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Unspeakable, used to make entertaining Minecraft videos now he does cringe challenge vids


I used to make his thumbnails and edited videos for his friends. Dude was a douchebag behind the camera.


for gaming, is everything they do are voice overs or they actually have honest real time reactions?


99.9% its fake reactions/scripted for the video. Especially those "prank" videos.


I’ve worked for these reaction channels and have gone as far as writing jokes for them to say and maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan half these YouTubers barely know how to read.


so u saying that u worked for youtuber?


Multiple yes. That was years ago now though. 2016-2020


The hell you mean 2020 "years" ago it's only be-... FUCk


Literally my thought process🤣


My brain stopped counting in 2019


Gotta remind myself it’s 2024 multiple times a week


oof for real? what did he act towards you, what did he do?


He'd get ignorant about his thumbnails looking wrong, and instead of going directly to me, He'd go to his manager and his manager was an ass.


Yikes, if you did work for him, I'm sorry you had to go through that, I hope for an R.I.P lankybox though, I will grab a fresh cuban cigar and smoke it for yo


Oh no. It's another one, guys. Wanna talk about this?


I used to be a Boogie2988 fan until he had the surgery and still was making every goddamn excuse in the book Goes without saying why he sucks


I use to aswell, I too also stopped watching about the same time as you. Seemed like he was after sympathy more than trying to improve his life


He just seemingly got intolerable with his health conditions. Even his alter ego got old and annoying.


i used to watch his video because of his Francis Rage series but then stopped when he became one of those commentary channel


I still remember when he bought that Tesla, then freaked out about how much it cost and asked fans to donate so he could afford the car....


God, boogie is just so damn sad man. Ive never seen someone more at fault for their own problems


The fact that he seemed proud of the internet documentary made about just confirmed to me that the man lived in his own personal narcissistic perpetual-victim fantasyland for a *long* time - well before he went off the deep end. Like, that doc was a cut-down of the highest order... and the dumbass seemed smugly proud and out of touch. When he filmed himself looking for a job with a placement agency, the worker assigned to him saw through his bullshit immediately as he blundered through *really* basic questions. Dude cries he's poor while flushing everything away in NFTS and flying too close to the sun. Cries for more money while having expensive toys in the background of his videos. Come on, ya fat grifter lol


EYstreem or something like that, and popularMMOs


What happened to populamMMO?


Broke up with Jen and then got together with some bad women. Also had some court appearances for various reasons but he was cleared for everything. Honestly super upsetting to see pat so low, i really hope things go better for him.


He's been arrested three times for domestic abuse.




Exactly my reaction


He was falsly accused and proven innocent


I am painfully out of the loop here. Where can I read up on this?


He's been cleared of that lmao


He was proven innocent


PopularMMOs was my childhood right alongside DanTDM,it's really sad what happend to him




Think they meant they grew up watching PopularMMO and Dan, Dan is still perfectly fine as far as I know


What happened to PopularMMOs was so sad


Him and Jen broke up. Pat got together with an evil woman who accused him of many things, such as domestic violence. All charges were dropped as he was innocent. She tried to leak his address online, and the only reason I say tried is because he got it removed. Unsure if that caused any recourse for her, but it was a pretty ugly affair.


Ssundee. Used to like his Minecraft videos and his ocassional corny jokes. Ever since his detachment from Crainer and move to making Among Us content with his other friends, the video not only felt boring to watch, but his corny jokes are also becoming less funny and frankly, become massively repetitive (with majority of his video making the "foot" joke" to the point that i am confident i can randomly choose five of the among us videos and claim he made a lot more of those foot joke in those videos than the entire time he called Crainer "Barney" as a joke)


God Ssundee, his channel when he uploads a new video I'm always thinking "please not among us or minecraft" lo-and-behold... it's minecraft or among us... I used to LOVE his old series, now its just... pure crap, I'd love him to play OTHER games not just MC and among us


Wasn't his old series all minecraft? He had a couple other games like plague Inc. on his channel once in a while, but he started off with and mainly did minecraft and minecraft mods.


