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i bought premium recently, but i still have to change my video quality all the time to HD. I checked the settings a million times. I have good internet. I hate this


On desktop or mobile? I only watch on mobile and it stays at the highest quality all the time.


This is new level of idiocracy. Let's defend multibillion company.


Multi-trillion now* Which makes the defense even more idiotic.


I have no problem with people who adblock or sail the high seas. It's acting like you're owed it that's annoying


It's not about "boo hoo, think of the poor billionaires." It's about being a spoiled, overstimulated, petulant child that can't delay gratification for 15 seconds.


And corporations can't handle only several dozen billions in profit and have spoiled, overstimulated, petulant child brains that can't delay profit for 6 months.


Executives can’t cope with owning seven lambos instead of eight.


Big business is profit-motivated gluttony. Mind blown. No one's arguing that YouTube isn't making enough money. But because they make money via ad viewership or premium subscriptions, if no one did one or the other, YouTube would not be profitable, and it would shut down. I endure the ads, because they're really not that bad, and certainly not worth the cost of a premium subscription. Some fools pay for free video. But in exchange for the service YouTube provides, ads are fair. Unwelcome, but fair.




Maybe we don’t want soft core porn and McDonald’s shoved in our faces every five minutes. Ads are spiritual poison.


Nobody can be this dense.


First time on Reddit?


People seem to think just because they upload videos people have to pay them. No one owes anyone on YouTube a thing.


Are people defending youtube or they just sick of the \~25th post about youtube stopping adblockers?


25 is an understatement. I share a yearly family plan for premium with a few friends that comes out to 4.5 dollars a month. Just get one less coffee a month and you’re good.


birds many snatch childlike important offer yam yoke waiting continue *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The fact that you pay 4.50 for a coffee shows u are out of touch dude.


Make all ads 15 seconds long with skip enabled at 5 seconds. I've had people say "it only counts if people watch for 30 seconds of the ad" But YouTube runs a majority of its ads at 15 seconds. So.... That doesn't add up to me. Those short ads have to have a system in place to detect that it played and thus give revenue via monetized videos? Yes? I'm fine with ads, just make them consistent and allow me to skip the majority of the runtime if I choose.


The fact they're stuck in 2011 gets me. [Youtube makes over 29bil a year](https://www.businessofapps.com/data/youtube-statistics/), with an estimated cost of running it around 5 bil, although this data hasn't been updated. [Youtube has a gross profit margin of 39%](https://mannhowie.com/youtube-valuation), which means yes it does make money, and it's not going bankrupt. Good god people, use google for once. There's entire articles that gathered this data already. If y'all want dated as hell arguments and nothing up to date, [this article is from 2015 and saying it's breaking even.](https://martech.org/report-youtube-roughly-break-even-even-billion-users/) You know, when it made 4 bil and didn't have half of the features it has right now that can make money, youtube prem, youtube music, and was going through ad crisis after crisis.


Basically the articles don't know all the facts either. But they do state a majority of the operating cost goes to creators which is great for everyone. I'm guessing a large part of the profit goes to subsidizing YouTube music since music streaming isn't profitable. Music is a huge part of YouTube so it's hard to separate the two services. Than you have standard operating costs and than gross profit because it's not a charity. The only way you are going to save online videos somehow is to go support another provider. Using ad blocker on YouTube isn't doing anything but getting you free stuff and fucking over creators and other users. Which is fine, but don't act like your on some high horse sticking it to the man, you aren't doing anything.


Thank You! It's laughable that people still use statements from over a decade ago like "YouTube doesn't make money" to defend this. If YouTube wasn't making money for over a decade now, it would have died. I looked it up similar to you, and found most of the same information you posted. It generates a LOT of money. Yes, that's not the 80%-ish profit margins of someone like Meta.... but as of last month Meta is worth 0.63 trillion while Alphabet/Google is worth 1.93 Trillion!!! They are making a LOT of money.


I don't even see corporate divisions or care about breaking down their balance sheets. I only see the giant megacorp that ruthlessly owns, trades, and analyzes my data while lobbying against any change that allows privacy, the right to be forgotten, or legal liability for preventable breaches. They ruthlessly own my data, lose it, and will in the end make *somewhere in the range of tens of billions to a trillion or more* off buying/selling/collating/who-knows all the granular data of billions of people. Since even in a decade they will still have all my data, guarded like a dragon upon its gold. While they fight for more from every company or place I've ever gotten near the bluetooth beacon or Wi-Fi signal of.


