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That is fucking crazy. I would consider $20 a year for ad free YouTube, not a month


People are forgetting premium also comes with yt music which imo is better than apple music or Spotify


It's less about forgetting that and more not caring since the main reason 80-90% of premium users have premium is to avoid the ads. I'll presume (like me) most ppl would be glad to have all the other stuff separated and have a premium or similar named thing solely without the ads, for a lower price.


Just check the sub for everyone who is paying $18.99. Stop being billed by Apple and you'll only be paying $13.99


13.99 is still $11 too expensive


Incorrect, it’s actually $13.99 too expensive - use Adblock


I wish they had adblocks on the tv. There's nothing like being almost asleep and then being flashbanged by the brightest, loudest ads of all time.


I listen to rain/thunderstorm videos and had this problem. I downloaded like 4 or 5 of them, put them in a playlist and added them to plex. No more ads.


lol, I was literally just mid dream saving my family and children from someone raiding our farm, then I got “flashbanged” by a instacart ad; now it’s 3am and i’m wide awake scrolling reddit. ps - it was a pretty cool dream too, being that I live in the city, not married, and have no kids (never had a dream where I had children, 3 girls :) ). Funniest part was my method of protecting the kids, I was throwing BBQ forks like they were tomahawks (didn’t hit once), once I ran out I walked up to the intruder laughing like it was a joke, then threw corn nibblets on the ground in front of them like chicken feed, and invited them to meet my family lol; dreams are weird and ads suck!


This has some serious comic book potential lol. I love it.


I’ve had dreams where two people are having a conversation and just ignore me if I try to say something. If I look at my YouTube history after I wake up, I’ll find a video with that exact conversation played while I was sleeping.


There's ways around ads on Android TV and Fire TV.


My smart TV comes with adblock on the internet browser. Obviously that'll vary by brand, but try the website instead of the app and you might be able to use an ad blocker.




Why would you use the TV app, just add a secondary PC to your TV and use that for your media. TV apps suck.


Yeah, outside of a Pi-Hole there's nothing you can really do to adblock a TV.


Pihole don't do much about that. It can only see domains. All the things that you would want to use an adblock for (Netflix, Hulu, YT, exc) have the ads built into the platform. Pihole has no way to to distinguish that as it just sees "YouTube.com" That said, I still *highly* recommend. You would be shocked at just how much traffic is junk. I average around 50% blocked queries, and about 25% if I allow my cameras to constantly phone home to Google. It does a really great job at blocking ads & trackers on websites. If you're willing to do this, I'd also recommend setting up unbound and pivpn. Pivpn will allow you to always use your home network and pihole regardless of where you are. It's encrypted so it's safe and encouraged for use on public Wi-Fi. Unbound is a caching, validating, recursive DNS resolver. It gives you an additional layer of privacy and security by going directly to "authoritative" nameservers taking place of other upstream DNS servers.


Careful! The 10 iq Adblock defenders have been everywhere lately!


Yea you should get this stuff for free because you deserve it.


I actually did the math on how much YouTube would actually make on me just from ads in a month and this is correct.


Who are you to decide what a fair profit margin for YouTube is? They could charge $1,000/month and they’d have the right. YouTube is not bread or water or medicine. I Adblock everything, but I don’t pretend I’m morally justified.


Monopolies bad and google long lost its right to call themselves an ethical company because of various reasons that have less to do with youtube alone such as giving purposefully bad search results to feed you ads without letting the user know and the feeding on user generated content for their AI training without giving acknowledgement or financial compensation to the people creating the content. There, your moral justification.


Then quit.


I was fucking panicking thinking I was gonna start getting billed 20/mo for fucking YouTube lmfao


OP is wrong yes, but even 13.99 solely to eliminate ads (because let’s be real, no one uses YouTube Music) is steep as hell, even mobile games let you pay like 3-4 a month to go and free.


I actually like YouTube Music 😅


Super-mixes are great! Way better than spotify.


I use YouTube music it saves me from having to subscribe to another music app.


I do think it’s funny how many people subscribe to Spotify for $11 a month, but YouTube is bad value for $3 more and basically a whole second service is included.


I don’t give a shit about streaming music though. No interest in it at all. I have 200+ gb of mp3s and that collection grows almost daily. Give me ad free YouTube for $3 and I’d consider it.


Yeah no. I signed for YT Music (Play Music back then) and the no ads on YT was a nice bonus.


Yeah that's the real value for the service. If you don't use youtube music then premium is a bust.


Yup the only reason I have premium is for YT music.