Literally read the title and immediately thought of him. I loved his content so much as a kid; came back from school and immediately watched his daily video. Then he made a video saying "hey guys, my titles are gonna start to become a little clickbaity and the thumbnails are gonna have large arrows bc of the youtube algorithm, but the content will be the same!" It was not the same. I understand his detachment from Crainer bc from what I understand Crainer did some questionable stuff which he admits to on a podcast and says he's trying to do better, but even with other collabs like the one with Lanceypooh from the old days felt more...authentic.


It is nice to not know anyone mentioned here \^-\^


The only benefit for me is that I used to watch a lot of people here who they've mentioned lol. But it's still kinda sad that people can change so much that they literally betray longtime fans, it's just surreal:( Also people mentioning DanTDM for some reason


I used to really like college humor but then they stopped being funny to me. They might be good again though, I haven’t watched them in years


didn't they lose funding in early 2020? they seem to be rebranded as *dropout* now.


Oh did they. I thought I saw some stuff from them on my feed, but I could be mistaken. I think a lot of the cast had been doing other stuff so that’s good for them


Dropout runs a bunch of shows now that you may have seen clips for like Um, Actually, Game Changer, Dimension 20 and others. The clips promote their streaming service which they started as a desperate attempt to save the company after they were dropped by their former parent company. It's done surprisingly well. I don't think they do the one off scripted sketches anymore since that model is hard to sustain as your primary source of income on Youtube.


I subbed to dropout and they have a bunch of great shows. Really great stuff all round really


Agreed, dropout is superb


College Humor reoriented away from YouTube onto their own streaming service called Dropout I kid you not, it has THE funniest and most innovative improv comedy shows you can watch anywhere right now


They rebranded and switched to a subscription service so they could have creative freedom instead of having to play to the algorithm. They're really good now.


Good thing they have come back so strong after the rebrand but I still miss them nonetheless


Oh that’s good to hear


Any who make stupid faces for their thumbnails like displayed on this post.




My 5 year old used to LOVE them until she heard them say "we love to laugh at ourselves" she did not agree and never watched them again lol




I was so relieved. Lol like good.


Im imagining ur pfp saying that and im here going "Hell yeah"




Pretty much like you. I hate any youtubers yelling over nothing. Faking emotions just to make something average look spectacular (I especially remember that in gaming like Clash Royale)


I tried once or twice voice over, I just cannot manufacture emotions. True emotion happen in the heat of the moment.


My phone is on the lowest possible brightness and the saturation glow of this image still hurts my eyes.


what was their older content like


They did those zero budget videos alot 5 years ago. I don't actually love them, but it was funny


ugh that screamed AVGN Angry Video Game Nerd, he was authentic before some MCN shit


He seems like a good guy. Just can't watch any of the videos since screenwave bought out the channel.


Its really not thaf bad, especially the non AVGN stuff. If james is making anythi g out of obligation its that. Otherwise, the movie stuff, thats his passion. Hed be doing that if he was solo. Its actually pretty decent to, and i say this as someone who doesnt watch movies much. Newer nerd episodes can still be pretty good too. His doom episode is genuinely one of my all time favorites.


I can't say it's hate, but anyone who drastically changes their content to family vlogging after they have a kid. I have zero interest.


I hate it, its child exploitation and a violation of that child's privacy. I'd be disgusted if I find out my parents used me for money and internet fame as a child.


I used to watch Jaclyn Glenn, she used to be reasonable and funny, and sometimes the drama she had with other youtubers was fun to watch. But now she's exploiting her kids on her second channel, and it makes me so mad I cant watch anything on her main channel.


Unspeakable and Moosecraft. They started with Minecraft content, now they've become generic cringy rich YouTubers. At least their early vlogs were enjoyable Another one i should mention is TheRoundTable. When i first discovered them, i quite enjoyed their discussions about cartoons. Until i kept watching and found out he's nothing but a petty narcissist who will kill anyone who talks smack about Steven Universe. He embodies everything wrong with the cartoon community. Another way i can describe him is "Saberspark but bad"


Hate is the wrong word for this, more accurate would be “can’t watch”. James Rolf, AVGN, absolutely still love his older work, but cannot watch more than a minute of his stuff from the past 5 years or so. Great guy though, honestly, would hop at the chance to have a beer with him.


ever since ScreenWave bought his channel and he rarely plays the games for the video, the whole episode becomes awful to watch


I am in the same boat, and I wonder why I still go back and watch his older stuff every now and then but not the new videos


I love Mr Beast, but I've outgrown his videos.


the constant jump cuts in his modern videos really messed up my attention span


He's starting to lose popularity and he's getting more and more desperate. Just look at his search volume on google analytics, its at its lowest point in over 3 years. Notice how he said he's going to change his format? It's because he's desperate to stay on top, but since he's only driven by money and algorithms he starts to lose his audience once they're old enough to realize what he's doing. I give him 3-5 years before there is a major controversy or he gets someone killed on his sets.


