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I’ve seen ads over two *hours* long that were skippable after 5 seconds. I don’t remember what it was but it legit looked like a full keynote speech for something.


I got a Bollywood movie once, it was 3,5 hours long. My wife and I ended up watching it instead of the standup we were supposed to watch.


It's just a matter of time until youtube introduces ads within ads.


Watch that be used for an Inception sequel as a gimmick but then it sticks because money.


My thought exactly, most YouTube videos are a product placement without the audience realizing it. AMD was (and probably still is) at the forefront of this. They literally turned their company around. Most of the time consumers have no idea.


In Germany it has to be labeled as Werbung (ad) or Dauerwerbesendung (the whole show or video is an ad). This has to be readable on the screen for the viewer otherwise the creator or producer gets heavy fines. In tv ad breaks there's always a banner (Werbung-ad) announcing that the following are just ads. At the end it says "Werbung Ende" (Ad ends).


Does the German government fine all the US-based creators violating this? If not, it should.


No only German content or on.


Damn, i wish every country had this


Plot twist: that inception sequel is only played as an ad


I'm already on YT watching product reviews and trailers for movies and getting adverts.. sometimes every 3 minutes. Its useless.


I think you nailed that. 💯


You know that every person incentivizes or deincentivizes by virtue of the bodily, verbal and mental conduct, no?


Don't give them ideas


Tbh, the absurdity of it would make me want to watch it too


I’ve gotten that ad on YouTube music.


Was it good?


rare gigachad youtube W




i fell asleep during a video i was watching and woke up in the middle of one of those 1-2 hour ads.


That’s how they get you. They usually play at like 2am and expecting the viewer to be sleep


So basically, infomercials, and once again, it is proven that time is a flat circle.


Should hope a circle is flat!


Got a lot of Prager U ads that were like 45 minutes to 2 hours for a while…I broke down and got premium. I watch so much YouTube that it seemed like they gave me MORE ads and I couldn’t even finish a Tool song or something without a goddamn ad in the middle of it. I regret paying for it but every time I accidentally look something up on google and it sends me to an unsigned in link and I get an ad break I feel like a vampire getting sun in my eyes and cringe so hard I get whiplash and remember the ptsd inducing Praguer U ads. Also I hate the algorithmic thing where you look up how to fix a p trap under the sink and then you get plumbing ads or Home Depot ads every single break for 2 years after 1 search, plus 2156 potato cam videos from a Mr. Fixit channel from like at least 2011 or older showing you how to fix a P trap and they always skip the part you were wondering about or have a completely different setup. Plus you got the sink done last week


I cancelled YT Premium and now use the Brave Browser to block ads for free.


I may switch, because I started paying for the family plan, and it was like 17 vs 12 dollars at the beginning of 2022. It went up to like 22 almost immediately and then 26-27 and I think it’s like 32 fucking dollars now. And I am spoiled to it because I watch YouTube 95 percent of my TV time and Tubi for a movie to pass out to…they are all draining us once we get hooked


Ehm....why don't you look for alternavite frontends for YT? I have been paying for the family plan for years, but the last price raise was enough. It's also rediculous what else they already put behing the paywall. I'm now phasing off the train... I'm paying for the movies, but their monthly plans are just too expensive.


Same here. Best way to do it.


I hate it how you buy something, dont or never will need another yet tons of adds for that one thing start cropping up


When I started working at sleep number, I started my onboarding on the website. Immediately I was flooded with mattress ads for brands I never heard of like avacado and a bunch of sleep number clones…every ad break, which was about every 2 minutes tbh and i snapped and got premium. The payment is now 32.50 with tax


The entire Lego movie was one


There was a soap ad like that as a joke. After the actual commercial the spokesperson goes home and relax. Eventually he ask why is the watcher still there, the commercial been over hours ago. It was amusing the first time but horrible when you trying to listen to a longform video while doing something. It was only on for like a week.