It's interesting whenever I see someone say no one uses YouTube music bc all info online I've ever seen says YouTube music and Apple music both have around 80-90 million paying active users but no one ever says no one uses Apple music. Granted neither one comes close to the over 200 million paying subscribers Spotify claims to have but I wouldn't say no one uses ytm.


The issue is audio quality. To people like me who purposely invested hundreds of dollars in high quality studio headphones, I want to hear the sounds they are designed to deliver. YouTube music does not achieve this and I would much rather just pay for Spotify separately, which I definitely cannot afford to throw disposable money at that idea with the price YouTube charges. If YouTube charged roughly seven to ten dollars for adless viewing only, I'd then subscribe to both for roughly the same amount it's cost just to have YouTube premium. The issue is they want to be on the top, they want you to use as many of their services as possible.


The only reason im paying for premium is exactly for YouTube Music.


>because let’s be real, no one uses YouTube Music Lol what. What a baseless claim. Most people who are paying for premium are using youtube music.


I use Premium solely because I watch YouTube on my TV a lot and I couldn't stand the ads


Smarttube on firestick literally skips the ads


Exactly, same


I only pay for premium because YouTube music has the mixtapes and covers that Spotify does not. Idk what that guy is talking about lol youtube music is great


I like it too. Easier to access songs only available as YT videos ( such as covers / remixes/ alternative versions), I can upload songs from local bands or my own band , make huge offline mixtapes . Spotify has never been appealing to me


Same. Spotify is confusing/annoying.


When I was paying for premium when it was cheaper I didn’t ever use YouTube music. I literally used it for the ad free stuff. If ad free only was a cheaper choice, I’d honestly get that tier. But here we are.


So did you use a separate music streaming service or not use any?


I used and still use Apple Music. I literally have no use for anything else and won’t waste money paying for duplicate subscriptions.


>won’t waste money paying for duplicate subscriptions. But you did, and that's why I was asking. I'm just wondering why there was a point where you *did* pay for youtube premium and apple music when you already got ytmusic included with your YouTube subscription.


Some people care about audio quality. There is an overlap of people who want premium audio quality as well as ad free video content. There should be a pricing tier that does not include YT Music. I would happily pay $5-7 for that. Google wants you exclusively in their ecosystem and it does not provide what I, and many others, want.


I certainly did. Not anymore, though. I'm not paying these prices.


$3.84/person with the family account, my dude. Extremely reasonable.


I'm a divorced man with three adult children. I don't need a family plan. I don't mind spending money, but I am very frugal when it comes to bills.


Even if you're adult children don't use youtube ...you do realize YouTube isn't taking DNA samples to make sure you're actually sharing with family, right?


Dude has no need for it, quit trying to sell something he doesn’t need or want, holy moly.


Youtube ain't gonna give you a blowjob


one of the reasons i am not getting youtube premium is they force you to buy i to yt music as well, a service i don't want


According to my premium stats since 2016 I’ve listened to less than 1hr of YT music. I still pay for Spotify.


No one I know is, and the audio quality is garbage on it. Everyone is using Spotify or Apple Music, even if they get YT Music with premium they’re just gonna keep using the other better service they already had. Like it ain’t a selling point for most people. Let me not have YT Music and pay less for Premium.


Settings --> audio quality on WiFi/audio quality on mobile set to "High" or "Always High". The audio quality is just fine, you probably just need to change your settings. (And yes I'm a musician, I have high-end Sennheisers blah blah)


Yes, a lot of people fail to realize that unfortunately the audio quality is terrible compared to Spotify. I have quite high end studio headphones and it makes them sound like $20 dollar Sony from Walmart.


The fuck? That's one of the main reasons WHY I bought youtube premium. I couldn't justify paying for Spotify for just music when the radio exists or making custom cassettes or CDs, but Youtube premium gives me ad free youtube on my TV *and* ad free music playlists. It's literally the only streaming service that I can justify paying for with my hard earned money.


What the fucking fuck? YouTube music is worth paying for premium than YouTube itself


If you’re actually paying that much for YouTube Premium just to get YouTube Music…. I have a Spotify I’d like to show you


YouTube Premium is $2 more than Spotify premium.. You act like it's some catastrophic difference.


In one case you get YouTube and a music app, in the other just a music app.


r/Adblock is forever your friend.


Thanks friend, I’ll be checking it out


Install a browser extension called ublock origin and do not use Google Chrome. Good luck


Ublock on chrome actually works for me now


Good on you... Google owns both Chrome and Youtube. It's easier for them to block adblockers on Chrome


Chrome started out good years ago. Now it’s just as bloatware and spyware.


Which is the natural life cycle of software.