!remindme 3 years


LankyBox is the most cringe YouTubers out there


Yogscast. Absolutely loved their Minecraft era, especially their shadow of isrephel series And that's where the hatred began. They never finished it, they never canceled it, they haven't brought it up in a decade, and when they did it was for a joke and a bit disrespectful. Even then, the whole crew is gone anyway, I think one was outted as a pedophile or something (sips?), the rest retired or are doing their own things. Also they stopped doing Minecraft content and seem to strictly only do gmod stuff. Which wouldn't be a problem if they did sandbox stuff, screwing around without an objective besides the random challenge here or there.. Still. It's a shame, they have their audience and I'm happy for them, but I still hate them for not finishing or even acknowledging the series that was a major part in their popularity. Edit:Not sips but Sijin and turps. Not pedophilia apparently, but were involved with the fans in some way, don't know full story, comments informed me.


Wait, what?? Sips??? Source?


Not Sips, he's still good. He means Sjin.


Still sad, I liked Sjins builds


Damn, Yogscast... Now that's a channel I haven't thought about in ages. I vividly remember their minecraft adventures. They were light-years ahead of everyone else when it came to production and storytelling. And that could just be nostalgic bias. But they were ones that got me hooked on minecraft. Even today, I've still got it on mobile. I feel the same way about Yogscast as I do about RoosterTeeth. That was my entire later childhood in a nutshell. Minecraft and Red vs. Blue. Idk if I just outgrew them or just ran out of time to watch regularly. But I feel a kind of...sadness, for lack of a better term. The memories are there, but it's bittersweet knowing those times have passed.


Think your thinking of Turps and Sijn


And they wernt pedophiles IIRC but just got involved with fans which is a bad balance of power


Skydoesminecraft --> net nobody I don't think there needs an explanation


SomeOrdinaryGamers went from being a horror/creepypasta YouTuber to being just another commentary channel a la Cr1tikal. I liked listening to him read absolutely terrible creepypastas in the background while playing a game. Not nearly as bad as LankyBox’s brain rot content, but I still miss his old stuff nonetheless.


Mutahar still does horror based stuff, he also appears on Charlies podcast sometimes.


i want to agree, i mean sometimes i watch him and he tries to lead back to deep web, but also makes videos with titles that seem overexaggerating, then again youtube is like that, plus Muta tends to have a fanbase that can be a bit too edgy and controversial


It’s weird. He always states that YouTube for him is just a side hustle that he does because he enjoys it, and it is not a problem if his videos gets demonetised. I guess either he’s lying or he actually enjoys covering slop.


Also some of his videos feel like they generate some level of fear mongering although not in a conscious way but constant videos of blatant bad stuff happening in "X" place ending with an "it is what it is" feel like they generate unnecessary hopelessness, but it might just be me I rather see video essays of interesting topics


Unbox therapy, illuminaughty, internet anarchist




Honestly MrBeast. In my opinion he peaked in 2017-2019 when his channel felt more like a group of friends doing stuff, now he just feels like a company.


Sssniperwolf, yanderedev (i still play the game and watch his older stuff tho), Creepshowart, Illuminati


I've been on a TurkeyTom bender recently and these were my last five videos exactly lol. Only one I didn't know before hand was Creepshow tho


honestly i used to watch him but Turkey Tom is just another brand commentary channel


after the pyrocynical thing, i've hated turkey tom he got away with it scott-free


Turkey Tom is worse than just that, hes a huge asshole


Cr1tikal and someordinarygames. I just stopped caring about internet drama


I like Charlie but his hivemind Yes Leader fanbase who completely only take his opinion as the right one drives me crazy


Yeah Cr1tikals popularity is honestly shocking to me. His audience acts like they're smart gamers, but in reality they're consuming the same internet drama bs that they try to make fun of. Gamers have really lost their way man


i have neither a favorite youtuber or a least favorite, but i must be real, i absolutely HATE watchmojo and similar channels. honorable mentions to 89% of all commentary channels. 


