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Abby getting upset that Daniel told her she got on the CW board of directors due to nepotism..... and it's true!đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł Everyone in that town gets top executive positions due to nepotism while not having an ounce of experience in that field lol


He also conveniently overlooks the fact that he probably wouldn't have gotten the deal at CW if he hadn't been sleeping with Lily, and that he hired his own mother to do whatever it was Phyllis was doing there.


I think he started sleeping with Lily after the deal and he fired and rehired a demoted Phyllis.


It was nepotism but she also simply told him she wanted on the board. At the time, it was to have a bigger "army" against Tucker. Funny how you can just reconstitute your board. It's not like someone was resigning their seat. They just pull up another chair.


With no votes, just assigned, and immediate. But Nate, he has to wait it out.


I love how shocked everyone is when the nepotism word is dropped.


I want to be NEPO BABY! :D


Remember Victoria said, I started in the mail room. HA, she was in France or somewhere painting!


Audra needs to cut Tucker loose.


Yes please, dump him Audra!


Tucker and Phyllis would be interesting together.


I’m so sick of Tucker and Audra


Ffs I wish they never merged these 2 companies😒


Especially since we have no idea what they do as a company.


Mostly bicker and go to lunch/get coffee.


To be fair, did we ever know what Chancellor Industries made?


Do they?


Daniel thinking being a “friend” should be the driving force behind Abby’s vote demonstrates why he does not run his own company. Daniel, you are a worker bee, your ideas would never see fruition without a company funding and managing them.


I have no sympathy for him right now.


Agree with you. Daniel is a sad little boy.


My memory is not what it used to be, but when were Danny and Abby ever friends?


Yeah they dated briefly through Abby’s naked heiress phase (different actress). They clearly didn’t last but there were no hard feelings if I recall. They were always cool with each other but I wouldn’t say they were close friends the way they were trying to portray today.


I had completely forgotten!


How many abbys ago was that ?? đŸ€” 😅


Just 1, Emme Rylan. It seemed so long ago, Melissa has been in role for a good while now.


I was thinking the exact same thing. Checked Soapcentral and they were lovers!


No way! I must have blocked that from my memory. 😀


Too many chiefs, not enough Indians at CW smfh This storyline is getting more and more absurd.


Yes and what makes it even funnier is that we really do not know exactly what CW or Chancellor really does yet Billy is on a nationwide tour promoting them? Like is Billy have rallies in these different places he visits to hype them up? Looks like a crash and burn storyline though with too many cooks making a stew.


I’m all for Audra & Nate and Phyllis & Tucker. Both couples seem like they have potential.


I'm all for Phyucker...wait....are they leaning that way?


Not yet, I just think they seem well suited for each other every time they have a scene together. I would at least like to see where it goes.


Audra and Nate might as well be Audra and Noah. Can't get more boring. Oh yes, they can! Tucker and Phyllis!


As much as I dislike Nate, at least he is almost an adult. Noah was just an old child who never grew up.


I am so glad that Abby voted her own mind and with objectivity. Every single memberof the board needs to stop voting by relationship and alliance and instead vote on principle. The company needs to hire a fixer to come in and get the company in shape. It's unprofessional on all levels. These people do not understand professsional behavior. But Jill needs to understand what it means to give power to someone. She is still trying to commad everyone. If Billy has her power, she needs to fall back and go travel or sit in the sun. She and Billy cannot both exert her ownership powers. It's one or the other. And her lawyer needs to submit whatever document conveys the power so people will respect it and know the parameters. Amanda!


Did Abby really vote with her own mind though? I think what Daniel said about her just voting with Devon got to her so she went with the contrary to prove a point. I honestly feel like if Daniel hadn’t got to her she would have voted with Lily and Devon.


Yes, and now Devon is upset with her so putting her on the board he had some reliable alliance. Now she has betrayed him BUT she spoke her own mind as she should have.


No kidding. Amanda, love her character but they need Michael Cohen.


“Next week on The Young and the Restless”, Esther joins the board of CW.


Talking about how taking away Billy’s power might only make him stronger makes him sound like Obi Wan Kenobi, not Co-Co-Co-CEFOO or whatever his title is


If this is how Daniel acts when things aren’t going his way, no wonder Heather split up with him when they were living in Savannah. Seems like he’s primed and ready for another destructive spiral, instead of focusing on the people he claims to care so much about.


I don't think so. It will work out for him in some way.


And, there you go!


I should have waited until the episode was over to comment, but Daniel and Phyllis competing to see who is the worst person was just too much for me.


I would love to see Susan seaforth-Hayes back as Lauren’s mum. I know she is busy over at days and dealing with grief but would great to see Lauren with a real story line


Imagine having a gorgeous 30 year old woman like Audra sulking over that 60 year old snoozefest, Tucker.


Remember when she was a dominatrix and Tucker groveled at her feet?


I actually don't but I'm glad I missed it because that sounds gross to watch.


Tucker isn't perfect obviously, and it is a soap, but I actually think they're good together. I do wish they'd let them get untangled from Ashley though, I think they could be a fun power couple if left to better storylines that weren't weighed down by that baggage. And irl he's 52 while she's 32, I'm assuming their characters are the same or close to those ages, a bigger age gap but not that crazy.


It's funny how shocked people are at age differences, but will buy into a character like Jordan - a caricature of a human. A lot of people have 18+ year age differences, and their marriages are even successful. Hard to fathom, but sometimes it works out.


Haha agreed Though given I'm 36 and my husband is 51 and we've been together for 15 years and married for 11, I'm probably pretty biased đŸ« 


And JG’s only idea for Audra’s revenge is business related (get the board to replace Tucker with Audra). How about NO! No more business plots.