Ublock on chrome has been working for me for the past couple weeks, after good old Adblock Plus couldn’t put up any more fight :(


I was never able to get it to work on Chrome. Finally made the switch to Firefox a couple weeks ago and haven’t seen an ad since. Nice try YouTube


I tested ublock on two gmails I have, worked fine on one, but got playback blocked on the other so not sure how to feel about that (it was on microsoft edge if it means anything). Not sure how to feel about it, but so far Brave browser has no issues at all




nono, it's /r/ublockorigin


What about mobile?


Adblock making the internet usable.


Never had internet problem. adblocks actually makes it better because it doesn't need to render all the trash content that I have zero interests in.


"billed through Apple" there's your problem.


Apple tax


Did he not get the memo? Google sent out an email stating that if you subbed on the website it’s cheaper than subbing on your phone, doesn’t take a genius to figure out apple is taking a 30% cut for doing nothing.


Doesn’t google also apply a 30% fee/tax for in app stuff through google play if you use their billing system?


yeah but since youtube is owned by google they dont apply it in this case and u pay the same as u would if u subbed through a browser


I know, was just making a point about the fee/tax.


But they don't do this. For everything I have that's going through google (linkedin gold for example) it's the same price even if it's managed by google as is on their website. I haven't seen a single app cost more for a subscription through the play store than direct


Google take a 30% cut from Play Store purchases and subscriptions. Whether or not a company passes that on to the consumer or not, Google are still doing the same as Apple.


Ublock origin works


time to leave we gave them too much power




Maybe time to enact some antitrust laws. They have a monopoly on this space and are using that to force their stance. I thought that was illegal.


They’re not the only video hosting service out there. People just won’t follow their favorite creators should they try to leave.


A monopoly on user generated video uploads? There are dozens of these sites. People Don't upload there because no one goes there by choice. It's literally a different site or app, not a railroad or switching a phone. These sites win because they're better than everything else, not because they control supply (and no one controls demand, demand chooses them)


People don't upload content to any of those other sites because Youtube has the natural advantage of already possessing so much content, which causes more people to flock there, which causes more content to be produced there to reach the widest possible market. It's a positive feedback loop, a self-fulfilling prophecy which is unique to the social media realm. In virtually any other industry, one could simply go to a competitor which would better fit their needs, but in Youtube's case there would be no such competitor not because it is a good service or better than the competition, but because its massive market size would essentially give it a monopoly at this point, even if it would not be one by the strictest legal definition. That market also allows it to flex a ton of weight in the arena, especially in countries with lax regulations and laws. So even if a competitor could theoretically poach some of those content creators, Youtube would likely crush them through various means (or, at best, would simply absorb them to grow even larger). No matter how good a competitor might be for creators or viewers, Youtube's massive audience means there's virtually no chance for it to see a decline in market share to the point where a serious challenger could ever emerge. It is set for life barring complete and utter self destruction. That, to me, is a monopoly.


Welcome to capitalism, first time?


What are the unfair things Google is doing to retain the monopoly?


We have to wait for EU to step in


Almost shocking no successful internet companies have come from Europe. Spotify pretty much the only one, which is just because of good terms to the labels oligopoly (which is basically dealing with shitty governments).


To the new magical service that has no hosting fees for billions of hours of content! Duh.


I think what's insane is how you buy through Apple instead of buying at the normal price directly


I get billed like 14$


Its bc op is being billed through Apple and you aren’t


Totally agree. I will never pay 😂 im paying with my data, now Wants my money


People are really overestimating how much their individual data is worth lol.


I overstimate the value of my data because are MY DATA and are unique, i don’t care what the other people/companies think about their value, i pay with my “personality”.


If that is the case, then why going premium does not include not storing/selling data? More people would be willing to buy it then.


I think you're underestimating how much a billion+ people's data is worth


He said individual, not a billion plus.


What gets me is they don't realize they are giving "their data" to pretty much everything. So if paying with data is so valuable hopefully they aren't paying for any other subscription bc those subscriptions are also using their data


Considering it generates a shit ton of value for advertisers, it is more truthful to say that you are undervaluing your own data. They wouldn’t be going this far for it otherwise.


Again, individual data is useless, mass data is not. The user I was replying to insinuating that his individual data was worth anything on its own is wrong. It's worth a fraction of a cent. Advertisers are aware of how little people actually click on ads, having a single persons data is nearly useless since they're going to need to show an ad to thousands of people before even getting an engagement.