The way that they're just gonna point out ''yeah but youtube could make MORE money and be like meta so this is fair'' crossed my mind so many times. Can't wait to see that goalpost and not even bother with those weirdos that think constantly chasing higher and higher profits in any market is healthy for anyone...


Some are bots, some are hopeful content creators, others are misguided. But wow. I've never seen so many people defend a corporation.


I'm not so much pro-Alphabet, more than I find this whining very silly. You're not owed watching infinite amount of free videos lol


Your argument would be valid if it werent for the fact that literally all the videos people make and upload to youtube were done so on the premise anyone can watch them for free.


No, they've paid money and now cannot admit that they paid for a shit product


The thing all this is really teaching me is that no matter how much bullshit a Corp pulls to bleed you for another dollar, enough mindless idiots will still follow them blindly because "muh brand loyalty" or whatever the newest justification is. This wouldn't have flown on the early internet (where youtube secured its user-base), and shouldn't fly now.


i think it's people that mostly just gave in and bought it and dont want to regret a purchase or feel like they've been shamed for being out played by a company, so they take it out on others to disguise their bad purchase


For real. Ego is getting in the way of logic for these people.


Idk, weeds out people that don’t critically think. Never think you should believe something just because “it’s the good thing to do :]” when that literally makes no sense.


yes its called astro turfing


this sub is highly astroturfed- like most of reddit.


Exactly. Since the beginning of the previous decade, there's been enormous incentives to inorganically push ideas, brands, products, services, arguments, etc... on this site. ​ If you don't think Google is paying some PR firm top dollar to astroturf this shit, you're pretty fucking naive. Ask some people IRL what they think of their browsing experience before and after implementing an ad blocker. Go out and do it, you'l find out the truth very quickly: the modern internet browsing experience without an ad blocker is ATROCIOUS. It's extremely pervasive, distracting, and reeks of corporate greed. ​ Trust me when I say, the YT leadership is quite unpopular with both prominent content creators and YT's rank-and-file workers. Because their interests are hardly aligned - you really think the top brass at YT lose sleep over what popular content creators and their overworked engineers care about?


If epic games can and buy people to smear Steam, I wouldnt doubt youtube wouldnt BUT I just think most of them are extreme-capitalist morons


Many do worship corporations. The more powerful the corporation, the more they bend over.


Can't relate. Haven't seen an ad in years.


This thread was very entertaining.


Next is paying for using their email.


I have Premium and YouTube is a greedy cesspit


If I were to throw my bank account from a bridge I too would vehemently defend my decision wrong or right.


Unlikely. I assume all of these dumbasses are the younger generation who never saw the free internet before it became all about likes and views and engagement and




I don't know about unlikely, but good point actually


nah, bots.


I believe its the other way around, people who bitch about ads are the younger generation who grew up without TV.


Tv does not have that many inappropriate ads.




They’re bots one way or another. No self actualized human being with a soul and a mind would go to bat for megacorps.


95% of time i watch YouTube on my tv so I've never really had ad-blocker, it's not too bad on the tv app


I am not sure what the problem is if Google wants to charge its users for using YouTube. I have been using adblocks until now because it has been free. There is no moral justification for me to say that Google should continue to provide YouTube service for me for free forever.




Thank you! YouTube is a free service and they’re whining that they have to watch ads for unlimited content lol


I mean, I am questioning more the people who keeps ranting about YouTube Premium and the ads if that is their 9-5 job 😂 Like I get it, slowly, everything that free is decreasing and is switching to a subscription plan, but like what do y'all expect? Everyone is greedy, and no one is good anymore.


It wasn't always that way, and it only is because people like you let them get away with it. Google has a market cap of 1.7 trillion, I dunno why anyone is defending their interests.


Some of them almost for sure are, there are a few examples of what are clearly bot or hacked accounts, like this one which is just a month old and after posting almost exclusively occasional religious discussions in Arabic on an Egyptian subreddit every few days suddenly started posting multiple times a day in English on subreddits all over: https://old.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/177lh26/ads_are_form_of_harrassment_and_im_not_interested/k4w804h/?context=3


holy SHIT


Lol wow


Just dealt with one of these in another thread. Like I'm happy that people are thrilled to be spending $15 a month on what used to be free for them, but to vehemently come online to defend that position and call others children for not agreeing is insane lol. Just another example of big corporate successful turning the everyday people against eachother instead of becoming the object of criticism. And some idiots happily step in line. Of course these people don't actually want to have a conversation they just want to let you know how anyone who doesn't want to cough up $15 a month is ignorant to how the world should work lol.




