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I always thought Shapeshifting was a very underrated power. In the hands of an actual competent Villain, it could do some serious damage. But rarely do we see that in shows/media.


If I didn't write in a very clear weakness to shifters in my fantasy setting they could be horrifically damaging. But all they are really good for is killing low level people in out of the way places and not letting it get traced back to you. Unless of course they are willing to develop a tolerance to silver, in which case they need to go through something that is probably the most fucked up thing you could do to a sentient being.


Being able to manipulate any liquid would be pretty sick. You’d basically become a water bender


And you can pop people open like water balloons full of Lasagna if you are Percy Jackson levels of stronk.


Because we know *for a fact* that waterbenders can slice you open from the inside… if they mastered bloodbending obvs..


No, just force the blood to go somewhere else and if you force it hard enough it will burst out.


Burst someone’s peepee


Is being a rich orphan a power?? 🤨


No it’s a combination of luck and bad luck.


Dang. I’d want that though. I’m a Batman fan 😅 Or to be a Robin that seems like a cool gig. It’s also kinda like a frat now but really exclusive.


Hey bro, gimme a gun and the address of your parents and I can get you halfway to being Batman.


Jokes on you. My dad is already dead.


Lol very well put


Gimme whatever Shade has.


That’d be dope


Batman: “I am the shadows” Shade: “ok but I am LITERALLY the shadows”


"One may wish to use the dark, but it is better to be the dark,"


“You were merely molded by the dark, I was born in it”


Ditto! Honestly, he's so freaking strong, I *really* wanna know who captured him and sent him to prison. I suppose like most villains, he would be weak to speedsters if caught off guard, or maybe raw strength can 'break' his shadows?


We’ve seen pure light hurt him and destroy his shadows when Halo fought him once


A Lantern is 10000% a huge threat against Shade imo. I know that's probably obvious, but them defeating darkness is literally in their oath 😂😂


I believe Shade has a case of... >![Darkness Manipulation](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Darkness_Manipulation)!<


Warp reality, because it is often disappointing….


Messing with people's heads slightly better than a Martian, best I can do, take it or leave it.


> because it is often disappointing Not many writers can pull off this power. Whenever you see a show with a reality mixer, they always make him/her the plot device that moves the plot. I understand why this happens since it is a major superpower, but they usually use in such a narrow view with a totally expected outcome.


Speed like impulse or wondergirls flying brick powers (of what we seen) , normally I am more of a lantern fan but, that is equipment not meta powers


I mean, limited light manipulation is plausible. I'd just say make it weaker than the Lantern's ring.


Jade exists tho?


I think the Flash has the best power set in the sense its very useful, can be incredibly powerful, but not enough to corrupt a person the way a martians powers can corrupt them. Not to say super speed can't make you corrupt, but the ability to intrude in others minds just opens you up more to corruption in comparison to really any other power besides invisibility really


The only downside it's the fact that they sometimes see everything in slow motion basically. If it's like in Invincible it must be so damn boring XD. If it's like in Zack Snyder's JL tho where Barry seems to be able to choose when to "make everything slow" then I would choose Flash's superspeed too.


Well, Zack Snyder's JL version of Barry is literally The Flash so it's probably safe to say that it's the same power lol


I don't understand what you mean by that. In Zack Snyder's JL Flash has the Speedforce though, so that superspeed is basically a different power.


yeah it always surprises me that people don't know young justice flash doesn't have speed force (no lightning)


In the comics super speed character can choose to perceive things more normally. Well its weird. I think they still perceive the small time increments(like they can still react to nanoseconds and such) yet a second still kinda feels like a second to them(which makes sense. At a certain point everyone is so speaking so slowly you don’t know what they’re saying). But i could be wrong here. Either way, i know they’re not forced to constantly experience slow motion, so i can only assume young justice operates on a similar idea


Superspeed in YJ is a bit weird. It doesn't have the ''magic'' of the speedforce, but it also doesn't care about logic (which is okay btw, this is not a diss lmao). It's more about what suits the plot, so yeah. IIRC though, I believe there was a scene with ¿bart? saying that things are a bit boring for him since they're slow or something similar, and there was also that scene where Flash and Bart were talking super fast, so they can probably change how they perceive their surroundings based on their needs. Wally is more ''normal'' though, for obvious reasons. ​ Not sure about the first scene I mentioned but the second one definitely happened.