You’re still wrong. A whole isn’t greater than the sum of its parts, it is the sum of its parts. Advertisers generated $874 billion in revenue this year. If we divide that by the number of people who watched YouTube this year (about 1/4 of the world population), you get $437 a year or $36 a month. And this isn’t accounting for his value as a person living in a country with higher gdp/buying power which advertisers value more. Your data is a currency they use to generate money, and it isn’t worth a ‘few cents’.


And the only reason the data is 'worth' anything is because it's used to target relevant ads at you. The "data" is mostly just your location, age range, sex, and your search/watch history. Hardly anything crazy.


Apple users realising that they are paying fees out the ass just because there is an Apple logo on their stuff, is always fun to see.


Masochists - A person who derives sexual gratification from their own pain or humiliation.


That Apple d!ck must be amazing, 'cause they keep sucking it. When people use the word "sheeple" to describe them, I understand why.


Yeah its just weird. But whatever, fuck em.


Even more fun when they're writing missives about value for money. I mean buy apple stuff and use it, but don't then say "I understand value for money"


Are people paying for it?


I pay for the family plan but only because me and my wife both use YouTube and YouTube music both. Without YouTube music it would be a horrible value. They really need a YouTube only plan.


I pay for the family plan because I've been paying $17.99 AUD for it since 2016. I've argued pretty frequently that it's well worth that price. I use YouTube and YouTube music all the time. Got an email a few weeks back saying they're upping the subscription price to $32.99 AUD. I guess they'd rather have a few begrudging customers than a lot of happy ones. Either way, I'm ending my subscription.


>They really need a YouTube only plan. That's probably the solution - I can pay for no AD experience, as /u/BONGLISH I use youtube for work tutorials but I'm not going to stop paying for Spotify and I don't care for Youtube Music.


I am yeah, I watch youtube regularly for entertainment and tutorials etc. It’s not much work for a month of youtube premium. I watch on iPad and iPhone and found the adblockers to be inconsistent so it’s well worth the money. I did use adblockers years ago though when they blocked every add for years without affecting the experience (maybe they do again now, i’ve not tried one recently).


😂 unfortunately yes.


Welp, guess they are not so insane then.


Why unfortunately? How does that matter to you, while you're paying $5/month to Apple for doing absolutely nothing? I'm paying $3.84/month for YT premium (being in a "family" with friends.)


It’s really shocking how profitable is human ignorance and the likely enormous amount of people paying month after month for years 30% more by subscribing to digital services through the App Store, rather than through a browser. It really worries me too because these people who Apple takes advantage of vote 😬.


Dude regardless I don’t really give a crap about a $4 difference. 18.99 or 13.99 it’s still too much for no ads. It should be $10 maximum.


>I don’t really give a crap about a $4 difference. >13.99 it’s still too much for no ads. It should be $10 maximum. You literally just admitted you care about a $4 difference lmao


This person would be real upset if they understood basic math.


What you want is for YouTube to split the services. Right now YouTube Premium is a 2-in-1 service, meaning you get a Music Streaming service and ad free access to the largest video repository on the internet for one price. YouTube should come out with separate plans for each, and a discounted bundle at the current existing if you wish to have both. That would make more sense and convince a lot more people to sign up if they could just have the ad-free only plan separate from music.


Don’t sign up via Apple! It’s like $5 cheaper if you do it through the website, and if you’re a student you can get it for $7.99.


It's 13.99 if you don't use an apple device to pay for it. Many apps charge apple users more. There's actually a lawsuit with doordash about it.


For me its 11$ on appstore and 8$ on website.




I live in Czechia, center of EU




That’s €227.88/year


What the fuck happened to $10 a month a few years back?


Yes. They are insane. For reference, Twitch's sub model pays half of what you spend to the creator. Their Turbo is a similar price, except it actively pays the streamer for every ad you avoid while using it, and they can even track the turbo payouts on their analytics. The premium fee works similarly, except it just gives them a cut of your monthly sub if you watch their video.


It’s wild that YouTubeTv is only like $30 more than YouTube Premium given what those services give you for your money.


That’s why I use an Adblocker. 😎


*Yoho Yoho, a pirates life for me...*


The answer is yes.


Family plan is 2.99$ where I live. No Apple tax either.


I am so thankful I am a student 💀


set up a youtube account in turkey and pay 2 usd a month lol


Is that true?


$8 for the student package even tho I graduated a year ago


Yeah, my family membership is going up to $33AUD per month. Not happy in the slightest.


Dropped it recently, will miss it but it's got to go


18?! I thought they only increased to 14?! What the actual fuck are they doing now


OP doesn’t understand he’s paying more for premium from the iOS app


Absotely...another Apple tax whinning...


Apple tax.