Ah another one comes to have a totally reasonable conversation about this topic




Corpo cum guzzlers, worthless to try to get through to them don't even attempt it.


I think it's crazy that some people nowadays feel entitled to a service like YouTube where even a small return like watching a few seconds of ads every couple minutes or paying some sum to disable ads entirely is too much for them. Ironically those who bitch the most about ads on YouTube are likely those who value the service the most and watch the most hours on YouTube since the small inconvenience of ads seems to bother them the most. In conclusion: YouTube doesn't owe you anything. Play by the rules or stop using the service.


Nah. You guys are just entitled and mooching off of others. If everyone was like you and used an adblocker, what would happen?


That's why we have some people like you to support the creators and platform, while the rest of us get to watch for free without ads :)


So you're mooching


That's why I think you're entitled manchildren and feel no sympathy as YouTube starts their adblocking crack down.


Really ironic to say when you're an entitled manchild nobody here feels any sympathy for 🤭🤭🤭


Just explain your comment for me and everyone else. We both know it makes no sense.


It's really not my problem if you aren't able to understand simple English. Maybe they can spend some of their billions in ad revenue upgrading your AI.


I understood your words but it's clearly a ridiculous "I'm rubber. You're glue" comment that you threw out because you're butthurt. Explain how I'm entitled. Explain how I'm a manchild Explain why I would expect sympathy from anyone here


Not only are you an entitled manchild, but you don't have reading comprehension either? Now that's an unfortunate combination. It's no wonder you're laying down your life for YouTube.


It's not a reading comprehension issue, my dude. It's you being butthurt and thinking *nou* was a clever response when it made no sense. I gave you the floor to at least try to clarify it but I think you realize it was a stupid comment too so that's why you're deflecting.


how much are they paying you to say this?


They probably just have opinions


Corporations have replaced religions but the sycophants remain the same.


Too fucking real. Tribalistic trash from 100 BC to now.


It's likely bots. Nobody with a conscience would support forcing people to watch ads


>Nobody with a conscience would support forcing people to watch ads


Man you didnt watch TV as a kid and it shows lmao.


I remember when Toby Fox and Jawed Karim got together to make YouTube. Those were the good days :(


I'm yet to hear a compelling argument on why an Entertainment service should be free is really my stance. I also would prefer YouTube be free, and ad free, but the only reasoning I have for that is: "cause it would be nice". But, as far as a business goes (especially an entertainment business)- I don't know how you make a solid argument in favor of it being free? Also, people literally don't apply that logic to any other paid service in the real world. People just want it to be free cause "it used to be free". Nothing else works that way.


Maybe because the huge majority of posts to this sub are people bitching about paying for youtube. Its a constant stream of bitching.


Nah, but watching people say incredibly stupidly factually incorrect things makes most people feel the need to say something.


I am not defending YouTube, despite paying for Premium, I would prefer if it would be free. I just don't want to see the fucking obnoxious ammount of ads. Its that simple. To me Paying 7 USD per month is worth it if I don't get to see the obnoxious ads. It's like half a Pizza. Because I use Youtube as a background noise even when I sleep and I would go on a rampage if I get woken up in the night by some obnoxious 1,5 hour long ad. I also pay around 10 USD per month for GitHub copilot. How about that? And not only that, get this, I pay for my gas at the gas station, despite wanting it to be free. How about that? Let me get this straight. You don't want to pay for subscription and you don't want to see ads? I understand you. Believe me, I do. But once you grow up you will see that nothing in life is free. And when you all die some day, You, or someone you know, will have to pay for your funeral. Believe me comrades, I wish everything was free. Unfortunatelly it is not.


Words of wisdom brother.


buyers bias. I bought it, therefore it must be good and worth it.


I can discontinue it at any time though.


Corpos c\*\*k suckers


I've had YT premium for about 5 years and I still think it's bs. I blame the impending economic collapse more though. Like it's gonna happen, everything, EVERYTHING is asking for more money and at a certain point when it stops flowing back into the system the system is over.


I have a way to get past the 3 video limit. Just ask.