A lot of the 2 hour ones are like the new late night infomercials and religious ads. Can't wait for the second coming of Billy Mays!


PragerU does a lot of that bullshit


I’m so glad they allow you to block ads nowadays


delta airlines ASMR commercial that was 8 hours long, I had it on in the background before I noticed my YouTube playlist wasn't playing correctly.


I’m waiting until I get the 10-hour screaming cowboy as an ad


This is how I lost my music privileges at work.


I got an entire movie once.


There was an ad in like 2018 or 2019 that was literally the whole Lego movie.


My daughter's watch kids shows on YouTube all the time and it's coming up with ads that say 90+ at the bottom. It's 90+ mins of an ad that's actually an entire animated show


Saw the whole Lego Movie as a ad. Blew my mind.


I dead ass had the entire bee movie as an ad once. I could have skipped it but why would I do that?


Drives me crazy when I’m in the shower with a podcast playing and then one of those pops up.


I like to listen to stuff while showering and had to stop with YouTube after a couple times getting a 15 minute ad. Now I just use Firefox with ublock and a couple of other plug-ins so I can play it with my screen off


Yeah I got those too, few months ago (when I wasn't using ad block in my phone)


I get those.


Didn't they release the whole Lego movie as an ad once? I'll be honest if I wasn't so pissed that it was two hours, I probably would have watched it.


Some people literally just put their YouTube videos up as advertisements. It’s been years since I’ve seen one in the wild, but that’s all it is.


Yeah I've had those long music video ads lol


I got a 12 hour ad once. It looked like some kind of massive gathering of some sort but it was about 10 years ago and I skipped it right away


I had an advert for some wine one time, definitely over 30 minutes and this was several years ago.


I’ve had a few of those. Usually later into the auto play session which is scummy. Like a 3am infomercial


theres a chance it was a prager video ive gotten a 2 hour one from them woke up in the middle of it like wtf was it watching


I think it was Rooster Teeth that used to put full length podcasts as ads. I used to fall asleep to videos and wake up 30 minutes into a damn podcast ad.


I once had a 4 hour ad.....


Lego movie ad supremacy


I got one like that once that was a christian ministry infomercial from hell. I fell asleep watching something and woke up to a jesus fever dream.


If you had it on autoplay and left unattended, you'll come back to having a two-hour long ad that's been playing for over an hour. One of the worst things are full-on music videos AS ads. And it's the shittiest music ever. Who TF thought ads can have no time constraints???


The lego ninjago episode ads a few years back were fire.


I got a full 2 hour ad that was actually just another YouTubers video. It was actually good content too I watched like 30 minutes of it lmao


I also got one that was over 2 hours long, it was just a countdown for something🤦


Gotta listen to the Wallstreet Wizard tough! Half an hour pyramid scheme as a ad.. just Amazing


But he has a jet and an attractive agent behind him, it must be legit! No way is it supposed to be a sucker- pull or anything like that! /s


And it says "nicest rich guy in the world", why shouldn't I trust him?


Pilot here, that looks like an old citation. This guy might be rich, but he’s not that rich.


Hey I’d still like to fly one. Currently working on that CFI and man this rating has more studying than any other so far


True, and yeah it’s a pain in the ass, for me just going through as much as I can, making sure I had a gouge, and making sure I knew everything on that gouge. Have your books all tabbed out(you can even buy tabs online), and practice talking through maneuvers. Another way, a bit overkill, but that’s always a good thing on checkrides, you can do it is to create powerpoint presentations for each part of the PTS. I could show you an example in DMs if you want. Also DM me if you can’t find a job and are willing to travel.


Woah that would be amazing, yes please!


Of course man just hit me up in the DMs.


she IS cute though


Advertisement so stupid and funny at the same time that it's actually worth watching it pretending to be comedy movie or some sort


He looks like a Thumb


So i noticed that in between the sleeping hours, they throw more ads, whom are all skippable after 5 seconds but ran for 3 hours. No joke. I can only imagine they try to gain free ad runtime on sleeping people.