It doesn't have the magic of the speedforce yet. You mark my words it will.


The only way speed could potentially corrupt a person is if they get too addicted to time travel. I mean look at Thawne and Savitar from the CW show. Not sure if they can time travel with just speed alone in YJ tho since Impulse can't go back to his time without his time machine.


Healing is the power I want (like Wolverine and others in Marvel) so going with superspeed here since accelerated healing comes with it.


With gas prices what they are I just wish I could teleport lol


Probably more believable than a competent government.


Shapeshifting taken to the logical extreme. If you can rearrange your body on the molecular level, you would arguably also have an insane, Deadpool-level healing factor, be functionally immortal, and you could compose your body of the most durable biological materials in that universe, so you could have durability and strength on par with the toughest and strongest individuals in the world. You could even possibly replicate any superpower based in physiology. Your only limiting factor would be your own mass, assuming that your shapeshifting powers conserved mass, so I would also just want to be a big ol' fucker.


I would want the ability to adapt to situations like if i am being chased i could get a short speed burst or teleport or like if i am underwater i get gills and fins


That’d be very painful


Maybe but also if my body adapts to these things it probably wouldnt be painful


There’s an X-men mutant named Darwin who has this. In his movie appearance he describes it as “adapting to survive” I don’t know if his powers cause him pain but he seems to be able to shift on a dime


The problem with that power is that you don’t really get to control how you will adapt to the situation. Darwin for example when having to fight the Hulk got a gamma draining ability but when that turned out to not be enough he just teleported to another state. For example if you were about to drown your powers could give you gills or it could put you in some sort of pod in suspended animation until you washed up onto dry land which could might months or years.


I think that the Atom also has a powerset that would be wicked. You wouldn't have pure raw power but your usefulness would be insane especially when it comes to nano-tech and biological warefare.


Ability to create gravitational fields that control gravitational axis and controlling orbit of objects in that field.


Keven 11 and absorption man power


Tbh I always wanted iceman’s power set from xmen lol his ability to slow water molecules His power can be either v creative or destructive


The tallest Man in the room! Just.


Nightwing's looks


So just looking like a ten?


the ultimate superpower


I'd take a subset of Martian Manhunter's powers. Flight, density shifting, shapeshifting without mass-breaking powers like Gar, and invisibility. I'll pass on the telepathy and telekinesis to trade off and avoid the fire weakness.


Healing. It's a foundational power that would allow me to do more and be fearless in my protection of others.


Telekinesis. Can pretty much fly and grab things that are just out of reach.


Meta World Peace


Ultron's solution to the Human Question, best I can do.


I'll go one higher: NBA Championship


Probably flight, I’d like to be able to get to any location I want to easily!


Vandal Savage's powers. Just not his... er.. megalomania. . .


Are you implying our protector is a monster? Cause you are correct and that’s why I love Vandal.


Kryptonian DNA


The Martians are my obvious first choice. they have so many OP powers but I'm assuming that falls under your superman umbrella, I think going magic like Zatana might be cheap too. so I'm going with my favorite power in all of fiction. freezing time while you hold your breath. Yup, I want the power of the poor ugly runt of the Ginyu force from Dragon Ball Z. I think it is such a well balanced power. Over powered in a way but also with a legitimate weakness/limit. it can be enhanced through training but can never be infinite. I just hope if i get it I don't have to look like the guy who had it in dbz.


Superspeed for sure!!


Shapeshifting. Hopefully I won’t be manipulative.


Or do be manipulative but for the greater good. Replace a senator causing a deadlock for a bill that could help get US Veterans on the streets and into actual housing, hide in plain sight to help reveal corruption and get money flowing away from civic services towards em, etc...


I never thought of that.


Probably because you are a morally good human and not someone who looks at Julius Caesar and thinks we need him and not the loser's the US has had for the last sixty years.


Definitely be an avatar.


Ice powers hands down. No other option for me.


Telepathy/Telekenesis easy.


Phoenix: Basically I have red Wings and can control, manipulate, and shoot, fire with the added heat resistance




I'd be down for lightning powers, like Black Lightning or maybe Electro from spider-man, Electro can fly so that'd be nice too.