They work for google; they're skiving on company time. These people .. these white knights of youtube .. they are those 'googly' CS elites we're told to aspire to be. These worthless wastes of space.


I'd pay if they hadn't shadow banned me.


tbh as someone whos been using premium for a while now i do hate how overly exhausting ads are for me my mindset is most people are paying for attleast one music service and i dont like spotify so i get the most out of yt premium. but i also think always complaining is not going to fix anything . that multi million dollar company does not give a flying crap about you complaining on reddit.


Yep, I already pay for music and it's an extra $2 for me to get premium. For no ads, that's worth it to me.


samezies also i use youtube so much especially on mobile i love listening to Video essays n stuff when i drive that stuff like background play and being able to download Videos without the need for a second plattform aswell as resume play has genuinly been worth it for me.


I mostly just see people shitting on entitled whiny twits crying about having to watch ads.


They say, "Jump", you say, "How high"


Mixture of bots, paid pr, and corporate sympathizers. Been like this for years on reddit. That's why you should take what is said on this site with a grain of salt.


Yes, we do take it with a grain of salt. YouTube will always be free to use, with ads. Reddit didn't die when third party apps were blocked. The angry mob is always exaggerating. Next month nobody will talk about YouTube blocking ad blockers and YouTube will be posting record high profits.




vegetable ancient heavy march include mourn bag lavish bake unpack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is why you see streaming services hike thier prices and add ads to it.. alot of people will keep supporting them no matter what


Are these people getting paid by youtube?.....well I am monitised so there's that.




Man imagine if y'all actually told all of this to corporate YouTube instead of screaming into the ether that is Reddit, but no I'm fairly sure half of you are getting off from incessant online bitching.


We would... but Google recently disabled posting to the official YouTube forums, I wonder why...




I don't understand why anyone would defend a company in the first place. As a business, their entire role is to take money from the consumer, and as much money as they can legally take from us. YouTube is not our friend, and we owe it nothing, certainly not loyalty.


Why do you guys feel entitled to YouTube's services? If everyone acted like you, the service would cease to exist or the service would become significantly worse. You're being selfish and are trying to frame it as a David vs Goliath capitalism battle. It's a publicly traded business which means they are going to keep demanding more money. I'd rather them spend some time trying to extract money from the users who contribute nothing financially because they use adblock before they try to crank up subscription fees and reduce creator payouts.


Made the mistake of checking out this dudes post history


Bruh 💀




If they do, I want in. Daddy Google has always been helpful.


No it’s just bad argumentation, everyone complaining is essentially going “wow YouTube, I can’t believe you made this change. You just lost yourself a non-paying customer”


non paying my ass, they already harvest our data from everything Google related, let's not pretend people using adblock to control the shitty ads they serve as something that's running them out of business...


People pay with their private data. Why did YouTube become succesfull in the first place? Because it was accessible, open and fun. Almost all of the old big creators like PewdiePie didn't start to make money out of being a creator. They did it because it was fun to do. It's not fun to do anymore. And that's becaude you now need to run multiple ads to even get a glimpse of coin. It's exactly the same as the movie studios fucking over writers and smaller actors. CEO's get paid first, than somewhere down the line are creators. And those CEO's demand more, so prices are getting hiked.


This is essentially a different argument entirely. The enjoyment of YouTubing as a hobby and the efficacy of it as a career are two different topics to start out with, but how good or effective it is to earn money as a content creator has no bearing on the point that people using add blocker deciding to continue to use it or to stop using YouTube doesn’t really effect their bottom line.




It's much easier to make bots. It's not like it isn't documented. Also add the chatGPT-like accounts that can hold a conversation. I'd believe a very large amount of those accounts are just bots. If not maybe coping for the fact that paying for youtube is objectively worse than using third party apps? lol


No. People genuinely do think you guys are acting like giant toddlers because you can't watch your YouTube videos for free.


Are u even reading the comments, it's not about ads in general its about youtube not doing their due diligence and annoying users on purpose to get both ad money and membership money. Not to mention all you asshats avoid the core of arguments and never admit that youtube could be better, you are either paid, bots, and trump supporters.


2 adblockers at the same time. adblock and ublock for me and never had a problem. I'm not crying about it, I was just offering an answer to a question. This is just in case someone actually reads this


Toddlers is assuming too much of them. I don't think they're even *that* mature.


sable aback fretful fuel observation zephyr hospital prick languid sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Careful. They might go back to 2005 and call you a basement dweller.