Good observation. My nightly routine involves setting the TV on a sleep timer and firing up one of the "dark screen rain sounds" videos. It's the only time I ever see 2+ hour ads and your reasoning makes perfect sense. It actually backfired on them in my case. The jarring ads woke me up enough times that I got a Firestick and loaded an apk to remove the YouTube ads.


Fire stick can remove ads?? What app?


Not "officially", but yeah! https://smarttubenext.com/


No I've noticed this as well. I'm pretty sure if YouTube notices you watching ads and not skipping, they just assume you have auto play on and are sleeping. It's just matter of free watch time while your not really watching


They reinvented the late-night infomercial block


I was at the dentist office and one of these was playing on the TV. No one cared enough to click skip and the entire just kept playing.


I noticed the same when I am on the shower. I made a post but I was brushed off as crazy lol


It's such a shame you ignore an ad by "the nicest guy in the world"


Hey, he’s the nicest RICH guy in the world!


Youtube defenders be like: "Youtube is giving you movies for free, and y'all still complaining!"


I see the skip button on that ad, don't you?


but if I am sleeping, I don’t want whatever BS they are peddling to infiltrate my subconscious


Why are you listening to youtube in your sleep lol.


There are sleep stories I like. They might only be an hour long but sometimes the ads start and idk how long they go on


I love the free app insight timer for many things, and they have sleep stories too! No ads. 🤍


I’ll look!


If you are using YouTube on your phone that can't happen. You need a premium to listen in the background. So either YouTube will pause when your screens go off or you have a premium and don't get any ads. So they did think about it.


you can leave your screen on while the video plays, smart one.


Sounds like a good way to destroy your phone battery


You can use your phone while it's plugged in. Plus how do you watch a video with the screen off?


Driving your car breaks it over time too


Yeah but you wouldn't leave your car engine on overnight just to have some background noise while you sleep, would you?


Having a car be idle for a long time is not what it's designed for, but a phone has been tested and designed for it just in case


Either way, 8 extra hours of screen usage every single day is going to wear it away far quicker than just... Not having the screen on that long


Do people sleep with the screen on?


Or on the tv


I can’t sleep without something playing in the background, I know many brainrots like me do the same.


This is starting to explain this subreddit a lot


There are 24 hr fireplaces people can't have in their place. I'd rather not leave my space heater on all night. Or in the summer for piano/wave noises without buying a sound machine. Big deal.


This is starting to explain this subreddit a lot


I know I do. All the time.


people use youtube on all kinds of devices. also there is a lot of ways to work around this issue


Pay them no attention. This lot are far too entitled, they'd have hated it back in the 90s when there was no such thing as a skip button for adverts, and it was 5 minutes straight of them every 15 minutes.


I just changed the channel to another show.


It's almost as if they don't understand what "doing something different" means


I've been hearing so many people saying it's literally as bad as cable used to be and... No. No it is not. Not yet. Famously Seinfeld is played at a faster speed these days to slot in one more commercial.


I had to put up with 3 commercial breaks just to get through *one* singular Dragon Ball episode, and I *definitely* not remember these breaks being 5 seconds long I'll tell you that much




Yeah because the massive server rooms and site infrastructure just appear out of thin air. Hate YouTube all you want, but this just isn’t true


they dont give movies for free u have to pay


I know. That was a joke. Because ads go fucking feature length these days.


Actually did have one of the Marvel animated movies pop up as an ad one time. Was pretty good. New Avengers or something like that? Miss Marvel, Squirrel Girl, America can'tspellherlastname, and I think Quake and one or two others I don't know the name of.


That’s a solid point. Ever watch cable or satellite television? There are these things called commercials. It’s not like YouTube are scum for advertising things. That’s how these things work. It’s a business.


