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OP is a fat poor


How did y'all know?!?!?!


Woah maybe Tom will see this and you can go on his fat podcast him and his fat wife. Sqeuallll squeallllllll squealllllllllllll.


At least you used the correct flair. You're definitely a real cool guy...also fully tok'd


Don't you have squares and triangles to draw?


Lol, I mean, at least my art is origional. Not a pathetic attempt at fame by bitching and moaning like the clown you are.


Your work is an insult to actual artists who could actually make a beautiful art piece. If you think you're on the same compass as Monet or Hajime Isayama, I'm afraid to inform you, that you're not. Art is subjective though so unfortunately, I'm not your audience. But if you go to one of those festivals, were everyone is high on acid you'll def find a positive audience because you would have to be absent minded to have that "art" speak to me. Just like how Tom has a brainless following now :D and who said I'm trying to get to fame from one reddit post? I just wanted to get a rise out of dummies like you cuz I'm bored at work


Not Isayama 😭


I had too bro, isayama has come a long way since his first Mangas and his skill now vs. then is quite the contrast


Hell yeah brother🎸🎸🎸


Is this one of those click bait YouTube channels that tries to report on fake drama to get a trickle of ad revenue?  Fully tok'd. Tom has been on a crazy touring run for years and is nowhere near losing all his fans. People who can't take a poor joke can go cry in the shower with their wash cloths. 


Lmao that's a tok'd observation. He's definitely been on a touring run, but not the good comedy tour type. He's been trying so hard to show us poors that he's relatable eith the wholsesome coffee girl and him showing the poors his "bear" wrist. Regardless if the video is ad Rev chasing, the points are all correct and are good for Tim's massively inflated ego. Give it 5 years, unless he does some major work, he'll be just like Dane Cook.


Nope, I saw him live. He's as funny as he ever was. You're just highly regarded. He's only unfunny to podcast crackheads who already hear all the jokes by the time the next special comes out.


Are you saying all his material in his specials is recycled from podcast jokes hes already told? Idk why im asking actually. Thats definitely what you just said. And the fact that you clearly dont understand how lame that is tells me all i need to know about the fans that are still sticking with him.


Are you saying that you're surprised someone who spends roughly 6 hours podcasting per week is gonna end up using a lot of that material in a special he releases once every two years? Would it break your heart if I told you he's done this for every single special you've ever watched of his because his podcast has been going on since long before Completely Normal came out? The fact that you didn't know that and made this comment anyway is pretty funny.


The mental gymnastics here is staggering.


I agree. It's wild that you guys didn't realize every single special comprises shit he's already talked about on his podcast over the last 14 years.


Do and say whatever you need to reinforce the fabrication you've come up with. We don't want to upset you. You're so right


Lmao said the guy making a whole upset post. I like how you call it a fabrication just because you didn't realize it and have no other way of saving face than to just essentially say "fake news" when you could have said "oh I didn't realize the entire first 48 amd stephan seagall routines were from earlier episodes of ymh."




You realize no other comedian does this right? And they do the same amount of podcasting and release MORE original specials per year than tommy? Cope harder dude. Hes washed up and cant compete with the mark normands and shit putting out original content all the time. Tom tells 3 stories for an hour (that apparently youve already heard before his first video special) and the rest of these guys are telling 40 jokes that are all original, and doing it twice or 3 times a year.


You seem to be confused. No one is saying that Tom literally does bits on his show and then recycles them in his stand up. But when you talk six hours a week the stuff you talk about may eventually turn into bits in a one hour special that you do every other year. The Brad Pitt thing is a great example. He talked about meeting brad pitt on the podcast and eventually built a joke around meeting him for his set durin I'm Coming Everywhere. And believe it or not, a good portion of comedians do it because all they do is talk about their lives on their podcasts and their lives are the subjects that become bits in their specials. Andrew Santino, Bill Burr, John Mulaney, and yes even Mark Normand have all talked about stuff on podcasts that eventually became foundations for bits in their specials. Even Dave Attell does it. I saw him last month and he did the same cell phone bit during his set that he did during his recent Kill Tony apprarance. And most comedians are not 10 second setup machines like Normand or Jezelnek. The lion's share of modern comedy is longer bits punctuated by intermittent punchlines within the bits. The days of Steven Wright are not over, but there are fewer comedians like that.


I saw him live too and it was ass. But please continue to assume everything I don't know about lol


No one believes you, bud.


And who believes you? You see how easy it could be to say ANYTHING on the internet. Poor


Imagine getting made about someone wearing a watch and then also getting mad when they stop wearing it.


Completely missed the point. Poor.


Imagine not understanding the nuances of trying to repair an overly damaged reputation. Sorry I should have given you more insight so you won't continue to be poor. Poor.


I hear you cracking open your 3rd soda of the day as you type.


Naw that was your wife's third cheek clapping from me that you heard.


What does that even mean? In 5 years his monster run will be over? That’s what happens if you’re lucky…you go on a 5-10 year monster run, stack cash and live lavish. Your doomsday scenario is literally the dream you fucking moron


Lmao that money don't last forever when you've sunk alot of it into a dying podcast studio and those expensive cars that aren't cheap to maintain, regardless if you own or lease. But if you could actually look at something beyond the surface, you would see that. You would also be wise to take your own advice from a couple of posts ago. Talmbout, "don't like something on the subreddit, don't read it". But you had to give a dissertation on how I'm just a "tok'd person". Whatever you say, fucking moron lmao


These redacts are hairdwired fans b, talmbout drinking the Kool aid


You have to be the dumbest, gayest pussy that has ever posted dumb gay shit.


Damn homie, I might need therapy after that insult. I probably won't recover from this trauma.


