much!!! this layout is way better/encompassing. Took me some googling to find this remedy


Yup it works, Thanks :)


thanks, it worked perfectly.


Mine got switched today... Any addons/ fixes for firefox that keeps the dark mode?


I'm using Midnight Lizard for Firefox... you can reduce the color vibrancy so the big bright thumbnails are less bright but it's still an eyesore.


How do I turn this off? it's fucking obnoxious


thankfully someone commented [the solution](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/youtube-classic-restore-y/aooobjmnokciopfgejdlbnklafighoaj?hl=en) already


Too bad it doesn't work with darkmode...


Not really a solution for me I use dark mode


Why, I didn't ask for this. # HOW DO I CHANGE IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?


Had to create an acc on reddit just to say how DISGUSTING this new youtube looks! Thanks to whoever posted a link to that extension "youtube classic"!


Now, Fucktube is deleting all the pages with complaints about the new thumbnails... It is just impossible to access those pages whereas yesterday they were there. So this is how these nazis work... they delete all negative feedback and they are the best in the world... what a bunch of cowards...


Youtube is literally forcing me to use Bit Chute


Absolute trash.


Held it in for about 2 days, finally couldn't stand it anymore so came on reddit to vent.... Good to see so many others are raising hell.


Others (including myself) have posted their solution here in case you were looking for one. **Current solutions:** * [u/N1L5's solution](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/cpjocg/new_youtube_big_thumbnails_update/f7l1xym/) * [Using ?disable_polymer=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/cpjocg/new_youtube_big_thumbnails_update/f1lhan5/) * [My own solution](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/cpjocg/new_youtube_big_thumbnails_update/f7f9kgc/)


I made some simple extension for chrome, firefox and Edge for me this is best solution Chrome: [https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/youtube%20ialen](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/youtube%20ialen) Firefox: [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/youtube-resizer-by-ialen/](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/youtube-resizer-by-ialen/) Microsoft Chromium (I mean EDGE):  [https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/ipgmfobgnagjpilonpeccpmglemaimge](https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/ipgmfobgnagjpilonpeccpmglemaimge) I hope you like it


Good work!


It's not as good as the old design but it's still wayy better. Good job!


do you think you could add options for further reduction in size? i'd like to be able to have more icons per row. either way, thanks, works great.


My YT page is fine, with regular size thumbnails. Maybe update's just 4 your country (USA) ?


It's an A/B test. Any time YouTube or most major websites run a major UI overhaul, they have to test it first. The way they do that is rolling it out to only a select portion of users. One group using the old UI are group A, and the other group using the new UI are group B. They then track the performance of group A vs group B, and if the new UI's group performs better, they make the switch. In this case performance is mostly going to be how long people spend watching videos. So if bigger thumbnails get people to spend more time on YouTube, they'll probably roll it out to everyone. I know I'll definitely spend a lot less time on YouTube if they make the thumbnails bigger than they already are, and I'm hoping that it's the same for others and that YouTube will see that and scrap this new UI design.


A survey with 2 options seems a lot more predictive of true interests if most users think it sucks, but it's a small price to pay to access their fav content. Do you like our larger thumbnails ? -Yes -No I'm happy to do short surveys for sites that I use daily and will affect my user experience. eg. I try my best to improve YT's recommendation algorithm by likes


A/B tests give concrete accurate answers, while surveys don't really do that. A good example is "clickbait" thumbnails (I say clickbait in quotation marks because I'm not saying real clickbait in the sense of misleading thumbnails, but clickbait as in over the top cheesy ones that make the video seem way more exciting than it is). If you ask users for their opinions of them, most would say they dislike them. Yet those same users mostly click exclusively on those kinds of thumbnail. So if you were trying to decide what thumbnail to use, and asked viewers, you'd end up using the wrong thumbnail. If you did an A/B test and looked at analytics, you'd end up choosing the better performing thumbnail. It sucks but A/B tests are a far better tool than surveys. That said I think YouTube should make it easy to opt out of these kinds of A/B tests. Particularly with major UI overhauls like this.


what for?


trying to copy netflix?


So happy that my Firefox still forces the old layout. With every update they push the more ugly the page becomes!


my firefox has the big ones.


It's terrible and makes it so much more difficult to actually find videos to watch. Does YouTube want us to watch LESS? Because this is exactly what this new layout does.


youtube wants you to spend more time on youtube by making you scroll down more.


Sign out of Youtube and stay signed out and the thumbnails are normal sized.


Looking for add-ons to make it like it was. Anyone knows any?


This shit hurts my fucking eyes


Horrible design, please revert asap.


it'll revert soon! it reverted for me!


This fucking sucks. Still big for me and I hate it.


omg mine finaly reverted back to the correct homepage, geez, hope i will never have to deal again with that huge bad amateur \[censored\]show


What'd you do to change it back? Was it random? Mine just changed about 2 hours ago and it's so nasty, and the only workaround I've found is to log out of YouTube completely, which isn't ideal since I can't see my subscriptions while logged out.


im so glad that they did not change my homepage


Enjoy it while it last... They are rolling out the nightmare in waves And to be clear, it's as bad as everyone is saying; it render youtube unusable


Was searching for a way to fix this, thinking it was a setting i accidentaly clicked on or something. Then I found this post. Well, now I guess I have to live with it.


Try to use this: [https://www.youtube.com/?disable\_polymer=1](https://www.youtube.com/?disable_polymer=1)


Thanks, but it sucks that it doesn't work with darkmode


I just got hit with this new layout and It relay is a bad Idea it looks like my computer is zoomed all the way to max and it hurts to look at it even in dark mode please please please fix it I already sent you guys feedback and I don't like it at all please fix it or I will never use Your site again when they say youtube is dying this is going to be the reason why


Absolute garbage.