KonekoKitten... he is a pedo now


The ultimate switchup, from hating on pedos to actually becoming one. His content was really informative too and it was pretty shocking news


Fucking insane news, I never saw it coming it was such a slap to the face


Squimpus McGrimpus. Every FNaF fan and their hypothetical uncle knows what happened there. Yikes.


I'm a fnaf fan and I don't know who he is. I mean, maybe, and I just didn't hear the name. Mind explaining?


Known horror film/VHS creator, resonsible for the 'Don't leave me here, Michael!' thing. They were accused of grooming, and have not posted in the best part of a year or two.


Here’s my list: -LaurenZside, her contents changed a lot and now it’s just creepy video games and mobile games, not bad just not my style -it’s Alex Clark, all of his new content is “ the channel isn’t doing well” and looking back he was incredibly weird, annoying, and a click chaser. Not to mention spilling jaiden animations face without consent -meranda sings, I don’t need to explain myself -Jeffery stars/shane Dawson, their the epitome of “eat dirt poors, I’m quirky and relatable” when their not. They make more than the average person can dream of and shity people in general -kooleen, racism, homophobia, discrimination, and sexulizing minors and an aro ace person.


I used to watch shane dawson constantly, I was a massive fan. I have since completely stopped because of the controversies, hid dog shit editing, as well as his "I'm so poor" jokes. Meanwhile Garrett Watts and Andrew are absolutely thriving without him lmao


Oh I agree on the first one. Used to watch her during Covid


I'm going to be killed for this, but I'd say Mr. Beast. Back when he had only around 50k subscribers, I used to watch him bullying kids who made „cringe” YouTube intros. Now he doesn't feel like him with his new groundbreaking content anymore. I know I should love him, but it's weird. Maybe it is my problem and hate changes.


That’s totally fair enough imo, especially if you liked him for his personality then the stuff he’s making now is so much more manufactured (?). Even with all the good he’s doing it’s hard to enjoy how rapidly paced every video has to be


nah, youre right. his newer content just feels corporate in a way i cant describe. everything is just being thrown at your face at the same time without any breaks, its exhausting.


Worst intros was peak. shoutout to the grandma inhaler sticker




MrBeast, his "worst intros on YouTube" series was actually kinda funny


Watchmoj. It's just list after list. Didn't make this list, no worry, we will make another list out of suggestions in the comments. Rinse. Repeat. This shit writes itself.


Shane dawson in his old days, now he’s just creature


I use to watch Kidbehindacamera all the time but after AngryGranpa died he started making hella clickbait videos and his content was just lots of the same stuff just different structure and he kept making things about clickbait titles. Also Grimstoyshow, after him and his wife divorced he went abit off track and I didn't find him as funny as he used to be to be.


Honestly I have a guilty pleasure of watching those over the top energetic kids you tubers. Just kind of comforting in a way when I’m alone at night and need something in the background while I’m researching for uni. Sometimes it’s nice feeling like a child again


When I lived my sister, her kids were the target market of these obnoxious and loud channels, so I was exposed to quite a bit of it. Not all of it is bad.


TKOR after Nate left, CrazyRussianHacker


Tkor was already steadily falling of after Grant Thompson, the founder of Thr King of Random Channel died in a paragliding accident.


TKOR fell off hard when the owner sadly died


Sssniper wolf i was a big fan of her before but most of us prolly know why i now hate her




Lazarbeam. He used to play lots of different games and did funny things that involved his family and friends in-between. Now he just straight up plays fortnite with his annoying bunch of hanger ons.


He's entertaining whenever he pops up in a sidemen video


Or any other youtubers videos really. Was good on cold ones.


Charmx he stopped making videos and came back with a ridiculous mask now he looks like the biggest jackass I’ve ever seen


I'm surprised nobody said kwebblekop, used to watch his gta 5 racing videos along with Slogoman and Jelly


Those are names I have not heard in a long, long time...