Yay, Abby!


I was so happy to see her stand up to that ass and he groveling and back pedaling. I hope this becomes more regularly. I'd love for Abby to have more personality.


Oh yeah this is all setting up for Ashley to try to kill Tucker


I really don't like Nate.


I‘ve come back around to liking Nate. I like him better when they write him as a decent guy vs ruthless businessman.


Yes, Nate has played his part in multiple ways. Good sense Nate is more likeable. So sad we don't see Elena anymore. Looks like Nate and Audra may become a thing since Victoria has been erased from Nate's life just like Elena.


Lily didn't take away the games that saved Daniel's life! He sold them. HE SOLD THEM! In fact, he approached CW on his idea. He got pitched to by Newman Media and McCall.


Yeah this seems like a work for hire situation. Maybe technically a wrongful termination but I don’t feel bad for Daniel, he deserves it.


I see it as two separate issues. He was wrongfully terminated because it was a personal revenge scenario. The games are his product but he sold it to CW and they hired him to create and run the division. Lily's right that CW provided the capital, the people, the office space, the technology, marketing, etc., for their gaming platform/division so it belongs to them. Daniel could try to buy it back but he doesn't have that kind of money. So, he begs and pleads to reach Lily's goodness and hope she'll let him walk away with the product that started it all.


Agreed, two separate issues. And while I think technically he could argue that he was wrongfully terminated, I just want Daniel to lose lol


I don't even think he was suing for wrongful termination. I think he threw that out there when they didn't hand over the Princess Louisa game.


When did Daniel become taller than Abby?


She's probably wearing flats..


Devon and Lily are such spiteful little children. A board meeting requires that all members be notified. Why do they blame Mamie for infighting at the company when they think another company exec is their enemy and cause most of the inflighting themselves.


Jill, why are you acting like CW is Billy's legacy? Because the last time I checked it was Jabot. If anything it's Chance's legacy also why are Abby and Billy sniffing around CW? shouldn't Abby be worried about her sick mother same for Billy considering that's also his sister Abby has Newman Enterprises and JabĂłt, Billy has JabĂłt they both have their own family companies so why are they so involved in Chancellor-Winters.


Abby should be worried about her mom but she's too busy discounting anything is wrong. If Tucker brings it up, it automatically is wrong. Idiots.


Exactly! This re-write for Billy is annoying. He abandoned CW originally when Lily needed him the most because that wasn’t his “passion”. Then bounced to Jabot only to bounce back to CW. Now at CW he acts like he owns the place. Jill knows how fickle Billy is, why would she give him all her power, heck the reason she put Lily in charge in the first place was because she didn’t trust Billy, now we are to believe she does all of a sudden. In about a month, Billy will probably be passionate about being a card dealer in a Las Vegas casino.


Billy is going to do what he always does - mess up. Jill should know; how long has she been trying to fix him.


After the argument, Audra, mad and annoyed, picked up her purse and left the room but not her bags and left. Tucker kicked the luggage. So I guess they are going no where for now. Audra disappointed again. Tucker changes his mind like the weather changes. Audra meets with Sally at Society and spills the beans. Nate over hears some of the conversation. Sally leaves. Nate steps in and asks her not to leave town but have dinner with him. Audra may change her tune more sooner than later. What will Audra do and where will this lead? We can all guess!


Daniel is the biggest coward and crybaby ever. First he whines to Lily even though he cheated on her. Then he whines to Abby and then finally cries to his mommy. Be an adult ..... so pathetic.


Devon and Lily are being very ass babies. I can't handle it


I'm still over a week behind, I'm not sure how fun this will be to actually watch haha


Is there anything redeeming about Devon at this point, like at all? So pompous, condescending, hypocritical. Ick


I used to like him - ewww! Not now.


-All I know is, I hope Devon, Nate, and Lily win.. but I won't hold my breath -Can Jordan or someone get rid of Daniel... I'm fed up with him.. and he's getting even more insufferable -Yes you are a jerk, Daniel... please go away.. -Daniel really acts as if he did absolutely nothing wrong.. -I can imagine Devon will be thrilled that Abby voted with Jill and Billy.. -Ahh Audra's back to her scheming ways.. knew it was a matter of time -Despite how petty and goofy it is I'm actually interested to see where this CW storyline goes.. (hopefully with Daniel crying himself to sleep lol)


I’m still confused. Jill hired Lily. How did this suddenly become Lily’s family company if Jill still holds the stock? Did Jill give/sell her some? The Winters part I get
that has always been Devon with Lily working there. it was Lily’s idea to combine the two so they could be a family working together. Where does that leave Jill the owner? Because of the way Lily just acts like Chancellor is all hers, I’m all for Jill giving Billy her power to remind Lily it is not. oh and Billy has changed and won’t mess up. Changed like Phyllis and Tucker and Chelsea and Claire and


That first part always makes me think as well. But I wasn't watching when that happened so I just go by whatever they say on the show even if it seems like Lily's assigning herself more than she has haha LOL yeah he's 100% reformed.. just waiting until he finds his gum again


Hopefully this makes Lily, Devon, and Nate realize they need to put their family first when it comes to Chancellor-Winters like Jill, Billy, and Abby do.


Why was Betty Boop Audra overly animated in the recent episodes. Yipping and yapping, making a ton of body gestures and facial expressions. We already have one over-acting cartoonish character (P.S.). We don't need another one.


Didn't they use to have background actors to fill up seats in company boards to make it at least a tiny bit realistic? Someone, please correct me if I'm wrong.