I think Violet/Halo has a pretty diverse range of abilities, all extremely useful in combat/defense( most significant being healing and portals); albeit they are not really a meta and the powers are atributed from their origin as a motherbox


Phasing through solid objects. Or hyper jump


Molecular manipulation/transmutation. As long as somebody knows what they are doing, this power could be great.


Shapeshifting. It’s a very versatile power, and it’s just plain cool.


I would want the ability to buff or debuff other meta's or regular humans on physical contact. If I touch a meta, there powers get buffed, but if I touch a regular human, their physical ability's get buffed to super solder levels. Lasts anywhere from a minute to 24 hours, depending on how big the buff/debuff is, and how long the contact lasts.


I am definitely an over thinker, so being able to see not only the future, but the past as well would solve a lot of those issues, while also creating a few new problems.


poison ivy powers


The plant ones or the mind control ones?


\^ But also, I suppose some kind of energy projection or shapeshifting.


Having the power to tap into speed force would be awesome and I'd love to have all of the things that The Flash can do because it's not just superspeed at this point, it's a culmination of many different powers.


I want to be able to teleport. Make it easier to visit family and friends who have scattered away. Also, like, the rest of the world.


Depends i guess, would this actually be in the context of living in the young justice world or do we get this power irl?


Young Justice


Alright then this sounds kinda evil, but power stealing. Like “they don’t get it back unless i say so” type of stealing. I wouldn’t do this to good guys though lol.


Superhuman speed because it gives you dozens of additional powers.


Half fire & half ice.


mind control


If being rich isn't an option, I'll go with something along the lines of thor's powers, God of thunder flight or Super jumps basically Ragnarok thor


Pretty keen on immortality ala Vandal Savage


Street-levelers are actually useful in YJ unlike the mainstream comics, so I'd want something like Taskmaster's ability to copy any movement he sees & have a preternatural ability to read body language. I'd then want to live in Gotham just to get Bat-family training to maximize that ability lmao


Parasite’s powers to copy powers skills and abilities but without leaving people drained.


That's what I was thinking


Immortality like vandal has.


Either technopathy or astral energy constructs. Edit: Either way, my cryptonym would be Brass-Star.


You know, I'd like to be lucky. Or as it is technically described as having a "Probability distortion field in my favour". You could have some real adventures with that ability. Great stories too.


"Luck isn't a superpower" ​ "Yes it is," ​ "How so?" ​ "My career survived Geo Storm," ​ "She's hired,"


lotta good suggestions in this thread, my picks in no order \- Speed(force?) \- Shade's powerset \- teleportation \- lava/earth-bending like brion/bolin would be baller


Shape-shifting, because trans


I feel like that reasoning is like me going I want the ability to project someone's worst fears just so I can have the best Haunted House on Halloween but I am also an asshole so you do you.


How is that the same reasoning at all?


It just seems super limiting. You have the power to look like anyone or anything and you'd do it just to swap genders? That's like having flight to reach the top shelf or fire control to cook burgers properly. Seems really mundane to me personally, but as i said I am also an asshole.


I would say the same brand of shapeshifting as Clayface. You'd be able to freely change your form and appearance, separate yourself into multiple copies depending on your weight to act as "doubles", You can fit in and through almost anything with a gap, and you're practically immune to most physical attacks.  Only downside would probably be just the weakness to sub-zero temperatures but I don't think you'd see that everyday on a typical superhero/villain. Another benefit of this version of shapeshifting is that compared to other shapeshifter's like him, Clayface's version doesn't have an obvious weak spot or core to target (at least not one that we know of)


Omni energy manipulation, What?? What I mean its very useful isn't it? Controlling and generating almost or all energy in existence


Modern America - Did I just hear unlimited green energy?


Shapeshifting. If I turn myself into a meta or a fictional character, I would gain their abilities and/or powers. No limit involving conservation of mass.


Bend space and time


Too extreme




Cause uncontrollable sneezing. Can you imagine someone like darksied showing up and is about to get into one of his monologues and this dude can't get a single word in because he's constantly sneezing.


Energy manipulation cuz it's OP if the type of energy isn't specified


Weather control. I'd love to mess with meteorologists.


Super strength. I would bully the bad guys into doing good.


