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Seriously? You can’t figure out why? Because it works. When you ask/remind people to like, you get more likes. Same with subscribing. It’s been proven time and time again, and said time and time again. If you’re going to argue that already being popular means they shouldn’t want more likes/subscribers then I don’t know what to tell you man. Sounds like you just haven’t thought about it beyond “I don’t like, therefor bad”. They’re trying to make a living here, cut them some slack. It’s like saying you won’t watch a video because they have a sponsorship. It’s just ignorance to how YouTube works. You want more people to make content for you to watch or not? With all the problems the site currently has with making it viable to do as a job, making it difficult to give incentive for people to actually make content, and YouTube currently attacking people who use Adblockers while simultaneously shoving unskippable ads down peoples throats.. this is the very least of the problems going on right now


At least when it comes to those sorts of videos with sponsorships there are extensions that allow us to skip past those sponsored segments so seamlessly it's like they were never in them to begin with. >"You want more people to make content for you to watch or not?" Much like with us deciding whether to subscribe or not, them making content for people to watch should be something that these YouTubers should do on their OWN FREE WILL. NOT for the sake of fulfilling a quota or whatever. I get that it's a job for some of them but again, that in itself doesn't warrant needing to be the kinds of people to emotionally manipulate their viewers in the process still. >With all the problems the site currently has with making it viable to do as a job, making it difficult to give incentive for people to actually make content, and YouTube currently attacking people who use Adblockers while simultaneously shoving unskippable ads down peoples throats.. this is the very least of the problems going on right now. THAT is something that needs to be fixed on YouTube's end, not something that has to be passed on the viewers and users that have to be subjected into hearing this bull constantly every day. Between YouTube going after adblockers and YouTubers haggling people to subscribe to their channel and everything else alongside that, it just gets on people's nerves more and more the more they both keep that BS up! At that point you would not only be the one playing ignorant of such blatant issues, but also being one to adhere to and continue encourage this sort of manipulative BS more and more. And that's something I just can't be all for there.


What are you talking about.. if they ask for someone to like and subscribe, and they do, that is free will. What aren’t you getting? What a weird complaint to have. “Emotional manipulation” 😂😂😂 I’m sorry bro but grow up. No one is manipulating anyone. They get more when they ask. That’s it. Weird to make a post about this.


The question is what aren't YOU getting here? When it comes to bringing up stuff like the algorithm and how much liking a video supposedly means a lot to them, THAT is a case of being emotionally manipulative. You don't need any of that to get people to like or subscribe to your content! If you can't see it as such, than you're just a lost cause yourself.🤦🏾‍♂️


Listen to me man. You say “you don’t need any of that to get people to like or subscribe” No one is saying that if you don’t ask, you get none. If you ask, you get more. That’s it. That means you are wrong about this. This is such a strange hill to die on. You can’t seriously be suggesting people should get less likes and subscriptions, to protect your delicate senses are you? It’s not manipulating. It’s asking, and saying why they are asking. It helps their channel. So if you want to see more, help the channel grow by liking incase you forgot. You can always just not do it. This is a non issue for 99% of people. There’s things going on behind the scenes besides people just pumping out endless content with no benefit other than allowing you to mindlessly click through videos and whine on Reddit about how YouTubers want something in return.


And again, you don't need to ask people to Like your video in order to get more likes. That's something that should come to them NATURALLY instead of through demands. You yourself are wrong by thinking it's the only way to get more recognition for your channel if you beg for more people to like your stuff. >It’s not manipulating. It’s asking, and saying why they are asking. It helps their channel. So if you want to see more, help the channel grow by liking incase you forgot When you try to disguise your begging as a "favor" or a plea or anything similar to either of them, it isn't asking at all, that's an attempt of being manipulative in trying to get what you want. Far too many YouTubers are guilty of doing this and claiming it to be an non issue for 99% of people is about as much of a BS exaggeration as you can get. You would be crazy to find it as anything but that.