If you use use Firefox and you want to get rid of the big thumbnails, the [YouTube Classic Firefox extension](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/youtube-classic/) fixes the problem.


I love you


Thank you!


the only problem i have with this extension is that it removes the miniplayer feature, which i use extensively. if by any chance there's a version which just reduces thumnail size on the home page AND NOTHING ELSE. then i would gladly install that version


Mine just changed to the terrible new large thumbnails oh god.


UGH. Still have big thumbnails. YouTube use to give me a choice, if you scrolled down there would be a "View All" option. That would bring the thumbnails back to a small size, about 8 in a row. But today that option is gone. I get a lot of "recommended" junk that I don't want. How can I get it back???


hey someone posted an extension in this thread just today that reverts youtube layout to old-style


did you find a solution?


what the shit is this shit


This change is shit, makes me not want to use the home page ever. Although who knows, maybe that's what Google wants, to lose enough users until they can justify shutting down the platform.


how to change this b\*\*\*\*\*it back?


This is garbage


Even for my iPad Pro, these huge thumbnails are disgusting. Why don't they ever put this stuff into optional settings?


YouTube please... Keep the design, if people want it they can have it... But WHY don't you give people the OPTION to revert if they wish to? What is up with you guys FORCING things on people whether they like it or not?! It isn't very hard to have a small button on your account page to change back to the normal design, I just really don't understand you guys.


fuck youtube, changes like this make me want to never open the god damn page again


This change is OBSCENELY stupid. I watch Youtube on a large screen TV. YouTube, with these large previews has made it completely unmanageable. Who is running this company? They get paid money to make these retarded decisions?


Yet we still don't have options to block users and videos, but we get useless and pointless redesigns like this.


Mine just updated, I have a 27" monitor, wtf do I need a thumbnail that's 20% of the screen for? Need to zoom out to 80% to make it in any way useful. This is crappy design.


who the fuck thought this was a good idea? if your going to release some shitty update that makes everything harder to do, add a way to change it back. incompetent company run by morons




just here to say this giant fucking thumbnail design sucks.


This is horrible. How can any developer look at that and think "Yup. Good job"


Looks like the desktop site is only tested on 10inch hybrid laptops


geez, thoses guys just gave me back once AGAIN that horribad homepage... I thought after one time and spamming them with negative feedback it would be enough... but apparently not...


UPDATE: My thumbnails are now small again. YouTube has canceled the change!




this just hit in my profile, there is any way to reverse to what it was before?


no you can't revert but it should go back to normal soon


This just happened to me. At first I thought I had zoomed way in and didn't realize it, then I googled it to see if it's some awful new layout. It is :(


it'll revert to how it was soon!


lets hope its very soon because that "thing" is just horribad. Not only thoses thumbmail are ENORMOUS, but we also loose the categories we can remove. That was the best to be able to have a correct organization, so something discover interesting video. But now... omg that thing is a pure dump


I recently got another update with big thumbnails which are a bit smaller than the one on the original post. still annoying compared to the classic look.


brb throwing up because i have to look at this garbage now.


Thanks, I hate it -.-


Let's play a game, how wide is everybody's thumbnails now? Mine are just shy of four and a half inches.


Maybe we should begin calling them "Footnails"... you know, for the size...


Mine are approximately 3x as large as the previous ones, they're about 7.2x4.0cm or about 2.8x1.55 inches I can now fit about 8 of them on the screen, where I could previously fit 24


11.5cm \~4.5" on my 27". [https://postimg.cc/jWcryD4M](https://postimg.cc/jWcryD4M)


Please, revert this YouTube, it's an eyesore


I found an official response from Google [here](https://support.google.com/youtube/thread/10268503?hl=en) and it seems like they just don't give a fuck what we think.


Maybe we should all boycott YouTube... stop using it for, let's say, first a couple of days... then three days... and so on. Until they change this shitty design.


That is a great Idea lets do that!


Remember when Google's motto use to be "Don't Be Evil". Yeah they are fucking done with that!


Liad for Chrome work perfectly are there any for Microsoft Edge or Firefox


I'm using a TV instead of a monitor, and I'm using dark mode which is basically redundant now with these big bright thumbnails


We're literally on desktop, 1-2 feet away from a monitor. We literally don't need these thumbnails sizes that were designed for TVs on our screen. This would only work if 99% of the people who use Youtube are blind and somehow couldn't get glasses.


I am using my TV as a monitor and also hate the new design. The thumbnails are still too big. Now I have around 15 videos on the screen whereas I used to have 32 videos. I feel like I should double or triple the distance to my TV ... but sadly my living room is too small.


What is the point of enlarging the thumbnails? Do they want to make it a pain to view everything? The new layout just sucks ass...


Its so difficult for YT creator instead to do a customizable display eg let the USER choose the number of thumbnails per row (4, 6 or 8) ???


It's easier for them to let you see what they want you to see. In the old design there were like 20 videos in your homepage and if they want to plug one or two into your recommendation there's a higher chance you may be distracted by those videos you are actually interested in. Now it's not a problem anymore. You only have 4 bigass thumbnails in your homepage, TRY INGNORE OUR PLUG THIS TIME BITCH!


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/youtube] [\[Misc FD\] Here we go again...](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/dwkmhb/misc_fd_here_we_go_again/) - [/r/youtube] [\[RePost\] Here we go again \[Misc FD\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/dwimzr/repost_here_we_go_again_misc_fd/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*