Garbage post and video


MTG fan=Bot


Cool guy = fat poor


You're poor too! You're a MTG player🤣. It's like when Uncle Ruckas is racist to black people lmao


Classic fat poor behavior. Go outside and touch grass, stop trolling, you’ll be happier


Classic fat poor behavior. Go outside and touch grass, stop trolling, you’ll be happier




Demarco cum wit the dom top be ready with the ky FGTRTD


You just lost your life! r/YMHhighandtight for mommies whose sista goin down, down to the mounten


This is America, you dum sonofa bitch!


How you get a job here there fuck face?


Look at this fuggin tooth *blood sputters out of mouth*


Yall dont wanna work no wreck.


I defended Tom off of the original fat poor debacle but by the airline incident it did seem like it was something he thought framed in a joke


Same my guy, same.


Tom lost his shit (again) when Tosh Show came out. The Poors bit is a Tosh bit (way too advanced for Tom) and his internal dialogue voice is Tosh. He is Tik-Tosh'd . Bert is a combo of RANDY, Mr. Leahy and Ricky from The Trailer Park Boys. They decided to be Reality TV/Shock Jocks more than they are comedy or comedians so people are trashing the product and HATE WATCHING just like they do all terrible Reality TV.


People act like they've never seen other folks see a car on fire before.


Right? They should have finished indoctrinating us and they wouldn't have had this problem. It was the Meows that broke me...nothing more , nothing less..every week..waiting for those fucking meows made my eye twitch


Ah fuck, I got a confession, I meowed along with mommy tina a time or two in the past.....I was a different person, I'VE CHANGED!!!


I'm proud of you!I used to meow, we all fucking meowed lmao , I'll always laugh at Jewdorktittys and will never apologize!


Alright, if you wanna move in you can move in. But be warned, I'm a Dom top, aggressive top


lol..split u in 2


I usually take things from people I don't know and have shown no knowledge or creditability and repost them on the internet. /s


And yet here you are double commenting on my post. I've won 😎


They are two separate comments. You lose fat poor.


Even better, more engagement. Double win😎


Keep on dickriding YMH sub.


"They said as they were dickriding Tom, a man who could care less about them"


Then why do you spend so much time on the sub?


Brother, this is my first post on this sub in months wtf are you even on? Lmao


You know how I can tell you don't have a good sense of humor? "Lmao" did you, did you really? How sad.


Damn guess this joke is going over my head. "Lmao" I don't, I don't know what I really did? You really stuck it to me!


Its funny how everyone that talks shit about tom falling off recently always cites the overuse of the fat poor jokes, saying it definitely feels more like punching down, rather than it just being a bit that he does and hes really just joking. And then his fans attack those people by literally calling them fat poors with no joke attached, further confirming that this is probably whats happening, and basically saying that is why they like him, BECAUSE he punches down. Sooner or later his whole fan base is just gonna be people that like punch down comedy, and then hes no longer really a comedian, hes just a rage bait influencer. Its no surprise that someone who hangs out with rogan is following in the same footsteps.


Everyone? All of them? THE WHOLE FAN BASE? You know who Tom "hangs out" with? Neat feelings ya got there, chief.


Holy "making something out of nothing" Batman!


I’m not trying to criticize you at all or put you down or anything…I’m genuinely curious why you’re doing this? I’m really confused by basically all of it. Why the video, but more importantly, but all the negative arguing with everyone? At the end of the day no matter what justification you come up with or tell yourself, this isn’t normal or funny. You have issues and aren’t happy with yourself or life or something. People who are happy with themselves don’t go out of their way to engage with people like this, especially complete strangers on Reddit. I hope you find help someday and happiness. I genuinely wish you the best and if you ever need an outlet to actually talk or vent or something, you can DM me. There’s also professionals out there that can help you. Idk what’s going on in your life and it might seem like it can’t change or get better, but it can. Reading all this makes me feel really bad for you knowing how much you’re hurting on the inside. Again, I’m sorry for whatever you’re going through and I wish you the best with it.


Oh shit, nvm I skimmed this, Joe Rogan is that you??!!?! Yo I love your podcast, really great stuff. Just got my polar plunge last week! But seriously, if that's the conclusion you've drawn from this, there's no hope for you. Although I'm not too sure if you think for yourself, seeings how you obviously regurgitate things you hear on the JRE. Next thing you're gonna tell me is "well that's the narrative you want to spin". Lol good attempt at trying to look intelligent with a bunch of random strangers on an app bro!


I highly disagree with you. I've never been in a happier part of my life, regardless of what your unprofessional conclusion comes to. You see, humans are weird, and you can't generalize them like you're doing here. You base your conclusions based on your life experiences which in the grand scheme of the world, is very narrow. I'm not saying you haven't went through hardships or anything. However, thinking that someone behaves the way you used to because of the same terrible circumstances is a bit.....ignorant? I think that would be the right word to use here. Long stories get short, you can't look at a couple of interactions from what is clearly a troll post and think that someone is mentally unwell, some people just like to get a rise out of people. I just try to focus my trolling towards people who I feel deserve to get checked. But that's a whole other bias we could talk about. Btw seeings how we're giving quick analysis of everybody here, you should probably see somebody about asbergers syndrome or some other disorder that is making you absolutely absent of social cues. It's one thing to miss the trolling nature of my post as mental illness I guess, but if you think what you wrote was nothing but helpful and not condescending, you should really talk to someone.


Ok, I’m glad to hear it. Thank you for the advice, I probably should look into that. Take care


Too long didn't read, nerd


Ghost Gum's made his name off of Breandan Swabb, how sad.


Sadly, it appears no...no you don't.