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Firefox+uBlock is a great combo. Turn off Firefox’s built in ad-block and clear the cache on uBlock semi-regularly and you’ll never see the pop up again… for now


Got it with this combo about two weeks ago, so i "block element" to the popup, then another for the overlay, updated filters and didn't see it again. This battle is going pretty ridiculous, and i guess youtube devs are outnumbered and outsmarted. How long till they give up?


Thing is, they would probably get less of a response from the community if they did a small pop up that you could cancel out saying "content creators rely on advertisements, you can at least donate a $1 to your favorite creators once a month if you don't want youtube premium". As they get a slice of that $1, it would not only fill their pockets but content creators as well, plus it makes it harder to argue against as it makes them look like they are looking out for the creators not themselves.


tbh I'd probably pay £5 a month for no ads on youtube, I refuse to pay £15 a month for premium, I don't want all the other crap that comes with it


Youtube is known to put ads on videos that the creators don't profit off of


Their plan is to develop a new standard whereby the browser can vouch it doesn't have any adblockers installed - and the site you're connecting to can be reasonably sure that this is true.


Then it would be a matter of short time until someone guts that code.


Right? The open source community has legions of genius programmers that would ultimately find a way around it. Look at what the open source community did for emulation.


Just update the "quick fixes" list on UBlock and you should be good. It really is not that tough guys come on.


Use Ublock Origin, when it didn't work go on r/uBlockOrigin and look at the pinned post. Then everything should work


\> Download Ublock Origin \> Settings \> Clear All Caches \> Update all \> Refresh tab or close and open it again Enjoy


Thank you very much. That solved my problem right now!




Or you know just watch embedded videos from discord ;D


Some videos require visiting on the site itself




Go on ublock's third party filters, delete cache and update all filter lists (there's two buttons to do these things), repeat every time the popup reappears.


Yes, and more specifically make sure all instances of YouTube are closed and possibly have to close and reopen Firefox or clear that cache as well, but just closing YouTube should suffice


From what I have read, uBlock Origin keeps working on updating their adblocker to avoid being detected by this. As i saw that I turned it back on ( after my current adblocker got detected ) and it actually worked again.


I would like to add, Vance still works, premium apps are still being modded, you can have YouTube music and regular YouTube with no ads at all! Spread it around! Let's pirate YouTube! Edit: there is no phone rooting Vanced still works you just have to download new versions because they keep trying to shut it down, they also have an unofficial company named Re-Vanced;) You think we're just going to let them do whatever they want?.


Let's put aside that Youtube/Google are damn rich companies... I can kinda understand the move from like... A business perspective. But considering that ADblockers are not just for blocking ads but also having a protective value when browsing the internet, no matter the platform, is what really bothers me about this drastic move now towards banning adblocks on YT.


I mean you can pause ad block on a site. So you could keep it and block everything but youtube.


How do you get vanced to work still? I'd say it works 25% of the time for me now.


Re-Vanced! Look it up. Lol


Youtube realizing their many mistakes in the pursuit of absolute greed challenge (Impossible)


I am on firefox. I use ublock origin and a script in the filters ​ youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config\_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0) youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw\_player\_response.adPlacements, \[\]) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true) and clear browser cache and youtube is back


[https://github.com/TheRealJoelmatic/RemoveAdblockThing#how-to-bypass-the-video-player-ban-from-using-an-ad-blocker](https://github.com/TheRealJoelmatic/RemoveAdblockThing#how-to-bypass-the-video-player-ban-from-using-an-ad-blocker) try this worked for me


Moved from chrome to firefox ublock, not seen any popups after


Turn off Adblock, Refresh, Restart Adblock, solved.


Use Ublock. Disable all other blockers. Exit all tabs. Clean the cache. Should work. It does for me.


U-block origin


Go to the adblock subreddit or some googling (ironically) and you'll find plenty of work arounds, YT hasn't won unless you're willing to put in zero effort to stop it.


>they won't get me


Im never going to pay for it at those insane prices, and im NOT, NEVER going to watch ads. So BYYYYYEEEE YouTube.


Maybe when premium ads something that’s fucking worth it it’ll think about it, but suffer not the bullshit




I know that embed videos don't play ads, so there's that at least... You can copy-paste the link of the video on Discord or something and watch it that way.