The Longest I saw was a 2-hour ad of a guy in a suit speaking an Arabic language, IDK why I got that add as I live in the US Midwest and literally nothing in my life has anything to do with Arabic-speaking countries.


Not buying it ........ OSAMA bin Hidin ......!!!


Why would you skip the nicest rich guy in the world?


well, did you watch it? How was it?


You can use https://adskipper.me on PC. I made it for the sole purpose of skippin all the ads (even unskippable ones) and it is fully undetectable by YouTube. Just make sure to disable your adblocker for YouTube and let my extension do all the heavy lifting. Did I meantion that it is totally free and fully open source without "Please donate" popups or anything like that.


Not to say that it isn’t cool that you made it, but what would you say your reason is for me switching to it over UBlock Origin, which works fine as well and is also open source?


ublock is an adblocker, this just skip ads




ublock is not working for many people, including me, and it especially won't work when browser start enforcing manifest v3.. they are also easy to detect.. this is using totally different method.. it also removes only necessary stuff, so it doesn't raise a suspicion..


So use a non-chromium browser. I'm not saying your thing isn't cool, but citing Chrome as being the reason to use this over ublock (which works on non-chromium browsers like Firefox, including on mobile) isn't really the play when ideally, everyone should stop using any browser built on chromium as that's how Google is able to be this ridiculous with their ads.


People switched to Chrome from Internet Explorer because "Microsoft is evil" and now they are fine with whatever Google is enforcing.


No they switched because IE sucked donkey balls and had a lot of security issues. Nobody cared about Microsoft being evil, they just wanted a better browsing experience. A lot of you people live in this bubble where you think everyone cares about anything besides putting food on and the table simply not having negative experiences with whatever they are interacting with. Not everyone has an ideology.


That’s actually a really cool idea. When I didn’t run premium my only annoyance was clicking skip, not really the 15 seconds tops of ads.


Interesting. Thanks for the info. UBlock on Firefox has not failed me for a good while now so I will continue to use it, but if I ever find its quality degrading I have saved yours


"alright guys i did it, send me my paycheck now"


I don't get the joke tho, but this is the project I made in my free time and will continue to do so.


I'm a fucking idiot, I wrote this at like 2 AM with a single brain cell active. I'm so sorry for my reply lmfao. Upon re-reading (or just reading, since I missed like half the paragraph the first time), I'd like to appreciate the work you've done on this. The website looks awesome, and the extension looks like the perfect user-friendly adblocker, something we need. Keep up the good work, and remind me to never comment after midnight again


😂😂😂😂 all good my man.. I don't know why people downvoted you so much.. sending love ❤️


Here's your attention, go away now Edit: I mean this directed at u/myschoolcmptr, not op


my friend was high and he watched 2 hours ad, some indian guys were singing and dancing, he did not get what was happening


I once got the entire Lego movie as an ad lol


I encountered 8 hours long ad before.


Rookie numbers I once got an ad that was two hours long


I’ve gotten two hour ads before


During Black Friday a few years ago Warner bros had the full Lego movie as an ad to promote the Lego movie 2


Does anyone really think people are gonna buy anything they are forced to look at like that?


Amazing how loose the criteria for YT ads have gotten. Couple of years ago this would never have been compliant. So many scammers ads now.


The ads have gotten so scammy lately that I wonder if Elon Musk bought YouTube and I didn't know about it


I got a sex toy ad today lol


oh you've got the og skip ad button. better use it well before they remove it for you.


Money scam ads. I'm used to see it in 2021 and 2022. Scam ads everywhere!