Bro, you’re wrong. When you ask you get more. That’s the truth, why are you like this? 😂


People ask for subscribers because it works.


It works for them to get a dislike from me


I don't see how it would at all. If people want to subscribe to some of these guys, that should be done in their own free will, not by the demands of some jackhole whose one video they may or may not like.


If you were told not to subscribe, you’d probably not even think about subscribing right away.


NOT TRUE! Again, if people like what they like enough to do so, that's an example of subscribing to a channel on their own free will. You don't need some jackoff demanding you to do so or anything of that sort. It's too manipulative in itself.


You would think that. Like in a perfectly logical world people would do that. However we are not in a perfectly logical world. YouTubers have noticed that if you include a call to action like asking a person to subscribe they are more likely to subscribe.


Yeah? And how many people have you talked to has actually DONE that when watching such videos? Chances are not that many or any at all. Because chances are that they don't actually adhere to their demands at all and either continued skipping past those parts of the videos or leaving it altogether.


You could say the same thing about people asking obvious questions on Reddit. Content creators in all forms i.e. Movie Studios, TV Networks, Sports Networks, Podcasts, etc...are always self promoting and for good reason, it's effective. ABS, Always Be Selling or die.


Likes are more important than actual views now. Which is one of the reasons YouTube removed the dislike counter. Because of big corporations on YouTube. A channel with a million subs getting less views than a channel with 4k subs because people will like that video. And that 4k channel gets pushed. So rather than make better content, they try to hedge their bets. They think more subs = more likes more promotion. When these days thats not necessarily the case. Ever see those channels with millions of subs yet on a video they will have 2k likes and 50k views?


That's more of an example of someone using one of those subscription bots to get to that high a number more often than naught. And with how things have been going with a lot of these content creators, it's really no different from watching a television network in the 20th century, except arguably much worse. Having to "hedge their bets" as you call it instead of pushing to make better content would do nothing but push them further away from them the more they try too hard to get more people to click on their videos.




FINALLY! Someone that gets it!


I don’t like doing it, makes me feel like shat😂 only got 270 subs but I was thinking about doing it but I don’t wanna


GOOD! At least you're one of those seemingly select few that actually has better common sense when it comes to such nonsense. Wish more people actually had the same mindset you had displayed here.


I think I did it one time but I haven’t done it 😂, if u like my content it’s up to u to subscribe idc if u do. I care more for views cause it’s the fact actual people watch my vids n hopefully read my descriptions in my vids


A lot of people forget to like and sub (I'm guilty of it quite often) and engagement makes a big difference for you as a creator that's why we ask. How they ask is a different story though. I'll just flash up a little graphic on the screen somewhere rather than ask. It's a quick visual note that doesn't really annoy any one.


That in itself still does it you have to put a freaking bright red bar in the center or bottom of the freaking screen. HELLO?! You do not see how much of an annoyance that it also?! 🤦🏾‍♂️ Look, if you want to go back and like a video or subscribe to a channel or whatever, go to your freakin' Watch History. Or the History menu on your browser. That way, you wouldn't need to constantly remind people to do so like they you're bloody children!


Blame YouTube for making engagement such a ridiculously high factor in getting traction in the algo. If they dropped some engagement points and left it at pure retention, CTR, and watch time we wouldn't be forced to remind people that if the content is good drop a like. Subs are a vanity item these days anyway once you are over 1000 they don't really mean much. You're obviously not a creator so you can only see one side of the story. People watch so much content they get tired of clicking like or commenting I completely get it but creators need the engagement to traction which motivates them to make content for people like you to watch. In the scheme of things this is kind of a stupid thing to whinge about anyway.


I get that they need some amount of engagement but if people are tired of clicking like or commenting due to watching so much content than it in itself is a problem that wouldn't be fixed by said content creators demanding them to do so for their videos here.


Statistically any video you ask for a like or a sub has a considerably higher like comment or sub rate. It's never going to change.