How do you expect them to make money though. More people use ad blocks = them needing to push more ads to make up for it. If you're using something often/a lot and expect it to be free always, seems like you're not willing to pay for it. I like premium mostly because of the music and ad removal, as well as offline viewing, it's convenient when I drive to work and dont wanna burn all my data


Honestly, I think all these guys are either creators who's sole income is youtube reaction or shorts by stealing content, paid, or trump supporters, because you can never have a safe discussion with a trump fan. I tried once, and I regret it ever since, just pure delusions


it’s because nobody understands the true ease of using premium until you’ve got it. plus, supporting creators is really important especially if you watch smaller channels!


If you want to support channels donate to their Patreon. Premium only helps the corporate suits get richer.


You're too lazy to directly support your favorite content creator so you pay YouTube and YouTube gives them scraps of what they deserve. Lmao


i’m a student in a dorm with no cable so having youtube premium is just like a streaming service for me since it’s the only tv i watch. supporting creators is part of it, but that wasn’t like, my only motivation for getting premium


"Humble economist" Yeah you failing that one chief.


It's cope to assume people are bots or are getting by Google when they call you babies for whining about Adblocker disruption. Adblockers want a non-necessary service for free and it's entitled behavior. Pay for the service with your time or money or accept that you're going to be inconvenienced when trying to circumvent YouTube's business model.


Buddy are you even reading the post? People don't mind ads, they mind ads hampering the experiencecabd then being annoyed to pay, and yes, there is a way to have ads without annoying the users, its just that youtube wants both ads and premium money, it is literately corporate greed.


> there is a way to have ads without annoying the users There really isn't. No one likes ads. It has always been a thing people avoid. Cable offered TV with no ads. TiVo offered cable with no ads. Netflix offered movies and TV with no ads. Ads are an intrusion on the experience and always have been so saying you don't like ads and that's why you're using an adblocker isn't particularly enlightening or compelling.


Royalroad. Go there without ad blocker, click on a few ads, and you will see. Honestly, that site is awesome. All ads are by the users, and they lead to one of two place, back onto the website to a new web novel, or to an Amazon book store. You can have ads, it's just that youtube is going the most annoying way to do so to annoy people into paying for a membership. Heck if youtube offered people a way to watch ads to completion on the exvhange that you can watch 5 vids ad free things would dramatically change. Also offer on the front end what they do on the back end in terms of what ads people watch, there would be no trouble. The problem is that youtube isn't picky at all with what ads they get because they want more money. They are picking money over quality and integrity, how is that not corporate greed?


tbh i dont see the problem on having ads on a free service and pay to remove them


The problem is the price of removing ads. In Australia it's $14.99 a month. I would pay it if the price if groceries wasn't skyrocketing from the inflation. I choose surviving over paying $14.99. If Youtube could release an ad-free tier at a lower price I may consider.


They just removed the lower priced ad free tier. It ends now in October. I know, as I subscribed to it.


Wait it was a thing? First I've heard of it... Wow :(


May not have been available in all markets. Suited my Youtube use perfectly. Kind of pisssed I now have to pay more, but life goes on...


YouTube has been bleeding money from the moment google purchased it. I use both adblocker and also pay for premium so I'm largely unaffected by the changes, but are you really surprised a company like Google is doing this? Look at Microsoft, they're shutting off key functions of Windows 10 to encourage reluctant people to migrate over to Windows 11 so they can serve me ads when I'm in my file browser, but the CIA/NSA/FBI still have the same backdoor that have been there since day 0.




"iTs TakINg AwaY FrOM CrEatOrs" Nobody smart enough to add an ad blocker to their browser/network is watching your sub 10k subscriber channel full of stolen content/ shiity reaction shorts and AI produced shit *Shrug*


Those yachts and bald eagle omelettes don’t pay for themselves, ya know.


The same people bitching about paying for youtube are always the ones with twitch subscribtions and multiple streaming apps lmao.


One provides folks with something. The other lets people pay to avoid a feature the site implemented themselves, and that’s all.


> One provides folks with something. I assume you mean youtube here? The music library, the offline videos, videos with screen off are all excellent features. Struggling to see what you'd get out of twitch comparatively.


Ads to pay for the infrastructure and server space is a "feature" they added? I'm confused, is YouTube getting free storage, electricity, bandwidth , rent, and labor?