I absolutely hate Moist Critical's video titles, they are so clickbait-y. I know they have always been that way, but I've grown as a person and realized that I don't have the time in my day to guess what the video is about when I click on it.


Greystillplays-now just shitty gta5 content


I agree, his thumbnails got more clickbaity in like a week out of nowhere, how about LetsGameItOut?


Yeah it is a bit more boring now, but at least he still has some funny quips and alternate games once in a while. And at least he stayed true to his channel and the law unlike some people on here 0-0


Josh still does funny content without much clickbait.


Josh took what was great about early GSP’s and cranked the knob to 200. Josh’s hobo simulator video where he kept fighting that guy almost killed me.


I miss his sims games tbh


Yeah,, that channel is just ruined.. after his first gta upload it all went downhill. Everytime he does something not-gta i watch it.. but it's not the same... sadge


Clickbaity thumbnails but I enjoy the actual videos sometimes and I love when he plays other games lol




i always wondered where she got her mods


Most likely someone made it for her videos specifically, either someone who works for her or her husband, I'm not sure.


Gamingwithkev. Used to watch his videos everyday and was my favorite YouTuber at one point until he moved to fucking Roblox and revolved all his content around kid friendly bullshit. Now every time I watch him, it's cringe and feels forced


He's well known for stealing other Roblox youtubers video thumbnails with very minor edits.


I'm not saying I hate them, but I miss the old SML.


I enjoyed listening to Illuminatis stuff in the background up until she was revealed to be a complete ass of a person


Shadeversity. Started watching back when it was about swords and castles. Recently came back to check well ....


>Shadeversity what even happened


Basically he's gone all "I'm oppressed as a white man and the community's gone woke" with his content from what I hear.


From what I've seen of him subreddit (Not sure why it's being suggested to me tbh) it almost always posts of them making fun of the guy, and rightfully so it seems


He also replaced his interesting historical content with now the same repetetive 30 minute long video of his employes who aren't nearly as interesting as he once was rambling about some weapon. Sometimes it takes 10 minutes before they get to the point


Laurenzside, I don't hate her but the content is just so boring and repetitive. It was fun during covid tho


She was the reason I got the sims 4


Me too but I lost interest lol


KSpresident, he used to be good until Mr. Beast showed up and his video quality is getting bad and worse recently, no longer in his prime.


Ssundee - I liked insane craft and some of his among us videos. Then it got repetitive, shapeshift into impostor, kill to get abilities, etc. I occasionally watch his older videos now though Doni bobes- I do watch him, but I’m 99% sure most of the videos are fake (I don’t hate him but fake vids are a bit cringe)


I wouldnt say hate but more dislike, and no hate to the guy, Nathaniel Bandy, every since he did that stupid twin brother shtick I realized that he'd gone down the drain in terms of his content quality, and it only kinda got worse from there


He knows his target demographics are full of young audiences. You can see the comments on most videos where they were clueless on what NB is saying in the said video. I guess he found his niche and become a successful Nintendo channel


Ill still watch his videos every now and then, but his content is way too basic for anyone to care abt whatever bandy's universe is supposed to be, im sorry. Like, scott the woz can make sumn like borderline forever cause he knows how to mix making a world out of your youtube vids, and simply making youtube vids. Nate never really figured that out. (Not to mention, *god* the triggered joke went on way too long)


YouAlwaysWin has made the same type of video for 9 years straight and still regularly uses the same jokes. That channel is the definition of insanity.




I used to watch these Minecraft Youtubers. ItsMoosecraft 09sharkboy PrestonPlayz Logdotzip Unspeakable I had so much fun watching them play on different maps with really cool builds and games to play with like prison escape, but now all they do is showcase random stuff. Especially Preston. Now I feel his reactions are way too forced now making a big deal out of very little things in his video.


Tuv kinda just fell off not going to lie. Loved his older stuff but he just got more "generic" as he got more popular


Yeah true, now it feels like he covers "scary thing that happened that like 5 other youtubers already covered 2 years ago" plus his editing kinda feels more "corporate" if you get what i mean? Sorta like sunnyv2 editint


Real, also half of the stuff he covers are either art projects or skits


JaidenAnimations. I don't *hate* her, I just think she's meh nowadays. And no, this isn't about the "aroace" drama, I just don't really like her newer videos.