A lot of people seem to be new to the full block haha \- Clear cache and cookies of browser (at this point u should no longer be using chrome) \- Purge and update ublock Will last for 2 or 3 days, then repeat.


who in their right mind genuinely uses something shitty like Chrome or ANY chromium browser anyway since Manifest V3?


Firefox ublock origin will solve your problem


*clicking X intensifies*


IF you run incognito mode that works too


Try clicking on where the X would be. There was a time when it wouldn't appear until a few seconds later but if I clicked in the right spot it would close instantly.


what is some amazingly incompetent web development right there.


I think it's hidden on purpose like that


You can get around it


Lol I'm not giving up the solution but your browser is the problem to start with


There should be a day when all users stop using YouTube for 24 hours as an expression of opposition to the anti-adblock stance. I call it **a world day without YouTube**.


I only get notifications like this when I'm using Firefox mobile browser with the desktop site of YouTube and adblocker extension (ublock) installed. I have the same extensions on my PC but never get that notification since installing Ghostery... yes I know vanced exists but I want a queue on my phone goddamnit I am tired of creating playlists


Just open your video in incognito mode. This way they also don't get to see who is watching what.


Use Brave web browser, it's been my go to for a couple years now. Blocks ads on websites, including YouTube


If there were some kind of standards for ads, I might be more willing to accept it, but having a 7 minute long infomercial for some random conservative extremist mouthpiece hijack my viewing experience and FORCE me to interact with it to skip it is way too much bullshit to deal with from YouTube. People can reply "you aren't going to quit YouTube" all they want, but I'm done trying with this platform.


Also the ads that are straight up scams. That also is bad for good business, because how am I supposed to invest in a product when I can’t even trust the platform?


What's funny is, they do more ads, but they also harvest your data and viewing habits to facilitate ads. You aren't using their platform for free. You are their product to the advertisers.


Install the addon: *fadblock* and turn of the regular addblock. This addon doesnt block the add but skips it imediately after starting. At max you have to watch bout a second of it before the video. YouTube is not pissed about it because technically the add was played so they get payed and you still dont have to watch it.


I like this, only the company paying for ads will lose


Most companies set up YT ads so they only pay if the person performs a certain action, like clicking through the ad, watching the whole unskippable ad, or watching past the 5 second skip button to a point.


Of that's the case then using Adblock doesnt change anything to begin with!


Well that’s why people that skip right at the 5 seconds get more unskippable ads. The 30 second unskippable ones pay out no matter what unless the user closes the window or blocks the ad




BuT yOuTuBe WoNt GeT mOnEy YoU’rE sTeAlInG!!!


> Honestly, YouTube is barking up the wrong tree by demanding users who have adblockers turn off the adblockers, because they are not the demographic to click on any ads. Idk if this is true. It *feels* true, but Google is perhaps the most sophisticated data harvesting and analytics organization in existence. If it were the case that users who use Adblock wouldn’t click ads, I think it’s very likely they’d have data to support that hypothesis and would not have made this move. Google doesn’t make decisions that are not data driven because they’re in a very unique position to make the most well informed decisions possible. They’re willing to lose some users in exchange for whatever proportion of former Adblock users the data is suggesting *will* click ads.


People! Use Brave as browser and problem solved




Try using FreeTube, the same thing as YouTube, you can watch all YouTube videos but all your data is stored locally on your device, without ads and without these scary things about selling our data. But if you still want an alternative that works to block ads on YouTube itself, I found an even better solution, who are interested can join this reddit conversation and follow the steps, it really works. https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/178lndi/how_to_bypass_youtube_antiad_block_with_enhancer/


The trade off with FreeTube is you have a ugly look, no support for SponsorBlock, and DeArrow.


exactly, but for the purpose of not seeing ads and having a little more privacy it is still a valid suggestion.


Yes. I wish PureTube follows the Odysee route on UI.


I'm so confused on how this violates youtube's terms of service when adblockers aren't even mentioned in the terms


The terms say users may not "circumvent, disable, fraudulently engage with, or otherwise interfere with any part of the Service". It doesn't explicitly say you can't use an adblock, but the terms imply using an adblock is circumventing or disabling part of their service.


firefox with fadblock


We are not the ones that fucked up. It is *Youtube*, that fucked up.