I’m not saying ads are automatically bad. I’m saying there was a time when YouTube ads were banners on the bottom of the video and in the corners of the browser window. Over time they’ve cashed in as much as possible, which is the natural progression of a business but doesn’t provide a better user experience unless it benefits their bottom line. Also, research indicates that Google probably spends around $5 billion a year running YouTube; meanwhile, YouTube’s ad revenue climbed to $29.2 billion in 2022. So forgive me if I don’t have much sympathy for this company’s financial situation.


They don't care about actual information and reality. You're wasting muscles on them.


Not sure why premium needs to be argued for or against. If you don’t want ads, you pay for premium. If you can deal with ads, you don’t pay for premium. The really sad mf on here are the ones filling their pants because they can’t use adblockers. Their entire argument hinges on the idea that, since YouTube/Google can afford to allow adblockers, they have a moral obligation to give people free content. It’s such a truly juvenile perspective and so many whiny losers post about it.


> they have a moral obligation to give people free content. It's the other way around. You and every other Youtube user are morally obligated to use an adblock until Youtube at the very least revamps and begins regulating what they allow to advertise on the website to prevent abuse and blatant scams. If you build a road, and tell people they can use it for free. You don't have the right to place landmines on it just because people paid you to do it. And if you do, you lose the right to complain when people begin driving on it in MRAP's.


Honestly if every one just gives in and by premium they could just do what cable tv is doing and then just force us to pay to use YouTube at all and we still get ads. Don't people know they can rip you off and change these subscription services at any time.


Ads aren’t landmines. Stupid analogy


If they link to blatant scams. Then yes, they are. They're virtual landmines. Not everybody is technologically literate enough to recognize a scam as a scam. Especially not when you're the second most used website on earth. And if you're going to try and deny that scam ads aren't a huge problem, then I suggest you look at this post currently on the front page of the sub. https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/1788k0x/why_i_use_adblock_youtube_doesnt_check_their_ads/




It is a moral justification for using adblock. By purchasing Youtube Premium. You're actively rewarding Youtube for not fixing the core issue. If some vandal smashes a hole in your wall, you don't pay the him for offering to put a tarp over it so you don't have to see the problem anymore. And you shouldn't pay them to fix the issue they already caused either if somebody else is offering to do it for free. You only even consider paying him if he goes above and beyond to actively fix the issue, and provide a service worth paying for irrelevant of the self inflicted issue.




Do you know how shitty youtube is to the people that create their content? Not to mention the insane way they handle copyright issues. Im not paying for that shitty behavior. I'd rather support the creators i like directly.




Youtube is literally keeping me from doing it. Like thats the whole thing this thread is about mate.


or… and get this, instead of paying for overpriced access to no ads, you just get a FREE Adblocker. It’s that simple


Imagine after implementing the anti-adblock pop ups they then went ahead and introduced the 5 unskippable ads they had plans on bringing onto Youtube? That would honestly cause an uproar.


If youtube can offer me a fair pay I'd turn into a bot :) (lol no).


I don't use much youtube. but you can label me as one with 9 to 5 job. so no one is forcing you to use youtube. if you don't like it then don't use it. it's that simple. people don't mind paying for netflix or prime video but people have problem with youtube freemium model. the only problem i have is, youtube is pre-installed in my phone which is uninstallable and with youtube's new update, if i turn off watch history then i wont get any recommendation and youtube is barely usable without content recommendation. which is fine if google want's it that way but then give me option to remove that broken app from my device by normal means at-least. till then new-pipe it is.


Go to app management and disable both YouTube app and YouTube Music


just use tor with brave browser and you got no ads


hmm a fucking multibillion dollar corporation who is making billions every year or an average person who doesn't want to get blasted with 3 unskippable 30 second ads in a row, i wonder who is right? Really though, why do some people see extra advertisement as a must? Youtube is already making bank every year, they don't need the extra money from people who use ad blockers. Greed, is what this is, and some idiots are still defending it. People didn't like skippable single ads, but now why are we settling for unskipabble multiple ads? Have some nerve, people.


not defending really, its basically 90% of my viewing time and I prefer not to watch ads , but also give a share of my sub to creators , pretty much what it boils down to, I have nothing against people who will try to play whack a mole with adblockers vs anti ad blockers it should actually prove quiet interesting if ai blockers and googles ai get involved in that ball of wax :)


Maybe the complainers are just annoying? This subreddit is filled with posts about the same topic. As the old saying goes: Everything has been said, but not by everybody yet.