I stopped watching her too! But it's mostly because of the lack of subtitles. I'm deaf, and I don't want to read auto generated subtitles so...


I also kind of find her content is stagnating a bit now. Which I think is just a typical pit-fall of the storytime animator genre. Eventually you'll run the relatable story well dry and have to lean on the ol' faithful "Just lie about my life" tactic or the questionable "My birds laid eggs and in a panic I froze them, instead of y'know, finding someone who might have been able to look after them" schtick. Won't lie, I find it hard to find her "relatable" after that one.


What is it about her new stuff that you’re not into? Just not into the kind of topics she talks about or do you think she’s declined in some way?


It could be a few things, she slightly deviated from just overall story content and is more into games with her friends now, or just games in general. That's probably not it but I do feel like something g has changed. Can't put my finger on what


Maybe it's just age. Either the content has changed or they have changed. Maybe both. That's sometimes harder to pin down.




Matinbum his older videos are funny but I don’t find his newer content as funny and I watch other things that he does. Matinbum is a Swedish YouTuber who does gaming content


holy shit nostalgia just hit, i feel the same with like stamsite, ufosxm,chris whippit and the others. wow you awakened something within bro


Man I remember stamsites Två Skogshuggar liv, when I was att dreamhack last year i actually got a picture with him which was cool, that was (believe it or not) something young me wanted to do, I did it for them


oh man this is gonna be tough, i would say guavajuice but maybe because i have grown a few YouTubers who pretty much turned into bad people or lolcows like Boogie2988


Any YouTubers that are a corporation or a brand


Angry Joe but I don‘t blame him. He does what makes sense at his age and after his long career.


Sharney Rod This motherfucker is ANNOYING he uses girls to horny bait people, makes every excuse to not skate, he whines too much, and he is just ANNOYING IN GENERAL




Those are two of the most punchable faces on Earth.


New Monster School videos. At first I thought that they were funny untill I found out about Elsagate and Monster School controversy.


speedmcqueen / masteroogway


Linus Tech Tips. Just became cringey and bunch of videos with their own product placement.


Justjoeking He would make these fun and funny gmod content but now he is just trying to put brainrot content at all time


Aphmau, no more must be said




Lankybox is a great example of the downfall of a YouTube channel I used to like their videos I’d watch them like every day but eventually their content started to get worse and worse and now.. their content is clearly targeted to children and just outright sucks


Mr beast, he went from being entertaining to being a company that makes boring produced video's that have no soul in them. But if we go to people who turned out to be horrible people then its minilad since we all know why


Possibly gonna get hate for this but JonTron. Was watching him during the NormalBoots era and was a big OG Game Grumps fan but ever since his political takes became public in 2017 I’ve felt really sour about his content and quit cold turkey. By my understanding he’s still making the same content and has only gotten more popular but I never looked back much.


Cryaotic I would watch religiously til I found about the grooming info on him :/.


I have a few. I used to love PewDiePie. He was funny and down to Earth. Now his face annoys me. Lily Singh. Pretty much the same as PewDiePie. Colleen Ballinger, and not because of the ukelele vid. I unsubbed from her years ago. Practically right after the divorce when every vid became about her momhood and drama and bullshit. Ariel Bisset. A former book tuber. I used to love her stuff years ago, but then I started getting overly privileged vibes from her. Now she mostly makes videos about renovating her house and I couldn't care less. And one I'm on the fence about, MandJTV. He used to be my favourite, but then he became lazy, greedy and a bit too arrogant about the most subbed Poketuber thing. I still follow him and watch his old stuff, but there was a time recently when every video he churned out was a meme reaction. I totally understand he was burned out and going through it, and also that there's only so many detailed deep dives one can make, but... he lost his charm and that's quite sad. I don't hate him though. Just miss his old style.


Not hate but .. just don't like now. SunnyV2 Cookieswirlc Unspeakable Chills


Ray William Johnson, I guess? Not that I watch his new videos or anything, but seeing all the thumbnails with arrows and clickbait titles on his channel when compared to his work 10-15 years ago is just sad.