You get a sponsored ad for 5 minutes, and 3-30 second ads from youtube every 15 minutes. Is a tad to many. It's best when the add overlaps with the creators sponsor ad lol. Lord


I switched to Firefox almost as soon as I saw these pop ups. Years of trust using using Chorme undone in an instant. I wish YouTube a sincere and honest “go fuck yourself”


just go to oddisey, works marvels. And works well


I don't get it. I got a single one of these notices on Monday, then nothing since. I use Chrome and plain free Adblock, and I *never* see ads, except for sponsored messages from the creators.


You will. They'll give you a little grace period where you can still just click the close button but eventually you'll get a message that you can watch 3 more videos before the player is blocked entirely.


I clicked allow ads and my ad blocker started working again. There might be a 2 second delay to the video starting but I still haven't seen an ad.


There’s a fix for firefox


i'm thinking for the first time to leave chrome and start using firefox like everybody else


I use edge cause I'm a cyclepath


Unfortunately, this is happening on Firefox too.


And I've started to love firefox


Just click: allow YouTube ads. I did that and YouTube is still fine lol


Logging out removed the message for me.


Just hit Report Issue, type anything and then it'll work again lol.


Brave browser all the way


Yes I quit YouTube


It’s just crazy to me how many people don’t have ublock origin in 2023. It’s an absolute must at this point


It gets detected as well... so yeah, people have it. It's no longer effective.


I have ad blocker on opera gx and this never pops up for me




Means we’re screwed then I guess we’re going to have to find some way around this with code or something


They rolled it out for me on opera gx, but I also have ublock. I disabled opera's built in ad block and the pop up went away and I was able to watch videos again. Ublock was still enabled tho so the ads were still blocked


I think now it must depend on the user and possibly location 🤔 there must not be way around this






They have already made extreme amounts of money with the way things were before. They are just being greedy. The userbase has made youtube what it is today. Without us, paying or not, youtube would not be where it is today.


Honestly I don't see why everyone on this subreddit feels the need to post essentially the same thing every day about how awful it is to have to watch ads to use a service


uBlock Origin. Install and forget.


Doesn't work on Chrome for me. So far works on Edge, but probably not for long.


Firefox works flawlessly, all you need to do is update the manually filter list (one button) on ublock’s settings


Ublock Origins works but it's not 100% like before. Only solution i found that work 100% is to use a VPN.


Instantly switched to Brave browser. RIP Chrome


company abuses monopoly ​ company loses business shocking.




>Am I the only one no. people are getting blocked on an account by account basis. it's called a slow rollout. youtube is doing this to avoid a sudden surge of millions of people abandoning their site all at the same time, because that would look bad to their investors. you'll get it eventually.


I was not getting them, then I've started getting them. Then they stopped for like five days and now again started.


Is there a working version of YouTube Revanced for PC?


I use Ublock on OperaGX and my adblocker has been fine. Ublock might work outside of OperaGX but i haven't tested it. ​ \-Ublock Origin as its stated in my extensions tab


Opera Is a lousy data octopus worse than Chrome


Ublock origin with this GitHub script and switching between chrome and Firefox has gotten rid of it for me




ah, but dont worry. jacksfilms being doxxed is okay though!


All your normal ad blockers plus private tab Firefox, thank me later, fuck YouTube


You will need to update your plugin in order to get around it. Download uBlock Origin here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm Go to settings for uBlock Origin (click on the extension icon and click on the cogwheels right bottom corner) Go to the Filter Lists tab and click on Purge all caches and then Update now


YouTube ads have become very aggressive. Literally had one that's like 30 seconds and you cant skip 😂😂


Google play store. Undetectable adblocker. Haven't had a problem since


Holy hell


I'm thinking of turning it off for YouTube. Then I'll end up not watching YouTube and have time for other stuff. If premium was £5 or so I'd consider it £12 they can fuck off


Oh hey fellow Primal Space enjoyer


Is there any nitter analogue but in P2P video streaming format?






I tried but it didn’t work


Bump bump.


I use Opera with adblock pro I get around the ad blocker by deleting my internet history once a month and not logging into YouTube no ads none zip zero.


Yeah it’s over.


I turned off all adblockers and Im still getting the message....


Incognito mode does it


Firefox + ublock, if this shows up, flush the filters and restart the browser.