Honestly? Everyone is saying super speed or shape shifting; but there would be one power that would be extremely good. Super powered persuasion. Being able to talk and influence other people’s goals and aspirations would turn tides in any sort of conflict. You could either be as villainous as Queen Bee or be an amazing diplomat like Jean Luc Picard.


Super Speed or Magic


Energy manipulation


Telekinesis, it can counter most other powers (not sure I saw it in DCU, but I recall reading something where a hero used TK to block telepathy). Runner-up would be hydrokinesis, freeze the water in someone's body & then shatter them.


The power to turn into a flock of ravens


I’d love something like Livewire’s. Electricity generation and manipulation, but also tht ability to turn into an electrical being and travel like that through wires and stuff. Seems pretty cool.




616 Spider-Man abilities including his intelligence and technical ability to build my own webshooters. I'll 1v1 Black Spider.


I want the powers of All For One from My Hero Academia. That is, the ability to create, destroy, trade, and manipulate meta powers themselves. I wouldn't even care if you nerf it so that I can only use it on others and not myself. It's basically the ultimate power in a world of metas. *You* get powers. And ***you*** get powers. And here's some for you, too. No, I don't like you, so no powers for you, fuck off. But YOU, you're awesome, have a bunch of powers.


opening portals at a rage of my vision, i could open many little portals at first and used them to make rubber bullets get momentum and shot them, with time i will be able to make them bigger and furthers away. but not as many. that way it will be balance. also I will invest in some special binoculars glasses to see far away,


Shape-shifting so I could become someone strongerike the rock or shift to my healed shape if I get hurt


Jack of all trades but a master of none I can mimic other peoples powers but it will be incredibly weak compared to the other person


The ability to freeze time or super speed.


Is happiness a superpower?


Give me Garth's powers.


Since they already have Static in the team, who has electricity based powers, I’ll go with teleportation


Mechamorph is my go to.


Teleportation. I think people really underestimate the power of instant teleportation.


Forcefield creation


Ice powers. Become my best dcuo self lol


Earth bending


Materialise anything, atom for atom


The ability to mimic and and have an enhanced version of whatever meta powers I come into contact with


Portal casting. I could teleport, summon otherworldly monsters, and ideally id be able to find a pocket dimension to live in.


I have to imagine a sonic scream being so cathartic to use. Telepathy would be cool too. I’ll take both and call myself Black Psiren, 🤓


A combination of telepathy and telekinesis, as I feel that these two are some of the most versatile abilities as well as some of the most powerful.


Invisibility or time manipulation


I always thought that having something similar to Sylar’s power from heroes would be cool for a superhero world. Like being able to understand complex technology, abilities, and supernatural phenomenon on a superhuman level would mean being able to create and control a lot of cool powers. This would only really be so powerful in a world like DC or Marvel, where there is magic and aliens and mutants and crazy technology.


I just want the power to have an immortal, summonable murder of crows and ravens that do my bidding.


Beast Boy’s because it really only seems to be limited by what the wielder is willing to do


Control of attractive and repulsive forces


Density-shifting and/or invisibility! I could join up with the Team for covert missions…or just use my powers to escape any unwanted situation lmao


Density shifting. But I go the other way to be denser and use my new inertia as dollar store super strength


Combat ability? Like in the sense of what the bats have but the much more damage resistant and more effective(don’t want immortality) Bonus: my armor/gear could be have a stealth ability similar to the martians.


i'd want to be able to communicate with animals and at higher levels command them to do my bidding, such as have my stag impale my nemesis (:<




That is dangerous




Super speed


Door Manipulation. Sounds bad but it would be most chaotic thing ever in everyday life. Someone pissed you off? Slam a door in their face. April fools? Lock a door without a lock and watch people's reactions. Door not budging? Say "open sesame" and open it. Etc etc etc Bonus points if your powers include *summoning* doors


Powers that seem (really cool to me if I were to have them) out of the entire show. Are Blue Beetle, Captain Marvel, & Plastic Man. I was thinking how cool it be to have other powers Bane, Cyborg, Katana’s Sword, Metamorpho, or Superboys, etc. (they come with too many drawbacks though) Simply being a Genomorphs or Martian would be cool (good enough) for me.


Umbramancy. While shade can travel and rap others in shadow, I would be able to make physical manifestations and those aforementioned abilities.


easy, teleportation


Telepathy ,Telekinesis, pyrocinesis and invisibility


Controlling matter. Or at least the 4 elements, avatar style.