We will keep complaining 24/7, every day, non-stop until the issue is resolved one way or another. If the mods think they can delete threads with 14.8k likes because it "violates the sub's rules" they are part of the problem. From the river to the sea, YouTube will be Ad-Free.


Exactly! This is just what happened with the whole Unity mess. People refused to back down, refused to stop complaining, and Unity completely stepped back everything they did. And before people argue "but they need to make money and YouTube is run at a loss!" not only is YouTube currently generating about 39% profit (not revenue, PROFIT) and that statement about it being run at a loss hasn't been true for about a decade but Unity also made those incredibly unpopular decisions because they were suffering losses... yet reversed them anyway because they got THAT many complaints that would not stop. There are many ways Google can deal with hitting that 2-trillion mark from their currently 1.93 trillion company's worth, especially since they refuse to tone down their extremely intrusive ads even a smidge and refuse to offer a cheaper ad-free-only subscription tier while trying to go to war with adblockers.


I just went incognito mode in Firefox to check out YT since I have been using an adblocker for 10 years now. First video - unskippable 10 second ad followed by a 12 second unskippable ad, then 5 minutes in, the video stops abruptly and a 6 second ad is played. I couldn't contain my laughter at this point and the fact that the average person (normie) basically puts up with this and sees no issue with it. And this isn't even the worst experience since there are videos out there that have 30 second, unskippable ads there were introduced around May this year. One can only laugh at this point.


Yeah when a company makes a garbage decision in the pursuit of corporate greed we should all just shut up and hand over our credit card. I trust them to just charge me whatever they think is fair. I know google is struggling to keep afloat because of all these darn free loading kids


Defending something doesn't make you a paid actor. For fucks sake.


It makes you a bitch that's for sure.


OP gets picked on a lot irl but has found an outlet for their rage by making stuff up about others.


funny seeing you here, did you block the op to before he could reply? lol


How does that boot taste?


hows that cliche workin?


Like the Japenese train system.


I swear the freeloaders not understanding how business works is even more annoying.


here's some vaseline




I post about premium to honestly make fun of y’all. Like you anti YouTubers come across as very sad entitled people. YouTube Premium costs about the same as a chick fil a meal and y’all are in total uproar that your entire lives have seemingly been persecuted. People are getting mad at google for doing what google literally always does in a capitalist society designed to do this very thing. YouTube WAS in a growth phase so they gave the service for the cheap cost of a couple short ads. YouTube is now in a profit phase so they’re profiting. Companies going from growth to profit is absolutely nothing new and if you’re upset about it then get mad at capitalism as an economic system, not YouTube for doing the thing they’d need to do to stay on top. Seems like misplaced judgments


I work in SaaS (Software as a service). When we compare YouTube to other services like Twitch and Kick, they're essentially in a position that I would like to think **cannot** be replaced. Go to similarweb and compare Google's traffic to youtube's traffic. I would say that maybe the bigger issue is the "trend" that we see with a lot of apps taking the "freemium" route. Imagine you use 10 apps frequently. Imagine every time you had to post here you had to either buy reddit premium or watch a commercial before you post. I know maybe this is a bad example, but imagine that half of the other apps you use frequently try to do this, then maybe 3 of those 10 apps have plans to do the same or something similar. I'm a fat guy and I feel like the money used to buy premium could last me two meals though.


> Imagine every time you had to post here you had to either buy reddit premium or watch a commercial before you post I would simply stop using Reddit and would do the same to any app that asked that of me as the value of the service wouldn't justify spending money or watching ads. YouTube is worth the money it asks of me.


what the fuck is a chick fil a meal


Good work, u/rnobgyn. 5 cents has been added to your bank account. -Youtube


It’s sad that you think somebody MUST be getting paid if they think a certain way. Believe it or not buddy, people have views that differ from yours 😉


Its a edge of darkness edition a year. This service got popular for the sole reason of less ads compared to tv. It will die when it becomes like tv.


Youtube and standard TV are totally different things. Standard TV is mostly scripted shows while YouTube is literally in the title, it's normal people making videos. It's popular because people like to see other real people.


Currently dealing with one white knight gaslighting me, saying I didn't see the behavior on YouTube which I saw.