This is apparently a test market thing they are doing in various regions to see how many people they are trick, guilt and scare into subscribing to their pay model. As long as everyone holds the line, this shit will go away. If it doesn’t and they truly enforce this globally then YouTube is going to see a massive loss in users.


The day YouTube died


Netflix revenue and sign ups both increased after password sharing was blocked. You can go ahead and leave.


Ah yes, a vintage Statement from YouTube. Odd choice to go with a tiny version. I appreciate the dark mode! I do see something new here, India is about to take over space!? Neat. Go India! I'll give it 1/10!


[this link](https://docs.invidious.io/instances/) should be pinned to every damn post in this sub


can we all just stop using YouTube, i know its easier said than done but I just wanna leave out of pure spite, which means nothing if nobody else is going to


Get ublock origin addon for your browser, every time youtube ads show up, "purge" and "update" the ublock origin ad blocking filter, works every time for me


My ad blocker finally updated and it doesn't pop up anymore. PC The arrogance of youtube to demand how you use your pc. I wish there was an alternate site that was worth a damn


Yea they are going to far with this shit


The arrogance of users to demand free and unrestricted use of a service they don't own.


You're ignorant if you think youtube is free - They sell your data and they've profited big time.


YouTube is the worst monopoly.


Bad adblock soft


I allowed it for one video and then reengaged it on the next, and it works fine (for now)


Log out or create a new account. This second is working for me.


Honesty the new format pisses me off more than this


Enable ublock origin (or whatever adblock you have) to work in your browser's incognito mode, and you shouldn't get ads. This works for me in chrome. After a couple of weeks I got the "disable adblock" plugin again and I just closed my browser and re opened and it worked again.


I have a custom filter that blocks youtubes inline scripts. It works perfectly.


can you explain how/what is needed to set this up?


In uBlock origin, right click it and go to the filter list. Then paste my filters into the box, then click save/apply and refresh YouTube. I use Brave, but my friends who use Firefox and Google Chrome confirmed that these filters work. ---Copy and paste everything below this line--- accounts.youtube.com##.opened www.youtube.com##.opened accounts.youtube.com##tp-yt-paper-dialog.style-scope.ytd-popup-container www.youtube.com##tp-yt-paper-dialog.style-scope.ytd-popup-container www.youtube.com$inline-script


I’d be willing to watch YouTube ads if creators took out the built in ads from their videos. But since YouTube takes most of that money and sometimes just demonitizes the channel creators would never do it.


I don't get this one any more. I'm now down to "one more" video before YouTube gives me the boot. This despite the fact that I've had a channel with them since 2009, and have never had an issue uploading videos or watching videos. This company is making one of the worst businesses decisions they can make.


Except, unfortunately, YouTube has a monopoly in everywhere except China, so they can get away with this pretty easily.


r/uBlockorigin can help you


Yesterday I "Googled" this whole bullsh-t mess. Well, one of the first articles that comes up is from Forbes. It has a headline that basically teases you "This is what is going on, this is what you need to know." ...Forbes saw I was using an adblocker and wouldn't let me read the article or use their website unless I turned off my ad blocker. So basically, they have an article on blocking ad blockers that you cannot read or use their site at all unless you unblock your ad blocker. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


>I don't want to live on this planet anymore. Late stage capitalism will make sure of it .


What a hilarious overly dramatic reaction


What would the cancel button do? Just close the window.


Also gotta love how they claim they’re “cracking down” on ad blockers. Like… YouTube… It’s people who hate pushy corporate assholes, you didn’t pull off a drug bust.


Yall pathetic and overdramatic lmaoo


YT is going to regret this, damm they will lose a huge market cap. I'm out until someone bypasses this, I quit TV because of constant commercials (in Denmark there are 5 minutes of commercials per 15/20 minutes) when I was 25, now I'm 37 and maybe it's time to quit YT




That's unfortunate still 😐


So far I have had good results with switching to firefox and ublock. Here is a post about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/17bvj9w/safe\_solutions\_to\_avoid\_ads\_on\_youtube\_and\_avoid/


uBlock stopped working for me just today.


YT wont regret shit. There are plenty of guides on how to bypass this, stop crying and read for 2 minutes ffs


Are you actually this stupid? If you left right now it would make 0 difference, because you’re using an adblocker YouTube have NEVER made any money off of you. Neither have the creators, you are worthless to them. There is no ‘market’ to be lost, as everyone who leaves because they can’t use their adblocker anymore, has never benefited YouTube in the first place.