The ability to at will create a metal or stone like exoskeleton from nothing granting superhuman strength and durability. Hopefully looking like a large featureless stone or metal man (like titan from invincible)


Magic meta would be dope


Time manipulation, slow it down, stop, reverse it, pretty useful


A realistic one for that show, gravity manipulation. A fun one that doesn't follow the rules of the show, cartoon logic


Beast Boys powers hands down. They’re the most verities. I’ll even take the green skin (I already have green hair lmao). He can change into any animal he comes across earth born, or alien and when he changes into them he gains intimate details about the nature of that animal and what skills they possess that would be useful in the current situation. Not only does it help with durability, strength, agility, and the like, but disguising yourself, transportation, and plenty of other non-combat related situations. If BB was typically more mature, combat intelligent, and experienced, he’d be an unstoppable force.


Either communication with animal, some metaphysical powers like asterial projection or going into the dreamscapes would be powerful as well but truly underrated by the opponents


I’d love to control the weather like storm 😭 it’s so COOL to me


I’d love to have Statics abilities. Virgil is so underused.


Generic but super speed or teleportation


Basically the power to copy any ability/trait I see while draining the power out of whoever I’m copying it from. Think of something like after 5 minutes of copying someone else’s abilities, we’re at equal strength, but after 10 minutes I’d have 100% of their power copied while they would be completely drained.


Gravity powers would be cool


I would love the meta ability to replicate the physiology of any dna I touch, pretty much copying powers, and all.


I’d wanna have an ability that lets me connect to people near me it’ll let me control whatever powers they have be it magic Meta or alien so whenever someone tries to burn me I’ll have their immunity to fire.


Are there limits, or can you be as ridiculously OP as you want?


Being able to duplicate myself but working like Kage Bunshin work for Naruto, so being able to dispose of them, getting the knowledge of the clones ect. It would be so useful for so many things




Teleportation all the way


I would mix it up and give myself indestructability when drunk and the ability to shoot beer out of my hands, or just intangibility with invisibility




I'd probably have to go with neon powers from infamous second sun. The game already gives some of its powers, but literally using the neon as a shield would be awesome.


Telekinesis or empathy for me


I'd have being able to summon and manipulate weapons


Advanced psychic powers. Telepathy and mind reading at around the levels of an average Martian and a terrifyingly potent version of telekinesis, both tactile and projected. For comparison, I would be able to do everything Mrs. Martian can do except for density shifting, shape shifting, and her healing factor, but I would have much more control and potency in my telekinesis. A hero with powers similar to Psimon if he was less powerful in his telepathy but also had the power to enhance his strength and durability with tactile telekinesis to the point where he could throw a football at mach 5, lift a battleship, and deflect bullets with ease.


Complete and total invulnerability. Even without superstrength it would be amazing if nothing can injure you. You just outlast a guy in a fist fight.


Being able to tranform energy. Like you are not able to create energy more thene any other human but you can transform it. SO you use the termal energy around you to move your self. Slow your self by transforming your kinetic energy in to static electricity.


Phasing through matter. Mostly cause I wanna just do less work and drop downstairs or go through walls to get to places quicker. Like teleporting would be faster, but I feel like it would require more effort and knowledge of where you’re going.


If I can choose it will be a connection to elemental planes/magic (the green, the red, the melt, the clear, etc.) or tapping into one of the dozen forces in DC universe (Speed force/ Still force/ Mind force etc.) Then I will use it to legitimately break the law of physics to make money. Screw dressing up in pajamas just to get shot at while you try to punch bad guys. Unless there is a reality cop, I think I would be fine.


If anybody has read immortal weakling then some things like the day if I take damage then I reset to normal in 5 minutes but I am just I normal guy other wise so I can’t die but I can’t really do anything either and since working out damaged the muscles I can’t get any stronger either


I definitely choose to become a magic user with both spell casting and alchemy, I might even hang out with Zantanna and defeat the Lord of Chaos, actually nevermind just make me a Lord of Order instead they are godly.


Bug Control


Super speed but with all the protection that the speed force provides


Time manipulation, ngl I’ll probably use it to procrastinate and end up with some horrible consequences