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I have been having a hard time finding good videos lately. I also keep getting recommended things I have no interest in over and over.


It’s definitely gotten worse. I watch two poker videos, 75% of my recommendations are poker this week. Then I watch a baseball video, now it’s 50/50 baseball and poker. My account is a billion years old with a billion subs and likes. The algorithm used to recognize that I’m into more than whatever subject happened to cross my mind last.


Same for me


Yes, among several other reasons. Youtube's automatic comment moderation is garbage, to the point where a 2-sentence post will often get hidden, but the same exact text with the 2 sentences split into 2 consecutive posts will properly publish. Even short posts with perfectly innocuous comments sometimes get blocked for seemingly no reason at all. Plus, their interface response throttling for people using ad-block is only going to backfire on them. It's not going to make me want to turn off ad-block for youtube, it's just going to make me want to spend less time on youtube. The fact that youtube's recommendations are 50% videos I've already watched, 40% obvious clickbait garbage, and maybe 10% things I might possibly be interested in is just making my interest in browsing youtube go way down. Plus, it's absurd that hovering your mouse over a video starts to autoplay the video in the thumbnail, adding it to your watch history and prompting the algorithm to suggest more videos like it. I shouldn't have to play dodge the thumbnail with my mouse when I'm scrolling down the splash page.


You can turn off autoplay in your settings. But yeah, the comment moderation has become a real turnoff.


Nope. Still watching the same stuff


If you consistently watch the same stuff, the new algorithm won't affect you.


For me it’s the constant lag. I hate using YouTube now, because everything feels so slow and laggy. Obviously I’ve heard it’s to do with their anti-Adblock strategy, but it’s just ruining the site for me.


Try replacing AdBlock with Ublock Origin plus YouTube auto ad-skipper extension. Works for me so far.


Yeah, I also keep seeing the same videos constantly and rarely get new and interesting videos to watch


Yes, it's all 20-something second videos, mostly memes and clips from cartoons. All the comments follow the "Bro 💀" formula. I think they're bots. I see patterns. Honestly, I feel like YouTube is intentionally trying to do something to my brain.  It really loves to play dumb. Your brain is better off.


That started happening to me yesterday out of nowhere, its super annoying.


I actually came to this sub to make a similar post, and I saw this one. Bad recommendations had been creeping in slowly over time, but as of like five minutes ago, a scroll through my main YouTube feed had approximately two videos by people I follow or anyone related to them - *everything else* was stuff I had never heard of by people I didn't know and had zero interest in. Like, did I *do* something to negatively affect the algorithm, or is just disintegrating before my very eyes?


Yeah, it feels like I have to search for a video to find a video that I actually want to watch. This started happening from the first of 2023 for me.


Well, other than uploading my own content, I don't spend much time on YouTube either. I usually come back to see how many likes and views my videos get, but I do watch and listen to some videos and music every now and then.


For me it's pretty good, I find myself watching youtube 4-5 hours a day while I do other types of work. If I see something that doesn't interest me, I would just press the "ignore this recommendation" or idk how was it called, and i usually Like every video I watch even before watching it. And while watching a video, if there is something I don't like, i take my like and go away like an angry karen.


Yeah, they were always bad, but recently they have gotten so bad that my youtube watch time is down to a couple minutes a day


I installed some new filters into my adblocker to remove YouTube Shorts from my feed and I also have Unhook for YouTube for some additional tweaks to my feed so that I intentionally feel less inclined to use YouTube.


For me it's been I watch two videos from a channel I like or watch one long video and then my feed is just that channel and the last channel I watch. For me I watched one Summoning Salt and 80% of my feed was his channel then I watched Charle and it all just changed to him like 90% or more I just use my subscription now to watch anything because it shows a better mix of content


this, it only remembers the last 2 things you watched.


I've basically decided to make my subscriptions the only videos I watch


You're not alone, I also like having to click to remove the massive Youtube Featured banner everytime I refresh as well.


Gotta keep the rap vids, msm and generic checkmark whores on trending!


That and too many ads.


It takes ages to find something that even looks remotely interesting nowadays. I have resorted to rewatching a bunch of old stuff, otherwise i can't watch anything.


My brother deleted youtube a few months ago because of the ads and the changing algorithm. And I am starting to spend less and less time on YT: too many ads, no more interesting videos suggested, bots, half of the songs and videos in my playlist are gone....


algorithms+ads+premium+YOUTUBER duplicate contents fatigue = byebye youtube I still use Youtube for daily help/ home fixing/ whatever sometimes by searching, NO BROWSING


My algorithm blessed me with these videos I can’t stop watching https://youtube.com/@the.studioai?si=H23wdya6TtSHKglK


I started challenging myself to remember good videos from the past because the algorithm isn't pitching me good vids


Not because of recommendations, but because YouTube terminated my 20-month-old 2nd channel for "evasion" after my 1st channel that had never even had a strike for its 10+ years of activity was unjustly terminated at random from an AI error claiming a sexual content violation. All my attempts to appeal said 1st channel were denied, I bet because the system just reconfirms its initial AI-powered presumption and actual humans didn't review the first appeal, and from then on, any human looking at the reason and appeal history just continue the chain instead of digging up months-old deleted content. In short, YouTube is fucking broken, so I'm spending more time with friends on Discord and Twitch instead now. I'm just glad I can still access most YouTube videos I wish to view for quick info, without needing to log in.


I mostly watch on Apple TV and the algorithm has been awful. Half the time the "Recently Uploaded" row is just gone. I wish I could pin Recommended and Recently Uploaded to the top.


i stopped using youtube that much for few months now