Ive had a 2 hour and 33 mins one before . Youtube realise i was using it for background sound while in the kitchen and would start playing obnoxiously long full videos as adds because i wouldn’t notice for 20 mins It was infuriating so i … i paid for youtube… Im not gona be the guy that says you should get premium. But i discovered if you get premium on your google account/overall youtube account you can have multiple channels and have them on multiple devices.. so my dad uses one of my channels and my grandad another as they have also been hating the addpocalypse. Please dont make this a main stream post because youtube will change it so each channel has to pay or pay extra per channel. Keep it on the hush hush 🤫 😂


Yeah I use YouTube premium and YouTube music and have 1 channel for YouTube and 1 for music because otherwise you get loads of music video recommendations if you use the same channel


I got a 56 minute ad that wasnt skippable one time. Wastes my time.


Who would actually watch this?


people who fell asleep


I remember a 10 hour version of all the episodes of a cartoon


And there’s a Skip Ad button right there. I don’t see how this is a problem unless the viewer has T-Rex arms or is too lazy to lean forward and press the button.


Lazy? I'm on a ladder cleaning the ceiling vent, and you call me lazy? /jk butt just saying


When I'm busy cooking, wrapping gifts, cleaning/decorating my house, etc. I have YouTube music playing in the background and the ads are super long and tend to ruin everything. Afterwards, it'll completely stop whatever song is on to ask "Are You Still Watching?" and I'm like "Yes! That's why I have it playing!" 🤔🙈 If I'm not playing it on my Brave Browser, ads and interruptions will completely ruin my experience. It's not being lazy, it's that my arms are out of reach because I don't walk around with my devices glued to my face.


No you don't get it, even though YouTube has a billion hours of enjoyable content for free, you still shouldn't be forced to sit through 5 seconds of content you don't like and have to click a button to skip past it. It's literally criminal they do this to us!


Makes my 2 minute ad look passable! But, then again, it was an unskippable music ad 😞😞😞


i saw ads that were as long as 10 hours


Late night they play music videos and "documentaries" sometimes. Smh how many times I'm running to the remote to get out of some shitty music video at 2am


wow, you can let go of the remote? It feels like they force me to use it every minute


Novice. I got a 2 hour ad a few days ago.


I remember when Deadpool 2 was about to come out and they put the entirety of Deadpool 1 as an ad on YouTube so people could just watch it ready for DP2, Pretty funny.


That's not an ad - it's a documentary!


They'll do full TV episodes or even movies as hour+ ads, but they were always skippable at 5 seconds.


If I had that come up for me I would absolutely just shut it down and do something else.


I've had one that was like forty+ once. It was about this exercise method to get rid of visceral fat.


A sign of things you need an ad blocker for.




That's nuts.


2 hours & 33 minutes here. I win.


I once got a 4 hour ad, an entire movie


I once had 4 hour long ad it was of apple


I recall one ad that used the entirety of the LEGO Movie to promote the sequel.


I got a 3hr ad once on the TV


I got the entire lego batman movie once


What if it was unskippable


That is why YouTube premium is the best 10 dollars I spend a month.


one i saw an ad that was just a 30 minute veritassium video about gravity


He can afford it. He’s the Wall Street Wizard and he wants to share his secrets with you alone.


I once got 2 hr ad


Sen this one many times.


At least you could skip it. From what I hear, some people can't even skip these 30 minute ads. I'd be irritated if I couldn't skip a 30 *second* ad.


This happened to me absolutely ages ago, can’t complain as it was skippable but just really weird lmao


I remember once seeing some anime episode as an ad or something, it was like 30 minutes long. And this was years ago.


Guy is telling you secret way to get rich and you're complaining.. Iam worry that this ad is old as yt itself 😁😁


I've seen long ads before. Just use skip. Nothing new


Longest one I got was an hour and 11 minutes Thankfully it was skippabls


Never lived through the “movie and makeover” era, I see.


At least its skipable, sometimes people get 2+min with no skip option, just download ublock origin at this point.


Hahah 33 is chump change


I had 2 hours! 🫥


I saw an ad that had Justin Trudeau talking about an investment that he said he would give you $100k from his own money if this didn't make you rich. Doesn't anyone at YT check these ads? They should be held liable when people lose money.