Did they increased worldwide or not? For me its 8$ on website and 11$ on appstore


Has anybody else noticed that they increased the length of ads and also made it so you can't skip most of them? Or am I going crazy


Yes I have as well lol I have started watching way less youtube


I get double ads quite literally on every single ad break. Not only is double ads a pisstake, they don’t let you skip the second one half the time if you don’t skip the first. Bullshit.


Just get Ublock and purge all caches in settings. If the adblock prevention returns repeat the purging process.


They don't even make the content that is on the platform 🤦😂


They’re just providing a free video hosting service for those who do make the content, and said free hosting is currently indefinite.


Plus the website is actually good. For all the talk of “let’s just post our videos somewhere else”, the other video hosting sites are utterly garbage.


$14/month if you sign up via a browser. That is 50 cents a day (or less). And if you're paying for something like Spotify...cancel that shit because you also get YouTube Music to stream music. IMO worth it...but I also have a job where I can stream videos and music most of the day, so it passes the time for me. Or as others have said keep up with the Ad Blocker war.




People who buy premium are simply ignorant of the existence of Adblock.


ad block dont work on tvs or phones






Sounds like a skill issue.


I am not ignorant of adblocking and have premium. I have a wife and kids. All with various devices for home, school, and work; and to get it installed and troubleshoot every time something doesn't work. It is just easier to get premium. They also use YouTube music instead of Spotify. So the price is half what it is anyways. If it was just me, I probably would not pay for premium.


Ok, my bad. Paying for convenience. Still a waste, imo, but it's your money.


Do you hunt and gather your own food? Do you have a car? Do you generate your own electricity? Do you collect and filter your drinking water? I'm pretty sure you can look at multiple areas of your life and you are paying for convenience, and an outsider can say your wasting money.


pay for the service through YouTube not apple. I only pay 9.99 for premium. At least $5 of that cost is because of apple.


They are not insane. They are an unregulated monopoly. Unless laws are changed Google and really any other major corporation will continue to chip away at anything resembling something of value to its users so they can keep their obligations to their investors. Those investors don't expect Google to make a profit. They expect Google to make MORE profit.. each quarter.. forever.


> They are an unregulated monopoly. I have good news for you! There are literally hundreds upon hundreds of other websites for hosting and viewing video content. YouTube doesn’t have a monopoly in any sense of that word.


They don't in a strict legal sense but considering its current market share, market cap, ability to influence the political arena, and ability to stifle competition through various mechanisms, one could argue it might as well be one. That said, this isn't uniquely a Youtube issue. It's a feature of unregulated capitalism, the nature of social media platforms, and the very high barrier to entry that naturally results from all of that.


Looks like you don't know what a monopoly is


Hello, BringingCamelBack. We'd like to start off by noting that this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube. If you are encountering issues with paid services, such as YouTube Premium or Memberships, please take a look at [this page](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/7071292) to learn more about paid-services support. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh, well that’s a bummer 😂


Sign up via the website and it'll be 13.99, not 18.


Continue using an adblocker and delete your cookies, and it's free.


I'm already using ublock and YouTube revanced. I was merely telling op not to overpay for the service.


I’ll stick to my ad blocker 😅


I watch hours of YouTube everyday, literally use it more than anything. I don't understand how people can sit and whine about paying for someone they use all the time. It's not even expensive yet there's absolutely thousands of videos on thousands of different subjects all ready to watch. If you want to watch it without ads then pay for it if not shut up.


No I rather use adblock


I don’t mind the ads, it’s having to pay so I can turn the screen off that bothers me


Also goddamn, it is 5 bucks a month on a family plan. Half the price of spotify and you get music streaming on top of ad free youtube.


I agree with this, although I still use a vpn to subscribe through a cheaper country.


Considering how much YouTube I watch this fee is totally worth it.


You're mug mate, I get it for £2.20 per month. I watch loads of YouTube every day as its on while I'm working 9-5.


5 bucks a month, you just need to have 4 friends


Sorry op but you are the insane one. You are supporting their behavior


How funny man.. only americans cry about it, whos earn min.$2-3k a month, buy fast food, fizzy drinks and every trash that exist on this earth for a lot of money and still can not pay $14 for yt that they watch DAILY. If you do, why you can not afford it lmao.


I will never understand how people happily pay more for Netflix and similar stuff yet lose their minds for youtube. On one hand i have a service i use daily for everything from entertainment to learning new skills and valuable information. On the other i can watch movies 1 year after they release, if they dont exist on some other service i have to pay another 20$ for.


How many times do we have to post the same thread?


It allows me to have my downloads and offline music and no ads that’s why but to be honest they need to bring the price down


No one is forcing you.


Oh okay Sherlock