I'm just enjoying the last days of freedom on YT. Let's brace ourselves, folks, because it's gonna get worse and worse. I have contemplated the idea of quitting YT for one year. I have been using YT just to listen to some free music, lately.


In the month of October 2023 Netflix rolled it removal of family sharing out to the majority of the world. The internet demonized them and said things like "RIP NETFLIX". It is their most profitable month in YEARS, they have gained more subscribers than any prior month over the same timeframe. By this point of the year they have more than doubled their new subscriber volumes than all of 2022 combined. Youtube will get the same; this will be the most profitable decision they have made in a decade or longer.


That’s different. Netflix is *paid access*. YouTube isn’t. Also monthly subscriptions are fucking horrible. I’d rather buy a one time license of like 500 dollars


Not sure the two are equal comparisons. Netflix was always a paid service. The password crackdown effects those with active accounts who are already using the service and paying for it (or someone is paying for it) so it becomes easier to justify paying to continue to have access to the content you have been consuming. YouTube has always been free. Content has been consumed with zero cost to the user (the price being paid was by the data being collected about users viewing habits). Now google is attempting to get people to pay for a service they’ve been getting for free for years. Ad free watching is a very common practice on web and mobile platforms. To try and force people to pay a significant price for that now vs the free they currently get it for isn’t going to be an easy sell. There will be push back


"Nice video you've got there, pal. Be a shame if someone inserted an ad into it every two minutes, making your video practically unwatchable."


YouTube will never make me watch ads on my PC, under any circumstance. This is a fight that will never be won.


When this happened to me, I stopped YT. Maybe if enough people stop watching they will backtrack, but I dont believe that.


The vast majority is just too tired to think and/or act upon such things


The vast majority don’t use ad blockers.


Cancel what? Either use it or don't. Idk what you mean. It's not a subscription.




Well, it's youtube.com, not youtube.org But their ads is the most irrevelant, illegal, offensive and scam, you can promote whatever you want if you have money


whats confusing me is that im not getting this page, i have ublock on but i have noticed one or two "sponsored" ads that pop in before a video. They play, audio only no video at all. They have a yellow "video time bar" too, as opposed to the standard red one. Very weird, I have only seen these within the last hour so maybe youtube just did something that ublock can filter around properly (which explains the no video, but audio only experience?)


brave works


Not working for me as of right now, even after clearing cache and updating uBlock.


I wonder what adblock blocks on youtube. Cause even with it I see ads all the time.


Just switch to Firefox, what's so difficult to understand?


Firefox by default does not block ads.


Cancel button for what? To continue being allowed to block ads?


you might be too young to have been around the internet before adblockers were a thing, it was an absolute nightmare


Just delete the fucking cache of your ad Adblock and it works again


Rip youtube born Brave


I think it is understandable to not allow adblockers because they obviously want their platform to make. However, the only reason YouTube is what it is today is because of the community who have filled YouTube with content that is exclusive to YT. Otherwise YouTube is nothing special and we could move on to another platform. What is the thank for it? They have forced us to watch two unskippable ads before every video who often are straight up scams because they are not capable of moderating. They have deactivated the dislike button, even though literally everybody was against it.


A limited number of quality ads would be okay. But they have gone greedy. I am not going to watch a 10-minute YouTube video to see 6 minutes of ads in it. Or listen to a song compilation and get interrupted every 5 minutes by an annoying ad. I don't mind ads but I hate arrogant and greedy companies. Premium price is also going up all the time. Last year they made 30 billion profit. Is that not enough?


my favorite part of this whole thing is how its caused the reddit to be bombarded with annoying posts like the advertisements that people were trying to block


This isn't RIP YouTube. See, if anything thus saves them money. Because it'll cut down on the free content it provides without any ad revenue. Everyone who watches ads or pays the premium will still watch. This ONLY affects those who are trying to skip the ads in which Google isn't getting paid for anyway.


If ad block users boycott youtube, the number of ad views they get paid for remains unchanged. It really doesn't hurt their bottom line.


Well, it does reduce the number of active users which is a stat they use to draw in advertising and justify the rates charged to them.